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  • Beqanna


    Assailant -- Year 226


    "But the dream, the echo, slips from him as quickly as he had found it and as consciousness comes to him (a slap and not the gentle waves of oceanic tides), it dissolves entirely. His muscles relax as the cold claims him again, as the numbness sets in, and when his grey eyes open, there’s nothing but the faint after burn of a dream often trod and never remembered." --Brigade, written by Laura

    i won't back down. || family, friends, tundrans


       Winter dissipates once again, its frigid grasp slipping away with the gentle dawn of a new morning. The sunlight breaks through the clouds above, its pale rays illuminating the permafrost below as the ice melts away into small pools of crystalline water. The warm breeze that carries through is an unusual sensation against his numb flesh, and the heat of daylight stirs him from his reverie. It had been a long, dreary winter - emotionally tiring, physically draining and more callous than in years' past. A weariness settles into his bones, and an unsettling uneasiness stirs the pit of his belly - something lurks within the seemingly calm, unending dawn - and suddenly, the ground begins to rattle, shake and tremble beneath him, and it feels as if his heart could cease within his chest at any moment.

       The hours have since passed, the sun long faded into the deceivingly quiet sky above. Glistening stars shine above, and the dense moonlight falls over the warm meadow. The wavering grasses lap softly at his legs, and sweat beads over his marred flesh - the descent from the mountain has left him tired, weary and yet, something urges him to move on. He must find his beloved Isle, and all of those he had once held so close to him - all of those who had remained under his rule; all of those who had become his companions and most trusted allies. Were all safe? Would all thrive?

       His lungs, still tired from the uncomfortably thin air of higher altitudes, pair with his dry esophagus and raw vocal box to bellow out across the many bodies that litter the land before him. His dark eyes peer across the land, seeking out a familiar face, his heart aching from the separation and his mind throbbing from the weight of change. 

       Within, his heart pulsated and sank with each rolling thought, worried and anxious for the lives that had once been entrusted to his care and had believed in his refuge of ice. It is here he would wait, tucked beneath a draping willow, with sweat beading along his furrowed brow and a fiery light in his eye. 

    She'd heard the call of the king, even with how far away she was. It tugged at her heart; it was a warning to the residents of the once-beautiful Tundra, that something was amiss. Something was happening to the land of Beqanna...

    As the call had echoed out, the land had begun to quake beneath her hooves. Thanata did not freeze as she might have in previous years; the time in the Tundra had done her some good. She was now a bit more independent, and somewhat more spoken, able to talk to others without freezing up. As Offspring set off the warning, Thanata had begun to gallop deeper into the kingdom to check if any other residents were still there.

    The shaking of the earth had worsened, tripping up the mare a number of times. The final time it had messed up her stride, the mare had fallen to the ground, scraping up both of her front knees. It hadn't hurt her that much, for the wound was not severe, but it still hurt some to walk, since with every step she had to bend the joint.

    When the mare came to her senses, everything was different. Way more different than anything she'd ever seen. None of the familiar kingdoms were around her; she did not recognize anything, or the horses around her for that matter. That thought immediately freaked her out; where were the others of the Tundra? Why were there so many horses up on this... mountain?

    Thanata didn't know exactly where she was. She walked around some, mostly limping, and came to the conclusion that the lands of Beqanna had created a single mountain right in the middle, and that is where most of the horses were. Seeing that some horses were heading down the mountain, she concluded she should do the same; maybe she'd spot some of her fellow kingdom members down at the base. Horses she knew, would help her feel calm.

    It took some time, but eventually, she'd gotten to the mountain's base. She spent some time of the day looking around the other horses here, seeing if she recognized any of them. At first, no results. She thought she spotted a grulla dun, a mare she'd seen wandering around the Tundra, possibly a new recruitment. But before she'd even had a chance to join, the kingdom had changed.

    What had Beqanna done? Or rather, what had the horses done that caused the land to react in this way? Why had everything changed so drastically? Was this to be the punishment of the residents of the land? Thanata really hoped that wasn't the case, but she'd lost hope the minute she woke up.

    The mare then smelled a familiar horse coming her way. She turned, her long forelock falling over her right eye. Squinting to see a bit better, she was elated to find out that the horse she smelled was indeed familiar to her; it was Offspring, the king of the Tundra. It seemed he was on the lookout for someone, so Thanata decided that she would help him.

    Limping her way over to the king, the mare dipped her head, glad to see a familiar face, "King Offspring... I am glad to see you are well..."

    Then, she realized that a familiar mare was not with him, "Was Isle not with you when you awoke? If you are searching for her, I will help."
    They wake to the taste of spring on their tongues and their skins; it is beautiful, balmy, and they are damp from lying amidst the snowmelt. Impossible! Both of them scramble to their feet; the Tundra should never be able to melt! Shock numbs each of them and they begin to call out for their mother, and even their big black father. Scalped does not answer them, and that alone is terrifying to the ever-brave twins. She has always been there for them, but she does not come now as they call for her. [/align]

    (They do not know that she has been stripped of her immortality; that the oppressive weight of all the years that she has been alive has been felt, but she still looks like a mare in her prime. The medicine hat mare has ever been aware of her inability to age or die, until now and the fear of her sudden mortality - however temporary - weighs heavily upon her.)

    They spin in circles; gyrations of fear and uncertainty as they orbit one another. Eventually they stop, tails flung nervously about their hocks, noses touching as they center themselves through breathing one another’s familiar smells in. At least there is that - they have one another, always, and they find comfort in that, orienting themselves to the strangeness that is the lands they’ve always known. Everything seems changed somehow, new and alien, as they leave behind what had once been a land far to the North and covered in thick sheets of ice and snow. Now, they feel muddy loam underfoot and they begin to kick up their heels - they are children still, and play is always on their minds!

    Spear and Spark leap and gambol as they have always done; their play is infectious between themselves, as is the laughter that spills from their happy lips. It seems that they have momentarily forgotten the rumblings in the earth and the cries for a mother that never came to console them. They don’t remember until it grows dark, and one by one the stars come out above their upturned heads as they stargaze for an hour or two, until they feel lonely and small even as they stand beside each other. Spark turns to her brother, “Should we look for any of them?”

    “Who is there to look for?” he answers back, chin still upturned but his black eye slides to take in her pale pinched face. She looks tired, more so than usual for Spark, and he thinks that Scalped’s absence must weigh more heavily upon her than it does him. “You are thinking about her aren’t you?” he guesses, touching his nose to her bent poll. Spark stares at the ground beneath her hooves; “Yes, I worry about her.” They both know that the medicine hat mare is more than capable of holding her own, even as the lay of the land has changed, feels bereft of things they never had a taste of. He enfolds her into the crook of a brotherly embrace, nuzzling her neck, “It’ll be okay Spark, we are survivors - like her.”

    He then hears a familiar bellow and his head turns sharply in the direction it came from. Spark hears it too, and turns her head in the same direction. “Could it be…?” she murmurs, and then both of them go tearing off towards the sound and eventually, the smell of their father - Offspring. He stands black and imposing beneath the drooping boughs of a grandmother willow, and they skid to a stop before him, their small sides heaving from the force of their reckless run. “DAD!” they cry out in unison, happy to have found someone that they know. There is a black mare with him that they do not know, but she seems to know the big black stallion and they accept that, each of the twins nodding to her in greeting.
    forever in their lovers embrace

    They had met Offspring on the mountain, and thankfully their king was alive. He too was at a loss, but his loss was far greater than the lovers could have imagined. Isle was gone and she had left her mate alone. Sahm remembered the moments after he woke and could not find Newton. It felt as if his heart was torn from his chest and ripped into thousands of unfixable pieces. Once Newton was in his embrace Sahm’s worry merely switched from fear of loss to fear of inadequacy. Would Sahm be able to protect Newton? Alone he could not so he sought out the Tundrans. Offspring was still a great and respected leader. Sahm would help him find Isle and restore their home.

    The meadow was the place to be to recuperate and find the missing. Sahm and Newton had slowly followed Offspring once he left the mountain. They took their time with momentary breaks of encouraged whispers. Newton was weak, and Sahm felt the need to hold him up. Tenderly Sahm lipped at Newton’s mane and inhaled his hefty, masculine scent. Newton equaled home, but still the vagabond lifestyle was not meant for either of them.

    Offspring had already accumulated a few horses when Sahm and Newton reached him. One was a mare that neither recognized. The other two were the twins that Sahm and Newton had seen playing in the Tundra. The thought of young life and innocence simply placed a thin smile on Sahm’s lips. ”Hello all….we are glad that the Tundra lives on” Sahm simply said.
    He stumbles, lost, down the mountain and by some sunny coincidence, winds up in the Meadow, a spit away from his King. Former King? Regardless of titles held or lost, the spotted stallion has a lot of respect for the black man, and he trusts in him to lead them safely. They needed him now more than ever, after all.

    He comes closer, his brow furrowed, looking at all those assembled. They speak, but none of it means anything to Romek. Maribel is not here. Lil, Espeon, Durotan are not here. He cannot begin to dwell on the fact that he has nowhere anymore, that the gods have taken away everything from him – not when his family are out, alone, scared, worried.

    ”I have to find my family.” he says to Offspring. ”My Maribel is missing, and she is heavy with my child. Our children are lost. I must go. I will be back here tomorrow morning. I will point any Tundran I see this way.”

    And with that, he abandons their meeting. None of it means anything to him without Maribel.
    fuck all your dreams, they’re not all they seem
    Like the dancer before me

    She had met plenty at the mountain, it was time to leave and try finding the members of the Tundra. They were her family even if the Kingdom was no longer existent, they will always be her family. It appeared as thought the field meadow and forest still remained so they were probably gathered in one of those locations. She chose the meadow first and her luck continued for the day, she was able to see a few of the kingdom members gathered and made her way over to them.

    Hello her voice was gentle and full of relief, it was great to be back with the kingdom members, she felt the weight lift off her shoulders. Is everyone okay? she asked, as she approached the group. Romek was leaving and since Maribel was not in sight she figured he was going to find her. Her heart hurt for Romek, and perhaps she would help him find her later, after the rest of the Tundra was found.
    It is with his children in tow that he returns to the gathering of the Tundrans. Night has not yet fallen, and he comes amongst them quietly, greeting those familiar to him, and at the least offering smiles to those who aren’t quite so close. Which, unfortunately, was most of them. He had never been the best at making new friends.

    ”No sign of Maribel,” he says, glumly, to no-one in particular. He had, unintentionally spent days and days searching for her, and had come across a lot of others in the process. Others who were just as lost as the rest of them. It seemed like what everybody wanted was just somewhere safe to stay, somewhere secure. ”How is everything going here? Has anyone else turned up yet?”

    A little while later, the spotted man finds himself alone, steeped in the darkness, lit only by the soft flow of the spots along his back. The world is quiet, asleep, and the stallion takes this chance to seek out his King. Whether he held that title, or not.

    ”Offspring.” he greets. ”Do you have any plans?”

    He thinks of Demian and his ambition, and the quiet mare Reagan, and then of all those he had managed to collect together, horses just as eager to be a part of something which might offer them any kind of security. He is interested in what the stallion has in store for them all, now more than ever.
    fuck all your dreams, they’re not all they seem

    @[Lilitha] @[Espeon] @[Durotan]


      A simmering rage begins to boil beneath the stoic surface of his terse jaw, scratching gently at the under-layer of skin and leaving him raw and agitated. Though concern ebbs away at his mind, frustration lingers - everything has been taken away, but little did he care for the proverbial crown of thorns that had graced him for so many years, nor did the title mean anything in the end. The crystalline ice wall that had held enemies at bay and kept those safe within - gone. The gently sloping mountainside, littered with jagged, jarring caves - gone. The firm permafrost and its annual bloom of flora and fauna - gone. The stability he had fought so hard for, the lives his once feeble heart had grown to so deeply care for - permanently altered; destroyed.

      Destruction knew no limit.

      His eyes darken as each familiar face approaches; relief pulls at the very edges of him and yet he cannot do more than offer a solemn expression of gratitude, looking each figure over for wounds - grievous or not. Sahm and Newton had followed him from the very crest of the overt, intimidating mountain peak that loomed so closely to their gathering - a fierce reminder of the reckoning that had just wracked the entirety of what any of them had ever known. His fury bubbles again within the pit of his belly, but he has little time to allow himself to mourn what had been or to be furious at what has happened - perhaps, in a way, a cleansing was to be expected. Each and every story has its ending.

      But not this one.

      "I am relieved to see that you are all well - for the most part; I am certain there are more of us nearby - we must gather together and find refuge," He bellows, though his voice is rough. A swiveling eye turns to Thanata. "I have not seen her, nor our children - I know my Isle; she will find me - and I will find her. We always do." Emotion tugs at his softly spoken words; a truth he hoped would come to fruition again.

      A pair soon follow, in unison, each with a glimmering eye of fire and brimstone like his own - his daughter and son, though birthed from an untimely union, brought a shred of hope to his weary heart. He gives a solemn nod to them as well, and in turn, Romek - who flees frantically but soon returns (and though he can understand the panic, he is more than a partner and a father - he is a leader, a friend - he must stand for all first, and seek out later, though it pains him to do so). Josie soon appears, and his heart warms again. He could only hope the rest were as well.

      "I do have a plan. Once we convene, I will, too, search for our lost companions and friends - we need to know their whereabouts; we need to know they are safe." He glances to Romek, his words most heavy with meaning towards him. His heart clenches in his chest to think of his precious Maribel, his sunshine - his nerves could hardly be held at bay.

     "Change is on the horizon - I am no longer your King, but I am as I always have been, in that I am your friend. Our alliances will not fall into the shadows of uncertainty, for it is the brotherhood, sisterhood and friendships bound together that will see us through. I will pursuing a further alliance with Eight, with Topsail of the Valley, and with Killdare and Malis of the Chamber. If you seek refuge and stability as I do in these dark, uncertain times, you are welcome to come with me. If not, you are always welcome among us."


    The (rulers of) the Valley and what is left of the Chamber will be uniting. Smile
    The alliances will stand; who will be coming along for the ride? Big Grin
    Thanata took note of various other horses arriving at the scene, including two painted twins that called out to Offspring. She had to admit, she was surprised to find that he was their sire, but at the same time, not so much. Offspring had been around for a while; he was a proud stallion, one that no doubt had attracted the attention of many mares over the years.

    For some reason, Thanata felt a bit of jealousy boil within her belly. Why was that happening? She did not hold feelings for Offspring beyond the rare one of friendship. So why did the thought of other mares being around him bother her?

    She offered him a sympathetic smile when Offspring said that while Isle had not yet made an appearance, he expressed confidence that they would eventually find each other. Thanata nodded, showing she agreed, "I know she will Offspring. Hold strong to your faith, as will I; she won't be gone for much longer."

    When more horses arrived, including Romek and Josie, Offspring spoke again, a proud tone in his voice. He said that he would go to pursue alliances with Eight, Topsail, Killdare, and Malis, all horses that Thanata did not know personally but who she had heard of. While out in the Field, she'd once run into a chocolate flaxen mare who had identified herself as Iona, a resident of the Chamber. She'd told Thanata a bit about her two rulers, though from Iona's state of mind, Thanata had to wonder if everything she said was true.

    Thanata stepped forward, dipping her head to the ex-king, "You may not call yourself a king anymore Offspring, but as a loyal subject and a friend, I will still support you in your seeking of these alliances. I know that right decisions will be made in confidence that we can all support each other during these trying times," the mare stated, a confident look in her eye, something that she had not shown since the days before the herd stallion wounded her.

    OOC: Thanata is all for the alliances.

    Newton watched with curiosity as a few more horses joined their gathering. It was blatantly obvious that his biological family was missing. Sahm also noticed their absence and rested his cheek on Newton’s neck. Newton’s held back his tears by clenching his teeth together in anguish. It was clear that many had lost track of their families. Offspring was alone. Romek was alone. Newton had been lucky in coming out of the wreckage with Sahm. With each additional horse there was relief, but also another sense of loss. Their party was hollow. Many Tundrans were gone, hopefully not hurt or worse dead. Newton’s initial fear was enough to force him off the cliff of the mountain. Suicide of members wouldn’t come to him as a surprise. Sahm was there. He nuzzled his nose and closed his eyes as he inhaled Newton’s scent. ”It is alright my sweet. We will find them” Sahm whispered in confidence.

    Offspring eventually brought the group to his attention and spoke of a plan. Sahm was weary of Eight. He had been an enemy during the war against the gates. Same went for Killdare. But in times of great destruction there came a need to ban together. If Offspring trusted them, Sahm and Newton would give them a chance. ”We are with you, Offspring, we will do whatever is needed of us.” Sahm spoke up from the crowd. His powerful head held high as Newton stepped beside him and gave Offspring an assured nod.
    sahm and newton
    the magician and the ice shifter


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