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  • Beqanna


    Assailant -- Year 226


    "But the dream, the echo, slips from him as quickly as he had found it and as consciousness comes to him (a slap and not the gentle waves of oceanic tides), it dissolves entirely. His muscles relax as the cold claims him again, as the numbness sets in, and when his grey eyes open, there’s nothing but the faint after burn of a dream often trod and never remembered." --Brigade, written by Laura

    The Devil and God are raging inside me { Bijoux }


    I've all but just forgotten-

    There’s really only one of a few ways you can go from the Forest, and it just so happens that the Meadow is one of them. As of yet, Hellbane was still technically a vagabond in the eyes of Beqanna, but that fact certainly hadn’t stopped him from trying to discover its secrets. He’d worked his way down the mountain and now here he was: bay, oversized, and clearly in no sort of hurry to get to any particular place. It’s a nice day - Spring’s come to the somewhat familiar continent - and Hellbane is just another horse bent on enjoying it. He keeps an even pace, mind you, plowing a path behind him as he goes, mouth darting out every now and then to snag a wayward bite.

    He’d really forgotten how easy it could be to blend into the woodwork of life, especially when it seemed like only a short time ago this very place had been cast into chaos.

    -What the color of her eyes were

    ooc: I had to stop and start over on this about three times Big Grin  It was tough not going into too much detail.
    She was beginning to grow accustomed to the new land; the strange sights, sounds and smells did not grate on her nerves as they once had. The creatures here were still novel to her, though, and she found herself entertained by watching them going about their daily lives as if having wings or horns or multicolored coats was complelely normal. She couldn't help but feel like a wallflower in this place with her simply grey coat. But she was certainly pretty, even if rather typical. Her features were well proportioned and feminine and her grey pelt was unmarried by scars or discoloration. Her youth and curiosity also gave way to a certain vibrancy in her eyes and demeanor.

    This is how she finds herself today in the meadow. There is so much to see! She is no as awestruck by stallions as she had been (they had been so rare in her family home!) but she is still wary of them. So when she finds herself nearing one she becomes bashful and lowers her head to nip at the green grasses herself. It would be best to simply blend in as much as she could to avoid too much attention. She isn't sure what she would do with it anyway.

    OOC: sorry no HTML, at work on my ipad -_-


    I've all but just forgotten-

    Every now and then it happens that even the largest of meadows isn’t big enough to keep horses from bumping into one another. Though there’s clearly plenty of space to mind one’s own business, it seems like the shadowy mare has been slowly on a path to intercepting him, and Hellbane doesn’t really mind. He’d noticed her a while back, but being nearly double the size of most horses he came across, Hellbane found that waiting for company was almost as good as (if not better than) seeking it out yourself.

    “Interested in some light conversation?” He tries, raising his head to peer down at her demurely bashful stare. He’s eager for the chance to get to know a new face, and a brief smile toys with his mouth. “I’m Hellbane, nice to meet you … ?” He asks, leaving the sentence open for her to end. A regular grey she may be, but a wallflower? She was certainly not.

    -What the color of her eyes were

    Despite her attempts to remain unnoticed, the bay male closes the distance between them and begins to speak. The grey raises her head from the tall grasses and watches him carefully, ears at full attention atop her head. His smell wafts towards her after he stops and she can’t help but be unnerved by the unfamiliarity of it. She had seen other stallions from afar during her time with her family, but up until now only her father’s scent had been this all-encompassing. She tries not to let it affect her, but if horses could blush she would be bright red. 
    “Oh… yes that sounds nice.” She says hesitantly. Males are really alien creatures to her; her father had warned her of their tactics and their deviousness. But she hopes he was wrong, as most daughters do. Fidgety lashes blink over her chocolate colored eyes as he continues their conversation. She wonders how long her false composure will hold. “Bijoux” she offers softly, eyes falling to her hooves but quickly returning to the bay, wide with embarrassment. “It’s nice to meet you too!” She sighs at her own loss of manners - had nervousness caused her to loose all sense of decency?
    love me like you do


    I've all but just forgotten-

    “Bijoux.” He repeats, trying out the word until he’s sure he’s got it right. Hellbane finds it difficult to look away from her eyes, especially when so much expression escapes from them. They’re soft, inviting really, so it doesn’t surprise him that they dart away from his own face as often as they can. It could be easy to get lost in eyes like those. “Does it mean anything?” He asks her, “Your name.” The letters in Bijoux clash together in a fashion that's foreign to him, but he’s genuinely curious. Hellbane wasn’t much of a mind-bender.

    It strikes him then that he’s drawn to her shy countenance. Something about it was refreshing, so unlike the mares he’s grown up around. Not everyone in this world can be forceful or hard and it seems like Bijoux has retained some of the finer attributes that, up until now, Hellbane was sure had been lost. “I’m sorry if I’m prying.” The bay says with a deep chuckle, “You can ignore me if you want.”

    Her heart almost stops when she hears her name spoken in his deep voice. Even the stallions that had come to try to take her from her father had not known her name, had never spoken it. She can feel her stomach in her throat as she stares hard at the ground. But he goes on about it! Inquires about its origins and meaning. Could he really be interested? Or was this just one of those games her father had warned her about?
    “I’m not certain, but I was told it meant jewels.” She says sheepishly, wishing she had a more elaborate or educated answer. Surely he would find her boring, a dunce. She sneaks a peak at him to find his eyes on her, which causes her to quickly divert her gaze again in embarrassment. How could she hope to make it through this encounter?! As if he recognized her distress he asks if he is prying. She feels mortified that she has allowed her nervousness to come across as incivility. She forces herself to look him in the eye. “No, not at all. I… I’m sorry if I come across as rude. I’ve just never spoken to a male besides my father or brothers before…” And with that her knees feel week and she must fidget to keep them from buckling.
    love me like you do


    I've all but just forgotten-

    Every hitch in her voice, uncertain glance, and flutter of movement has Hellbane hooked - line and sinker. He doubts he’s ever come across a creature quite like her. “...I was told it meant jewels.” She said, but he’s more interested in the way her lips ease over the letters before closing into a soft line. His eyes dart upwards and she meets him there, vulnerability quivering in her dark gaze. If only she knew - Hellbane would move mountains to protect an innocence like hers. “Don’t even mention it.” He counters quickly, a sideway grin brightening his face.

    “Were you here before the mountain rose?” He asks her, hoping that perhaps a small distraction would take Bijoux’s mind off of his gender. If she thought it was hard talking to stallions, she had no idea what a struggle it was to be born with a name like Hellbane and into a body like his. But defying your birthright nearly every step of the way has given him incredible patience, and Bijoux’s story (he’s sure) is certainly worth the wait.

    Where she is uncertain, he is steady. She doubts that she would be able to keep the conversation between them alive if it weren’t for his constant support. He seemed to be able to weave the broken pieces of her attempts at communication into a seamless stream of banter. She marvels at this ability, and the ease with which he keeps her calm and (somewhat) collected. With his smile she feels a layer of fear fall away and the butterflies in her stomach all take flight at once.
    His next question, however, brings her back to earth. Mountain? She looks to the geological feature and feels stumped; it looked like any other mountain. How could it “rise”? If anything, she had only ever seen rocks tumbling down the sides of mountains… never the opposite direction. Was there something she was missing? Would this make her look even more ditzy? Carefully, she turns her attention back to her companion, puzzlement obvious in her features. “Hasn’t it always been there…?” she asks slowly, afraid of his response.
    love me like you do


    I've all but just forgotten-

    Surprising, that Hellbane should find himself a gifted speaker. He’d never been a real back-and-forth sort of animal, in fact he’d never spoken a word until it was almost time for him to leave his dam. Perhaps he’d just been saving all those unspoken words for moments like these, when Bijoux seemed so unable to express herself and all he wanted was to listen to her voice. Forcing words was never any good, they had to come naturally and from within to hold significance, so he does his best to encourage her.

    “Not in this land.” He tells her, head following the direction of her gaze so that he might glimpse the range on the blue horizon. “You must be new here, then.” He comments, head turning about so that he could see her again. His lips, without thought, rise in a warm smile. “How did you get here?”

    -What the color of her eyes were

    Who she is now would probably surprise the who she had been at home. Amid her family circle she had been bubbly, adventurous, always the first to smile and laugh. Now she felt the fear of establishing herself to be overwhelming, and the loss of everything familiar to be unnerving. She had not expected this when she had set out on her grand adventure. But who could have predicted the strange horses here or the magical mountain? Any horse with sense would be unnerved by such things.
    His words only confound her further; the weight of the confusion pulls on the edges of her lips. He attempts to change the direction of the conversation to something more familiar and less strange, but the thought of a mountain simply popping out of the dirt sticks with her. His smile, however, brings back some of the butterflies that had bedded down. “Yes, I just arrived here. I followed the sun for a few weeks from my family’s land…” She can’t help but notice her voice failing her at this point so she stops and swallows hard in an attempt to reset her nerve. “This place is very different.” She says finally. She had not missed the strange coloration of her companion, but it was so mild compared to some of the crazy things she had seen that it seemed almost normal. “You are from here?” She asks timidly, hoping desperately that he could shine some light on why this place harbored so much…diversity
    love me like you do

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