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  • Beqanna


    Assailant -- Year 226


    "But the dream, the echo, slips from him as quickly as he had found it and as consciousness comes to him (a slap and not the gentle waves of oceanic tides), it dissolves entirely. His muscles relax as the cold claims him again, as the numbness sets in, and when his grey eyes open, there’s nothing but the faint after burn of a dream often trod and never remembered." --Brigade, written by Laura

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    a strange sort of bewitched - herd
    Sirana couldn't believe her luck; Njenyi was actually telling her to leave, to go find her family. The mare was elated that she was being given a chance, and knew she had to get a move on before the stallion changed his mind.

    When he gave instructions for Zaravich to go with the amber champagne mare, Sirana motioned with her head for the mare to follow her. As she did so, she leaned in to whisper to Zaravich, keeping her voice quiet enough so that Njenyi wouldn't hear her.

    "Come on, we'll go see if we can find my family and Phaedrus, so you can be sure that he's all right. We'd better hurry before Njenyi decides to come with us," she joked, trotting forward a couple of paces to continue searching the mountain top in hopes that her dam, sire, and siblings were here.
    Hearing he was ok she looked to the other two standing there with him and nodded they looked to be ok just a little shaken up like everyone else in their group. "I am ok as well." She stands listening to him tell the others to go find their families. when he spoke to her that they shall go find the herd she nodded as he gave a friendly tap to her neck. "Where shall we look first?" She wasn't sure where to start since she figured most of the mares would be hiding someplace safe and out of the way.

    Scraping a hoof across the ground she watched the other two mares head off in their search, looking at Njenyi she bobbed her head up and down as she waited for him to lead the way to where he thought they should look. "I hope we can locate the mares with your foals before another stallion tries to claim them you." As of right now she got a long with the others since she hadn't known them very long as it but maybe one day she wouldnt be the outcast or newbie in the group.
    Sirana is whispering to Zaravich but Njenyi does'nt concern himself. They had known each other while in Phaedrus' herd, so it is only to be expected that they have secrets between them. He does expect them to keep each other safe, though.

    Trechery says she is unharmed and he bobs his head happily. Good. It seems that whatever this change was, it has not actually hurt any of them. This gives him hope for the well being of the rest of the mares - wherever they may be.

    The palomino mare gives voice to his worst fear, and Njenyi snorts sharply, trying to drive the vision from his mind. He will find them first; he must. "We look around here," he says. "Will find them soon."

    ooc: tagging @[Cryil] @[Trechery] @[Furrow] @[Ohio] @[Rustic] @[Clary] @[Zaravich] and @[Sirana] again to see if you all wanted to join a Njenyi team to earn points toward a land, and if so how many points you might want to donate Tongue
    the words she knows the tune she hums

    Sirana wanted to find her family, it wasn’t anything Zara was interested in but Njenyi said no, they couldn’t leave. Zara didn’t expect a different outcome, as soon as the conversation ended another mare appeared. She didn’t seem pregnant, but she wasn’t a Phaedrus mare, she was one of his. Zara did not pay any attention to the mare, she just focused on the Njenyi and Sirana. Surprisingly Njenyi told Sirana to go find her family, but for whatever reason he decided to volunteer Zara to go with her. She wasn’t bothered by it but didn’t think it was a good idea to leave the group.

    Sirana was instantly happy, she neared Zara whispering that they should leave, she noted that Zara could find her family and Phaedrus and her ears instantly pinned to her head. No. no Phaerdus she snorted before departing the group, both her blood daughters would be fine, they were strong, but she worried for her newly adopted daughter Wallace. That was the only equine she would seek out, Lets head to the Forest her tone was dry as she continued to move out from the crowd, headed towards the forest.

    the tiny dancer

    OOC: Zara will stay with Njenyi! She has no traits so all the points she has can be used:p

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