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  • Beqanna


    Assailant -- Year 226


    "But the dream, the echo, slips from him as quickly as he had found it and as consciousness comes to him (a slap and not the gentle waves of oceanic tides), it dissolves entirely. His muscles relax as the cold claims him again, as the numbness sets in, and when his grey eyes open, there’s nothing but the faint after burn of a dream often trod and never remembered." --Brigade, written by Laura

    A Super Surprise [Leola]

    Today Elora was small in stature. Although she had grown into a stunning, thinly built mare she often represented herself in her feline form. By sizing herself below the blades of grass she could explore Tephra from another point of view. With her cat eyes everything felt more vivid. She could feel the vibrations on the ground, almost as if the movements of the world were talking to her. Tephra was another world as she bounced around with tail whipping at the sky. As a cat Elora bared bright blue eyes, a silver sheened coat, and long, fluffed fur that require constant upkeep. Initially Elora found it odd that instincts drove her to lick her own body for hygiene, but after a few shifts it became more routine.  There were many facets of a cats life that differed from that of a horse. To Elora each part of her double life was uniquely awesome.
    With butt stuck high up in the air and body crouched low to the ground Elora spotted her friend grazing in the field. She was several yards ahead, which didn’t allow for a quick pounce, but a sneaky approach could still be had. Elora wiggled her butt and licked her lips with silent intensity. Leola had no idea what was coming (or so Elora thought). After moments of planning Elora lowered her behind and crawled with feline intent.
    Once within an appropriate distance Elora leapt with paws outstretched toward Leola’s front hooves. ”Boo” She exclaimed once she landed in front of her friend. A slick smile formed.
    cat shifting daughter of sahm and newton

    I've got thick skin and an elastic heart
    She was free. She had broken of her mother and slipped backwards to the volcano, going in search of Elora. Tephra had never been home, but then, nothing ever had. Leola looked upward in the shadow of the fire, and blinked as her inky black mane fell in front of her face, her delicately shaped hooves making marks in the ash as she pushed forwards into the land, watching the trees of the forest clear behind her. She was a serene creature who was looking for peace. She knew she would find her happiness away from Epithet, and in the arms of another, less crazy individual.

    And so, in the shadow of the volcano, She came, her nose to the ground as she lipped at the short roots looking for fresh shoots of vegetation. She was no longer on milk, and the young mare had been so intent on her escape, that she did what she could to push herself to maturity. Anything. Anywhere.

    She was too young to be so serious, and yet, while she was thinking, a tiny furry butt was pacing the grasses, before it leaped out of nowhere and attached itself to Leola and said Boo! Leola gasped, looking on her back to see a fuzzy cat, before she exhaled her surprised and smiled her first true smile. It was only Elora.

    Not that there was anything only about Elora. “Hello Ellie. Sorry I’m not in a better mood. I’ve got a lot on my mind”

    Elora nodded her head side to side in a dancing manner once she landed safely on her friends back. She giggled at the absurdity of the situation. Her claws stretched outward before she whipped them back in as to not catch the ends on the curls of Leola’s coat. Hello Ellie Leola said and Elora simply slapped a huge grin across her face. The grin only last a moment as Leola begrudgingly explained her lack luster mood. Elora twisted her lips to the side, forming small creases along her muzzle. ”Booooo” She said in a disapproving way. ”Lot on your mind..?” Elora waddled up the ridge of the back and pressed her nose against the tip of Leola’s head and then lifted a paw to rest between the horses ears. ”How can this mind hold even a single thought?” Elora said as she massaged her paw in circles atop Leola’s head. She then swung her head around to best look Leola in the eye. The cats large blue eyes stared deeply. ”There isn’t much room in there.” She said with a twinge to her voice.

    Next Elora outstretched her rough tongue to lay a gentle kiss to her friends cheek. ”Seriously…whats up?”

    cat shifting daughter of sahm and newton

    I've got thick skin and an elastic heart

    What was on her mind? The fact that she had the ability to move freely as she saw fit should have made her happy. She had been determined to be free of her mother for that reason. Hadn’t she? The inky black girl smiles finally and exhales, nuzzling the cat and eying her before lying down carefully so as not to dislodge her beloved Ellie from her back. So gentle was she. Elora did not need to worry about her troubles—and she was determined to put them away.

    To start a new life.

    Her beloved little cat—her best friend—was there to look after her and she would revel in the love that she was given from her. Leola places her head into the dirt and lays prostrate, taking a deep breath. Her eyes roll back in her head and she takes in a great stretch, before raising her head again and looking at her friend.

    “Have you ever thought of your parents since leaving them? What keeps you here with me?”

    This was the start of something new. Could she make a go of it?

    She would certainly try.


    Leola tasted like a mix of lavender and rose water with a pinch of sweat. It was a bizarre flavor that simply sent Elora’s taste buds soaring. She took another moment and licked her friends cheek once more to better analyze and secretly savor the taste. It wasn’t like Elora to dwell on certain thoughts or concerns so she didn’t quite understand Leola’s dilemma, but she did know that Leola wasn’t stitched in the same pattern as herself. So she comforted Leola by nuzzling her soft furry cheek into her friend’s neck. Leola folded herself gently which made it easy for Elora to balance. Once Leola was firmly planted Elora jumped from her back and swept her side along Leola’s. Her cheek firmly rubbed into the great horse’s shoulder and purposefully left her scent.

    Elora followed in suit and stretched her own body before transforming into her horse-self. She mirrored Leola’s prostrate position and watched her quietly with glistening eyes. The question came as a surprise. Clearly Leola had been pondering her place in the world. It concerned Elora that her friend could be experiencing such difficult life-forming questions.

    ”I think of my fathers often. They have and will always be a big part of my life. But you…you keep me here.” She spoke softly and with a wisp of a smile across her lips. ”You are enough for me.”
    cat shifting daughter of sahm and newton

    I've got thick skin and an elastic heart

    Leola watches as Elora transforms herself back into that beautiful young woman she had come to know and love. Those ice points. Her slim form, blonde hair. Picture perfect. Beautiful. For a minute, Leola is captured in the depths of her striking blue eyes. She recalls what Ellie says to her—how Leola is enough for her. Leola gasps, and slides in closer, her heart blossoming, taking root in the warmth that perhaps she was not so disconnected as she would have otherwise thought. For such a young woman, she finds herself so serious. So thoughtful. Dull, lifeless little Leola was never enough for anyone. Her mother spent her days languishing after Akhil. Never was happy enough with the company of her own child.

    And she had driven that child away.

    Leola sighs then, an audible exhale. Sinking into the lush ground, she smiles. The smell of the fertile ground is a balm for her soul, just like the woman who holds her heart. She slides her body closer to her Ellie, nuzzling her, buzzing a light kiss onto her cheek. “You don’t know what it means to hear you say that above all.” She settles in for a quiet moment, before the whispers come.

    She cannot help but hear them. They echo into her brain, and she instantly reacts to them—the jerking. The voices. Voices that cannot be heard. Just whispers… Leola looks to Ellie.

    “Can you hear the voices?”


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