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  • Beqanna


    Assailant -- Year 226


    "But the dream, the echo, slips from him as quickly as he had found it and as consciousness comes to him (a slap and not the gentle waves of oceanic tides), it dissolves entirely. His muscles relax as the cold claims him again, as the numbness sets in, and when his grey eyes open, there’s nothing but the faint after burn of a dream often trod and never remembered." --Brigade, written by Laura

    Here Be Wolves || Kingdom Event
    A pack of wolves has taken up residence in Sylva. There are four of them, and they carry the desperation of hunger in their eyes. There are three females and one alpha male. He is large, almost as tall as a horse, and the ferocity with which he and the others cling to their new territory is becoming a problem for Sylva's residents. It is not advised to go walking alone in the woods, particularly at night. For those brave enough, rank and status can be achieved by those willing to face the scourge.

    1) There are four (4) wolves, three smaller females and one large Alpha male. The females must be taken out before the male will enter the fray.
    2) You may attack as an individual, or work together as a team of two. The number of wolves you take on at once is up to you, but beware. They are clever and cunning and are more lethal as a pack. However, the reward is greater for tackling more than one.
    3) They cannot kill without express OOC permission of the writer, however injuries of varying severity are to be expected.
    4) Battle will take place in standard Battleground format. Horses and wolves will be given 3 posting rounds each, with the victor being determined after the final post. Posts must be responded to within 48hrs or the match will be forfeit.
    5) This event is open primarily to Sylvan residents. However, outsiders may be taken on as teammates to improve reations between their native kingdom and Sylva.
    6) All traits are allowed in battle with the she-wolves. However, the Alpha male is endowed with Nihilism. Take this into account before taking him on.

    If interested, respond to this post stating whether you will be battling on your own or with a partner, what kingdom your partner belongs to (if other than Sylva), and how many of the wolves you wish to take on. The wolves will respond 2/19 (Monday), initiating battle. Best of luck. Sylva was once remembered for her fearsome warriors. May she be known for it once again.

    ~Sabra, Queen-General of Sylva
    I'll give battling a shot. Taking on just one of the females unless someone else wants to hop in the thread with him and battle 2 on 2.
    Klaudius will battle to protect his son.  Representing Ischia but for his child's safety.  Will take on whatever wolves remain if no others come forwards Smile
    -Semi Active-
    *Plot Only*
    @[Klaudius] Outsiders may participate only as partners to residents. If you and Lucent reach an agreement to team up, that's fine. Otherwise, you will have to convince another resident to battle, seeing as the primary purpose of this event is to build in-house standings. (You may play both teammates if you're comfortable with that.)

    On that note, the event deadline is now open-ended. If no other kingdom dwellers wish to participate after a week (starting today), event will be opened to solo outsiders.
    Whatever anyone wants to do he's(I'm) good with it Smile
    -Semi Active-
    *Plot Only*
    I'm up for teaming up to take on another one though I've never done a joint battle so no idea how the posting works.

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