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  • Beqanna


    Assailant -- Year 226


    "But the dream, the echo, slips from him as quickly as he had found it and as consciousness comes to him (a slap and not the gentle waves of oceanic tides), it dissolves entirely. His muscles relax as the cold claims him again, as the numbness sets in, and when his grey eyes open, there’s nothing but the faint after burn of a dream often trod and never remembered." --Brigade, written by Laura

    give me love and all your hate [M]; diz

    She used to growl. She used to snarl. She used to snap at flesh and cut with words. She used to savor the blood of her attacks with a delicious tongue, verbal or otherwise. Vicious, wicked. And so goddamn hot.

    Now she was this. Now she was more. She breathed little gasps under his careful attention, uttered sweet moans. Each little sound from her only drove him deeper into this trap they laid, heedless of the consequences. As always. His heart raced in their wonderful madness, his breath short and airy against her skin. Dov. Damnit, she sounded fucking amazing, her voice so thick with desire for him. For him.

    Her head tipped back as he trailed deep, sensual kisses up her throat. Yes, she urged him. She knew him, knew what he wanted to do, and he answered her with that sweet little bite, that precious pinch of her flesh between his teeth. God, she tasted so good. She arched again into that touch, dragging more of those fantastic, hungry noises from her delicious lips, that sexy throat. He huffed against her, sharp exhales as he tried to catch his breath. This was bad. God, this was so damn good. Fucking, Diz.

    I want you, he told her, staring into her eyes as he rested a lingering kiss at the corner of her mouth. Those foggy, brown eyes were wide as she looked back at him, still so wonderfully nervous at what he was doing to her, where they were headed. His attention snagged to her lip as she worried it between her teeth. Yes, she whispered, perfectly terrified, Give me all of you, Dov. Please.

    He brushed his mouth across hers, softly kissed her lip free of her teeth with barely a tease of his tongue. It was his job to bite them, anyway, not hers. She felt so good, tasted so good.

    Damn, he could really do this, couldn't he? He could give her all of him, all the rest that she was barely seeing. His love. He could savor every bit of her, cherish every inch of her, rock so slowly, so deeply into her until she begged him for more. Until she was driven mad with need and demanded him faster, harder. God, and he would love it, watching her come undone, and he'd deny her those needs, he would show her she didn't need rough to reach oblivion. He could take her there, take them both there. Together.

    He could do it.
    If Leliana wasn't still haunting him.

    And if it's what you want, I'll give you all of me too.
    Bottomless, black eyes delved deep into hers again, searching for the truth. Would she really? Could she? Would she do it for him? He could do it for her. Not today, not just now. But he could. She knew him, all his darkness, all the wicked and cruel. She didn't just know it, she liked it. She was the only one that could really love him, wasn't she?

    He hated that she made perfect sense.

    Diz, he moaned softly, desperately hungry, his lips crashing into hers with a deep kiss. Their first kiss? Damnit, he wanted to. He wished he could just let go and be with her. Let it all go, never again worry on the damage he brings, never feel the pain following in his wake. Because she knew pain already, she could handle it. But..


    He forced himself to stop, fought against the desire driving him further into her, aching to fill her. A sad sigh slid from his lips and he slowly opened his eyes to meet hers again. I think that is a promise you can't keep, he said softly, brushing his lips over her smooth velvet nose. And it was a promise he, temporarily, couldn't keep as well. He had a lost love to mourn, and when he gave his heart, he gave it all. So maybe neither of them could give all of themselves. Not yet. He had his hiccup in this, and she had Zoryn. He wasn't sure she could ever give all of herself, to anyone, not even him. Unless it was Zor.

    So maybe he shouldn't hope for this either.

    I'll take my bow, I won't make a sound
    I whisper truce as the ashes hit the ground

    God, what was she doing? Her heart hammered away in her chest, pounding hard enough to drive nails into flesh, and all she wanted in the world was to melt into Dov. To lose herself in the feeling of his lips, his tongue, his touch, to open herself to his terrifying, gentle invasion and just...let go. Take him in, not just into her body (though heaven knew she wanted that too, was desperate to feel him sinking slowly into her, filling her, taking her over,god, please, I need you) but into her heart. When did it get so easy to get lost in a sea of endless, infinite black? For a moment, she tried, staring into his eyes and letting hers say the words she couldn’t, words she shouldn’t, words she shouldn’t want to say.

    Love me.

    The way no one ever should, the way she’d known in her bones from the very beginning that no one ever could. Don’t want what you can’t have, how many times had she told herself when she was so very small and so very alone, watching her mother cling and pine and give herself away for a glance from her father. Watching her father throw scraps of affection, a touch, a taste, just enough to keep her wanting. To her mother, Dizzy had only ever been a piece of her father. To her father, Dizzy had been less than nothing. No great power, nothing useful, just a tool he could maybe one day trade away for something better.

    Love wasn’t meant for people like her.

    But when Dov kissed her, so goddamn gently, for the first time Dizzy let herself hope, let herself want. For the first time, she gave into the fierce yearning that lit her up inside and drove her to say yes, even when she knew better. And god, she knew better.

    He moaned her name, kissed her with a fervor she’d never known before, and she let herself believe that maybe she’d been wrong. Maybe she could be more than she’d let herself become, maybe she could be his. Maybe she already was.

    Until he stopped, and he sighed, those infinite eyes slowly meeting hers. “I think that’s a promise you can’t keep.” It could have hurt, could have torn through her and shredded her fragile, aching heart if he hadn’t said it so softly, hadn’t kissed her nose with such quiet longing. She pressed her forehead against his, her eyes closing as she drew in a ragged breath, trembling as she let those words wash over her. Let the truth of them do its best to drown her. Let that barb straight to the heart clear her head.

    “Maybe you’re right,” she whispered, even as she rubbed her cheek against his, even as her lips found the line of his jaw, mmm and that soft spot just behind it that she loved so much. “I should know better.” She lingered there, breathing in his intoxicating scent. She should. And she should stop, should be smart and pull away and definitely not rock her hips like that, definitely not grind herself against him, definitely not let out that pleading, hungry little whimper or let her tongue slip out to lave that spot behind his jaw, but she couldn’t seem to convince herself of that.


    All she could do was meet his eyes, her own shining with raw, naked need for him. “Maybe I don’t have it in me,” she whispered, because if she’d said the words out loud they would have trembled and caught in her throat. “But I’d try. For this, I’d try.”

    This was it. She was going to pull away. They'd part ways and look back on this thinking what the fuck? as they kept well enough away from each other. They'd probably both be afraid to come this close again, keep each other at bay to protect themselves. They'd know how good this could be, how terrifying and disastrous. How incredibly wonderful. Catastrophic.

    She pressed her forehead to his -this is goodbye, isn't it? a sweet goodbye- and trembled, finding breathing as difficult as he was. "Maybe you're right," she whispered, her cheek rubbing gently against his, sending wild sensations down his neck and between his shoulders. Just a sweet goodbye. Her lips followed the line of his jaw, "I should know better," and he gasped quietly as she lingered there, her favorite spot. His too. Her tongue stroked him, a softly urgent little whimper slipping from those terrible lips as a feeble groan pulled from him. Damn, she felt good. Suddenly alarms were going off inside him, his pulse skyrocketed and he wasn't sure who was in control here anymore.

    And then -oh, god- her hips..

    She rocked, grinding her provocative body against him, and his answered without thought, pushing back eagerly. Fucking Diz, she could never leave well enough alone, could she? That was definitely not a goodbye. His eyes shot open, seeking hers in wild, needing shock. She was so goddamn wicked. Oh, and that look in those eyes, so deeply wanting. Wanting him. He tried to save them, give them an out, take them to safer grounds. But she coaxed him back, dared him to face this.

    "Maybe I don't have it in me," she whispered.

    Not fucking yet, you don't.

    "But I'd try. For this, I'd try."

    With a sharp jerk, he resettled her hips under him, lined her up precisely how he wanted her, exactly how it would feel the best. His head ducked to lather her in kisses; her breast, her collarbone, her neck. After a time, he paused with a groan, Goddamn it, Diz, he breathed against her, shoving against her with another firm rock. Just a tease, just an urgent taunt. He wouldn't do it, not yet, not til he could look in that face as he did, watch her expression turn from that hungry fear to ultimate bliss. And he did; he pulled back to stare down at her, his eyes roving every curve and plane as he taunted her again, pressed again. This was so bad, such a mistake.

    You're going to regret this. You're gonna hate me. It was probably true. He'd hate him too after this. He was good at that. He rocked again, pushing her further against the ground with the slow force of it. But you're gonna love it first, he promised.

    He lifted -just enough-, finally met those eyes again and held them, locked them with his. Settled exactly there, the wet heat against him fogging his eyes. And then he tortured them both, slowly, so slowly sinking in with a shuddering breath, til there was no where else to go, no further. His mouth carefully dropped to hers with a steady, sweet kiss as he retreated.

    Then did it again.

    I'll take my bow, I won't make a sound
    I whisper truce as the ashes hit the ground

    So damn many reasons why they should stop. He was right, after all. She probably wasn’t capable of keeping that promise, probably didn’t have it in her to love so whole-heartedly, but she couldn’t seem to make herself care. Not while her touch was making him gasp and groan, making his hard-won control slip, not while he was so goddamn close, pressing down on her, almost pressing into her. She moaned as he jerked her into position under him, her head falling back as he kissed her bared throat, her chest, arching to meet him as he rocked against her again and cursed her name against her skin.

    “Mmm...Dov...” Her voice was husky, heavy with need as she drew out his name, but he pulled back again, back but not quite away, just to look at her. She could feel the path of his eyes as they traversed her sin, searing, stoking the fire burning inside her higher and higher.

    “You’re going to regret this. You’re gonna hate me,” he warned, and she laughed just a little, a quiet breath out that shook her chest. “Maybe,” she agreed, nodding and stretching up catch his lips again, the weight of their words sliding off her skin as she lost herself in his touch, in the taste of him, the feel of him against her. Maybe she would have had a clever comeback, or even a quiet reassurance to offer if he’d stopped talking there.

    He didn’t.

    “But you’re gonna love it first,” he crooned, and proved it to her. Slowly, gently, leaving her breathless and moaning his name. So goddamn gentle, even when she tried to rush him, even when she begged him with her body and her eyes and the desperate, frantic sounds she made as he coaxed her body higher, higher. God, he wasn’t wrong. It scared her just how right he was, how good it felt like this. She fought just a little, fear pushing her to try to bring them back to safer ground.

    Until he captured her gaze again, wrapping her up in endless, infinite black.

    And she let go. She slowed to match him, to meet him in the middle of her fear. She watched in awe as that fear melted away, and she lost herself in loving him, lost herself in black eyes that saw through to her soul, lost herself in Dovev. And reflected in the odd mirror of those eyes, she found herself. Saw herself, for once in her life, as something other than the snarky, ruthless, vicious bitch she’d spent her life trying to be to stay safe. To stay whole, when it would be so easy, so goddamn easy to turn into her spineless mother, throwing herself away on a man who barely acknowledged her, tearing herself apart for the sake of a love that would never, ever be.

    The woman she saw reflected in Dov’s eyes could be brave. She was a different kind of strong, a softer strength that made her brown eyes shine. Not hiding behind spikes and thorns and barbed words, but reaching out and touching her lover, letting herself connect with him instead of just fucking him and revelling in the addictive mingling of pain and pleasure. Open, for once, to so much more.

    And after, lying tangled up in him with her head resting on his chest, she pressed a kiss into his skin, one of countless she’d given him since wrapping around him to share her warmth. Her breath was still ragged and uneven, her heartbeat still slowing gradually down, delicious little twitches in her muscles and an achy, satisfied glow permeating her whole body with something that dangerously resembled peace. “Well...shit,” she murmured inelegantly, a quiet little laugh escaping her as she brushed the soft of her nose along her lover’s chest. “You were right about one thing, at least. That was...damn, Dov.”

    He knew she'd love it. How could she not? He did too. So fucking amazing. They were explosive, so much heat. No way in hell her brother could do that for her. No way in hell anyone could. Not like that. They were incredible.

    Her head was on his chest, his heartbeat still quick and heavy against her as he slowly came down from it all. So amazing. His head was back and eyes closed as he toyed absently with her skin, rubbing indefinable patterns into her shoulder. Well...shit, she swore quietly. Mmmm, he hummed in response, pleased and so wonderfully, deeply satisfied. That was... damn, Dov. A lazy grin turned his lips, sleepy and incredibly smug at the disbelief and awe in her voice.

    I know. He ducked his head and softly kissed her hair. But 'damn', yourself, he murmured into that flowing black, teasing some strands out of the way to pinch at her. He was damn good, sure, but she was too. And together, they were... Just damn. He breathed her in, burying further into her hair, content to memorize this rare feeling of peace and contentedness, the smell of her. 

    -The smell of her.

    His heart suddenly raced again and he pulled back to look at her. Diz. Fucking Diz. Diz, Diz, Diz. Fucking Diz. Black gaze jerked to their surroundings, trying to find...something. What was he doing before she showed up? What was he doing here? Where the hell was here? Then his pupils shrank in contained panic and looked down to her again. Fucking DIZ.


    Fuck. Fuck. Goddamn it. What the fuck!
    He leapt to his feet, pacing restlessly as though he could run hands through his hair and make a mess of that instead of a mess of his life. He groaned anxiously. Oh god, what the hell had he done. Fuck. Well, yeah he'd done that. And damn it was so fucking good, so incredible. But, DAMN. Goddamn.

    His head lifted and he looked at her again, his eyes wide and vulnerable. She was going to hate him. He always made everyone hate him. He hated him too. Damn, damn, damn. She didn't realize it yet, but she was going to hate him. And he sure as hell didn't want to be around to see it wash over her beautiful face. Yeah, Diz. Beautiful. What the fuck ever. He crossed over to her, crushing his mouth to hers again, hungry, needing. God, just one last kiss, ok?

    I gotta go, he said breathlessly, stealing more kisses before she could think long enough to stop him. You're fucking amazing, but I gotta go. He pressed against her more, trailed kisses down her neck, nipped at her arch of muscle. Fuck, that was so good. So terrible. Catastrophic. Oh, god, he was so screwed.

    I'll take my bow, I won't make a sound
    I whisper truce as the ashes hit the ground


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