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  • Beqanna


    Assailant -- Year 226


    "But the dream, the echo, slips from him as quickly as he had found it and as consciousness comes to him (a slap and not the gentle waves of oceanic tides), it dissolves entirely. His muscles relax as the cold claims him again, as the numbness sets in, and when his grey eyes open, there’s nothing but the faint after burn of a dream often trod and never remembered." --Brigade, written by Laura

    if this is to end in fire; any (one)
    If this is to end in fire then we should all burn together
    She had called him her favorite star, once upon a time.  A shining light in the darkness that had drowned her so very long ago.  But he was no cold and distant star, twinkling high above.  There was nothing celestial about him.  He was born of the earth, and losing her had awakened the fire in his soul.  Not fire inherited from his mother, the Sun.  The fire that burned in him was not life and light and warmth that nourished life in this wretched land and gave hope to those languishing in darkness.  His fire was that of the mountain made molten by pressure beyond the bearing of it, erupting and destroying everything he touched.

    Even little Strange knew he was volcanic, knew it from the moment they’d met.  She’d called him her ‘Cano, his baby sister with eyes that saw too much.  Maybe it suited him better than the name the Moon had given him, but his name was all he had left of her.  His name, and the color of his coat, though he was untouched by the roan that had made her the Sun’s tarnished silver girl.  He was almost as black as the night she’d been named for, but touched with a hint of earth, the obsidian sheen of dragon bones and volcanic glass.  And his mane and tail were the silver of her light as she shone down on him from the night sky.  He’d taken his height from her too, grown even a bit taller, pushing seventeen hands.  His build was all the Sun’s, broad and thick and feathered.  The breadth of his body and the mismatch of his eyes were about all he’d gotten from the Sun, though.  Silver and brushed gold, the color wasn’t hers, but he and most of his siblings had inherited her heterochromia.  The rest of him?

    He had worshipped her from the moment he’d opened his eyes, the full moon shining down and illuminating her edges, making her glow with a radiance he’d so rarely seen since.  He had lived for the love in her eyes, for the curve of her smile, the warmth of her embrace.  And he had died for the quiet desolation it had taken him a lifetime to recognize.  He’d lost her over and over again, and when she’d made sure he’d finally lost her forever, it had broken something in him, an innocence he’d thought long-since lost to years of angst and rage and self-destruction bordering on madness.  Arzhur had tried to save him, but even Arzhur was gone.  Not dead, but vanished into oblivion without a word of goodbye.  

    Well fuck that bastard anyway.

    Drow wasn’t sure how he’d come back to Beqanna, or whether he’d ever really been gone or just dreaming.  He came back to himself on the edges of an all too familiar meadow, standing in the shadow of a craggy old willow tree whose weeping branches caressed his scarred body with maternal affection.  A gentle reminder that he was loved, despite the remnants of old wounds marring his face, his chest, his ribs, his...entire body, really.  A few from battles for the hell of it, brawls he’d started when he was feeling a little too jagged to keep it to himself.  Most, though, were from battles with himself, facing down a few demons who lived inside the volcano.

    There was a time when he would have hidden his face behind a tumbling mass of silver-white hair, or angled his face away from strangers to spare them the initial shock of a face scarred by rage and youth and self-abuse.  But was stronger than the boy he’d been when he’d carved up his own face, when he’d fought himself and strange stallions and tigers just for the sake of losing himself in the pain for a little while.  He’d grown out of hiding a long time ago.  So when he walked out of the shade of that lovely old willow and stepped out into the moonlight, he held his head high.  The past was gone, and it was time to let it die.  To move on, and make a new life for himself.  Maybe that new life would be here, in the land where he’d loved and lost, fought and fallen.  The land of his ancestors.  Maybe, just maybe, it was time to come home.

    If home even existed anymore.
    Watch the flames climb high into the night
    I have died every day waiting for you.
    Darling, don't be afraid. I have loved you for a thousand years.

    He’s a failure. A complete and utter failure.

    He’s made so many promises in his life, only to fail to uphold all of them. He’s failed to protect Arrya, he’s failed Gendry, failed his father, and utterly failed as a Tundra stallion. Why does he even bother any more? Time and time again he has shown that he is not reliable. He should just give up at this point. Be done with it all.

    Head hanging low, the tovero stallion drags himself through the meadow. He’s not really sure what to do with himself any more. Every undertaking he’s done in his life has come to naught. And the one thing he wants, the one thing he really, really wants … will never be his.

    He’s contemplated suicide. But he’d never go through with it. He knows that if he did, he would crush both Arrya and Gendry. They would be devastated. And he could never do something like that to them.

    But what’s the point in living any more? He can’t bring himself to stay in the Tundra, he’s made too much of an embarrassment of himself there. Instead he’s taken to wandering the meadow, trying his best to avoid the many horses that visit it daily.

    Unfortunately on this particular day his luck has waned. Distracted as he is (thoughts, as always, lingering on her), he nearly runs into a silver black stallion standing beside an old willow tree. Thankfully, he notices the stallion’s hooves last minute, and avoids a collision. “Ahh!” He stumbles backward awkwardly, avoiding the stallion’s eyes. He doesn’t want him to take it as a challenge. “I’m so sorry. I was distracted.”

    I'll love you for a thousand more.

    Uuugh this is horrible. He's fighting me. Sad
    If this is to end in fire then we should all burn together
    Well.  His new life was off to a rather interesting start.  Drow hadn’t even stepped out of the willow’s embrace when a stranger narrowly avoided colliding with him.  Oh hell, an oddly, awkwardly adorable stranger too.  There was something endearing about the almost mismatched way he was put together, like the different pieces of him didn’t quite fit.  He had Arzhur’s painted pattern on Dröm’s black base, and the combination was a kick square in the nostalgia.  Or something equally off-balancing.  Old scars spread across his patchwork skin, and fuck if Drow couldn’t relate to scars.  And those carefully averted eyes were so damn blue, soft as the summer sky but shadowed with…well, he wasn’t a damn psychic.  Whatever, there were shadows lurking there, and Drow knew that feeling too.

    This one’s trouble.  He was pretty sure that quiet little warning was his heart.  Which, really, had just finally gotten over Zurry and didn’t need to be broken again, thanks.  Not even by sky blue eyes and patchwork skin and fuck, he was pretty sure that itty bitty ache in his chest was a bad sign.  Steeling himself against those elusive eyes, he spoke, trying really damn hard to keep the purr out of his gravelly voice.  “Hey, it’s okay.  No big deal.  I can handle a little rough treatment.”  Oh shit.  Wait.  The purr slipped into that last sentence, and he really hadn’t meant it to.  Well, mostly.  

    “Distracted, huh?  What’s on your mind?”  And maybe don’t ask what’s on mine…  Brushing his lips along those scars, for starters.  Oops, wait, no.  Nope, no touching his skin, no pressing against him, no raking teeth along his spine.  Probably even thinking about tracing the lines of his pattern, touching everywhere the black and white patches met, all of that was probably a bad idea.  Doesn’t feel like a bad idea.  Which probably meant it was an even worse idea than he already thought.  He cleared his throat, and tried to convince himself he could clear away those delicious little images just as easily.  Even if it was a blatant lie.  “My name’s Drow, by the way.”
    Watch the flames climb high into the night
    The stallion has a distinctly different reaction from what he'd been expecting. Instead of angry, the stallion appears ... friendly? Except that's not right. There's something about the tone in the stallion's voice that makes him feel awkward (well, even more so than usual), but he can't quite put his hoof on what it is. He decides to brush it off for the moment, chalking it up to having spent so much time apart from other horses. His social skills really have gone down the drain. He should just be thankful that the stallion isn't ready to bust his head in.

    "Uh good." He thinks? So far the only good thing about this encounter is the it's distracted him from his thoughts of Arrya. But the stallion's question makes sure that she pops right back into the forefront, and his body slumps. He can never keep her off his mind for long anyway. "Oh ... just someone I used to know. That I haven't seen in a while." In fact, it's been years. And even longer since he last saw Gendry. He wonders briefly how they're doing in the Amazons. Are they happy? Have they ... had children?

    He's so momentarily lost in thought that he doesn't even notice the look on the silver stallion's face, the way those golden* eyes travel over Rhory's scarred body. Though, truth be told, even if he had noticed he might not have realized what it meant. He doesn't pick up on a lot these days. Granted, he'd never been very good at the world of romance and lust to begin with.

    The stallion clears his throat, bringing him crashing back down to meadow and the present moment. Arrya is far away from him now, as she should be. His presence would only make her and Gendry's lives miserable. And would just make him hate himself all the more. "Oh ..." He falters for a moment, struggling with the cold, harsh reality. "Nice to meet you. I'm ... I'm Rhory." He realizes suddenly that it's been years since he's even spoken his own name. How tragically pathetic.

    (*did I imagine that Drow's eyes are gold?)
    ((Aaaaand the award for making people wait the longest time ever for a reply goes to ... Myself. D: I'm sorry. Sad ))

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