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  • Beqanna


    Assailant -- Year 226


    "But the dream, the echo, slips from him as quickly as he had found it and as consciousness comes to him (a slap and not the gentle waves of oceanic tides), it dissolves entirely. His muscles relax as the cold claims him again, as the numbness sets in, and when his grey eyes open, there’s nothing but the faint after burn of a dream often trod and never remembered." --Brigade, written by Laura

    The board has been updated accordingly with everyone who responded to the meeting.

    This is the last call to be considered a Member of Taiga. From then on membership will be by birth or recruitment/invitation only. Please respond with name of character and what caste they would like to be tested into. If your horse has traits, try to think of the best fit of caste for their abilities. If they do not have traits, suggest where their interest may lay.

    Please respond to this check by Sep 1st. Assignments to test into your caste will follow shortly after.

    P.S. There is a temporary wall courtesy of Deimos surrounding Taiga while we sort out membership, trespassing will be taken very seriously.

    As always, feel free to PM me with any questions you may have!
    Thana is here, but of course. Smile
    I will also post Corvus (son of Circinae) to the meeting as well.

    He has wind manipulation, wings and moth control.
    So he could maybe guard the border with a super scary moth attack.
    Or he could tie everyone up in silk. lolol.

    I haven't really fleshed him out, but maybe a thief or army?

    I'll also bring in Underwood.
    He's got mental barrier and wings.
    Ouija is here cuz he's creeping and such >:]. He has no traits but his personality would suit him for an abductor... Twisted assistant maybe... I'm actually going to try my hand at steals eventually with him.  If you have any suggestions on captives PM me Wink

    Dynast is... coming.  Once thread in Forest finishes with Gryffen and Maugrim.  She has Jellyfish shifting... Not sure that's useful besides she can grow tentacles and become transparent(not invisible).  She'd be influenced easily by Gryffen so possibly a pupil of sorts.  She is going on 3 I believe.

    Karaugh is visiting as a diplomat of Sylva.  She'd be into whatever while here plus.... KASANOVA!!! <3 So if she happened to be held captive for reproductive reasons we could go down that road as well... 

    I'm very chill and don't get hurt feelings about my ponies.  So I'm down for anything(except unwilling death) so don't be scared to throw something crazy my way Smile
    -Semi Active-
    *Plot Only*
    Aten is still part of the Taiga. Right now, IC, he has his own agenda which will be revealed later, but for now he'd like to test under the warrior caste. He has no traits but does have experience fighting.
    Siberian is still in Taiga (at least for now), I guess as a resident because he's going to be keeping to himself.....
    Loey is still here Wink Loey has no traits, but is very much so interested in politics. Shove her wherever honestly.
    [Image: 20170518-Letter-Library-Monoline-V3_Lett...80x280.png]
    Whoops, sorry, bit of a slacker. Lilitha (pyrokinesis, immortality) has been bumming around Taiga as a resident since her old curse was lifted and she could get in. (Uhhh, long story, probably not the time or the place, anyhowww...) Still here. ^_^

    Edit: oh um possibly as Inmate, or at least would end up there if someone official ran into her and managed to put her there? idk I'd rather play it out IC so...? I'll put up a post, I guess.
    Jinju (Pyrokinesis & phoenix immortality) and Ander (pyrokinesis) are still in Taiga. Residents for now I guess, since not getting involved in anything and sticking to themselves for now
    #English is not my native language.

    Amorette - Gyps - Jinju - Kylin - Reeva
    All are only semi-active.
    ava is here but she mostly just lives in the taiga forests like a little wild thing. her family moved here when she was little and then since disappeared so she is hermit. not opposed to her being bullied into usefulness but maybe run things by me first? will be making an any for her shortly. <3 (immortality)

    polaris is here as long as ru is here because he is her family. (is made entirely of glass, has snake shifting)

    bright is here also with ru and baby, maybe some kind of resident i guess? (blood mage)
    Gryffen isn't going to be happy to keep people in Taiga that aren't of the same mindset so just a heads up that he might make anyone's life whose just sort of drifting around or obviously against him a living hell which was why it was suggested that anyone who didn't want to be a part of that could leave. By staying as even as a hermit resident will still leave them open to bad things, I just wanted to make sure that was clear with everyone.

    Believe me the more the merrier I just don't want anyone getting the wrong idea and then there's OOC issues <3

    I'll update the board once this closes on the 1st and follow up with IC post for everyone as well as a few secret PMs for certain characters testing into their castes! Thank you guys! I'm very excited!

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