05-11-2015, 03:54 PM
infection and starlace |
Assailant -- Year 226
"But the dream, the echo, slips from him as quickly as he had found it and as consciousness comes to him (a slap and not the gentle waves of oceanic tides), it dissolves entirely. His muscles relax as the cold claims him again, as the numbness sets in, and when his grey eyes open, there’s nothing but the faint after burn of a dream often trod and never remembered." --Brigade, written by Laura
05-11-2015, 03:54 PM
05-18-2015, 10:57 PM
love is a temporary madness... She feels so much of what he does when she gazes out upon the Dale. Every day she awakens to the sight of these hills and valleys, and she can only see the beauty, the potential. The land calls to her in a way that no other place had before. For so long, she had been a wanderer, adrift in this vast and endless world. It is ironic that the first place that had truly tethered her had been the land of her birth, so very long ago. But she had grown to cherish it in a way that few could understand. And one of those few happened to be approaching her at that very moment. She is grazing, her strong, blunt teeth easily clipping long blades of (rather dry) late summer grass. As soon as she sees him, her delicate head rises as her dark ears tip forward. Joscelin has been chasing heaven’s know what off in the distance. As the filly had grown older, she had taken to wandering farther and farther afield. Elysteria worries, but she has been attempting to prevent herself from becoming too overbearing. She recognizes that she had been smothering her rambunctious child with her (over)protection and has been making a point of restraining herself. Everything she had done in her upbringing of Joscelin had been cautious and careful. And though she knows what had happened with Joscelin’s long dead siblings could never happen to her, such long-held fears were difficult to let go. When Tiphon approaches, Joscelin does not immediately notice. Caught up in her childish merriment, she is not paying attention in the slightest as her mother greets the white and gold stallion, a bright smile upon her lips. “We are well, thank you. Though Joscelin seems in no mood to join us.” She pauses, a laugh spilling easily from her lips as her cinnamon gaze finds their red and white daughter. She appears to be following something, her nose to the ground, some distance from where they stand. “You know, I really have no idea what she is doing.” A small, fond smile continues to curve her lips as her gaze shifts to Tiphon. She leans forward to brush his shoulder with quiet affection. An affection she had been too reserved to display at their previous, all too brief meeting. An affection that she had once been too terrified to give. Before Joscelin had come into this world and changed everything. elysteria
06-03-2015, 08:52 PM
06-11-2015, 09:41 PM
love is a temporary madness... A thrill of joy and contentment burst through her as his breath fans against her neck. There are few times in her life that she had felt so at peace. The fears that had plagued her since her youth had loosened their grip on her. Her daughter had taught her the true meaning of love. A wholesome and selfless love in which fear had no room for purchase. It had also taught her that the feelings blooming deep within her for Tiphon were not emotions she need fear either. They were so vastly different, and yet somehow still the same. The soft, contented sigh escaping her lips turns easily into a laugh at Tiphon’s next words. And though the laugh fades, the smile remains, brightening her features. Her russet gaze follows their daughter as she replies. “I am certain that I was never half so audacious at that age.” Her expression turns thoughtful at his question. It had been on her mind often of late as well. Though bright and curious, Joscelin had displayed no strong drives or desires in any direction. She did not know in which direction her daughter might choose to go. When he catches her gaze, she looks back at him, a hint of concern evident in her bright cinnamon eye. She remains silent for several heartbeats after he has finishes speaking, considering what he has said. When she does speak, her words are quiet and thoughtful. “She needs training. She has such potential, and she is a natural leader, but she has no focus. Have you considered a trade with the Jungle?” Though the thought of her daughter leaving breaks her heart, she knows she must do what is best for Joscelin. The only trouble is that she is not entirely certain she knows what is best for her. “Perhaps we should ask her. I suspect she will object strongly if her future is decided without her consent.” The thought causes a small smile to touch her dark lips. With the slight curve still lingering, she calls out to her daughter. The red and white filly glances up from the mushrooms she had been investigating, her small head turning in their direction. She remains still, as though debating whether or not to obey. The hesitation causes Elysteria to sigh softly in exasperation. Joscelin chooses that moment to (finally) obey, leaping into the air briefly before landing with a soft thump before them. Her large, golden eyes glance between the two of them, curiosity tinged by a hint of defiance evident in their depths. What? elysteria
06-15-2015, 10:00 AM
06-22-2015, 01:28 PM
love is a temporary madness... She has been resisting the idea of her daughter growing up. She knows that her daughter will eventually hold some position of power, but she has been holding on so tightly to young, sweet Joscelin that she has not wished to see that her daughter is growing up. She had neglected her training. She does not doubt that her daughter would grow to be fair-minded and conscientious (she had provided her some training after all), but she had allowed her to run wild and be young, thinking that there would be plenty of time for this sort of training when she was older. But here she stands before them, caught in that stage between child and adult, curiosity and willfulness warring in her gaze, and (to Elysteria’s dismay) almost an adult already. Regardless, Elysteria has little doubt she will grow to be a fine young mare with a little bit of polishing. Joscelin watches her father, her interest immediately piqued as he mentions needing her opinion. If there is anything the red and white filly is good at, it is giving her opinion. She listens, concentration clear upon her features as her father speaks. And though she does not realize it, she wears her emotions on her sleeve. Her small nose scrunches in distaste as he mentions the throne. As far as she is concerned, Ramiel is welcome to the throne. She has yet to see what is so enthralling about the business of ruling a kingdom. She does not care much about the title she might have one day either. Another form of boring, in her opinion. When he mentions the Amazons, her pale ears perk up, eyes lighting with interest. She clearly remembers her first trip to the meadow, where she had met Ea (little does she realize that this is the Amazon princess of which he speaks). She had developed an interest in the Kingdom that day, had longed to visit. So when the option to go is handed to her upon a silver platter, what else can she do but take it? I like the Jungle option best. Elysteria sighs, her heart breaking ever so slightly at those words. As much as she might not wish to send her daughter away, she cannot deny that this may be what is best for her. Her russet gaze shifts to Tiphon, a mix of happiness and pain within their depths. “I suppose we should speak to their Queen then.” elysteria | |||||||||
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