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  • Beqanna


    Assailant -- Year 226


    "But the dream, the echo, slips from him as quickly as he had found it and as consciousness comes to him (a slap and not the gentle waves of oceanic tides), it dissolves entirely. His muscles relax as the cold claims him again, as the numbness sets in, and when his grey eyes open, there’s nothing but the faint after burn of a dream often trod and never remembered." --Brigade, written by Laura

    Don't forsake me; Claim [OPEN/ANY]

    -Oh my love, don't forsake me; Take what the water gave me-

    Her curiosity overwhelms the instinct to stay away. Though the shores of Ischia have been remote and quiet in their day-to-day, there is always the unspoken knowledge that borders should be left uncrossed.

    Circinae, climbing her way through the swirling portal just off-beach from the parrot-filled island, walks directly past them.

    There’s silence. So much of it that even she feels on edge as she makes the rounds of undisturbed land. The jungle, moaning with life, draws her eyes and attention into its warm depths. Secrets yet undiscovered, just waiting to be revealed. Wildlife she’s never seen before, peering curiously back at her. Circinae can’t even begin to understand the joy that will come from staying here overnight.

    She likes it. So much so that for now, she stays. If someone comes along, she can explain herself - there’s no fear in her actions, she’s done nothing wrong as of yet. Besides, Amet will like to know of this; their recent conversation might need furthering if she cannot locate this ‘Kerberos’ he spoke of.

    Once her steps lead her full circle, she stops. Her dark head and ears rise in similar fashion, she peers once more to the ocean, and then to the tangle of brush behind her. “Anyone home?” She calls, just in case.

    After all, she does like this place.


    OOC: This post is open to current members or ponies interested in joining. Full disclosure, I'm excited to play Circinae in this role, but it won't be for a very long time  Wink  So, if you feel that you've wanted a chance to maybe try your meddle at stepping into a leadership role, feel free to join Ischia and show Circy what you got. Let's make this fun while it lasts!


    I'll eat your heart, I'm a monster

    Krone was never far away when interesting things began to happen; she prided herself on knowing of the happenings around her. So when rumor spreads that Ischia's previous leader has stepped down, the green winged mare takes it upon herself to fly the several miles it takes to reach the island from the mainland, and see what all the fuss was about. 

    She soars above the land for a moment, taking in the vastness of the thing. Parrots flew beside her, so close she could nearly touch them, and she smiles slyly to herself. It seemed the land was almost uninhabited, save for the wildlife and maybe some wandering horses.

    Then, she hears a call on the wind...she cannot help herself but to investigate. She lands gracefully in the dense thicket of trees, where another mare seems to be staking her claim of the island. Well...this wasn't exactly how she had planned on this investigation going, but something could come of it. 

    "I can't consider this my home," Krone begins, shrugging her shoulders. "But I do like it so far." She flashes the unknown green mare a smile. "I'm Krone." 

    I swear I'll eat you alive

    ooc: Krone is interested in joining, also interested in any leadership positions! She was basically a born leader...also I would like to try my hand at it, I think it would be fun and a good change! :Big Grin 
    Let me knowwww <3
    hold me in this wild, wild world
    'cause in your warmth I forget how cold it can be
    He has yet to settle, in the post-Reckoning Beqanna.

    It just isn't his Beqanna. But alas, he isn't dying anytime soon, so he knows he will have to find a home. He'd tried Nerine first, thinking to ally himself with what was left of the Amazons in part due to a lack of a Tundra; he'd always respected the warrior women after all, and given his number of daughters, a female-led dynasty didn't seem like a terrible place. But It just wasn't his place. The sand just made him miss his own icy beaches and melancholy doesn't lead to anything good. Then he'd tried Hyaline, thought to help set up a place for the young to flourish. Dynasty and all, you see a pattern; but that hadn't been Brennen either, and the stallion had wandered off, isolated, visited by his children and grandchildren but doing a whole lot of nothing.

    Until today. Today he felt called to the air, to soaring, and his aimless flight took him to a place surrounded by water but green and warm and welcoming. Someplace unlike any he had ever loved before. It was not his frigid Tundra, not Morphine's dry Deserts, not Neraza's temperate Falls. And totally different feels beyond healthy, beyond new and exciting, so the bay lands amongst the trees, folding his wings tightly to his sides, and starts to explore beneath the towering trees and dense foliage, one ear listening for any other signs of life while the other tracks the movement of brightly colored birds overhead.

    It is not long before he hears the first mare call and starts in that direction, the voice of the second mare joining the first before he reaches them. He makes plenty of noise, no sign of an attempt at stealth as he comes up to them, honey-brown eyes lifted in curiosity. "It seems like a nice enough place to make a home," the man answers their words, tilting his head as he rakes a evaluating glance across both mares. "Brennen," he offers, and then turns to the one who had spoken first. "There don't seem to be any natives, and you seem to have been the first to arrive. Does that make you Queen?" A crooked smile, there, a laugh in his eyes, but the question is serious enough.

    Brennen has had enough of wandering around this new Beqanna and being nothing. He wants a home, a Kingdom, and he wants to be someone once more who matters. A General once more, as for most of his life, or even perhaps a new position for the new world. Perhaps a King.

    Only time will tell.
    hold me in this wild, wild world
    and in your heat I feel how cold it can get

    Brennen also here to stay and maybe get a piece of the action, because I've discovered he's played best that way lol.
    html code by Toli, design idea based on "Dovev" by Laura

    Like a flower waiting to bloom.
    Ischia wasn’t as it used to be anymore. It had never been busy, basically only her family had resided on the island and the former queen had taken habitat on one of the smaller islands. Now, now her family had disappeared. Father, Mother, Kharon, Kali, uncle Reilly and Badden, all gone. Queen Ea had taken over again, promising Father to look after both the island and her.

    Things had even gotten quieter after that, but in the end, Kylin had always come back to Ischia. Ischia was home, even when her family was no longer here to reside with her.

    Once before strangers had set foot on the island, but then Father had been there to deal with them. Kylin had just listened, curious to meet someone new. This time she’s on her own. It starts with the arrival of a navy and green mare, and the lavender tobiano mare studies her from within the jungle.

    The first one is soon followed by two more. A graying bay and green mare and a bay stallion. All unfamiliar to Kylin. They come by sky, as the tide is high making it impossible to cross the sea by foot. Unless one would dare to challenge the sea. Or walk on top of the water, like Kylin. They gather, speak, and the last one even asks the first one if she’s the queen.

    ”Welcome to Ischia.” Having left the safety of Ischia’s jungle, she’s now left in the open, crossing the beach to greet the strangers. ”What has brought you to our home? Queen Ea and I are happy to welcome those who come looking for a peaceful home.” For now, she would ignore the words that have been spoken, feign ignorance. Simply because Kylin doesn’t know how to deal with it, and it makes her so very aware of her youth compared to these unknown faces.

    Her hazel eyes ghosts over them, both curious and hesitant. Why were these strangers here? Her fins move at her side, like one would ruffle his or her wings, in an attept to shake off her nerves. Where was Father – or Kharon – when she needed them?



    Close your eyes, have no fear. The monster's gone, he's on the run and your daddy's here.

    Their mate had left on her own agenda, as she had many times before. Her girl was a diplomat, a planner, and whereas Jah-Lilah routinely bails to be a midwife or a healer, Circinae roams to tend to social needs. My mare never minds though, all is done for the good of their little clan. Soon my firefly will have a plus one at her side as well. Weeks after being covered, her heat never came. She was confused, uncertain at first, but that combined with her strange cravings and the need to be up under her Wolf and her Wind led her to only one conclusion. She carried a piece of him inside her. She had asked the Earth-Mother for only one dream, to tell her was it true, and indeed it was. The great rainbow fish had come, and whispered words she'd never thought she'd hear. She was in foal. Nothing had changed externally yet, and she hadn't told either of her consorts for fear of jinxing herself. Jah-Lilah has never been pregnant before.

    They woke that morning together, Jah-Lilah and Canaan, and the first thing she noticed was the absence of @[Circinae]. She vaguely remembered a kiss goodbye, then a shift into that little mousy wolf she adored, and the girl was off. After breakfast they had set out to follow her, her path new, different. She looks to her left, eyes shining as she reads him. She is so proud of her family, of her life. Every one of them the picture of perfection. Elation fills her as she thinks of his feathers in her hair, his seed in her womb. She carries him always, and soon she'll wear Circinae too. The mare can't help but stare at him. He holds his wings close as they wade into the water off the border of the mainland, Circy's trail had led them here. Looks like we're swimming today, Jah-Lilah. The warm water consumes her, welcomes her in as it's own as she sinks in with a groan. It feels amazing, and since getting with these two she had a newfound appreciation for water and air. 

    To her pleasant surprise, he doesn't take to the sky, but rather sticks near her. She smiles wide, a bit like the cat who ate the canary. She has a secret, and Jah loves being a bit of a know it all, little bitch. She can't help herself. She hums softly as they tread their way across to the island, and before she knows it they've arrived. Her dark hooves touch the sand and she prances up, grunting to get to solid ground. She shakes herself dry, then turns to await her mate. Once he's at her side, she touches noses with him and finally looks around. For the first time in a long time, she is absolutely at a loss for words. 

    The island is everything the earth-lover could have dreamed. She immediately understands why Circinae came, the place is all but perfect. Birds chatter all around them as they venture down the path before them. She glances back at @[Canaan] several times, tail flagged in excitement. Finally she speaks, turning to him. "Can you smell her here, our lover?" And no sooner than the words leave her mouth she sees her. She's called an audience unintentionally, and instantly Jah recognizes what's going on. Wolf-of-the-Water is making this her home. Their home. She can hardly contain herself, and calls out to the water nymph. Jah-Lilah then acknowledges the arrival of others, all in varied colors and forms.

    A female, tinted with green comes first, a rebellious look in her eye but with a respectful tone in her voice, my mare approves. A big stallion, with dark, dark wings and a nonchalant attitude chimes in, and Jah cocks her head to listen. She's never seen him before, but he seems familiar with the land and comfortable here, his knowledge could be useful. The last is a dainty little lavender creature, who seems to be confused and a bit out of sorts. She speaks of a queen that Jah-Lilah isn't sure exists, and it makes my flower-child sad. This girl has no idea what's been going on. She's been patient though, allowed all to speak, but now she can no longer contain herself. She cries out again, and with a nip to her honeycomb male she's off. She bucks, kicking her heels high and dropping her head, feathers dancing all over. She has arrived, and with news to boot.

    Beautiful, beautiful, beautiful, beautiful girl.

    stronger than you know

    It's a lukewarm day when the buckskin and white stallion chooses to investigate the islands. For days he's been wandering, searching the new land for a place he could feel comfortable enough to settle and make his home. The way the islands are covered in tropical plants, exotic creatures and painted by the turquoise waters that surrounded them is a definite draw. For a while he enjoys the silent walk through the palms near the beach. The sound of waves lapping against the shore brings a tranquil sort of peace over him and with a soft twitch of the ears he listens to the calls of the monkeys in the trees and the screeches of the macaws. 

    It's only a while into his walk that the small group suddenly comes into view and with a silent snort he comes to a stop, his body tensing slightly. With his head held high his nostrils tremble as he takes in their scents floating on the wind. There seemed to be more mares than stallions and for a while he stays away, simply observing their small gathering. It's only when the next appears that he steps forward, eager to interrupt the over exuberant personality that was suddenly bounding around and through the group. 

    With calm and slow steps he comes up beside the purple colored mare and tilts his head in curiosity as his eyes land on the mare the rest had their attention on. "Hello," his voice is quiet as his eyes dart to the hyperactive mare and then the one clearly here to take a role of leadership. For a moment a dash of annoyance runs through him. He had never been very tolerant of those who felt the need to constantly be hyperactive. To him having such consorts were embarrassments when the serious times came. 

    To him, she'd be a hidden factor. Something he didn't alert the world to knowing about. But then again, the mare of obvious leadership was not him and he didn't know either, so maybe he shouldn't judge. Not yet. For all he knew the hyperactive creature was the child of this mare and still full of youth and vigor. "I'm Kelsie."  He does not say this place is his home. He does not say it isn't. He simply introduces himself. For all he wants (for now) is to see where this will go.

    It's about time the grumpy stallion find a place he call home and as he glances across the group, he took notes of each of them and once sizing them all up he determines this would be a good of a group as any to try and join - and that even included the hyperactive soul; who knows. Maybe they could soften him and even the woman of such an active personality could encourage him to become a friend.

    georgian grande buckskin overo stallion; immortal

    hi, i'm new [: and my grumpy boy would like to join in on this!
    And maybe, I'll find out a way to make it back someday.
    To watch you, to guide you through the darkest of your days.
      He does not fly.

      He moves seamlessly beside her, while the electrical current of Jah-Lilah courses through his veins with a soothing hum, while the darkness of his feathers brush along her barrel with each forward stride. So often did he yearn for the wide, open sky – with the gleaming sunlight warm against the broad expanse of each wing, with the heavy and dense cloud coverage, enveloping him, pushing him closer to the celestial sky hanging precariously above him. The insatiable desire to be among the stars is sated by the warmth of her gentle kiss, by the reassurance of her rhythmic, beating heart thrumming in time with his own. The wanderlust is quieted by the fierce affection roiling inside of his chest, stirring his blood, pounding his wayward heart against the confinement of his chest.

      There was no place he would rather be, than by the side of those he had given his heart so freely to.

      When the thicket and grassland are left behind, with little else but a tangle of dandelion and pine needle within his dark, two-toned tresses to tell of where they have been, he quietly wades through the warm, calming water, as its salty brine washes away the sweat and dust of a day’s travel. His gilded flesh is darkened with the dampness of it, stained by the seawater that weaves its way through his feathers, lingering along the surface with shining pebbles of water clutching to the barbs. His weight begins to sift through the supple but compounded sand, while his gaze roves over the dense, but tropical foliage, the roaming hilltops clustered with fern and eucalyptus, the low-lying clouds dusting the island with a gentle mist –

      He cannot suppress the glee within the amber gleam of his eye, nor the smile tugging at the corners of his mouth – Jah-Lilah’s enthrallment is contagious (though he does not know that a life created from their union stirs within her belly; he only knows that she is his light and Circinae, his air). He does not pay much mind to the rest, for diplomacy had always escaped him – too wild and restless to be as his mother and father were to so many.

      A faint nod is given to Brennen, war-torn but carrying a warmth in his mischievous eye, as his teeth gently rake along the emerald tinted spine of his Circinae, rousing her attention to his arrival. He had seen Krone before, and he is wary – the faint memory of bacchanalia and her presence there surfacing, stirring a tension that is not often felt within his usually lax muscles. Kylin, soft and quiet, speaks of a name he had not heard before, but he is not privy to government, preferring freedom to structure.  

      Kelsie, he does little else but stare at – he does not seem to realize that his disdain and disapproval are clearly written into the hardened lines of his masculine features; particularly when lingering on the wildness that was his heart, Jah-Lilah. Hyperactive is not a word he would use describe her, were he given the knowledge that Kelsie thought it about her - she is lively, upbeat, energetic, one with the Earth. Happy. Soulful.


      Does that make you Queen? Brennen asks of Circinae, and the question rouses a chuckle from the hearth of his chest as he places a gently nudge along the navy painted column of her neck, glancing to their lover, Jah-Lilah, fire-hot and sparkling with energy.

      ”Queen is suiting to you, my love.” He muses softly, a light of mischief in his eye, though his gaze soon turns to Kylin with a softness - there is no scent but her own on the wind; and the wind is all he has ever known. "Hello, there. My name is Canaan - Is there no one else here? Where is your Queen?"
    If a great wave shall fall and fall upon us all,
    then I hope there's someone out there who can bring me back to you.

    -Oh my love, don't forsake me; Take what the water gave me-

    The smile she usually wears grows broader as more arrive. The first, a passerby who spirals down from the sky, strikes Circinae’s interest and sparks an immediate response. “Then that’s one thing we already have in common, @[Krone].” The pied mare replies with a wink. @[Brennen] is unsuspecting and pointed when he arrives - not a fault in Circy’s eyes, a valuable skill - and when the rest trickle in behind him, (The resident lavender mare, her personal support system in flaming red and shining gold, and of course the quiet observer, @[Kelsie], that garners an incisive stare from Circinae before she returns her attention to the mass of them) she allows for each to speak and then chooses to quickly address them all.

    She begins with @[Kylin]. “Thank you for your welcome, dear. My name is Circinae - I’d be happy to speak with Ea, if you know where she’s at?” It’s an honest question, one that Kylin won’t be able to avoid the truth of, like she had Brennen’s comment. She waits, patiently, and then turns to look over the gathered in order to continue. “So, then - we have a possible home and yet, no tangible ruler. Brennen, as you pointed out, these are qualities that call for a new leader, yes?” She asks, the tip of a grin quirking one corner of her dark mouth.

    “It only makes me Queen - and that’s a word I find difficult to use - if the rest of you see fit to allow me the chance.” She says, shifting aside so that her dual paramours might join her comfortably. @[Jah-Lilah]'s presence serves to calm her otherwise heightened nerves, and she leans expectantly into the strength of her willing body. @[Canaan]’s coy words don’t go unnoticed either, but she offers to answer him with a tight-lipped kiss on that rugged, outspoken mouth of his, rather than to stoke a fire not yet ablaze. “Instead, I would ask that you allow me to be the Keeper of Ischia, until the time calls for a new one.” She offers, looking back once more to the painted, buckskin stallion who watches them all closely.

    “I’ve studied under two Kings, both fantastic in their own rights. My knowledge can only be bettered by those who trust me to lead, and those who can offer advice; there will always be someone with more experience and know-how under their belts, or wings.” She chuckles, turning to narrow a playful eye in Brennen’s direction.

    She pauses; they can decide for themselves, each one, to stay or go. It is Kylin, however, that worries her the most - something about the unsuspecting girl and her nervous gaze touches that motherly instinct long-stoked in Circinae’s heart. “Lady,” She murmurs, as Kylin has not yet chosen to reveal her identity, “I’ll also need the help of someone who’s called this place home long before we came. I need your insight, your knowledge of the history of this place. Will you help me and in turn, help us all?” She asks, before turning to cast the same net over the others.

    “Who will stay and hear my plans and who will go?”


    OOC: Just let me know IC or OOC if they're staying and what faction/caste they're usually interested in (Diplomat or Militia). I'll be posting a general reply to all (once everyone's had a say) explaining briefly how land ranks will work, etc. Heart
    Her stare is direct and attentive but the only response it recieves ia slow blink. His thoughts were his own and the only way she'd know what he thought of the overactive mare were if she had mental abilities that told her so. But from observation she seemed more the physical type. Though only time would tell if that were the case for sure.

    With silent observation he watched her closely, listening to her words, another slow blink happening in response when she declares herself a queen - no, not a queen, the keeper. He's never experienced such a thing before and he masks his surprise well. Kings and queens werea a completely foreign concept to the buckskin and white4 stallion. Though he had to remember that this wasn't home. This wasn't where he had grown into the young adult he now was. The customs and cultures were utterly different to what he had become accustomed to.

    Because of this, it would take some time to get used to. But that didn't mean he wasn't capable or unwilling to learn; quite the opposite actually. It's when she finally stops speaking that the well muscled stallion rolls his shoulders in a small shrug and he nods in acknowledgement. "I think I'll remain here. I don't see a problem with you stepping into the role of leader. You have spoken of your training and if you have the experience you express then I feel you are highly capable and of course will do a good job."

    He grows silent, his voice drifting through the air between them all. "I wish you luck in your new role and I shall lhelp and serve you appropriately - this goes to the rest of you as well." He looks across the crowd until finally his eyes land on the hyperactive soul. He may be easily annoyed by loud noises and overactive personalities, but that didn't mean he was incapableof learning to tolerate or even like them. He would just need time and until then - and even after - he would treat her with the same respect as he would give the rest.

    georgian grande buckskin overo stallion; immortal

    Kelsie will stay. Diplomat please Smile


    I'll eat your heart, I'm a monster

    The immediate response the green mare gives her strikes an interest in Krone - an excited feeling grows in her chest, that maybe this would be her opportunity to make her father proud. 

    Krone is soon followed by a winged stallion, who introduces himself as Brennan. Then, a lavender mare comes, a native to the land. Down in her chest, Krone feels sad for the young mare. It seemed as though she was all alone on this huge island - she didn't even seem to realize her queen was gone. It would've been easy for green pointed mare to make a sassy remark, but she holds back - the realization everyone has left her would be enough pain for the girl to endure. 

    Then, the firey red mare approaches excitedly with her golden companion (who gives Krone a weary side-eye), and the green-pointed mare lets out a good-natured chuckle as she romps and plays happily. The way the two newcomers act around Circinae, she can only assume they all came together. It didn't really seem to matter. 

    And lastly, the painted buckskin, who seemed annoyed. Krone merely glanced at him - if he didn't like being around the group, why was he here? She lets her eyes roll back to Circy, who gives a speech, claiming Ischia as her land...she calls herself the Keeper.

    "Who will stay and hear my plans, and who will go?" She says at last. The grumpy stag speaks his peace first, then Krone finds herself approaching the new leader with a grin plastered on her face. She finds it hard to contain her excitement with finally finding a home - it feels like she had been roaming forever. 

    "I will stay, and I will serve in whatever capacity you will allow me to," She speaks simply, looking around at the others. "I have a feeling you will be very fit leader for this land."

    I swear I'll eat you alive

    ooc: She would like to stay loyal to Ischia! She would prefer to be a diplomat. Smiler

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