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  • Beqanna


    Assailant -- Year 226


    "But the dream, the echo, slips from him as quickly as he had found it and as consciousness comes to him (a slap and not the gentle waves of oceanic tides), it dissolves entirely. His muscles relax as the cold claims him again, as the numbness sets in, and when his grey eyes open, there’s nothing but the faint after burn of a dream often trod and never remembered." --Brigade, written by Laura

    [open]  A New Beginning
    The black shire mare trot around in the field to feel the wind flowing through her mane. The mare been herdless since birth. Estella's mother escaped from the herd who abused her while pregnant with her daughter. The shire was born on this field near by the lake. She enjoyed life in the field with her mother and other herdless mares. The black mare slowed down approaching the lake. Estella lower her head taking a drink before laying down on the grass to relax. She raise her head feeling the wind blowing again. "It's a beautiful and relaxing day."
    " I'll never lose sight , "
    He has been wandering now for quite a few days since the change in Beqanna. Searching high and low for the strays and those he cared about most. He had found his son, hiding in the mountain, refusing to leave it just yet and without the ability to do the same Demian had made his way down with confidence.

    It had been many years since the leopard spotted stallion had found his way into the field and away from the confines of the Valley's borders, yet due to the borders, well kingdoms it should be said, nolonger existing Demian now set out to change that and to discover what lay past the mist. Like the rest, he too was curious and unable to resist.

    It was early afternoon when he found himself stepping into the field, feeling the tickle of the tall grass dance along his belly and against his muscular legs as he followed the sounds of singsong voices. As he passed each voice, he listened carefully, seeking out the chance to scoop up a reliable recruit.

    Then he heard her, speaking of the day and how beautiful it was. Coming to a stop the eyeless stallion turns his head towards the voice and snorts softly. "Ah, is it? I wish I could see for myself." His voice is calm and relaxed as it slips through his lips. "I'm Demian, what is your name?"

    DEMIAN ( carnage x adalind )


    @[Estella Twilight]
    The mare nodded agreeing with the stallion then smiles. "It's Estella." She replied to the stallion question. Curiosity began take over her when the mare look closer. She never seen not only a stallion before, but one without eyes and has wings. The mare rise up on her hooves then walks around him looking at the details on his body. The spots looks very odd, but pretty to her. The wings color fading to gray color reminded her how the blue sky fade to night everyday. And his face with no eyes gives her feeling of mysterious awe. The mare slowly grew in a trance and attraction toward the stallion.

    Estella snaps out of it knowing it rude to stare. "Sorry. I shouldn't be staring at you like that." She spoke. The mare backs away a little knowing she was a little too close in his space. "I hope I'm not being rude. But what are you?" She asked in curiosity.  Estella tries to fight off the feelings of attraction toward the stallion. The mare knew she doesn't want to look stupid or clumsy. Estella tries to keep a good posture, but she forgot one thing. The stallion has no eyes.

    " I'll never lose sight , "
    He can feel the way she's staring at him. He has learned how to feel the different types of tension floating through the air and he knows with his leopard spots and missing eyes that he is something that draws the eyes of most for longer than just a glance. It doesn't make him uncomfortable though, for he is used to this and it is simply something he now expects. "It's nice to meet you Estella," The corners of his lips tilt upwards in a small smile before he nods gently.

    For a while he stands there, listening to her rise and walk around him. When she apologizes it catches him slightly off-guard and for a moment he tilts his head in wonder. "Do not apologize as I couldn't see you doing so anyway," chuckling he shifts his head and rolls his shoulders in a soft shrug when she asks what he is. "Why, I'm a horse, just like you... I'm just a bit... Different."

    For a while he stands there in comfortable silence, musing over his thoughts before finally turning his head in the direction of the mare. "I have a proposition for you. I have a friend who is building a team to go out and explore the mists. If you'd like to join us, I'd be happy to have you tag along."

    ooc: haha <3 he doesn't have wings right now love, sorry for not making that clear! his description right now is a bit wonky because of the current site wide plot! also would you like to have estella be recruited to the team demian is working with?
    DEMIAN ( carnage x adalind )
    The mare blushes a bit then began giving his question a thought. "Let me go talk to my mother first." The mare spoke. Estella trotted to the dark grey mare and began talking to her. The conversation lasted nearly a hour. The dark grey mare hugged her daughter by resting her neck on hers. The black mare did the same in return. Estella trotted back to the spotted stallion with a smile. "I will go with you." The mare smiled. "I know I can't stay in the field forever. Plus there other places to explore." Estella spoke.

    OOC: Oh! Very sorry! I didn't know. And if you want to that is.

    He nods quietly, his head turning in the direction that the black mare turns and heads off in and while she is gone he stands in the same place she left him. He waits with a patience that he had taught himself years ago when he had once been king of a land and kingdom that no longer exists. The mare is gone for quite some time and after a while he finds himself dozing in the soft sunlight until finally he hears hoof steps approaching from the direction the mare had disappeared.

    It is when her words dance across the empty space between them that the corners of his lips tilt upwards slowly in a small smile. "That is great," his voice breaks through the cool air. "I think you will like our new home. It is a very large Coniferous Forest that we have found within the mists with the fairies help. It has a variety of plants, trees, and of course animals ranging from tiny to large... So you will have much to explore there."

    Stepping towards the Northwest he begins to walk only stopping momentarily to make sure she is following. "If you follow me, I will lead you there." He smiles once more before continuing forward towards their new home.

    @[Estella Twilight] Sorry for the wait dear! I have had SUCH a busy week. Sad Feel free to post in Taiga if I don't get there first ;D
    "Wow. So much to explore." Estella spoke. She walk to the side of the stallion ready to follow him. "I will follow." She answered with a smile. The black mare follow Demian closely just not get lost easily along the way. Estella is on her way to a new home and maybe a new herd. It was a new beginning of her life.


    OOC: It's alright. Everybody got a busy point of their lives.

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