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  • Beqanna


    Assailant -- Year 226


    "But the dream, the echo, slips from him as quickly as he had found it and as consciousness comes to him (a slap and not the gentle waves of oceanic tides), it dissolves entirely. His muscles relax as the cold claims him again, as the numbness sets in, and when his grey eyes open, there’s nothing but the faint after burn of a dream often trod and never remembered." --Brigade, written by Laura

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    we had a close call
    i want to be married by september in ottowa or san antonio. Ms. Brown, please go back to Boston if you want to sing. the first is hiding in people in Sudan (and Tanzania), the last triad are a caveman in a helicopter, desperate for love. Meet me by the bay, we'll drive away in my new prius hybrid listening to the new skrillex album, and i'll make you forget that your house fell down when the k-9 unit arrived. a polish navy ship + a boggy wetland. i don't want to hear about your snarky puppy; just give it a kick. Let's invite Lady Carmen, queen consort of Romania to the party.

    two from one kingdom.
    1 year captivity.
    i want to be married by september in ottowa or San Antonio (Married by September, Ottawa and San Antonio are songs of Karaugh Brown’s). Ms. Brown, please go back to Boston if you want to sing (a woman named Karaugh Brown attended Boston University's Center for Italian and European Studies). the first is hiding in people in Sudan (and Tanzania)(the Kara are a people in Sudan and Tanzania), the last triad are a caveman in a helicopter, desperate for love (a video game called Ugh!). Meet me by the bay (Hampton Bay Low-”Voltage” transformer), we'll drive away in my new prius hybrid (car battery = Voltage) listening to the new skrillex album (Voltage is a song by Skrillex, rumored to be a part of a new Skrillex album), and i'll make you forget that your house fell down when the k-9 unit arrived (The Fall of The House of Gryffen is an episode of a TV show called K-9). a polish navy ship (ORP Gryf) + a boggy wetland (Fen, a marshy wetland). i don't want to hear about your snarky puppy; just give it a kick (Snarky Puppy has an album called Sylva). Let's invite Lady Carmen, queen consort of Romania to the party (Carmen Sylva).

    Voltage and Karaugh from Gryffen in Sylva, blocked.

    karaugh brown (the artist of the three songs) is originally from Boston and is a singer, and the line: “Meet me by the bay, we'll drive away in my new prius hybrid” was a clue to the fact that voltage is a bay hybrid. All the other clues were spot on Smile
    Hahah go figure that I found different clues that were accurate!
    I forget that we can use database clues now. Big Grin
    The only one I could figure out was the caveman clue XD and UGH! Didn't help at all.

    Great job! Y'all are amazing Smile
    Kreed ~ Deiti ~ Demi
    -Semi Active-

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