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  • Beqanna


    Assailant -- Year 226


    "But the dream, the echo, slips from him as quickly as he had found it and as consciousness comes to him (a slap and not the gentle waves of oceanic tides), it dissolves entirely. His muscles relax as the cold claims him again, as the numbness sets in, and when his grey eyes open, there’s nothing but the faint after burn of a dream often trod and never remembered." --Brigade, written by Laura

    Oh how time flies.. [Dahmer]
    You suck my face : You lay me down : Under your skin : I'm so divine
    A large, ebon femme frame slinked through the trees of the forest. It had been at least 3 years since she had been here last.  Jord had finally returned. The crisp spring air almost seamed to whistle through the trees, calling her home. A gentle smile crept across the womans lips, her sparkling hazel orbs scanning the area around her. It was nice to be back. Last time she had been around theses parts she had seen Offspring and Dahmer; the lands were still trying to figure out how to start over.. for what felt like a third time. Her lanterns scanned around.. looking for familar.. or old faces. "Hello!?" she called out..

    Her claws snapped a few twigs beneath her, as her frame seamed to get lost in the shadows over the trees that surrounded her.
    Back in the shadows where she liked it, although Tephra was more home to her than anywhere. Her gloomy curly long locks fell over one orbs, as her weight shifted and came to a stop. Her muscular frame leaned up against a tree.. waiting to see who would find her first.
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    It's hard to stay in Tephra when things are this way with Scyla ─ his heart aches for the trauma she had endured, for the way her attacker had portrayed himself as Dahmer. He can't let her live in hiding in her own home, afraid to see him at every turn. Even though her assault had not been his own doing... it had been proffered to her as such, a mirage. The black beast loves his sister and he can't bear to think of the effect that his mere presence has on her now.

    And so the Commander, Ellyse's own lover and Advisor, has taken to the Forest for a short while. The air is crisp with the early spring and a shiver runs down his spine in discomfort. Tephra's humid climate has spoiled him. He considers returning to the volcanic island, but perhaps another day away will prove to be beneficial, and then upon his return he can stick to guarding the southern border so that he may give Scyla the rest of the territory to roam without fear of running into him.

    He's lost in thought, shuffling beneath the tree boughs when he happens upon the black friesian mare. It takes him a moment to recognize her but when he does, laughter falls from the black beast's lips and he comes to a halt a few yards away, his head tilting to the side as he regards her with ocean eyes. "Jord. You've missed much in Tephra," he offers to the mare playfully ─ the last he had seen her, he had spit at her hooves and left his home, resigned to living by the River.

    She had bit him in return before going back to Tephra, and by the time Ellyse had found him and told him of her pregnancy, Jord had disappeared from the tropical land and so they hadn't crossed paths upon his own return. "What brings you back?"
    image © celestiene

    You suck my face : You lay me down : Under your skin : I'm so divine
    Jord did not have to wait long before her auds picked up a familar laugh, reminding her of more lovely times with this particular beast.. who she once trusted, her nares picking up his scent as her skull swivled so she could look at him. Jord.. His vocals spoke her name.. It had been a while since she had heard him, more less hear him speak her name. Should couldnt hide the smile that slipped gently across her maw. "Dahmer.." Her vocals were warm toward him, yet still a bit cautious. Their last meeting was not the most friendly. Her pillars slowly moved her closer to him. Her orbs would ocassionally drop to the terra as she spoke, every now and then looking up at him, her eyes catching his.

    "Yes, I've been gone for a while. I guess it was just time for me to return.. see what shape the lands may be in since I left." Jords bodice walked up to the side of Dahmers, standing next to him.. like olden times.. back when they splashed in the hotsprings of Tephra.. back before she chose to stand by Offy's side... before she chose to disappear.. before he spit at her feet. Jord let a bit of her guard down, as some of her muscles relaxed under her taught pelt.. yet she questioned in her mind if things would ever return to how they used to be. "How have you been Dahm?" her vocals spoke, warm and genuine, as her orbs looked over to him.. looking forward to his response. .
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    "Well, it's nice to have you back, Jord," he says warmly as he turns his cerulean orbs away from her to regard the forest around them. It' full of sounds today, from the gentle breeze to the occasional snap of a twig beneath a small forest creature, "Beqanna has not changed much since Pangea sank. For a while, Sylva was destroyed, but it's slowly proving that it might be salvageable." His short history of their home is just that ─ short. Dahmer had made a life out of Tephra, he had ventured from it rarely and had devoted himself to its security. To Ellyse. He has few stories from outside of his volcanic home to offer to the bay mare. Personal ones, though ─ he has plenty.

    But there are few that he would even consider sharing.

    The black beast debates for a moment, mulling over her question. How had he been? He'd been held hostage by the Dark God. He'd seen things that he could never un-see, and he had done things that he could never undo. He would never ─ could never ─ be the same being that she had known. But instead of telling Jord all of these things, he offers her a small smile and a casual shrug of his shoulders. "I returned to Tephra, I befriended Offspring, and now the woman I love has been named the new Overseer. I supposed I have nothing to complain about."

    He pauses and tilts his head to the side, his bright blue eyes watching Jord closely. "And how have you been, Jord? Do you plan to return to Tephra?"
    image © celestiene

    You suck my face : You lay me down : Under your skin : I'm so divine
    Jords hazel orbs watched as Dahmer looked away from her, as if what he was speaking about Tephra was too painful for him to tell her directly, yet she did not take it personally.  Honestly she had missed Tephra.. yet she missed the old Tephra. The kingdom that once was a large mountain, covered in ice and snow. She remembered when she first arrived there when she was young, she HATED how cold it was, but now she misses the chill. It was almost as if all the ice had left BQ in general..

    Jord exchanges soft smiles with the brute.. ".. Tephra... befriended..   love.." Jords orbs seamed to only pick up a few words but her cranium got the jist, things were going well for him. As an acquaintance she was happy for him, only wishing she could say the same. After all these years still no love.. no current home, as she had not been to Tephra or any where particular in a while.. and she still had a few acquaintances, Offspring mostly. She tried not to lower her skull, thinking of her own,in her opinion, inadequate life. She just cracked a soft smile as her orbs looked away from him.. nares enjoying the warm summer air.

    Her orbs looks back at his blue pools, his head tilted to the side. She couldn't help but let out a chuckle and a sweet smile before looking out into the distance.. "I've been okay I guess, I havn't been up to too much.. Traveled the land, thought about trying to see if my homeland and would have been inherited kingdom of Ranga was still out there somewhere outside of BQ.. but as i thought as a foal.. its completely dissolved off this planet." Jord spoke.. a slight pain in her vocals. But that pain didn't last long.. "Do you plan to return to Tephra?" He asked her. She looked back at him sincerely. Does he want me to come back? Her grey matter thought in her skull.. She tried not to get her hopes up.. "Last time I was there you spit on me... Are you sure you'd want a 'traitor' who picked to follow Offsprings lead back in your kingdom?' Jord asked, not intentionally trying to piss off the brute, but ask him genuinely. She lowered her head as she looked at him. She had felt hurt by his actions, at the time she was choosing to follow who she had followed in the past, someone she trusted to lead.. and he had judged her for that. She had lashed out from pain in her heart as well as feeling disrespected for her choice. Why would she have chosen to follow a stranger... But the past was in the past.. "I have no where else to go.. and I'm not sure if I want to continue to roam this earth alone.." Jords vocals trailed off.. she stood there in silence wondering how the stallion before her would react. She looked at him patiently from the side of her carmel orbs, ebon tresses falling i he face. 
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    ooc: THE JORD MUSE IS STRONG!! <3 miss you dahmer! sorry it took me sooo long!
    Jord smiles softly as he explains his recent history to her, though the dark thoroughbred notices that the expression doesn't quite reach her eyes. He wants to frown, to ask her what troubles her, but the friesian mare seems to read his mind before he is even able to vocalize the question.

    "I'm sorry to hear about Ranga, Jord," he offers to her with a small twinge of sadness in his own muscled chest. He, too, had lost his homeland ─ swallowed by the sea, forcing its residents to brave a swim to the mainland. Few had survived. "Perhaps you will find what you are looking for in Beqanna. It is as much a home to me as my homeland was." The reassurance is small, but he hopes that it helps the sorrow that clenches at her heart. As their conversation turns to Tephra, Dahmer grins sheepishly at the dark mare and shrugs his scarred shoulders nonchalantly.

    "I was mistaken about Offspring, and about your allegiance to him. I was hurt by Lucrezia's non-action and her willingness to turn the territory over so easily. I have befriended Offspring since then, and I take back my thoughts of you being a traitor," he says simply, admitting his mistake in the situation.

    "I think Tephra is meant to be your home, Jord. As long as you promise not to bite me again," he adds as a finisher, humor glinting in his glacial eyes.
    image © celestiene

    You suck my face : You lay me down : Under your skin : I'm so divine
    Jord listened to his kind words, saying that he was sorry for her loss of her homeland. She found t kind of him to say. "Thank you" Her warm vocal spoke to him. Hear auds pricked listening to his apology. "I accept your apology Dahmer. We all make mistakes." She said with a respectful head nod. "I think Tephra is ment to be your home Jord." He spoke to her. She nodded her head agreeingly, as it was the one place she had on multiple occasions called home. "I wont bite you as long as you dont give me a reason to." Jord spoke with a smile, giving the brute a playful wink. She laughed as she moved her bodice to follow him back to Tephra. "As long as you promise not to spit on me again, I promise." Her orbs catching his sweetly.
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    Want to start a post where she follows him in Tephra? or what now? @[Dahmer]

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