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  • Beqanna


    Assailant -- Year 226


    "But the dream, the echo, slips from him as quickly as he had found it and as consciousness comes to him (a slap and not the gentle waves of oceanic tides), it dissolves entirely. His muscles relax as the cold claims him again, as the numbness sets in, and when his grey eyes open, there’s nothing but the faint after burn of a dream often trod and never remembered." --Brigade, written by Laura

    Here you will stay-[Angel]

    She spoke stating she was a form lead mare, his eye cocked towards her and his ears perked forward Is that so? Perhaps you will have some valid information to share he smirked before looking behind him well we should get going his body followed his head as he turned around and picked up a trot towards the cobblestone, his head turned back to gesture for the mare to follow him.

    There trails back was rather silent, but it was peaceful, she had time to soak in everything beqanna had to offer. She did not have a beqanna scent so he knew all of this was not familiar. hopefully you will like the lands, they are great for raising foals he smirked turning his head to look for her reaction. She had a faint scent that she was in heat, and his young hormonal self couldn't deny it.

    and this is it he spoke as the walked through the entrance of the herd lands, the creek was visibly in front of them. And trees that barricaded the herd lands all around, a beautiful meadow layed inside the trees barriers. Hopefully you will like it her, Sweet Angel he smirked stepping closer to the mare, his lips trailed from her hindquarters to her shoulder before he brushed past her heading towards the creek. 

    A Clever Person Solves A Problem, A Wise Person Avoids It

    @[Even Angels Cry]

    OOC: uh hem...yea hes a little pervy
    Angel looked at him as he said about raising foals...did she want another, what mare really want another foal to call her own? She had always mourned for the one she lost and the one that she couldn't have with her. "I agree it seems like a very nice place to have a family." she said as she looked at the meadow. She jumped slightly as he trailed his lips from her hindquarters to her shoulder. She wasn't use to anything from a new stallion besides NightSky. 

    She watched him start off and sighed, she knew what would happen next but maybe it was meant to be? She looked up at the sky and smiled before she went off to explore the new area. There was so much new things that she tossed her head and smiled to herself, right then and there she acted as if she were a filly again and played around a little before settling back into a mare's attitude and went off to see what trouble she could get into. Yes Angel was very much a trouble maker when she was playful. 

    As she was about to head off to she didn't know where, she turned and looked off where Francois had went. She shouldn't have but she dared to and she did. She went galloping off towards him and nipped at him playfully before she pranced back to where she had come from with her head arched. When she actually showed off, she was breath taking, it was how she had won NightSky's heart when they had met.

    OCC: Its fine, lol. I'm starting to like him. lol

    She seemed to lock up at the conversation of foals, he looked at her and refrained from saying more. He wanted a foal, he would have a foal. But he wouldn't let her know that, no he would remain polite and hope she would cooperate so he wouldn't have to be improper. Her attention was drawn to him with his touch, ahhh just like he wanted.

    He moved towards the creek and turned back to ensure his new found treasure was coming with him. She appeared to be breaking out of her shell, tossing her head around causing a smile to grow on his face. He wasn't sure her age but Francois was still young in every way, so he could appreciate the playfulness she brought. It almost seemed as though she was done playing, but she looked up and locked eyes with Francois and playfully ran over towards him. She nipped at him and pranced off, she was showing off, asking for attention. this was a game he could play.

    He arched his head and pranced over towards the mare, he extended his neck and gently nibbled down he spine before circling around her, his pelt brushing against hers. You surely are pretty he noted aloud How could anyone lose you? obviously her last stallion wasn't worthy, losing track of this treasure. He nibbled down by her tail, taking in a long breath of her aroma before trashing his head around playfully before he came back around to find her gaze.

    A Clever Person Solves A Problem, A Wise Person Avoids It
    Angel smiled as she had stopped her playfulness for the moment being, and replied, "My very first herd was killed along with the lead stallion and then from their either the stallions have vanished or I left with my family. I have had three foals, one I lost, another that decided to stay with their father and my two year old." She was willingly giving him her foaling history. "I will answer most any of your questions." she added. 

    She smiled as she took in an moment with a thought. "And what of you? I know next to nothing about you." Brave would have been struck like a colt at how fast she had went with Francois and would be chewing her out as well as Knight and Dream....well Dream would be watchful of everything and bidding his time. Or he may have left all together.

    He was just interested in being a hormonal stallion but she stopped playing and listed off her foal history. He cocked his eye with interest, she was much older than he expected having birthed three foals already. She was the mother of a two year old and his eyes grew wide, that was the same age he was. She also added that she would answer his questions in which he dipped his head towards her, he appreciated the cooperation she gave.

    She asked about his foal history and he looked off slightly I haven't any foals, not yet at least She muttered how she knew nothing about him and he snorted, mares wanting to know everything about a stallion. My father was the lead stallion but he vanished about a year ago, my twin brother was supposed to be the alpha but he fell in 'love' his tone was sarcastic talking about his brother. So I stepped up and I am caring for the herd were my brother slacks. he snorted, raising his head high the proud strong stallion he was.

    A Clever Person Solves A Problem, A Wise Person Avoids It
    Angel smiled. "Hmm...Didn't know that a five year old could have had three foals then?" she laughed at his expression. "So do you have any questions about me?" Angel smiled, making light of the conversation. She didn't want to make him feel as if she was just another mare... she was far from just another mare. 

    Angel nodded as she listened and watched as he seemed to take the air of authority and pride. "Well good of you to take up where your brother lacks." she said. "It worked the same way for me and my brother. Where I lacked, he would take control. But putting the herd before yourself is always the better of it." she said. "As wanting a foal, I would be hoping I would give you one?" she asked him. She knew she was putting him on the spot but she would rather know now than later. She knew she was coming into heat because Raging would always warn her and she would venture off until it passed.

    He gazed at the mare as she spoke I guess I just thought you were younger not that her age mattered, so long as she could still produce foals she would do just fine. She asked if he had any questions for her and he just stared at her for a moment No he snorted, what would he have to ask, they only just met.

    She praised him for taking over for the herd in place of his father and brother, he didn't need praise though. This position was all that he wanted since he was a foal, he knew that in time it would be his. Andras was always an emotional one, Francois called it from a mile away that his brother would fall in love and fail at his duties as lead stallion. Although his thoughts were distracted once again and she spoke of her brother, the two picked up the slack for one another. Perhaps she didn't fully understand Francois and Andras' relationship, it was almost gone. The two did not speak to each other, even as foals there was rivalry. They grew into stallions and went there separate ways, Francois of course the stronger of the two. The mare noted that she wanted a foal, well that was easy he thought to himself. He was certainly more than happy to provide a foal, an experience any stallion was eager for.

    A Clever Person Solves A Problem, A Wise Person Avoids It
    Angel sighed mentally as she studied the stallion. What had she gotten herself into? Looking over her shoulder for a second, she wished her family was there but she looked back to Francois. "I understand." she said and didn't push the issue anymore. She would show off a little with her air of a lead mare.

    She then reached out and nuzzled the other horse without much of a thought to it. This is my new life. she thought to herself. Might as well show some affection. "I guess if you want a foal, we better get it over with." She knew she was going to be out of heat soon. In her heart she wanted another foal, she missed raising a foal and what not and maybe this one will stay with her if she was to leave which she doubted she ever would leave.

    Then as an after thought she nipped at him and pranced away with her head arched again. She was always a playful thing and if he was a few years younger than herself, he would be more playful. Shaking her head, she reared with her head arched and lashed out her hooves.

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