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  • Beqanna


    Assailant -- Year 226


    "But the dream, the echo, slips from him as quickly as he had found it and as consciousness comes to him (a slap and not the gentle waves of oceanic tides), it dissolves entirely. His muscles relax as the cold claims him again, as the numbness sets in, and when his grey eyes open, there’s nothing but the faint after burn of a dream often trod and never remembered." --Brigade, written by Laura

    [private]  [M] Love me, hate me, but oh please hurt me; Dovev
    [READERS BE WARNED!! The rating of this thread has become M for mature. Continue at your own risk!]

    He stands on the edge, staring out into the expanse of the ocean bordering the outside of the meadow behind him. The air is still, the cold a damp and heavy pressure all around him. His front hooves are but inches away from the cliff's edge, enough that as he puts more weight on one foot, he feels the softened give beneath it. A tingle snakes up his spine as a small rock dislodges and goes tumbling down, down. His ears twitch at the tick, tap that it makes as it strikes the wall. Down, down, til it finally lands below, skittering across the larger rocks at the bottom. And then silence. Above, he stands on the edge. The edge of sanity, balance dirt and rock. Briefly, he toys the idea of his body tumbling down. Would be bounce along the wall, would he scrape himself up during the fall. Would the sharp rocks below pierce his skin and bleed him. He shudders with a hiss. Oh the pain it would cause him. Delicious.

    A long and slow sigh flows from his lungs and he turns in place, now facing inland. Such a fall would kill him, he suspects, and this is not yet something he seeks. The sun warms his golden and white frame, lined with black. It thaws him, slowly, like the world around him. Good, winter is coming to an end. Long, it has been this year. The cold settled in like rot into flesh, chilling to the bone, causing muscles to contract and tense. The shivers. Such a thing was nice at first, but after so long, he wouldn't miss it again for a few months. Ebony tail thrashes behind him and snaps against his haunches (a delightful sting, like a lover's spank), waving goodbye to the ocean's depths as he begins to move away from the edge.

    Eyes of brown with flecks of amethyst stare blankly ahead, cold and devoid of emotion. He doesn't care to notice the other meadow dwellers, nor the reason they mill about. So damn boring. All of it. But it hadn't always been. There had been war, and then sleep. Long sleep, for him. The next time he'd woken, Beqanna had reaped what she'd sown and wry amusement swirled in those eyes of his then. Idly, he'd wondered how his dear ol' dad had taken the wiping of his treasured traits. Taking away everything he prized and possessed. Hah, what now, Dad? He hadn't sought them out, his sire nor his dam. Her, the one who doted on the man's every whim, seeking to give him anything he'd wanted. She'd never truly cared about anything or anyone else. Fuck them. He hoped they had gone off somewhere to rot together. He didn't care to find anyone, but he had found immense amusement in watching the rest all skimper at their loss of 'gifts'. They squirmed under Beqanna and her requests. Ran frantically to band together and beg for her to grant them a home. And then she let them grovel for their powers back. That was when he stopped caring, stopped paying attention. It'd grown quiet in the last few months, and Zoryn had wandered all the lands she'd given them. He'd long decided none were for him. Pangea was the only one to strike the littlest spark in his mind, but that would be too cliché, and he had absolutely no interest in pledging to some self-proclaimed god stallion. Whatever.

    The meadow is where he walks now, staring blankly as his hooves slosh in the melting snow. There were caves here, and trees nearby, all choices for resting. He'd had enough rest, though, and his body aches and throbs for action. His teeth clench, muscles bunching in agitation. Ears pin to his neck and he looks up to finally set eyes on a target. Hopefully one that remains unaware. Another colt comes into view, probably the same age, about the same size- but maybe leaner and finer boned, definitely shorter. His coat is mostly black, marked oddly with small spots that are like snippets of the night sky. Star light, star bright, first star I get to bite. Zor's face is ruffled, nostrils flared, ears pinned and eyes unwavering. But the subtlest of smirks quirks up the corners of his blackish lips and he approaches swiftly like a lion to its prey. Though, probably not the most stealthy what with the muck under his hooves suctioning and slopping. So, he moves quicker.

    Once within range, he snakes out his neck to aim a bite anywhere he can reach. If that fails, he slings his body into the other colt's, seeking to shove him off balance with a clash of muscle to muscle. Hopefully they will both receive a lovely bruise. At best they would both be hurting, if minor, enough to last a short time. Win-win. After his blows are dealt, the dun tobiano moves off and swings his body around to circle off with the other, standing yin-yang style and eyes calculating the colt's retaliation. Everything about him says "bring it". "What are you looking at? Do something about it." His face changes, shifting quickly from agitation to daring, anticipation.

    Love me, hate me, but oh please hurt me.

    OOC: @[Toli] Iiiii don't even know lol. I hope this is okay. Feeling each other out still. If you want me to change anything, let me know <3
    His dark coat was pressed against hers for warmth. He hated the cold, but he was quickly growing to enjoy how it forced them closer together. If he could always be at her side, he'd never want for anything else. Especially if he could take care of her on his own. It would happen soon. He would find someone to train him and become the very best for her.

    He felt eyes on him, a sharp enough gaze to sense. An ear flicked back and he turned his head, scanning the nearby souls until he landed on the fiery one. Not quick enough though, as the painted colt was already charging towards him with a wicked smirk and a single purpose. Whatever that was.

    Dovev nudged his mare firmly, ears pinned back warily, then stepped away from her in perparation to keep whatever this was away from her. If a single hair of her perfection was out of place from this, the boy was going to die. He'd moved a safe distance from her, then moved a few steps further. And just in time, as the other colt's teeth shot out for him.

    As if time held still, he considered his options. It didn't take long. He'd never been bit before, not even playfully, and he decided if he were to become a fighter, he would need to know what could happen if he failed. He needed to know how much pain to expect. So he steadied and let it come, clenching his teeth and hissing as his shoulder bore the mark of the attack and bled.

    He knocked the boy away roughly with his head, ramming him to break his contact. His attacker was larger, taller. It was new for him to see that, having been always at Cerva's side and seemingly more bulky than the stallions they'd passed by. It was sobering to come across someone who looked to be his age but was bigger. He thought for sure he'd matched up to full-grown stallions and this one was still a colt yet.

    The stranger danced away and circled around. Dovev stood still, watching him calmly but cautiously. He didn't feel as threatened as he probably should. To him, it was a learning experience. Finally a way to see what he would one day train to guard from, to look out for. His black eyes analyzed the painted colt's movements, catching the faintest change in his eyes as he taunted him with words. Where there was emptiness before in the stranger's gaze, was now a hunger. He wanted some part of this. A toy to play with perhaps. Or something else.

    "What are you looking at?" he'd goaded. "Do something about it."
    As you wish, he responded evenly, trying not to let his inexperience show through the defiance in his stare.

    Dovev eased into movement, circling with him and keeping him in sight. Waiting for an opening or something to happen. He'd never done anything like this and was unsure, he only cared to keep it away from his mare. The reminder that she stood not far away, possibly in danger, forced him into sudden action.

    He threw himself across their rounding path, aiming a matching bite to the boy's shoulder. At the last second he feinted to the side, throwing his weight into his forelegs and twisting his rear to kick out at him.

    He quickly took up their circling again, sharp eyes focused and watchful. Waiting for whatever would come next.

    He watches the change in his eyes. How they went from concerned and fearful to acceptance and something like determination. He wants to laugh, but doesn't yet. The other boy is going to play his game. Willingly. Not that he had much choice in the matter. Zoryn would attack. And attack. Until he ran or fought back. In this case, the other chooses to stand and face him. Good. Less of a waste of time. Bring on the pain.

    Satisfaction starts to curb his fiery appetite when he feels the colt's flesh between his teeth. The black rips away from the gold and white, and he licks his lips eagerly as he tastes his blood. He fights a moan. It isn't quite good enough yet. Zor grins at his adversary as they circle each other and he taunts him. "As you wish." The boy says to him, and Zor narrows his eyes at his even tone. He doesn't want him even. He wants him unbalanced, off-centered. He wants him to feel pain! And return the favor. He pins his ears and snorts impatiently as the other eyes him, uncertain and contemplative. Zoryn feels every fiber of his being firing up. His skin itches, twitching randomly in his shoulder, muscles bunching and rippling with his every step. The amethyst specks in his brown eyes glint in anticipation as he watches, expectant.

    Finally! The boy makes a move and charges across their circle. He is ready, power bunching his muscles as he tucks his chin to his chest and half-rears, striking out with a forelimb, hopefully making contact with his head, neck or even shoulder. He is ready for the bite, but it doesn't come. Pity. He lands himself as the boy instead feints to the right and moves to swing his rump around. At his previous angle, the blow would have hit his ribcage, but Zoryn is quick and turns with him (his left, Dovev's right). He isn't seeking permanent damage, afterall. Though the pain would be delicious. When the black colt strikes out with his hinds, the brunt force of his rear right hoof scrapes over his barrel and knocks into the fleshy part above his stifle. He groans this time, a sound a mixture of pain and pleasure. The boy doesn't break skin, but Zoryn would likely bruise later. For now, he relishes it and moves to bite and kick his hindquarters as they land and then retreat.

    He makes an angry sound as the black boy moves away, back into the circle. "Tell me that's not all you've got." He snarles at him through bared teeth, ears buried under his wild black mane. Zoryn doesn't give him time to mull over an answer, chasing him from behind. A dark thought enters his mind, hardens him, but he shoves it away. Or tries. Quickly coming up on his left hind, the tobiano gears his fores and shoves hard into his hindquarter with his neck and right shoulder, at the same time aiming a bite to the left forelimb (upper forearm, hopefully above elbow where it's fleshy and tender). Every move here is meant to unbalance, maybe even knock him over. If his bite is successful, he'd clamp down upon contact, seeking to drag down, their bodies parallel. If not, he will swing his hind out and away to the left, angling himself inward to face Dovev and readying to rear.

    Do something about it.
    That hunger was still in the other's eyes. Stoking to burning life as soon as Dovev split their rounding circle and moved to attack him. The tanned boy lifted and kicked out, his eyes so eager. So hungry. A flying hoof clipped Dovev's left nostril as he made to feint away, the boy following his movement. The sharp sting shivered all the way up to his eyes, a trail of blood trickling from his nose, eyes watering.

    Dovev followed through with his kick, felt it make contact, though not quite as direct a blow as he'd hoped for. The other groaned, a sound of pain but also of pleasure. Dovev's ears pinned back, but his eyes brightened with recognition. He likes it. He craves the pain.

    Well, then. Who am I do deny him?

    He wore a dark grin as the other growled at his retreat back to their circling, snarled and spit like a feral cat. The blond immediately fell in and gave chase. Dovev pushed his legs harder with a crack of laughter, forcing the two of them to run faster as adrenaline of being pursued like prey kicked in. His heartbeat throbbed in his shoulder, racing, blood slowly spilling from the bite that started this delightfully vicious game.

    And then the boy was there, matching Dovev's pace and coming up on his left. Black eyes glittered with glee, having far too much fun for receiving wounds and dealing out his own. What am I supposed to put on your tombstone! he shouted back at him in laughter. Just as he did, the other rammed into his left flank. He darted to the right, his hinds shuffling to regain his rear footing, barely saving himself from the blond's grab at his foreleg.

    Unless you'd prefer 'Big Bastard,' that is!
    Dovev kicked out again in instinct from his hind legs, without aim. He was more focused on catching his balance, keeping the other from getting too close, on being chased, his blood racing and laughing with him. Ah, but the Bastard liked pain, didn't he? Dovev would have to deliver him another dose of his addiction.

    He put his more agile frame to use and sped away, throwing all his weight in gaining distance. Then he stopped. Slowly turned to face his battle-brother. Black eyes shined with anticipation, expectation. A growing hunger of his own. He stood tall, neck gently sloping in an arch, staring into the colt's eyes. A dark curse on the living earth, a black scar against natural beauty. Drifting breezes toyed with his hair.

    Come to me, he demanded softly, wicked grin tilting his lips.
    Come and get your fix. I have what you want.

    I always will.

    He runs, forcing Zoryn to chase him, and he easily obliges. His heart beats harder with adrenaline and feral hunger. Predator chasing prey. Blood still on his lips. His eyes are locked on him, mind focused on keeping balance in the soft terrain still moist from the melted snow. It takes him a long moment to realize the other is laughing. In fact, he hardly registers he's spoken until after his attempt to knock the colt off his feet. "Not my tombstone you should be worrying about." It is but a mere mumble, his mind not focused on conversation. Although if he was, he would say Big Bastard was pretty damned accurate.

    Unsuccessful at knocking him over, he growls (as much as a horse can growl), moving to follow him as he stumbles, grabbing with anxious jaws at his hind legs. But then the other bucks up at him, which he should have seen coming but is a bit crazed with blood lust at present. Zor is able to lift his head out of the way in time, but one hoof catches him in the breast, all meat, and he grunts in a sort of "oomph" sound that blends into a pleasured groan. "More like it." He grumbles, glaring at the other, but it slowly fades into a twisted grin. An odd, unexpected laugh escapes him as the other takes off again. Zoryn moves after him, slowed slightly by the muck and the delectable ache in his flank and now his breast. He shivers at the soreness, savoring it and letting it clear some of the red haze from his mind. Enough that he can hear the other's laughter, feel the shared joy of this unique game of his- theirs?

    Any other time, he might have been pissed that his chosen target seemed to be enjoying the unwarranted attacks being dished out from a total stranger. He had thought he had wanted him scared, crying out for mommy, or some other such pettiness. Instead, there was a whole different level of pleasure stemming from the idea of mutual play. Something he is far from accustomed to. It fuels him to run faster toward the other, who had managed to put distance between them, and there is a burning in his gut he has never felt before. Especially as he watches him stop, turn. Zor's ears flick forward. Their gazes meet, locked into contact. Anticipation matches tit for tat. Daring him. "Come to me.." Barely heard, but it urges him, feeds the growing fire in his blood, the light flickering in his chocolate and purple eyes as he gains on him and rapidly closes the gap, heading straight-on. A test.

    Their eyes could burn holes in each other's skulls if such a thing were possible. Mere heartbeats pass, matching his strides and breath blowing from flared nostrils. He isn't sure what to expect from the other at this point. Will he stand or will he chicken out. There is hardly time for decision. At the last possible moment, Zoryn rumbles low and deep in his chest, tossing his head and digging his hinds in underneath him, sticking his fores into his sliding stop. With the soft earth, he skids a good distance, destroying the grass and leaving muddy track lines in his wake. When his momentum comes to an end, if Dovev has stood where he was, the tan and white of Zor's nose would come but inches from the black velvet of his own. Straightening, he stares the other down, letting silence reign between them for several seconds, save for their breathing- not rapid, but heavy.

    This fire within him burns hot, urging him to act, but he fights to stand still, searching the black eyes. Measuring. A muscle twitches in his shoulder, ending his statuesque stance. His limbs itch, and so he moves. A controlled step forward, two. Eyes remain locked, his entire being feeling for any changes in movement. Ears go back, but not pinned, as he breaks gaze and reaches to press his muzzle to the inky black neck. Testing, measuring. His musk fills his nose at the light sheen of sweat there, and he almost shuts his eyes. "Zoryn." Muffled, husky, barely audible. It could've gone unheard had he not been so close.

    Confusion fills him, all at once. This colt, meant to be an easy target- a means to an end, a source of pain- shatters the rage in him and becomes something else. Something more. He doesn't know what it means, doesn't know if he likes it. So unsure. The heat in his gut roils, twisting. Burning. All uncomfortable and painful and yet so... damn good. Suddenly, he stiffens- more than he already had been, ears pinning and his jaws part. His teeth find the bulging muscle of the ebon neck, but instead of clamping down and ripping away, he pulls back as he bites, leaving only a sting in his wake. He leaps away, off to the side, eying the other in a seething glare. "Who are you?"

    And what have you done to me..
    His hoof made contact, soft and wonderfully fleshy contact, as he kicked out behind him. A grunt was his reward, but it slid into a soft moan. "More like it." His blood thrilled at the sound, zipping through his veins in a strange sort of tingle. Pain was the boy's desire, but that sound mmm... That was his reward. Knowing he could bring that forth, that low rumble of pleasure. It was empowering. Addicting. He was high with it.

    The sound of the colt giving chase filled his ears. Dovev's adrenaline spiked his senses, making him hyper-aware. It was a perfect way to be, a heady state of elation. The thunder of hooves behind him, the sheen of salty sweat on his own skin. That heavy breathing at his back. And when he gained distance, stopped and turned, their eyes locked. Both were trapped in that stare, each craving what the other could give them. A dark and delicious dance of symbiotic desires. A silent pact, solid partnership.

    You are mine.

    If the blonde could push himself any faster, he did. Responding so naturally to Dovev's soft command. It tickled him, caught his breath with the power he could hold. Barreling towards him, and still the dark colt held steady. Somehow, he trusted him. This would prove if it was misplaced. His muscles itched to move, get out of the way, limbs trembling with anticipation. No!  The bigger boy wouldn't hurt him. Not yet, not like this. There was something here, an unusual connection. A demented bond.
    And he wanted it.
    He needed it.

    They both did.

    The broad boy slammed on the brakes, throwing his weight into his forelegs. Muscles bunched taut, rippling just beneath his light skin. When he finally slid to a stop, they were nearly nose to nose. Dovev could feel his hot breath, heavy like his own from the exertion. From the thrill. He ached to meet it, reach out and touch him. He could nearly taste the palpable want between them. The need for what the other could give them. He matched the boy's stare as he straightened. A charged silence drew out between them. They measured, took inventory. As though their souls met, they connected.

    And then the larger colt moved, calculating and steady. Dovev held his gaze, his skin prickling with gooseflesh in electric expectancy. A touch; pale muzzle to his dark coat, slick with sweat. His breath caught, eyelids drifting closed. "Zoryn" came the husky reply. His name. Barely heard. A soft moan hummed from his own throat. He didn't even know why, or what caused it.

    Zoryn stiffened beside him. Teeth pinched at his neck like a stinging nettle, a sharp little tease. And then his warmth was stolen as the blonde darted to the side, pinning him with a burning glare. Mmm, the fire in that gaze felt so good. "Who are you?" God, and the surprised sort of confusion in his low voice. As though Dovev did something to him, affected him in a new way he wasn't used to. The thought of it empowered Dovev, emboldened him. Coursed through him in ecstasy.

    He gave slow chase to that little retreat, calculated steps, matching stare for stare once again. Letting him watch his steady approach. Watch him come. Black velvet mirrored Zoryn's previous move, pressing into his neck. Breathing him in deeply. He did it too, this odd handshake, trading his name in his own husky voice.
    Dovev.. thick with unnatural craving. He wasn't even sure what. But he'd find out. And he'd have it.

    Instead of that cute little sting, such a tease, his teeth gripped down. With a big bite, his tongue pressed into Zoryn's coat, savoring the taste of his chilled sweat as he slowly clamped harder. It felt so good knowing Zor wanted this, to feel this pain. That he was the one to give it to him. That he needed Dovev. He groaned and bit harder.

    You are MINE.

    Do something.
    He stands there, in sort of a frozen state. But frozen is not a good word. He is burning. Blood is boiling, mind swirling and rationality is eaten up by the flames of this dark desire. So many feelings, many of them new, consuming him. Changing him. Making sense of it is utterly impossible. The intensity of it all reflects in his heated glare, never wavering from the other. Nothing else exists outside of them, the rest of the world be damned to be swallowed in the flames emanating from both of their souls. Intertwining, feeding. Rising.

    What was, in reality, only a few short moments ago, those blackish eyes had gone from fear and concern, to determination, to.. this. Hot and dark. Dancing with the same heat that licks at him. Daring. Delicious. The obsidian colt steps toward him, gazes still locked, bringing that dark intensity closer. And closer still. Zor's breath hitches in his throat as the heat seems to rise all the more between them. His body tenses, the sweet pain in his breast still throbbing. He aches to move, act. Do something. Oh, please. Dark and wonderful urges take root and rapidly grow within him, stretching and encompassing.

    But still, he stands, anticipation rising to titillating as the inky black moves in on him as Z had before. Glare washes away like the tide over his face, sinking into this intoxication. Really, there was no fighting it. Tingles shoot up and down his spine as the black nose presses to his golden neck. Eye contact is broken, so he presses his own muzzle to the bloody black shoulder. Inhales the musky scent mixed with copper. His doing. Oh, yes. His. Pink tongue darts out to taste once more, and he shudders on exhale. "Dovev," says he, and the name bores into Zoryn's mind. Burying into the depths of his memory for likely the entirety of his existence.

    The fires burn. Hot. So hot. These gentle touches are not what he wants. Inwardly, he is aching, squirming for more. MORE.

    And as they seem to be linked, bound together, he feels the movement of the black lips against his skin, the hot breath only a quick second before it comes. White-hot pain lances from the bite on his neck, and he tosses his head up. Mouth falls open as lids drift closed, savoring the feel of the pain spreading from his lingering teeth gripping down on sinew and skin. He registers the wet heat of Dovev's tongue, the rumbling groan from the other reverberating through Zoryn's chest. Hell, his soul. Slowly, the pain intensifies as Dov's jaw clamps harder, and harder. Stamping a hind hoof at the glorious pain, Z hisses and shudders, clenching his own jaw. "You are MINE," says the black. "Yes." A moan slid long and slow from his lips, along with another part of him that is now revealed, aching and seeking.

    The claim evokes something in him, wild and hungry. Both instinctual and unnatural, but he doesn't give a damn. "And you are mine." He gives into the heady pleasure-pain, reaching around to sink his own teeth into the black fleshy neck, a mirrored lingering bite that turns into a trail of teeth and tongue along the bulging muscle leading to the shoulder. He groans as the hunger builds, tearing away from the other's bite and continuing his path of stinging nips to Dov's hindquarters. He stops when he is standing skin to skin, head to tail. Torn and blinded by hunger. He curls his neck over the ebon haunches, gaze seeking those burning pools of black. The claim with the bite wasn't enough. Not nearly enough. He needs more. He needs to give more. Take more. "Yes, yours. Mine. Say it. Prove it." Wild with hunger, with anticipation, expectant, he stares and waits.
    She stirred slowly, drawn from dreams that faded from consciousness long before she shook off the last vestiges of a years-long sleep and opened dark brown eyes to look on the world around her. Change had swept through the land, devouring familiar horizons and replacing them with new shapes, new forms fading into mist in the distance. If it weren’t for the meadow itself, Disastardly would think she had awoken to a whole new world.

    Alas. This one would have to do.

    Drawing in a deep breath, she streched shaky limbs and rose jerkily to her feet, glad there was no one around to witness the uncharacteristic graceless motion of a body that had not stirred in years. Some twist of Beqanna’s magic allowed her stride to smooth out far faster than it should have, her steps flowing quickly from the jarring, jerking gait of the walking dead into the slinky, languid steps of a panther in fine form and prowling for a meal.

    And prowl she did, ogling this strange new world through the veil of thick black lashes, in search of a certain someone whose elusive scent teased her on the breeze. Zoryn. Her favorite toy, her teddy bear with teeth and claws and heavy blows, she’d know that scent anywhere. And so she followed it, weaving through the stray trees and shrubs that divided parts of the meadow into lovely little alcoves where a girl could sneak a little privacy with a toy or two, especially in the dead of night when the shadows were heavy and good little girls and boys were fast asleep.

    She’d never been a very good little girl. And her Zor had never been a very good little boy.

    Imagine Dizzy’s surprise when she did find him, playing with some other boy who thought her toy was his. Imagine her displeasure when her Zor moaned and acquiesced. His. Her dark eyes flashed as she sauntered toward them, but the way the other boy’s teeth bit down, the sounds they drew from one another’s throats, the hunger in her Zor’s voice, it all had her rethinking that possessive rage and pondering the possibilities.

    Two toys were better than one.

    “Did I sleep so long?” she crooned when she was close enough to trail her teeth along her brother’s spine. “Did you get bored without me?” She bit down hard on his withers, punishment and its own sweet reward all in one. Rubbing up against him, she stepped forward, pausing just long enough to dip her lips into the blood trailing slowly down his neck from the other boy’s bite. Her tongue darted out to catch a droplet that tried to escape, thwarting the pull of gravity as it tried to steal away his essence, her favorite treat.

    Well, almost. Far better when his blood mingled with her own.

    “He’s pretty,” she purred, her dark gaze traveling to the stranger, the new toy. A smirk played across her lips as she commented, “looks kind of like me. How sweet of you.” Well. He was missing a few of her charms, the sleek curves and soft edges, but that was hardly a deterrent for Diz. “I like the blue, though.” Especially that bit by the corner of his lip, made her want to reach out and touch. Taste. Bite.

    Definitely bite.

    A sultry smile played at one corner of her mouth, matching that entrancing little spot as she looked him in the eye, playing it cool until the instant she lashed out to do just that. To catch teeth on that lovely bit of blue, bite down and jerk away, leaving Zor’s blood behind where her lips touched.

    “You have good taste, Zor.” Mmm, and so does he.

    (I blame them. But also, you know, take like 34% responsibility. Details.)
    Intoxication. Yes, it was an apt word for it. This heady elation fogging his mind, heating his blood. Damn and it felt so good. It corrupted his thoughts, consumed him. He couldn't think anymore, only feel. And feel so much. Every breath was a shout, every light touch a firm press into his sensitive skin. He didn't understand what was going on, what this was turning into. But he wanted to find out. He wanted more. So much more.

    And when Dovev stepped into him, for that special trade, the bastard matched it and touched him back. Soft muzzle brushed so lightly at his shoulder's wound, the bite that started this all. His hair tickled at his touch. The wet warmth of his tongue lapped so carefully at the injury, tasting his blood. Dovev exhaled a sharp and shaky breath in surprise at the magnificent sensation, trembling with a need he had yet to learn to satisfy. The boy shuddered against him, at his touch. So much power. Power he intended to USE.

    Dovev made his move and bit down, the beginning of something incredible. He lived for Zor's reactions, his heat, his need. Fed off them. So when he felt the blonde's head tip back in ecstasy, a hungry rumble dragged out of his own throat. Wanting more. So much more. Give me MORE. He bit down harder and the boy answered with a pleasured stomp of his hoof. Look at him. He can barely contain himself. So much power. He NEEDS me.

    He claimed him his own and Zor moaned a yes. His entire body tingled at the sound, ached to hear it again. And again. Knowing he was pulling it from him, his touch. His throaty voice thick with want. It was all Dovev's doing, and he wanted to see what else he could make him do. Explore all his quirks that set him aflame. He would be a master of this man, everything he ever wanted. Everything he would ever need. He would seek Dovev for it. Always.

    "And you are mine," the colt's voice sank into his drugged thoughts. Not even close, he thought darkly. Then Zoryn's teeth reached him, bit down on his neck again. His head jerked up at the sudden pain, hissing between gritted teeth. Pain was not a pleasure to him, the stupid bastard. But, oh ...mmmm the warmth of his tongue against his skin again, mingling with the sharp little nips that stung like wasps down his neck to his shoulder. They burned as he passed, and his breath came quicker. Heavier.
    Dammit, you're not supposed to do this back!

    Zoryn groaned and it sent his blood heating further. Shocks sang all down his spine, through his every limb. The entire world was gone from him save for those sounds of pleasure from the blonde. Those were what he wanted. And they had to be from him. Dovev's coat shuddered as the colt continued on to his hindquarters, pinching at his skin. He throbbed with need and twisted his head to plant another sharp bite at Zor's hip, gripping and giving it a good yank. Black eyes catch on the colt looking at him over his rump, and he stares back hard with burning eyes.
    Beg me!

    Zoryn had done this to him, made him hurt with need. Made him feel so wicked and hot. Dovev shouldn't be this way for anyone; anyone but her, his Cerva. The blonde needed to be punished for what he'd done to him. He deserved to take the consequences of his actions.

    Yes, yours. Mine. Say it. Prove it."
    He groaned low into Zoryn's coat, readying for another bite. Wanting to hear him moan in pleasure at everything Dovev did to him. He wanted that power over him. Needed it. But his world widened as another approached them, sliding along his colt. Her voice crooned and she moved so sensually. He glared in threat.
    "Did I sleep so long? Did you get bored without me?"
    Her tongue stole the blood from his big bastard, where he'd bitten him so wonderfully. He growled low, a feral claim of territory. MINE.

    "He's pretty. Looks kind of like me. How sweet of you.
    I like the blue, though."

    She stepped closer to him with her sexy little grin and he bared his teeth. Her mouth snaked out and clipped him, staining the corner of his mouth with Zor's blood. His eyes grew distant and hazy as he slowly licked it. Mmmm... His Zoryn. He refocused his glare at her. Stupid girl.
    Leave! He's mine. He buried his nose in Zor's coat at his flank possessively, searing his skin with hot and ready breaths. You're mine. Beg for me. Scream for ME.

     I have what you want. I always will.

    Do something.
    Punished. Yes, he does definitely deserve to be punished. And he craves it, revels in the feeling of giving control, wants to be buried in the pain. Ah, but he isn't totally submissive. He, himself, has a bit of control in this as well. Just as he burns and strains, so does the jet black boy. And that was his doing. Delicious and satisfying, to have such an affect on someone. Tripled by the mutual response. Completely unnatural, these feelings between the two males- and something entirely new to Zoryn- but wrong never felt so right. He'd never been a good little boy, never followed any one set of rules. So he should be punished. Needed it. And as the other groaned into his hip and bit him, Z leaned into it, amethyst-brown eyes boring into the other's face. Damn, but he needs more!

    There could have been no other in the world alive but them in this moment. Oblivious to all surroundings, nothing else mattered but Zoryn and Dovev. So when suddenly, there is a voice out to his right, he starts, though doesn't take his gaze from the black. Feminine and sultry, cutting into the space around them like lightning through humid air. Familiar. "Did I sleep so long? Did you get bored without me?" And then she was there, teeth raking his spine. A sudder, and his eyes drift closed. Then she bites his withers and they pop open, the stinging pain sinking deep into his core. Yum. More. Ah, but he would know that bite anywhere. "Dizzy." Voice husky and deep, he shifts his head to view her as she slides her length along his. How long it'd been since he'd felt her. Luscious curves to his firmness. Slightly shorter than he, and her coat a contrast. Just like Dov's, as she points out. Hmm, he hadn't noticed before. How delightful a coincidence as that. She samples the blood from the black one's bite at his neck and his breath catches in his throat at the sensation.

    Dovev growls low beside him, like some feral beast guarding his dinner. Zor smiles in return, slow and dark. Something inside him leaps at the noise, to be something worthy of possession. He is just about to turn back to him when his wicked sister steps around his ass, commenting on Dov's starry blue markings where her own were white. Something tics a nerve when she takes a bite out of the spot at the edge of his lips. Tender spot. But then she speaks again, and the slight bitterness fades away. "You have good taste, Zor." She says, and he hums in agreement. And the possibility of sharing, so many possibilities, had his need burning to fever-pitch.

    "Leave! He's mine." The cutting words jolt Z's gaze back to the dark eyes as he buries his nose into his tan-and-white flank, breaths heavy and hot against his skin. No, she wouldn't go, and Zor didn't want her to. He's only just gotten her back. So long, it's been. And so delicious, to be so close between his beloved sister and his newest fascination. One who clearly hasn't weighed the pros here. His lips curve upward in a crooked grin, stepping forward and around Dov's skinny rear. Black tail lashes out at his rump as he passes and comes up his right side, a teasing sting. He nips and darts his tongue over this shoulder, fresh and unmarred, and then grazes his muzzle up along his neck to just behind the right ebony ear. "Prove it."

    A bold and daring flash of his eyes as he continues to step forward, this time toward the obsidian fae. His gaze lingers on Dov a moment until his pinkish muzzle touches Dizzy's. A heartbeat passes as he peers into his sister's brown eyes. Familiar and warm. Hot. And then he steps forward and plants a heated kiss high on her neck, following through with a stinging nip. Punishment for having left him alone for so long. Ah, but was it really punishment? He rumbles quietly against her jet black pelt, and then turns his head over his shoulder to peer at Dovev behind him. Do something about it. His gaze is one to burn, flashing purple in a pit of brown. Daring. Wanting. Needing. Claim me right. Even if he was Dizzy's too. He could be both. He could be all. Yes, he wants it all. A tantalizing thought. Give me what I need.

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