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  • Beqanna


    Assailant -- Year 226


    "But the dream, the echo, slips from him as quickly as he had found it and as consciousness comes to him (a slap and not the gentle waves of oceanic tides), it dissolves entirely. His muscles relax as the cold claims him again, as the numbness sets in, and when his grey eyes open, there’s nothing but the faint after burn of a dream often trod and never remembered." --Brigade, written by Laura

    we have arrived; the lost boys, residents of hyaline
    make me pay,
    like the devil i am
    It doesn’t take long.

    His dark eyes take in the flickering light of embers in the short distance, the dead and dying foliage crackling and spitting as the fire takes hold. Maugrim gets no satisfaction from the sight of the flames, but as the residents of Hyaline awaken, their screams and panic causes his skin to prick with eagerness; he waits to see them flee from the smoke and ash, from the orange fingers that reach out to grab them by their heels – he would be waiting for them.

    With a sharp snort, the two-toned stallion turns his head with a snap in the direction of a nearby voice. His brow furrows, hooding the blackness of his eyes, and he sends his stare to the girl next to him. There is barely a moment where she hesitates, her muscles growing taut beneath her metallic skin. Maugrim blinks slowly, the two of them silently awaiting for the other. Part of him hopes she runs, his heart hammering solidly against his chest. Run…

    She does not disappoint. Her loyalties lie with her family, which Maugrim is not surprised by. She leaps forward without hesitation and shouts for the boy, and a devilish grin finds the pale of Maugrim’s lips, his chest churning horribly. Tsk, tsk…

    The lake boils and bubbles suddenly and quickly, with a reflex that seems to propel itself just as she moves away from him. Like a rope or a whip, it snakes out and wraps itself around her thin legs, tightening unforgivingly against her skin. Slow and inching, it begins to pull her, gently and coaxingly, back to the lake from whence it game. Maugrim does not move to be nearer to her, but merely watches from where he was standing with a curling grin on his mouth.

    He waits. If she decides to shout again, he was ready to send a spiral of water down her throat.

    His ears flick casually as shouts and screams fill the night, the sounds of earth crumbling and flames destroying their precious home.

    Another comes to stand beside him – Deathwish – and he wonders if she’ll try to convince him to loosen his grip on the princess, instinctively coaxing his chains of water to tighten around Iset almost protectively; she is his. 

    His dark eyes flicker to the scene around them as the flames draw higher and higher. Another satisfying smile finds him.

    Where is it that creatures go when there is fire?

    m a u g r i m.
    im a DIY pioneer, they tryna get involved
    Deathwish stares, looking at the scene of chaos before her. She really enjoys the look of panic in Iset's eyes as they move rapidly towards the realm of mortal danger. Amongst the insanity, DW turns and raises her body up as she looks at Maugrim, saying nothing as he wraps a watery glove around the brat of a princess. The lake has been set to boiling, and looking down, with a flick of an ear, so as not to give away the full depth of her power, the fish that live there rise up to the top of the lake, their bodies bursting with their guts until the stench of death takes over the surface of the water. Blood of the animals that live there color it red, and it is with a grim set face that she whispers quietly to her green and purple companion.

    "I think our job is done here. When they need me again, or if you want to see me. I'll be in the forest. Follow the stench of death."

    There was nothing more for her to do here. The state of crazy had been achieved, but she was beyond being here for the fallout. The kingdom of the mountain lake would never be the same again, and Deathwish enjoyed making her mark upon the world.

    Maybe hanging out with a bunch of ruffians wasn't such a waste of time after all.
    yippee kiyay ahh yea, bout to set it off
    HTML by Call

    Carried through the air, her voice was clear across the night, as was the warning pitch embedded within it.

    ‘Sakir! Go!’

    No, he could not. Would not. What was going on?

    Doggedly he pressed on, springing down from one boulder to another until his hooves met with the patchy mountain grass and he could descend even faster. He was vaguely aware of the smell of smoke and the screams beginning to echo through the kingdom. But mostly, his attention was on Iset, and what was happening to her. From the heart of their home, the lake, tendrils were spat out from its centre. They reached for his twin in an instant, twisting around her legs before pulling her ever so slowly back towards the waters from where it had come.

    “Iset!” he screamed at her, a useless warning as he raced even faster down the mountain slope, flitting agilely through the trees now as he rushed to reach her and the stranger who remained unnervingly impassive.   

    Was their home protecting her in some strange and twisted way? If it dragged her into its waters without releasing her she would drown. No, if their home harboured any magic at all, surely this wasn’t it. And suddenly the magnitude of what was happening, the smoke, the distant yells and squeals, the embers beginning to float in the dark sky… they were under attack. 

    And as that realisation hit him, the earth at his hooves shifted. The soil sinking where he swore surely it should’ve been solid beneath his weight. The leaves rustled in the canopy above him, and it wasn’t from the wind. And then the trunks fell. Alongside, behind and before him. He could be as agile as a dune kite. Though agility meant nothing when there was no exit. He was no match for this, and his downfall was sudden. His legs crashing through branches and strands of wisteria that tangled his legs like ropes. He fell. Crumbling down shoulder first, his head whacking the ground with a thud… Iset. And then it was just dark.


    Around him, the world ignites. It was beautiful, passion personified. He moves so Kolera is beside him, their small and large forms stand in the impossible heat, a small shelter from the inferno carved away with his magic.

    The lake boils and roils, soon the color of blood. Levi can scarcely see past his flames, but the scene, the energy, is invigorating. He glances to the girl beside him, his mouth upturned in a wry mockery of a smile. Her bay coat reflects the flames and in that moment, she is the most beautiful image he has ever beheld - an imp framed by the burning world. His blood is high, and life couldn’t be going much better.

    But his work is done here. The entire eastern side of Hyaline seems to be withering under their attentions, for him, that is enough for now. This is what they had come to do, and it appeared there was no one here capable of stopping them. Impulsively, breaking from his usual composure, he places a kiss on the glowing star of her forehead- hard and quick. Then Levi is leaving, wordlessly climbing the mountain in the direction of his homeland, the flames parting for him as he ascends.

    so scream you, out from behind the bitter ache.
    if there's a light at the end, it's just the sun in your eyes

    Their crystalline lake is red with the blood of the fish that had called it home, the scent of their carcasses overbearing at the lakeside. Amet can't look at it now, can't bring himself to acknowledge the destruction. It doesn't matter, he thinks sharply, the land will heal itself in time. All that matters are the lives that he has committed himself to protecting. And so far, he's done almost nothing for them.

    He's still panicked and wide-eyed as he stands near the injured Tang, Molotov's flame-kissed body, and a more dragon-like version of Castile than he had ever seen, but the young Amet knows that he must step up for them.

    "Castile, please find Djinni in Sylva. I will go north, to find Nayl in Nerine." He pauses, his amber eyes finding Molotov and Tang. "Molotov, listen for their return and if they do, bring everyone else to Nerine. We do not have the powers to stop them, and I would rather relocate everyone than force them to stay here and risk injury."

    And then he runs, his golden body an adrenaline-soaked blur as he heads for the Empress.
    I'm gonna set this world on fire
    Onyx eyes watch intensively as the flames feast on the quickly dying grasses.  Smoke thickens and she strains to see the hazey image of the stallion.  His thoughts are all she really needs though.  As far as she can gather he seems to be the master and these his puppets.  If she had been part of the act she may have had a smirk across her lips, but she was not.  Ruby tassels whipped in irritation, stirring the smoke to thin a bit.  Her stare flicks back to the splashed bay stallion with a down right smug look on his face.  Her brow furrows at his pleasure in the chaos he has caused.  She was two seconds from strolling right up to him and knocking him on his arse when he turned... A slender hazed figure stood near him.  Frantically searching for the added mind waves all she could find was grass dying.  Perhaps the minds focus was only on that.  The flames paused momentarily in intensity as he placed a firm kiss upon her forehead... Kolera... 

    What seemed like days had flashed in minutes.  They came, they destroyed, they left.  Her trans broke as words were shouted to her from a familiar voice.  

    I will, was her only words as his hoofbeats softened with distance.  Flame kissed bod moved in the opposite direction following the exit of the trouble makers.  She would wander the outside edges of the kingdom in case any should return...   

    Sooo my first post left out Kolera being named so I thought I should add that since... Yeah know.  Lol.  Also her exit from the thread
    When she was satisfied that the foilage within her grasps had been decimated she recalled her demons.  Chaining them back down inside her.  The yellow tint to her eyes was not as quick to leave as it had previously.  Her stare content on watching the fire grow...

    She hadn't noticed any of the other happenings around them, nor what the others had done.  Plumes of smoke curled around the pair as they watched contently.  Ebony dipped ears pricked forwards as her focus was broke by his movement.  She hadn't even seen his gaze switch from his flames to her.  Stepping nearer his lips pressed against her starred forehead.  Her eyes flushed back to their earthy brown as he pulled away, silently turning to take his leave...

    For a minute she stood still, surrounded by the aftermath of their paired destruction, crown cocked in a curious fashion.  Nothing had immediately came to mind of the meaning behind it, so she walked forwards.  Moving quietly under the mask of smokey haze.  If she was caught alone there wasn't much she could do to defend herself...

    Unsure of where to go next she decided to do what it was Kolera always did... Figuring it out as she went along.  It is the journey, not the destination, that is the most fun... Isn't it? 
    Earth to Earth, Ashes to Ashes, Dust to Dust

    Aaaand exit... Stage left.  It was a pleasure XD

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