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  • Beqanna


    Assailant -- Year 226


    "But the dream, the echo, slips from him as quickly as he had found it and as consciousness comes to him (a slap and not the gentle waves of oceanic tides), it dissolves entirely. His muscles relax as the cold claims him again, as the numbness sets in, and when his grey eyes open, there’s nothing but the faint after burn of a dream often trod and never remembered." --Brigade, written by Laura

    Unearthed Beauty
    Star emerged from her cave after a long deserved slumber. Her body was filling out and wasn't so bad looking. She took one step outside her cave and took a deep breathe in. Taking in the smells on Gemstone and taking in all the views it had to offer. She looked around to see if anyone was around. No one was in sight. She made her way down to the water. She lowered her muzzle to the water and drank. The almost afternoon sun shined down on her now starting to glow pelt from finally getting food and water. She was going back to the elegant mare she used to be. Without the bones.

    She stepped into the water to. It was ice cold against her pelt. She looked around and jumped in like a yearling filly. Having fun with the water for the first time. Her new energy she had from being in a good home. Her energy was coming back. The cold water was like a wave hitting her back. After a good play in the water she walked out of the water. Shaking the extra water off. She walked up the bank to a nice grassy area. And she settled in for a good feast she lowered her head. And started to munch on the lush green grass. Her grey tail swishing against her white pelt. And he mane slowly blowing around in her face and in the wind. It was nice to be home. She stood out with her almost white pelt. But maybe it was a good thing and bad. Attracting the not so good predators and maybe someday attracting someone to fall in love with. Time will only tell.

    He was an amazing voyeur sometimes. Blending into the background, his eyes finely tuned upon the surroundings. He watched and waited, silent and unmoving. The grey stallion had spent most of his life watching in the dark, waiting in his invisible state for something to happen, waiting for someone to actually notice him. No one did. He was certain he had spent nearly a whole year invisible, he spoke to others in this state, but many ran in fear of the ghosts that haunted their pasts. Not one acknowledged him. A year of that had become stale, made his muscles ache with boredom. His mind becoming a dull, unused machine. That was why he pushed himself through, became the demon he was right now. He terrorised others in his own little way, he tormented with tricks and a magician's show of hand.

    But no one actually stayed, no one stood and spoke, learnt things about the steed he only kept hidden.

    Like the way he had watched his mother's aging body deteriorate, and she still never let him attempt to help her. He wondered where she was now, or if she was even here. Or the way he often watched from the skyline at the throes of love, the whimsical feeling that takes hold of a heart and makes the mind think delusional things. No one knew this, no one asked him, and he did not wear his heart upon his sleeve. He wore the deadened thing deep within him, locked up, cold, unbeating.

    He'd been watching the dappled lady for quite some time when he decided to make himself seen; first his head, then his neck, he slowly materialised with each waving step closer to her. the salty scent piquing his nose as the waves foamed by his feet. He did nothing, he said nothing, he just watched her, dark eyes trailing over her. She was looking better, looking like she was starting to fill out, she was also getting a newfound shine in her eye. He noticed things like that, sometimes. Not often, but he did catch them, like fleeting little butterflies in grubby hands, he caught them.

    "Star." he acknowledged her. his voice a baritone, low, deep. he took a step forward, into the water's edge, the white foam swirling at his fetlocks.

    "You're settling in well, I hope?" apart from a few little harem issues with his other mare, he was certain things were looking better. Well, he guessed. A mare's mind was a complex thing, he would need years to understand it. Plus, it would have been too much work. He'd stick to guessing, and haphazardly winning at that as well.

    • tyrael x amnesia • wings, invisibility • alpha of gemstone ridge •
    html by charmx, image by james porto
    Star got the scent of her winged master. She turned and faced him a small smile came from her muzzle. She stepped closer to him, she wasn't scared of him anymore. She was actually quite comfortable around him which was strange for her. She had never really gotten close to anyone before. He was a mystery to her she couldn't put her hoof on it but something about him made he curious. Why the darkness he showed, he was completely different when she first meet him. She pressed her muzzle against his neck at lapped at in then stepped back. She liked his presence and company. Its a lot better then being alone for many moons.

    "Good morning Nier yes I've settled in well. I've found alittle cave for myself that I've called home" She picked up some grass from her feet and gave some to Nier. Wanting to find out more about him, why the sudden darkness and monstrous demeanor. She studied him on how he stood and presented himself. He was a muscular stallion with beautiful wings. But beneath is a stallion hurting from a dark past. Did they have the same path? Did they both grow up without a mother and had to grow up on our own?

    How are you today? I hope all is well with you she smiled. She wanted to have one of those things where he could come to her whenever he needed to talk about anything. But she was afraid to let him know that thinking she might be over stepping alittle. But she liked this dark stallion, she didn't know why but she did.
    OOC: no html as I'm stealing wi fi at the doctors. Lol.


    The pale steed was quiet, still observant and watchful as his body shifted, merging into the colour of the earth until once more he was fully grey and flesh and muscle. His dark eyelids lazily fluttered, a moment of clarity as the salty air numbed his throat, stung his eyes. He was brought from his silent nightmare at the mare's touch, it was calming and gentle but rose something within him. There was an ugliness in the demon's soul, a dark stain that was blackening, smothering him. This silver maiden was a little beacon of light, a small flicker of light, a burning candle. Yet every minute or two it flickered out and died.

    "This whole place is yours to roam if you please. I'm sure you'll find a few more glory spots." His voice was calm, shrewd. His eyes flickered around, met the ocean spray, the cliff face and finally returned to the mare.

    "There's a little spot just up from here. A small incline, the spring grass is already ripe." It took him several minutes to realise it was just up from them, a little cove, then some tumbled rocks acted as a staircase to the inner cliff, a little bit of shade and shadow, a little hidey-hole from the eyes of the world. "I claimed it as my own, but you're welcome there if you'd like."

    Soft. Pliable. His words like foam, dancing from his lips in a smooth baritone. He extended his muzzle and gently grazed her side. She was soft, her bones showing a better covering than the first he'd seen her. It was strange. Like this wasbt real. He was expecting the ground to eat him in infinite blackness. A nightmare but dressed like a vivid daydream. He was quiet again, contemplative.

    "How am I?" He said, his tongue moistening his dry lips, "I'm still here." A long, deliberating pause, a flick of his tail and s glistening eye. "That's something." It was a long while before he broke the thick atmosphere with a low, chuckle.
    OOC: okay lol

    She listened to him as he was explaining his favorite spot. It sounded wonderful, she wanted to go there to see it. But she wanted him to come with her. It felt wrong for her She looked him through the mane on her face. Will you come with me to see your favorite spot sometime? It would be a great way for them to get to know each other instead of a sudden passing. She knew she wasn't like him but she always taught her self that to get to know others in your family. That way there not strangers anymore.

    She stepped closer to him, Pressed herself against him. This might of been not allowed but she felt like doing it at the time. Nier you didn't always have a nice life when you were younger did you? She was hoping she wasn't overstepping her boundaries. With a question like that. My mother died when I was just a yearling, so i didn't have a good life when i was younger either. She said with a gentleness, She looked over the greyish body at all the scars and felt sorry for him. Wondering what he had gone through.

    She stepped back giving him some space. She kinda gave him a weird look as to follow her. She walks towards the river, smiles then jumps in. Begging him to follow her, it would be a nice change for him to actually enjoy life instead of this angry bitterness towards it. This is the future and he should leave all the bad stuff in the past. He was alive and should embrace it. Come on in the water feels nice. She laughed.

    If you’d imagine Hell’s throne room, you could depict the demons with their obligatory vice. You’d have Wrath, seething in the corner, eyes as red as blood. Next to him Envy, green and fine with jealous beads of sweat running over his crocodile body. Lust was easy, he was too busy fawning over things that he could not have. Gluttony would be holding up armfuls of grapes, but having some poor pet feed them to him, one by one, his mouth full, no time and no want to talk. Sloth, he is the epitome of nothingness. Bone-idle and lazy to the very, agnostic core. Thus we are introduced to Nier. Handsome and manipulative, daring and brash, if only he could get up off the couch and do something.

    Sometimes he felt the world owed him, sometimes he felt he owed the world, some form of compensation for his existence, but alas, he would amble the earth, terrorise it’s victims until the end of his days. If he didn’t die from complete boredom.

    Ashen hooves kicked up some of the melting snow beneath his feet, they balled beneath his soles and he felt like he was walking on stilettos. He decided long ago that walking the earth’s crust was too much work. Flying was the way to go, even if he never truly soared with the eagles so to speak. The real epitome of a fallen angel, wings as white as the foamy clouds, but a heart as black as the night sky. Heart? I think you’d be pretty sure that the grey steed had not a heart in his body, just an empty space where it would have resided.

    Nothing excited him. Nothing made any spark in his dark eyes. Very little enthused him to make him move, to stir something in his core. He had once, twice even, but after Them, he had given up on feeling, given up on having his heart bow and bend to just get crushed into a thousand pieces. He was more than that now, he was here, he was back to his birth land and he was starting over. But here he was, looking at the grey mare infront of him, seeing her with his eyes as black as night, as dark as his soul, and he was starting to see her. The way her muzzle touched him, it made his skin feel like a million spiders clamber over him. He recoiled at first, but gave in. Her gentle voice, lulling his mind like the serene waves. Lull him any more and he'd be asleep. Dreaming nightmares he dreamt every night. He was quiet, listening, watching as she frolicked a little in the water. He followed, slowly, step by step.

    "Who has a nice life when they were younger? King's Children, Queen's babes. they are born of silver and gold, why we are mere brass and rust." he gave a low snort, lowered his muzzle to the water and drank, he drank heavily. All the thinking, all the words, all what he was feeling stir, flip inside of him, he calmed by that long, cold drink. "They say your younger life defines you..." he looked her square on, nodded slowly. It had with her, she seemed one of the most genuine he had met. She had a heart made of gold and eyes of silver, she had whimsy and dream woven into her dear skin, and here he was, watching her. The dark nightmare a threat upon a delicious little daydream. "I admit I have done some terrible things in my life." he looked up at the sky; whatever for he did not know, perhaps he was looking at the gates above, somewhere, overlooking he thought She was. He did some terrible things, lowly, cold and monstrous. If they were to define him then he was starting well. A road paved in good intentions with massive holes and roadblocks...

    "My mother's still out there somewhere. Probably lost in some woods, forgetting where she is. She did that often. She hadn't had an easy life either." He was admitting small things, a little insight into him, but not too much. A little bait to keep her sweet. He allowed himself to watch her, and to wade into the water, up past his darkened knees. it stained his grey skin, darkening patches to near black.

    "You're too good you know. In a world so full of black, you are like a beacon." he paused, stared straight at her and for what seemed an eternal minute, he closed his eyes, "Why? Why did you follow me? I'm a Demon, far too gone, Why Star, what did you see in me?"

    • tyrael x amnesia • wings, invisibility • alpha of gemstone ridge •
    html by charmx, image by james porto
    The grey maiden looked him as he spoke. I could of went with anyone that came along. But I wanted to follow you. Maybe there was a reason maybe not. But I don't regret it for a second. She stepped closer to him. Playfully splashing him gently. Laughing, He knew where his mother was. She wished everyday she still had her mother. But if she was still here, maybe she wouldn't be who she was now. Deeps looks towards the dark winged master. Why did you chose me? She gives him a strange look. He said demon but she does not see such things. You are not a monster or demon in my eyes Nier. She stands beside him showing him she is not afraid of who he was. And was willing to stand by him at whatever cost. She didn't choose to be nice to others it was just who she was.

    Just because you may have trouble through out your life. Doesn't mean its who you are inside. She said to him, she wished she could show him that the world he lives in now is a lot better place then in the past. There was a large future for him. He came back to his birth place. There had to be a reason. Maybe to start a new and heal wounds that were too deep before for him to return. In her eyes creatures wings are beautiful, how they fly with no effort in the breeze. Or a creature brought here by god for good reasons not for bad.

    The light colored mare almost filled out was turning into a butterfly. Finally becoming who she  once was. Maybe alittle wiser or dumb. But she was just following who she was. But she always felt stronger being next to this mysterious creature that intrigued her in every way.

    They say there's a darkness is everyone; a seed of the dark spawn that was left when he created us all. They say that with every evil deed or sin, or even the slightest glare and nasty thought, the darkness grows within. But without darkness there would be no light and without light, there would be no darkness. Nier had committed many wrong things in his past, and he admitted they were wrong. Some of them were what he had to do, it was within him. Vengeance. Blood for Blood. A Life for a Life. When you cared so much for something, someone, you fought tooth and nail, blood and skin to get them back to you; and failing that, you end whoever took them from you. It was his motto engraved into him. Destroy the only thing he held dear, he destroyed everything that they had, life, limb, mind. He crushed them for what they did to his heart, his soul.

    But that was the past. He was looking now at the mare before him; she was like a carbon copy of who he'd lost. Not at all in physical form, but they shared the same mentality. Warmth, like summer mornings, soft like dew on flowers. In the light they looked like angels, sent down to try and sway him, steer him onto the right path. His eyes closed, he shifted, he was feeling lower than normal, colder than normal and in turn his body reacted.

    He disappeared. But he was still there, His voice a whisper on the wind.

    "You reminded me of someone I used to know." a long pause, a flicker of a muzzle merging back into the light, and gone again. "Someone I once held precious to me." he admitted with baited breath; inside he was sinking, lower, lower in the throes of a darkness that gripped him. He was desperately grasping at memories in vain attempts of escaping them. Good memories. Bad memories, anything. Then he looked at Star, felt her eyes on him -- even though he was out of sight, she must have felt him close, his muzzle grazing her side, his whiskers tickling along her ribcage.

    "You step into darkness, you're bound to catch some shadow on the way. It's attached itself to me." cool words, crisp and clean. "It's in my blood. A Taint, a mark." he stayed hidden, concealed. out of sight but remaining like a ghost, a spirit, moving to her other side where he placed his chin against her withers, breathing in her sweet scent, a mixture of salt and new grass, spring and earth.

    "A Demon can be a Demon forever, he can't change." truth, lies, he was uncertain, "But he fell for a reason. And he could fall again." an innuendo, plain as day, but he kept it close to his chest; he'd be amazing in casinos, such a poker face. Strained with nothingness, his eyes an oblivion, a sea of lost souls. His body twitched in and out of focus until he was back again, and right in front of her, his nose pressed right against hers.

    "You're a light, Star." his eyes held hers with an intensity, sharp and quick, like a fleeting instant a butterfly landed on your nose, then disappeared. If you hadn't caught it, it never happened. Then his eyes faded again and he turned his head away, but kept his lips against her shoulder, a soft touch here, then retreated, backed away with his words on the wind.

    "I think that's what I need. A light." a pause, slowly turning his head back, Nier whickered low, "That's why I chose you." his muzzle grazed her neck, her shoulder, moving along and gently laying along her flank, her loins.

    "A Darkness needs the Light." his voice held something, a spark of urgency, a fire in his eyes. The demons stirred, rose it's ugly head, suppressed feelings, urges, but Nier stayed level headed, close to her, feeling her next to him, a warmth, real and soft. Flesh and bone, blood and muscle.

    "Don't leave." if she had have heard it, she would have noticed the strain in his voice, the pleading, the almost hushed whisper. Lost in the wind to never be heard again.

    • tyrael x amnesia • wings, invisibility • alpha of gemstone ridge •
    html by charmx, image by james porto
    Standing before her was this dark master. Who seemed to be opening up to her. She smiled when she heard his words. She didn't force it out of him. She was just being herself. Nothing she has done or said was a lie and it was her true heart. Maybe she was too pure for this dark place. But being with this dark stallion. Gave her a reason to stay, she couldn't imagine being with anyone else. She enjoyed his company, even thought he may be different and may be a demon. But that didn't scare her away and never will. She stepped into his touches, not wanting this moment to end. She turned until her forehead was against his. Looking into his dark eyes, closing her eyes enjoying being so close. I couldn't imagine being anywhere else Nier, im staying here with you. She said in a whisper.

    She moved to his side. Nudging his neck, then to his withers then finally resting her nose on his back. Will you stay with me?She didn't care if he was different. They were both similar mentally she thought. She would be crazy to leave such a life. But maybe with him this world and life could be better. But she was nervous to ask him to start a good life and herd with him. She didn't want to seem too forward. But she wanted him in many ways. And she wished she could shout it and show him in many ways. Moving back up to his face. Resting her nose in the spot between his neck and his jaw. She wanted to be closer to him, she liked being at his side.

    She looked at her body, she was different she wishes she had wings just like him to make him more comfortable around her and want her more. Maybe if she was the same it would be easier to understand him. Even though they were different didn't stop her for wanting him.
    Nier's wings flickered, the slightest movement but it made his body pulse. He tilted one wing, the one nearest the dappled mare and he angled it so it draped over her. There was a fierce declaration in that moment, memories flooded his mind, draped him in a cold blanket that peppered his skin with feverish stabs. He would not make the same mistake. He could care for someone, he really thought he could care for Star, like he had cared for Her, when they were both young and carefree. But he could not give up himself entirely, he needed a portion of his head clear, untainted. But for now he wrapped himself close to her and the demon wept inside, the darkness may envelope him in its inky darkness and decaying rot, but he was walking through the shadows hand in hand with a little angel beside him. Whether or not it would last, or whether she'd learn of his strange, incomplete ways, he was making the most of the touch, the warmth of her skin against his, the ebb and flow of her blood beneath his touch, as he grazed his nuzzle along her jawline.

    "I may break promises, I may not be the man you thought I was, but you have my word that I'll let nothing happen to you, Star. You're sade here, with me."

    He spent for what seemed an endless time just hearing the pulse and heartbeat from the maiden beside him, she was next to him fitting like a piece of a puzzle, between a rock and a hard place he'd imagine sometimes.

    "You're too good, Star. Staying with me. Like some beacon of hope dropped down from above to try and lighten my days... How will you do that?" his question hung in the air, stale and cool.

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