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  • Beqanna


    Assailant -- Year 226


    "But the dream, the echo, slips from him as quickly as he had found it and as consciousness comes to him (a slap and not the gentle waves of oceanic tides), it dissolves entirely. His muscles relax as the cold claims him again, as the numbness sets in, and when his grey eyes open, there’s nothing but the faint after burn of a dream often trod and never remembered." --Brigade, written by Laura

    be my escape || kagerus
    the secret of our world is written in the stars
    He finds himself at the bank of the crystalline lake, his ivory nose hovering carefully above the quietly lapping waters that dampen his hooves, the wet and compacted sand giving way beneath his weight. The springtime wind is lush and gentle, twirling the blue and starkly white of his mane and tail within its cool fingers, playing with the red and black feather that lies curiously behind a single ear, entangled within his mane since his birth.

    The water is completely clear and barely moving, save for the gentle ripples that the spring wind causes across its surface - otherwise, the stallion is staring into glass. He lifts a single foreleg, white and bright with the green mountainous backdrop behind him, and paws curiously at the shallow water’s edge, turning up little smooth pebbles with his hoof. Once out of the water, he lowers his muzzle to examine them, sniffing at them curiously. He glances upwards with a tilt of his head, the mixture of white and blue cascading over one of his curious and even-bluer eyes as he stares out at the wide lake. Winter has only just waned, and though the air around him is warm and inviting, he wonders if the lake is ready for his first swim since the end of summer.

    With a splash (because why hesitate), Svedka throws himself with a single leap into the depths of the familiar lake. His gold and white painted skin shivers as the water rushes up to meet him, lapping gently at his shoulders and haunches. It is cold, frigid even, but there is a breathless smile on his face anyways. He takes a large inhale of breath, and ducks his head completely beneath the cold waters.

    Cherry blossoms float lazily in the spring wind, spinning and twirling from the higher parts of the mountains and landing on the surface of the unwavering lake, dotting it with pinks and reds. Svedka emerges from the waters, the blossoms splitting away from thebroadness of his chest as he moves forward from the deeper parts into the shallows, lipping at the flowers with ivory lips curiously and then drinking deeply. His blue and white mane lay plastered against his neck, his forelock dripping with the sweet water of the lake. 

    Svedka pulls himself from the lake, a few blossoms sticking to the broad of his back and withers, while some lay entangled in his mane and tail. He stands on the sandy shoreline, water cascading down his legs in rivulets and pooling beneath his hooves before flowing back into the waters from whence it came. He had come up to his large weeping willow tree that cascades its branches into the water, large and leaning with bright green tendrils. He lifts his nose and closes his eyes, allowing the warmth of the sun to begin to dry his cold flesh.

    With a content sigh he moves closer to the trunk of the large tree, its branches brushing against his back as they drape carefully around him - though it is hard to hide the intense white and gold of his body, as well as the navy that streaks through his mane and tail.
    (be my escape)

    Out with the golden we sew, and the lower past that crawls.
    Now, to the doorway you run, to the girl that's not lost.
    Funny, isn't it? That he splashes with reckless abandon into the lake; that I am watching him do so; that not long before today, it had been his sister watching me tumble into those icy waters -- but my abandon had been deathly, whereas his is clearly sweet and heartfelt. Where Solace's brother leaves the water with flowers clinging to his muscled back, I left it with ravaged lungs and the sense that I should have died twice over - that I am more than dead, and yet still somehow alive. Some fucking how.

    My body has weakened since the drowning; my gait as I approach him is a limp-shuffle-step, over and over again; limp-shuffle-step, limp-shuffle-step. I am a shadow of what I once was, a mongrel. My fur is unkempt and my ribs are just beginning to show beneath its red-and-white hue. Eyes, nutmeg, have taken on a tint that leaves no guesswork: I am a shattered soul, the dying breath of a wind that once thought it could race around the world.

    "You're pretty like her," comes my rasping voice, searching for his ears. "And like him," I continue after a moment's thought, though more to myself than to him; he is golden like Rapt, but in a different way. More importantly though, his resemblance to Solace is undeniable. I find myself awakening at the thought of her, at the thought of her skin against mine, of her hot breath down my spine no matter how unintentionally. The tint of my eyes lightens some, and then there is no distance between him and I: we stand together, beneath the tree.

    "You're the silly boy who crashed the Tephran's diplomatic visit," I allow then, my voice coming more clearly now that my mind goes beyond its own little nook that I've so carefully created for it. "And by the looks of it, you're still a foolish child." My eyes go blatantly to his sopping figure, to the fur that clings to his skin, defining his every muscle just so. I linger on his body for longer than I ought to, before returning my gaze to his face.

    "I'm Kagerus. In case you forgot."
    the dreamer
    [Image: kag]
    the secret of our world is written in the stars
    A voice draws his attention - quiet yet extremely clear, and somehow familiar yet completely foreign to him. He turns to the voice, his eyes large with curiosity and without a shred of confusion or surprise (he would never turn down a stranger, nor would he ever think anyone would wish him harm - life has been sweet to him, so he remains unscathed). Immediately a smile pulls at the corners of his golden lips, shining alabaster and darkened blue plastered against the curve of his neck as he turns to see his visitor, his cerulean eyes shining. It is the woman from the other day, and the expression on his face easily shows the excitement that now exhumes from his core in the fact that she has found him beneath his willow tree.

    It had been too long since someone new had graced the shade of the willow branches and for a moment, Svedka’s mind trickles back to the one he used to sleep beside constantly. Corvus is gone with the wind, and though his winged lover held a special place in Svedka’s heart, the ivory and pale yellow stallion does not weep for his disappearance. Life turns like the tide - forward and back - and there is no time to dwell on love lost.

    The stallion turns to face her completely now, and quickly he notices the way her coat dully clings to her body, and the way her eyes are lost to a certain sadness that he cannot define.

    “Who is him?” He asks casually, meeting her as she strides quietly into the shaded grasses beneath the tree. The branches sway in the springtime breeze above them, the warm sunlight filtering through the thin veil of green to alight golden patterns onto their coats. The feather behind his ear twirls in the wind, its dark color stark against the lightness of his mane. He is still damp, with cherry blossoms in his mane and tail, but the idea of being sopping wet before her did not phase him whatsoever - not even when she blatantly states how childlike he appears to be.

    Svedka smiles lazily, tilting his head so that his partly dried forelock falls out of his curious eyes that blink slowly into her own. “I remember who you are, Kagerus.” He comments on this first, wondering why she would think he would forget a face like hers. She is not the same woman he had met in that visit from Tephra and part of him wishes her eyes didn’t look so sad. He has seen the same look on Solace’s face, and his mind flitters to his sister for a moment as he surveys the expressionless woman before him.  His smile fades so that his lips press together thoughtfully, and then with a quick movement he curves his neck to scratch an itch on his shoulder with his teeth. Svedka straightens, taking the moment to move closer to Kagerus. He means to reach out to her, maybe place a kiss on her cheek, or groom her unkempt mane.

    But he hesitates, which is strange for him.

    He inhales and sighs gently with a soft huff, glancing out past the willow and into the sparkling lake that he had recently emerged from. “Silly, maybe,” he admits, turning a single ear towards her and giving her a sideways glance through one sparkling blue eye. “But foolish? I have never been a foolish man.” He raises a brow, turning his face towards her again and taking another step closer, a smile on his golden yellow lips.

    “Have you only come to attempt to insult me, Kagerus?” He continues to smile easily, the hum of laughter resounding in his chest.
    (be my escape)
    Out with the golden we sew, and the lower past that crawls.
    Now, to the doorway you run, to the girl that's not lost.
    He smiles with the same abandon that lead him to frolic through the lake, a kind of angelic expression that looks sinfully good on his mottled lips. And those eyes - my gut twists at the fight of their cerulean depths, and I cannot decipher whether the reaction is one of girly romance or of pure disgust. I decide that it's a mix of both - a kind of lust that's borne only from trauma, that exists not to please but instead to transport from reality to... elsewhere.

    (Are your dreams not enough for you, Kagerus?)
    Haven't you heard of more is better. Go to hell.

    "A lover," I reply smokily, the implication being that Rapt is not the only one - and my mind's eye travels to Solace, to this man's sister, to how she held me that night... Pushing the thoughts away, I refocus my gaze to catch Svedka's reaction to this blunt allowance. My eyes catch on the feather just behind his ears, and for a moment I wonder at how it would feel between my teeth, against my skin - thoughts of that same elsewhere that my delusional mind so desperately craves.

    My hairs rise from my skin as he steps closer to me, both from his drawling words and the way he seems to reach for me; my ears tilt back, lips parting in a barely audible exhale of sensual, bated breath. "If you remember me so well, then perhaps you should touch me like it." I look up at him from below my lashes, tingling, wondering why I am doing this - why I am baiting him so - why I am still alive.

    If the gods had wanted me dead, they would have made it happen. Now, my sins are on them - I tried to die. But now? Now, I live without inhibition, for the point of life has been lost to my blind eyes.

    "Why do you care, Svedka?" Comes my answer to his final insinuation, my voice low and drawn out. He is closer now even than before, that fucking smile still goading me on with its unwarranted beauty, that laugh reverberating not only through his bones but through mine too. My breathing is syncopated, uneven. I know he can hear it. "Did you have another activity in mind?"
    sweet nothing

    @[Svedka] ... :|
    [Image: kag]
    the secret of our world is written in the stars
    He is quick to recognize the expression in her face as she uses a single adjective to describe the one he reminds her of. A lover. He has had many of his own, each more vastly different, for he cannot help but find beauty in all he interacted with. However, for a single moment, there is a look of reflection on his handsomely golden face as he remembers Corvus - he had been soft and stoic, where Svedka is bold and wavering like the waves of the ocean. Their differences made their love all the more intensifying, and though it is unlike him, the two-toned stallion pauses a moment to grieve the loss of the wind-strewn stallion that would likely hold a piece of his wild heart forever. When his eyes flicker back to her - when his moment is done (for his sadness is always fleeting) - she is inspecting his feather with almond-eyes. His brows quirk upwards in amusement, wondering what kind of quip would fly from her dark lips - are feathers childish as well? His thought remains his own, but thinking it causes a smile to find his mouth.

    She reaches for him - not physically, but she is drawn to him. He is a golden light (or perhaps a crude shadow of what she truly desires) to the darkness in her sad eyes, and his bright gaze is sparkling with puzzlement and a mixture of enjoyment. She surprises him, this wild and beautiful man, and it only encourages him to step even closer, wondering what lay beneath the surface that pushes her towards him so effortlessly. Touch me, her body cries, her eyes plead.

    ‘Why do you care, Svedka?’

    This makes him frown thoughtfully. He halts his forward motion in his hesitation, meeting her eyes (alight with fire and the depths of blackness) with such intensity he has forgotten all about what they were doing before. The accusation had been playful, of course, because that is how he is - but he cannot help the feeling of truth that lies beyond the question, that goes so much deeper than a mere attempt to frustrate him. He is wild, untamed, and free - but he is not careless, even of those he has only just met. Of course he cares.

    His frown vanishes quickly, however, and his golden lips press together into a hard line as a pensivity finds his sharply-angled face. She is lost, swirling in a darkness he cannot fathom or begin to dream of, and he desperately wishes to pull her from it - in any way she would let him. A kind smile - less devious, more warm - graces his mouth as her accusation is accompanied by a question.

    “What makes you think a silly boy like me has any ideas?”

    Svedka’s chuckle is solid in his throat, and without hesitation he stretches his alabaster and honey-gold neck forward to brush her two-toned cheek with his  lips - he grants her wish, his breath warm as he places a steady kiss on the dark mahogany of her face, knowing that his touch alone would not scare away the monsters hiding within her eyes. He pulls away and lowers his head as he takes a step forward, placing his cool and damp mouth against where her slender neck meets her shoulder, nostrils quivering as he inhales her scent. He lingers there, thoughtfully, his ears tipped back towards her, listening.
    (be my escape)

    Out with the golden we sew, and the lower past that crawls.
    Now, to the doorway you run, to the girl that's not lost.
    There'd been an air of lightheartedness on Svedka's part throughout this interaction (as it must be rather difficult to think seriously with pink flowers adoring your mane), but at my final question, he balks. The guard of blase flirtation drops, revealing the depths of the stallion that refuse to be denied. So he does care. This fact makes me smile, but only in that cynical I told you so kind of way. Of course he cares.

    The frown he sports melts into an expression of gravity, and I blink coyly in response. Let him endure the silence. I have so little to say. But then, quickly, another smile is replacing his stoicism, this one warmer than before, as if he truly intends to prove his damn ability to care. My ears press back, and my lips tug down. I don't want his pity.

    There's an answer for his question just behind my tongue, when suddenly he is pressing his warm, soft lips to the point of my cheek. Despite all my flirtations and goading words, the sensation catches me off guard, and I flinch away; but before he can retreat, I am once again pressing to him, quivering as he goes without first getting permission to slide his mouth along my neck, coming to rest at the base of my shoulders.

    It's not that I want this; but it's not that I don't. I'm a spirit watching the doings of my earthly vessel from a place between reality and death; and frankly, what happens to her is no concern of mine. A shuddered breath escapes me. My vessel is aroused; awakened by this stallion's air of rightful ownership of me. Taking command, so that I can fully dissociate; relinquish control.

    "Sometimes the simplest idea leaves knees the weakest." Following after the murmurs, my lips reach for his sun-and-cloud skin. I touch just at the base of his mane, shifting away the dreaded hair there to breath along his arcing neck. He tastes like the lake; he smells like flowers. (A fucking nymph; as sweet as spring).

    "Tell me," I say softly to the sinews of his neck, "Have you ever wanted to die?" Without warning, I take his flesh between my teeth and bite down hard. I can't quite tell, but as I lick my lips, I'm reminded of the taste of blood. I reach out again and slowly pull his mane through my mouth, allowing him to put some distance between us if he wants to, but giving him all the reason to stay.

    My heart rate climbs, and my tremors intensify.

    "Those as beautiful as you often do."
    sweet nothing

    @[Svedka] oops
    [Image: kag]
    the secret of our world is written in the stars
    She is rough and plain with her expression, meeting him with a disappointed frown and a tilt of her ears backwards to her neck. He finds it curious, wondering what exactly he has done to make her dislike him so. Of course, the possibility of reasons are far from his thoughts and he could never guess the inner-workings of her own mind. But even with her displeased look (that still are somehow radiant on her two-toned features) he remains, a wild and flowing spirit that can never turn down someone who had found their way to him. Kagerus remains, too - and that fact alone allows the small curl of a smile to simper onto his lips, unwavering as she flinches away from him. The movement surprises him, but his expression remains the same - calm, content, curious - and his cerulean eyes follow her carefully, noticing the way her skin shivers uncontrollably beneath the warmth of his breath.

    Svedka cannot tell if it is in desire or fear that she quakes before him, so it the reason he stops to rest his mouth on the cusp of her slender shoulder. He knows he can be too forward - too extroverted, for some - so he quiets himself and his mind; perhaps this is not going where he thought she was leading him. Perhaps she has sought him out for an entirely different reason, but Svedka is one to give her what she asks for, just to see something other than disappointment dance across her eyes.

    But then her voice is found on the solidarity of the summer air. A single golden ear flicks towards her, a huff of his breath warming her skin with its delicate touch. There is a slight hum in his throat in response - a nonverbal agreement - as he curves his neck beneath the dense touch of her lips.

    The sun grows larger in the sky as it begins to sink, the afternoon shadows shifting as dusk slowly begins to arrive across the mountain-shrouded valley. The lake is still and quiet behind them, and the large gusts of winds that once ripped through the valley quiet themselves into a steady breeze, spinning his mane away from the arch of his muscled neck. His nostrils flare and shudder with a deep nicker as her voice warms the flesh of his gold and ivory neck, eyes sparkling.

    ‘Tell me,’

    A pause - he inhales, eyes soft with sensuality, ever trusting, ever curious.

    ‘Have you ever wanted to die?’

    The stallion has barely processed her words before her teeth sink into his withers, biting down hard on the skin that resides there. Svedka tenses beneath the sudden pressure, throwing his head upwards as a single foreleg lifts and strikes the ground beneath them in shock and pain. It is he who now quivers - and even he cannot tell if it is in desire or fear. The stallion has never been met with the kind of rage and anger that thrums beneath Kagerus’ skin, and though it is unfamiliar territory, he follows her blindly.

    She pulls away, the blood on her mouth staining the white of his mane that falls through her teeth. He backs up so that they are cheek to cheek again, unsure of who is in control at the moment. He snorts sharply, fire burning deep in his belly and loins, nostrils fluttering wildly. He continues to stay close to her, though not willing to bring himself into her personal space just yet. Her question - asked what seems like ages ago - finally rings unsettlingly in his ears as her next sentence commands an answer.

    An eyebrow quirks, then his blue gaze becomes shrouded by a furrowed brow.

    “Wanted to?” he repeats thoughtfully, though his eyes now scour her body casually, still confused as to what direction she wants him to go. Svedka inhales deeply (perhaps to relax his heart rate or to calm the dark thoughts that she has suddenly put in his head), inching towards her as his gaze finally meets her again. “No, Kagerus. Death is the end of the story - the finale.” A thing he wishes to avoid at all costs.

    Finding himself once again, he draws close to her despite the sting she has left on his withers, and the fact that she could possibly inflict more. His voice is quiet as it falls from his dandelion-colored lips, hovering where her cheek meets her throat, warm against her flesh in the sultry evening. “I have dreamed of it, though.” A pause as he inhales sharply, her scent washing over him as he takes her in. “What do you dream of, Kagerus?”
    (be my escape)

    Out with the golden we sew, and the lower past that crawls.
    Now, to the doorway you run, to the girl that's not lost.
    He bends to me, as opposite to his sister as the moon is to the sun: where Solace had demanded of me, he obeys my own; where Solace had been the one I served devotedly, he seeks to satisfy. Funny, too, that Solace should be the more reserved of the two, and Svedka the more gregarious - and yet in the terms of lust, opposite. I grin into the stallion's mane at the thought; admittedly preoccupied with the image of his sister naked on my bed sheets.

    But oh, how fun to toy with him now; his nicker runs low through my ears, and I close my eyes at the sound, speaking into the crevice of his neck. He tastes so trusting... I'll have to change that.

    He reacts with a violent jerk of his head and stomp of his hoof; gratifying. I can't help the chaotic grin that masks my features as the stallion trembles in the wake of my lustful bite, relishing his confused expression, the way his ears flicker between wanting and unsure. My tongue sweeps over my lips, tasting the bloody wetness that sits there now.

    I have marked both of them, then.

    His cheek presses to mine before there's time for an exchange of words, but at his snort I nicker hungrily. My eyes catch on his flaring nostrils, and I reach to press another stinging kiss to the nape of his jaw, though this one far subtler, urged on by the warmth that radiates from between my legs. His silence is an answer not to my question, but to how exactly he's feeling about me in this moment; I burr at the thought, the sound low and sensual.

    But then - he calls death the finale, eyes roaming over me greedily. I tilt my head, catch his eye. "The finale is the most exciting part, don't you think?" My words are murmured, and already I forget them as he draws close to me again. My eyes roll back at the touch, and a soft moan escapes me despite how I want to stay in control of this exchange; but the light, tantalizing touch of his lips to the sensitive inner part of my throat derails the command I have over myself and him, leaving me leaning into the sultry words that follow, needing him to make me his.

    But - the words he speaks. My eyes snap open as they register in my mind. Dreams... Ah, yes, those; and to my most recent one doth my mind travel; a certain blue-hued woman comes to mind, lying satisfied beneath my moistened lips. A sly smile works it's way over my expression, and I pull away from his tempter's embrace. There's a twinkle to my eye, but it's more dead and callous than mischievous; a cynical type of humour that leaves words hanging in the air between us:

    "I dream of your sister." I remember the way she'd cried my name and clenched her fists around my head with a fond, lustful smile. With a snap, my eyes refocus, the image of Solace's beautiful humanoid figure fading, though it always remains in the background of my every thought. Slowly, I find Svedka's gaze once more; milking the moment for every dramatic drop. "...She's a screamer, you know."
    sweet nothing

    [Image: kag]
    the secret of our world is written in the stars
    ‘The finale is the most exciting part, don’t you think?’

    His eyes flash over hers, necessity filling him with heat and pressure. Are they still discussing death? He cannot be sure (and he realizes he might never be sure when he is around Kagerus).

    A soft moan escapes her and the stallion exhales heavily in response, his breath hot and guttural against her flesh. Svedka has partaken in the throes of passion with many partners, but revels in the ancient dance as old as time. Sex is not just sex to the painted stallion - it is a way to worship the sun and the moon, to become one with the earth and one with those around him. It is unique, beautiful and raw, each time he engaged in the act. It is no different today - Kagerus demands to be unraveled, to be discovered.

    With a parted mouth he continues to trace the soft skin behind her cheek, encouraged by the way she leans into his touch and the electricity that flows through him, stemming from the throbbing bite to his flawless skin. His pulse accelerates, flooding to his loins as a groan of need slips through his golden lips that now press firmly into her mahogany skin, sucking into her flesh with each tender kiss, tasting her on his soft tongue. Darkness begins to spread over the mountains, the tiny bit of evening light resting warmly on their hot skin. Fireflies begin to appear - soft, blinking lights that hover gently above tall and swaying grasses - like starlight fallen from the heavens.

    He follows the steps to the ancient dance, engrossed in bringing her to the point where their coupling would truly begin, eyes fluttering beneath white-lined lashes.

    Kagerus, however, does not.

    ‘I dream of your sister.’

    The words themselves do not startle him at first - it is her voice; curt and unfeeling, as if she wanted it to hurt him. But, that couldn’t be right. Could it?

    The heat dissipates as the stallion processes, snorting softly as his chin quickly comes near his chest, taking a step back to look at Kagerus in the eye as if he has misheard her.

    ‘She’s a screamer, you know.’

    His brow furrows. Yes, she wanted to hurt him.

    Unfortunately, Svedka will not allow her the satisfaction. He allows his mind to go to Solace, remembering each detail of every single one of their daily conversations, and surprisingly a light-hearted smile graces his lips as his head shakes in disbelief. His cerulean gaze unwavers from the woman before him, stretching out his neck to brush her lips with his own - though passion and lust has quelled in the gesture, for the time being. His thoughts distract him.

    Too long had Solace worried about the precious balance of duty and love, keeping herself far from any she might find pleasant company in. Too long had she kept herself away from the idea that she can be a queen and also be happy. He has no idea if her ‘dream’ is an actuality, but perhaps Kagerus could been the first one to break down Solace’s walls.

    “Then why are you here with me?” he whispers, dragging his lips across her slender cheek.
    (be my escape)

    Out with the golden we sew, and the lower past that crawls.
    Now, to the doorway you run, to the girl that's not lost.
    I don't want him to be sure when he's around me.
    (Girl, you aren't even sure about yourself and, well, you see the problem with that.)
    Yes, but you just pointing that out over and over again really doesn't make me moving on from, oh, y'know, everything that's been happening to me any easier, right?
    (It's not my fault that you got knocked up, abandoned the kid, tried to kill yourself, and fucked the queen - I mean it sort of is my fault, since I am you, after all.)
    Did I mention seriously not helpful? Because I don't want to have to repeat myself.
    (Maybe you should stop arguing with yourself and pay attention to the world around you.)

    Despite the cutting edge of my words flung towards his most important arteries, he's still stepping closer to me as if what I seek right now is physical consolation - coddling. My top lip peels back in an angry sneer as he gently pushes his frowning face towards mine, and before I can help myself I'm lunging towards him; my teeth click on empty air. I can still taste the blood of him, and as sanity slowly trickles back into my skin, I know I needn't damage him more.

    Physically or psychologically.

    He stays, even after I've warned him against touching me, and the barricade I'd put up crumbles in the face of such genuine caring and compassion. I want to bite him, to kick him, to hurt him just like he suspects; but how can I do so in my right mind when all he wants to do is heal me? How can I fuck up more than I already have without really going and doing what I'd intended to the day that Solace had saved me.

    My shoulders slump, and the life drains from my eyes. His words are like cold water on my festering wounds, and I cannot help but to flinch despite its healing power. As I come to terms with what he's said, and with how he's right, too, I lift my gaze from where it'd fallen back to his cerulean eyes. There's blood on my lips; there's tears on my cheeks.

    "I don't know." My hooves shuffle backwards, the voice in my head growing louder and louder as I withdraw from this reality. "I'm sorry; I have to go."

    To her.
    sweet nothing

    [Image: kag]

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