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  • Beqanna


    Assailant -- Year 226


    "But the dream, the echo, slips from him as quickly as he had found it and as consciousness comes to him (a slap and not the gentle waves of oceanic tides), it dissolves entirely. His muscles relax as the cold claims him again, as the numbness sets in, and when his grey eyes open, there’s nothing but the faint after burn of a dream often trod and never remembered." --Brigade, written by Laura

    CONTENDERS: post 4 (final one!)
    This is only available for those who completed the last challenge, giving you a leg up!

    Dorne - solve Elysteria's steal
    Elysteria - solve Librette's steal
    Eight - solve Dorne's steal
    Librette - solve Eight's steal

    You have 3 days!
    Hi darling, I crave your presence (crave is a synonym for covet = Covet). I want you so badly (to want something badly is to covet something = Covet) I'll just have to steal you. What sacrilege, you all alone with no one to guard you. Now that I have you, let us flee. It doesn't matter to describe it: u-shaped, v-shaped, made of silicon (u-shaped and v-shaped are descriptors of a valley, also silicon = Silicon Valley = The Valley) - it's all going to end the same way. Do you know what I ate for breakfast? A homophone and a crucial verb (ate is a verb and also a homophone for eight = Eight). But ah my darling, we must make sure we never get thee to a nonary - if we reach that, we've gone too far (nonary = 9, at 9 we've gone too far, 8 comes before 9  = Eight).

    Covet from Eight in the Valley.
    Sonnet 43 –
    How do I love thee? Let me go ahead, give it (dale is "give it" in Spanish -> Dale), and count the ways.
    I love thee to the depth of my home and broad breadth and height (a dale is an open valley, with broad breadth and height -> Dale)
    My soul can reach to the darkest places, when feeling out of sight
    For the ends of being and ideal grace.
    I love thee to the level of every day rushing, rapid highs- the gorge and river and bank
    Most quiet need, by sun and smoking, fuming, burning candle-light. (Typhon is one of the original Greek Titans, whose name comes from the Greek verb meaning to make smoke, fume, singe, or burn slowly -> Tiphon)
    I love thee freely, as men strive for passionate, vicious right.
    I love thee purely, as I turn from pride and preconception. (Talulah Riley starred in Pride and Prejudice, alluded here as pride and preconception -> Talulah)
    I love thee with the bow and arrow of passion put to use,
    In my old griefs, and with my childhood’s faith- fading and highlighting seasonal desire (Talulah is a clothing company which highlights seasonal collections -> Talulah)
    I love thee with a love I seemed to lose, slipping from spoiled fingers.
    With my lost saints, my gargoyle heart, spoiled and dropped (there are many lists of spoilers and drops for Gargoyle Lord Tiphon in the game Lineage 2 -> Tiphon). I love thee with the breath,
    Smiles, tears, of all my life; love and lost- and, if God choose,
    I shall but love thee better after a long winding night’s death.

    Thus, Talulah from Tiphon in the Dale.
    Oh sweet sweet love, what do you do to me?
    I simply cannot fathom life without you,
    My heart would be a wasteland (tundras can be seen as barren wastelands) without you filling it
    My love has erupted, like a volcano (volcanoes can be mountain) that will not subside,
    It yearns for you, ever searching for you. (wandering, searching - errant)
    It brings me ever higher(mountains are high), elevating me to the most unseen reaches. (mountains are high elevation)
    I promise you, if you will but love me, I shall never stray. (stray - errant)

    so errant isn't the lord of the tundra but these clues fit better than any of the others I found!

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