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  • Beqanna


    Assailant -- Year 226


    "But the dream, the echo, slips from him as quickly as he had found it and as consciousness comes to him (a slap and not the gentle waves of oceanic tides), it dissolves entirely. His muscles relax as the cold claims him again, as the numbness sets in, and when his grey eyes open, there’s nothing but the faint after burn of a dream often trod and never remembered." --Brigade, written by Laura

    Even the devil was an angel first..
    Kuba had been wandering since the dreams had stirred her it's been the same way for as long as she can remember. Yellowing grass grasses her hocks as she wanders slowly.

    "What do we do with it now?" 
    We can't possibly keep it.
    There cold eyes gazing on to the large grey filly the words haunted her for all of her two years. They had left her small and helpless her heart turned cold untrusting

    She tosses her head slightly as if shaking the thoughts lose. She pauses a moment on the small path way lined with trees her brown eyes taking in the slowly changing leaves the birds are still quiet for now. Her nose is suddenly filled with the scent of others. She wondered why she had chosen this place she never really needed or wanted anybody. I guess time changes everything.

    Spotting a small stream out of the corner of her eye she wanders towards it slowly putting her muzzle in her depths she knew groups of horses could be dangerous for her, the one who cant hear but she learned about the birds and body language. She had a fire in her soul. Resting slightly in the shade Kuba chose to wait fate would find her as it always has.
    The grey mare, Kylo and Praelia not far behind, headed slowly towards a stream at the edge of the field. It was not quite the field she had known before, but it's dips and rises were essentially the same size. A lone grey mare was drinking nearby, and she started slowly towards her. "Hello." She calls to the other mare, who appeared to be alone. Her ears were forward and she had a friendly, open demeanor on her face, with soft eyes.

    Praelia grumbled at having to leave the forest but followed her mother anyways - they would likely meet new horses and she'd enjoy that. "Momma.. I'm bored!" She says before shutting her mouth when she sees the lone mare ahead of her.
    The leaves had started to fall from the trees, autumn had brought out the brilliant shades of orange that blazed against the blue sky. This must might be the favorite time of year for Kuba everything is silent and pretty.

    She hadn't been standing long when the scent of another fills her nose, it twice slightly as a brief smile crosses her lips. The grey mare is camparable in size to herself, going by the gentle expression she meant no harm to Kuba. Dark eyes watch her carefully as she speaks, "hello". Her gaze softens slightly as it falls on the smaller equine. She remembered those days well,. " what brings you out here today?" Her white tail swishes lazily against her sides as she waits for a reply.
    She follows the mare's gaze to the twins, smiling slightly when Praelia follows a butterfly as she giggles. She looks back to the other mare when she asks a question, thinking before she answers. "To possibly provide a home for those that have none yet, to possibly find new friends, to possibly find enemies." She says, not realizing how vague she sounded, her ears forward.

    She walks forward, towards the mare, another few steps, and realizes she does not know her name. "I'm Blazing Sunfall - just call me Sunfall. What's your name?" She tells the mare gently, looking at the mare with a kind eye.
    Her gaze follows the young one for a moment a slight smile crossing her lips. Oh to be young and carefree. Had Kuba ever been such?. She couldn't remember, she has always been cautious as she had to learn to go through life in a world that would forever be silent.

    It takes her just a moment longer then usual to pick up the mares words she tosses her dial slightly. " oh yes unfortunately it seems it's easier to find enimies then friends" she realized how that sounded after she said it, Kuba was not a creature to fear just stand offish with a big heart.

    Her arcs pin momentarily as the mare approaches it was more of a gut reacton then actually feeling threatened. Sunfall is the word she catches silently deciding this must be the maidens name. " nice to meet you Sunfall I am Kuba" Her gaze is soft as she watches the other mare grey wings tucked tightly to her side. " where are you from?". That's Kuba always curious, always wondering.
    She nods gently as a reply to her greeting - she introduces herself briefly as Kuba - and speaks after she finishes asking a simple - but obviously important - question. "The forested land called Sylva." She says, realizing how much more to it there was. She looks off towards the foals' previous location and sees they have wandered almost too far. "Stay close, Praelia, Kylo!" She calls gently, a slightly scorning gaze upon them as they return towards Sunfall and Kuba.
    Kubas gaze follows towards the young pair, they were beautiful,young and free. She wondered if she would have that type of connection with her children one day. She sighs slightly Kuba just wasn't the nursing protective type.

    A soft smile crosses her lips for a moment " I have never seen a forest". It was true Kuba had grown up in the mountains and other places close by were simply desert and snow. There is a curiosity in those Browns eyes. "Would you show me?". Her voice is soft and uncertain as if a slight breeze would carry it off. Kuba had been on her own for awhile she enjoyed her own company but perhaps it was time to give life a chance.
    The grey mare asked if Sunfall would show her Sylva, and she nodded happily. "Of course, Kuba. It is not far." She says happily, with promise of welcome in her voice. Of a home, a non-blood family. "We will be glad, in Sylva, if you decide to stay. We understand if you do not, also. It is your decision." She says calmly, as she watches the grey mare's eyes watch the foals with a seemingly longing look.

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