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    Assailant -- Year 226


    "But the dream, the echo, slips from him as quickly as he had found it and as consciousness comes to him (a slap and not the gentle waves of oceanic tides), it dissolves entirely. His muscles relax as the cold claims him again, as the numbness sets in, and when his grey eyes open, there’s nothing but the faint after burn of a dream often trod and never remembered." --Brigade, written by Laura

    baddie, whole family (kali birth thread!)
    Well that was a trip. As much as I love a nice, rousing adventure, it’s good to be home. Home, imagine that. Never thought I’d be saying it, that’s for damn sure. My Lacey’s got to be close to having our baby, and if our gorgeous twins are any indication, this one’s going to be magnificent. We make damn impressive kiddos, me an’ Lacey. My son’s a delightful little scamp, and my daughter’s a soft, sweet little thing still needing a little coaxing to come into her own. A little lost in her brother’s shadow, I think, but she’ll grow into herself. Just needs a bit of time. And I aim to make damn sure she gets exactly that.


    Settled back in, and now seems like a good time for a bit of a wander. A brief one, mind, Lacey’s due to pop any minute now and I’m not gonna miss this kid’s grand entrance into the world. But part of keeping my family safe is doing the routine patrolling thing, and also I just fucking love my little island and enjoy roaming its lush forests and sandy beaches, tromping across the springs just to have a nice splash and a frolic, chattering back at the parrots hanging out high in the trees.


    Somewhere near the middle of the island, up where the land starts to look a little mountainous and shapely, I stumble across some cozy-looking little caves. Well not literally stumble. Far too graceful for that, and all. I more wander in their general direction, yeah? I poke around some, peeking into a couple of the sweet little caves, or not even really caves so much as little sheltered bits in the rock surface, divots and dips and what, cavities? Who even knows, cave is good enough, and I pop my head into a few of them just to see what there is to see.

    And as it happens, one of them isn’t quite empty.

    “Whoa. Hey. Hi there.” Yes, well done, Kirby, very eloquent greeting there. “Uh. I’m Kirby. Kerberos, but I mean. People call me Kirby, pretty much everybody for some reason. You okay there, kid? You’re lookin’ a little...you know, alone. And maybe a little hungry, huh?” He’s a cute little thing, all purple and shades of reddish-brownish-gold. Kinda looks a little like me, a little like Lacey, but with Reilly’s red thrown in. Or like one of Daddy Dearest’s rejects, though why he’d be rejecting a kid with wings and a hint of a horn on his tiny forehead, hell if I know. “You got a name there, kid? Your parents around somewhere?”
    Bite my shiny metal ass.
    The few weeks of his life have been normal, or at least, what he knows to be normal. Wake up, nurse, love on Mom, pester sister, get cuddles, push buttons and test limits. Then more nursing and more sleeping. And play. And cuddles. Mom and Rossi tell him about Dad, who has a very girly sounding name, but the way they speak of him makes it not matter. He hasn't met Dad yet, and wonders if and when he ever will. But at least feels good to know he has a dad at all, and to know a little bit about him. Roslin says he has another family, but it's okay because dad and mom are mostly better as friends. Baddie only has a small idea about friends and family yet, and wonders what 'better as friends' even means. What is someone if not a friend? He'd asked Mom, and she said "sometimes you like someone, and sometimes you love them. And sometimes you love them but you also love someone else and you realize... well, you'll learn more when you're older." It'd all been super confusing to Badden, head tilted and brows furrowed with a slant to his lips. He tried to understand, but maybe mom's right and he would later on.

    So he'd contented himself to play and bug Roslin and learn to wander. As the first few weeks flew by, he'd learned he could go a little farther and a little farther into the woods without mom calling and scolding in the sweet way she does. Always testing limits. But he wants to learn his wings, wants to see what he is capable of. To see what lurks in the shadows and bushes. A little farther each time, but always returning to mom once his tummy went to rumbling.

    Then, one day, he'd gone a bit too far. Somewhere out in the middle of the island. And he might have been able to find his way back, had it not been for the rain that began to fall in heavy round droplets. With the rain, came the wind. And the thunder. And the lightning.

    OH! And it frightened him. With one flash of light, he turned one way. With a clap of thunder, he was driven another. And dark, it became so dark. The rain came down hard and pelted the young boy's skin. His eyes stung with it, and the salt of tears as he cried for a mom too far to hear her son's calls. A sound drowned out against the cacophony that was the storm. All he could do was find the nearest hole to hide in out of the rain, and wait...

    Morning came, and when the colt opened his eyes, the view outside his little cave was laughable. The sun peaking up, and not a cloud in the sky. As though there had never been such a scary storm the evening before. Except, now the ground is wet, and the evidence drip-drips from the leaves of the trees. The wind had been harsh, and a few boughs from weaker trees now lay haphazard on the ground. Badden frowns as he eases out of his small shelter, stretching those long legs and ignoring the pangs of hunger in his belly. He's never been this far from where he knows his mom to be. Doesn't recognize his surroundings. But he must find her. Must return and let her know he's alright. Is she alright? Oh, and Rossi? Surely they are. Resolute, he set off.

    His search led him farther, enough to wonder when things would become familiar. Should he turn back? Try another way? Or keep ahead? How big is this place, anyway? So hungry, and the greenery below that he sees mom and sis eat is hard for him with his growing teeth. And it isn't as good as mom's milk, either. Mom.. where are you. Hungry, and tired, but not discouraged yet, the boy continues. He fights the pain in his chest that tells him he is lost and family is gone. He isn't ready to believe this. Not yet.

    And then he comes to the edge of the forest, where it opens up to a beach. Wow, and the world seems so much bigger here! The water goes on and on for.. ever! Nothing this way but sea. The sight of the ocean intrigues him, but saddens as well. What if the storm swept mom and sister out there somewhere? A tear wells up in one of his eyes that match the color of the sand, but he blinks it away. He stares out to the water for a while, until the ocean seems to grow. Big walls of the blue water rise up and roll over into white and then come crashing down. Reaching for the land. Reaching.. for him? Another wave comes, the biggest yet, and he shrinks back. Eyes wide, he shakes his head and turns back into the forest. The ocean is wild and huge, intimidating, and he decides he is better off returning to the trees where the whooshing of the tides is more muffled. It couldn't reach him in here.

    Two shakes of his tail and he marches on. Sniffing, seeking, searching. For anything familiar. And just maybe- maybe- a glimpse of violet. She'd be hard to miss, he knew. But the more he walks, the hungrier he gets. And more dismayed. Lost. His mind whispers. Yes, he agrees. Saddened, and worried, Badden moves back to the middle of the island, back to the ground that rises away from the ocean, back to the section of cavities he found to shelter in the night before. One last look around at the world, before he sighs and ducks into his chosen little cave. A nap, and then he would search again. If not for her, then for a source of nourishment.

    A dreamless doze takes him not a few moments after curling up on the soft soil, his wings wrapped around him. A countless amount of time passes before something inside him tells him to wake. At first, he fights it, enjoying the sleep too much. But then, his little violet-tipped ears flick at the echoing of steps nearby outside. He jolts, but just lets his head lift, wondering what or who it was. The cloudiness of sleep shortly wears off, and just before he can wonder if it's mom, a shiny purple head pops into the entrance of his hiding spot. Purple! But not bright like mom's violet. More light and soft, like some of the flowers he's seen. But the hair is not soft-looking, but shiny and hard. 

    Badden tilts his head at the adult- a man- and meets his gray stare. Kirby, he says his name is, and asks if he's okay. Baddie looks at himself as he says he looks alone and hungry, lifting a red and violet wing to see his body more clearly. He is alone, obviously, and his tummy rumbles angrily. Yet, all he can think to do is look back up at the stranger-man named Kirby or Kerberos and shrugs a shoulder, tucking his wing back to his side. He's never met someone new before, isn't sure how to act. So his face, though baby-soft, remains stoic. "You got a name there, kid? Your parents around somewhere?" Another little shrug and his eyes lower away. It was his fault. A sniffle. He'd lost them. Now they were gone and it is all his fault. Still, he could at least give his name. He did have one of those.

    "Bad.." Tried to say the whole thing, but man, his throat is dry. He clears it a bit, now looking at the stallion from under his lashes. "Badden."
    He really is a cute little thing, all sad and soft and squishy and trying so hard to play it cool. “It’s nice to meet you, Badden. I’m gonna be honest with you, you come and hang out with me and mine, you’re probably gonna wind up with the nickname Baddie. Seems to be a trend. Lacey - that’d be my kids’ mom, fiery little thing, a real wildcat in the - anyhow, Lacey, Reilly, Kirby, there’s decent odds you’d wind up Baddie.. Unless you object, of course.”

    Though why he’d object to that, I have no idea. Baddie’s a fucking awesome name. But kids are weird sometimes.

    “Listen, kid, you’re hungry. You’re all alone, yeah? No parents around to look out for you. I’ve got a couple of kiddos who’d dig having a little brother, even if it’s just til your parents turn up, huh? And another little one on the way who might like somebody their own age to play with, or pretty close to it. Why don’t you come on home with me, you can meet them, hang out, we’ll take care of you ‘til your family comes home, okay?” If they ever do. Frankly, a lot of the time when a parent disappears they stay gone. But he doesn’t need to dwell on that just yet, little thing like that.

    “And meanwhile you can count us family. We’re pretty awesome, I’m just saying. Reilly, he’s awesome, and he’s got this cool trick where he can - well, you’ll find out when you’re older maybe. Kylin and Kharon, they’re the twins, they’ll dig your purple there since they’ve got some of mine. Plus, Kharon’s got wings too. I bet you two’d get on. What do you say? Even if it’s just for a visit, maybe Lacey’s milk is in and you could get a meal out of it, who knows?”
    Bite my shiny metal ass.
    Sandy brown eyes stare up at the man who likes to talk, talk, talk. About him and 'his'. His purple-tipped ears flick forward though, when he says he might be called Baddie. He frowns, snorting softly, and looking down for a moment. Mom and Rossi call him that. He doesn't mind the nickname. Likes it, actually. But just now, it's another reminder that they are gone. And he is here without them. Not alone, though, not anymore. Even if the shiny man says he is again, and reminds him his parents aren't around. His feathers ruffle of their own volition, causing him to look back at them and curl them tighter to his body. 

    The man continues on, this time telling him about his kids. Oh, well at least there are others on this island around his age. That might be kinda cool, he guesses. He perks up again to hear more about them and his proposition of caring for him til his family comes back. Until. Not in case. Not never. His tummy rumbles again. He is really hungry. And his people sound kind of alright. Especially since Kharon and Kylin are purplish too, and Kharon has wings. And twins.. he doesn't know what that means, but it sounded like a cool thing to be maybe. Looking up at the man, he nods and grunts as he stands up. 

    Dang, he's tired, though, and has to flutter his wings a bit to maintain balance for a moment. Ugh, embarrassing. Grimacing slightly, he shuffles out of the cave and stretches his legs, extending those red and violet wings before tucking them back around him. "It's okay to call me Baddie." He clarifies, realizing he hadn't before. "Where is home? Do we have to leave the island?" Is it far? He doesn't think he'd like to go far, especially not away from Ischia. Because then how would his mom ever find him? But he is careful to keep the worry from his voice, attempting to be more curious. Besides, if he was taken away somewhere, surely he could find his way back. Mom told him about the bridge and a little about the other lands, though not much. He would have to admit he hadn't listened very closely at the time. Hadn't had to contemplate the true size of the world before. Now, though..
    Smart kid, then, too. Nods and grunts and gets up, even if he has to fight a bit to get the job done. I’d offer to carry him, but pride’s a thing and I’m guessing he’s not gonna want to clamber up onto some stranger’s back and hitch a ride. If he gets too wobbly, I’ll give him the choice. And promise to let him down before we get there, just like I did with Lacey coming home from that dried up wasteland that stole her away. Meanwhile, we’ll take it nice and slow, take our sweet time.

    “Nah, not so far as that. I’m in charge here these days for some reason, me and Reilly both, not quite sure how the hell we managed that but here we are. So technically we’re already home, it’s just a matter of getting back to the others, yeah? No big deal, just a little wandering. Let me know if you get too tired, ‘kay? You can always ride in style. I’ve carted my twins around like that a time or two, particularly when Kharon got himself in a bit too much trouble out on the ocean, the little scamp. Gotta love ‘im.”

    I keep up a running commentary the whole way, telling him stories about his new “temporary” family, hoping that way by the time he meets them they already feel like his. Familiar, trustworthy, not so scary as getting dropped into a herd of random strangers. We find Lacey first - I always seem to find Lacey first, huh? And I saunter on over with a grin. “Lacey, baby, I brought you a present. His name’s Badden, but I’ma call him Baddie. Inn’e fabulous? Look, he’s got my purple, your sexy stripedy bits, a hint of Reilly’s red. Perfection, yeah?”

    Now normally I’d plant a kiss on her cheek, or better yet those lovely lips. But I fucked things up good for her too many times to play that game, and now it’s hands off. So I just wink and nudge the little guy closer so she can get a good look at him. “Baddie here got a bit lost, and I told him we’d keep an eye on him ‘til his family shows up.” If they show up. “Sound okay, babe?”
    Bite my shiny metal ass.


    She groaned. It hurt. Her brow was damp with sweat. All this time, she'd been silently begging for this kid to hurry up and get here so her back could stop hurting and her legs could get a rest from carrying so much weight. Now that it was actually happening, she maybe was okay with the baby staying longer after all. Just don't be the real labor. Just the fake stuff. She didn't even know where Reilly was, he'd been here the last time. She didn't want to do this alone.

    But she wasn't alone. Kharon was never far from her, and even now she could practically feel him coming for her. He'd become a constant presence as she grew bigger and bigger. They didn't even talk much, but he was just there, always there. Steady and quiet with her. She didn't have to be alone.

    "Lacey, baby, I brought you a present..."

    Her eyes lifted from where she'd been chewing nervously at her leg, curled on the ground trying to ignore the pain. Baddie, he called him, this little one at his feet already following faithfully. Kirby had that affect on people. You just sort of wanted to go with him everywhere, to be with him always.

    She sighed and closed her eyes, nodding her agreement that he was a perfect little colt. Purple like Kirby, a bit of red like Reilly, some cute wings like Kharon. Then she nodded again, that he could stay. He was just a teeny thing and she'd have plenty of milk to spare. Well, unless it was twins again. They seemed to run in her family.

    She slowly opened her eyes, dim with pain. Come here, Baddie, she spoke softly to him, already feeling so fatigued. Emotionally fatigued, she was sure. She would need enough energy to push this baby out at least, she reminded herself. Her nose reached for him from where she was, brushing tenderly across his little nose and breathing his scent. Nothing familiar, only the smell of the island, mostly. She sighed softly again and splayed to her side. Can eat soon. You'll have to share. Stand over there with Kirby, now, she finished in a whisper.

    A light touch at her back leg had her eyes snapping back open and her head swinging around. Back, she bit out sharply. Kharon had come finally, but was too close. She needed space. He immediately looked wounded and stalked off a few steps. And then she knew it was time, and audience or not, this baby was coming.

    Where was Reilly.

    Damn, damn, damn. It was time. It was time! He stopped what he was doing, his heart racing and eyes wide. He'd made sure not to be too far from her. He promised he'd be there, and he wouldn't miss it. Not for anything.

    There were others there already when he caught up to her again. Dad. And gray eyes fell to another child, a boy. He frowned and stopped. Who the hell is this? This isn't Kali. Immediately agitated, he looked to Father, trying to bury the hurt and the fear that he would be replaced. He didn't want a brother, only Kali. No, he wouldn't be his brother. He wouldn't. Tears stung his eyes and he glanced away, to Mother instead.

    They'd grown a little closer, he thought. He knew she liked when he was around, that she felt comforted by him. He tried to show it now to this new boy, this was his mother and she loved him more. He wouldn't be replaced, not by her. His soft muzzle reached out to her, brushed sweetly in offered comfort to her leg. Kali would come soon, be right here with him soon. But Mother swung around and snapped at him, taking him by surprise. He gaped back at her in shocked hurt, young pride so quickly wounded, then with slumped shoulders and head low, he wandered a few paces away.

    He plopped himself on the ground and curled up, turning his head away from them and letting the tears fall silently on his leg. He'd never felt so low before, so alone and unwanted. He knew when Kali was here, he'd become just background noise. How could he not when she was such a bright and beautiful person already, even if he was the only one that knew it yet. But he wasn't prepared for this, a new brother with a new sister. Practically the same age. Kali would bond and grow up with this little boy, closer to him than with Kharon. That hurt the worst. Kali wouldn't favor him. None of them would, but Kali.. if he could have had at least her favor, he would be okay.

    At least he would always have Kylin, maybe.

    With a last groan and push from Mother, it fell quieter. He wiped his tears inconspicuously on his arm before schooling his face and turning. Mother was twisted, cleaning a tiny little nose so she could breathe before laying back down again with a fatigued sigh. She shouldn't be so tired, he thought. She shouldn't have traveled to Pangea with Father. He should have found a way to go without her somehow. But it was her that they wanted, though he couldn't imagine why, and so she'd had no choice. Still. If she could have waited until after the birth, maybe. Not that it mattered now.

    God, look. Kali was impossibly beautiful. Heart-stoppingly gorgeous. Even under the slick of birth, he could see she'd be a perfect, soft gray splashed with a little white like he was, pale, purple hair. She was perfect. So incredible. He ached to reach to her with his mind, held himself strictly back from doing it. What if she didn't even remember him? What if being born takes away her memory somehow? What if she liked that new boy better, too? He didn't want to force her to like him.

    So he could only stare at her quietly from his place on the ground not far away, sullen and hurt as he prepared himself for more heartache. He waited, prayed and prayed and wished that she would recognize him. That she could love him. Kali, he wanted to whisper, aloud or in her mind, but he couldn't. He couldn't speak past the painful lump in his throat, couldn't bear to bring her attention to him if she didn't want him after all.

    She had barely taken her first breath, and already he loved her.
    Quotes are speech. Italics are telepathy
    Oh, Khari was right. Everything was different, and it was so very bright here. Even before she opened her eyes, it was so bright. Kali lay quietly, just breathing--just. Just! It was a big deal, breathing! All brand new and weird, how it just happened all on its own. Her chest expanding and contracting, pulling air in and pushing it back out, and it just knew how to do that somehow, even though it’d never happened before. So that was all she did for a minute, just breathed and marveled at the act and let her still-closed eyes adjust to the bright.

    And then she opened her eyes.
    And there he was.

    Soft purple and white, and blurry just like he’d shown her, but she knew the shape of his face, the play of color across his skin. She wobbled and shifted ‘til she was sort of sitting up, her front legs splayed out before her, her back legs still sprawled out to the side. And when she’d found a point of balance, she reached forward with her nose, stretching as far as she could toward her Khari. She couldn’t quite make it, couldn’t quite bridge the distance from where she was lying, but he was her brother, her Khari, and he helped her out, of course. He stretched her way too, so she could touch her nose to his and breathe him in, and lip at his face.

    And he was there in her head too, so happy, so pleased, so she gave a happy little sigh and kissed his nose. My Khari. Of course there were other matters to attend to, like bonding with Mommy and getting clean and filling her belly. But she stole a happy little moment with her Khari first, her very first moment here in this great big new world.

    Then she turned her head to look up at Mommy, blinking slowly and smiling a sleepy little smile. Khari didn’t tell her being born was such hard work. They just looked at each other for a moment, her and Mommy, resting and recovering and catching their breath. And then Mommy did this complicated thing where she got up onto her feet, and Kali watched with wide eyes and a nervous fluttering in her belly. Mommy leaned on Daddy a little for a minute, and good thing too, because that looked hard! You’ll help me too? Like Daddy’s helping Mommy? she asked Khari quietly in her head, looking over at him again.

    And so, while Mommy leaned on Daddy for a minute, Kali tried and failed a couple of times to mimic the complicated maneuver of getting to her feet. Legs were tricky, wobbly, wiggly things, and they were supposed to hold up all the rest of her? But her Khari steadied her and let her lean on him, and after a few tries she was up and leaning against him, just like Mommy had been leaning against Daddy. She snuggled up to him and rubbed her face against him and stole her very first cuddle, the first of a whole lot if she had any say in the matter.

    ‘Course by then Mommy was helping too, standing on her own and licking Kali clean, and Kali licked Mommy right back, nuzzling her and bumping her with her much-smaller-than-Mommy’s nose. Then her belly was fluttering again, but different, more of a rumbly-grumbly-demanding kind of flutter that had her brow wrinkling and her lips twisting as she looked up at Mommy and Khari, puzzled. Mommy nudged her gently, guiding her, and Khari showed her in her head, and oh! Hungry, she was hungry, and there was food! Creamy, tasty food all warm in her mouth and cozy in her belly, soothing the fluttering and making her tummy happy. She bumped Mommy with her nose, excited and wriggly with delight, so much that her tail waggled back and forth as she drank her fill.

    Which was not very much, actually. It only took a teensy little moment ‘til she was done, and blinking wide, sleepy eyes and snuggling up against Mommy and oh there were more people to meet, her daddies and there was a sister and oh but tired. Wobbly-bobbly tired. She smiled over at her daddies and--oh. And a somebody whose face she didn’t know. Later. She’d find out later, Khari would tell her maybe, but first sleep. Snuggled up between Mommy and Khari sounded nicey nice, at least for a little bit. Then she could meet everybody and explore the big new world. First though, cozy time.
    Kirby and Lacey's
    little whisper girl

    He tells her "ooh love".

    She had arrived a little late, but just in time to see how the newest addition to their family first sat up. Though it would surprise her if none of the others would notice her presence, she kept herself a bit away, shielded from the eye in the jungle’s thick vegetation. It was not Mother who she greeted first. Not Father either, or the unknown boy at his side. It was Kharon.

    With the newborn filly nurturing herself and her attention focussed on that task sorely, Kylin dares to step out. As she presses herself up against Kharon’s winged side, her hazel eyes take in the grayish girl. There is purple too, and white, but Mother clearly has had some more influence this time. She does not speak, just a brush of her muzzle across Kharon’s cheek.

    Her gaze meet Mother’s, and she smiles softly, before swaying her head over to Father. He too gets a smile. Last is the boy at Father’s side. Her gaze is both curious and puzzled, her dished head tilting a little. ”Hello, who’re you?” she asks softly, her head dipping a little to the ground and her neck curves as she reaches out to him. Without moving from Kharon’s side of course. Oh, if he only would wrap his wing around her.

    ”What will you name her, Mother?” she asks, her head moving in the direction of the other child. Kylin’s ears pin forward and she takes one small step forward to lightly touch girl’s neck in a silent greeting.

    image © brenda del rio photography
    So many things had happened in such a short time, it was difficult for any to truly wrap their heads around. Maybe even especially his. He used to be of very little importance, once upon a time. Really wasn't that long ago, was it? Sure felt like it. Anyway, his days of careless blundering were and are, over. And he can't say he misses it. Not when what he has here, on this island, is so much more and better than he could have ever imagined for himself. Even if it was a bit unorthodox and complicated how he'd gotten here. Now a co-leader with the man he'd hated, and yet come to like. With the man who was the father to not one, but two sets of kids that Reilly considers his own, whose mother was the one woman who held his very heart within her hypothetical hands. Yeah, complicated. But they were making it work. If not for anyone or anything other than their family to have a place to live and do so however they damn well pleased. Between two dads, a mother, and a sea surrounding their every border, they are set apart. Gladly so. Damn the rest. This island belongs to them.

    Reilly is just happy they're finally home. It'd been hell answering the twins questions and comforting them while their very pregnant mom and dad were forced to visit a distant and treacherous land. When every instinct inside of him was awoken and bent on protecting Lacey, he'd been forced to protect the island and Kharon and Kylin while they were away. Hell, he had to admit- even if he didn't like it- Kirby is a hell of a weapon. Perfect for keeping her safe. Reilly had never had to wonder at the man's motivations- knew he was hell-bent on her safe return and wouldn't allow their child to be born in some distant wasteland far from home.

    And then the invasion that had set them all off to find somewhere else to call home. A short lived claim. Reilly had hated leaving Ischia, but better that than to serve under someone who even Kirby was prone to loathe. Thankfully, however, it wasn't meant to last. And they were all able to return to their home. This time permanently, and Reilly had agreed with Kirby to ensure it stayed theirs. Even if it meant stepping into a role he'd never anticipated taking. But he would for her. Lacey and her twins. And the precious bundle she carries that finally- today- they would all get to meet.

    Of course, he isn't far from her when it begins. Rushing to her side at the familiarity of this painful and beautiful process. The contractions move her, and he is there at once, smoothing sweat from her brow and murmuring soft encouragement. Kharon came to her too, of course. Little guy was so in tune to his mother during this pregnancy, always so interested. Sometimes, even peculiar with his nearness. Silent, but the wheels spinning behind his eyes. Made Reilly wonder, as he'd wondered a few times before, what secrets the boy hides in his growingly handsome head. Kylin isn't too far either, as she never was far from her brother.

    And then, Kirby, stepping forward to them with yet another purpley child beside him. This one a soft shade of creamy red and violet, with matching wings. His head lifts to them from where he had been focusing on Lacey, and angles a look of questioning to the metal man. Ah, but the one thing he could always appreciate about Kirby is the way he speaks his mind. Bluntly so, more oft than not. And so, he doesn't make any of them guess what's going on.

    Ignoring the endearing term of "lacey, baby" that still has a way of sending pangs of something dark through him, he nods to the man and then stands aside as Lacey herself greets the boy, calling him to her. Badden is a tiny thing, he notices, definitely too young to be alone- unfortunate to be lost. He watches the way he wobbles next to Kirby, and how he stumbles a bit when the metallic man nudges him forward. Well, then. Another addition to their odd bunch.

    Reilly can't help the smile that crosses his lips as Lacey nuzzles the boy, welcoming him softly even as her contractions grow stronger and she fights the pain. He acknowledges her need for space, stepping back just far enough for her to lay down. But Kharon gets too close, earning a firm reprimand from mom. The way he shrinks away has his attention snapping to the boy, taking note of how all of this is affecting him. Love fills his face as he moves over to ruffle the boy's hair. "Don't take it ta heart, lad. T'l be over soon. A great honor t'be a big brudder, ye'll see." He winks at him, affection in his eyes, before he turns back to Lacey. There for every part of her struggle to bring another life into their world.

    Before long, the baby makes her debut. This adorable little dove-gray bundle, the softest shade of purple lining her features. That familiar ache struck at the corner of his heart, that it was not he that fathered this beauty. But she is perfect, another gorgeous and wonderful and so teeny tiny girl. Precious wee thing. Reilly keeps close, beside himself with joy, reaching over without thought to brush a kiss to Lacey's forehead. "Ya did good, love." He smiles and then steps aside to allow the family to see her, and to let the girl get her bearings.

    As they gather, his gaze slips back to Badden, who gazes to him in turn. Something familiar passes between them, something relatable. Together, but apart. He nods to the small boy, offering a small smile. "Welcome to the club, Baddie. Ye'll be alright with us." Perhaps a small comfort to know, even if he was sure he'd rather be with his own family.

    His attention turns again, as Kylin's voice rings out, asking what the new baby girl's name will be. Reilly smiles warmly at the lavender and white girl, twin to Kharon and pressed to his side. He steps to her to nuzzle her cheek, exhaling a breath to her skin by way of greeting. "Good question, Kylin. Perhaps another name beginning with K, love?" He says as he pulls away from her to look up at Lacey, smile still remaining.

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