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  • Beqanna


    Assailant -- Year 226


    "But the dream, the echo, slips from him as quickly as he had found it and as consciousness comes to him (a slap and not the gentle waves of oceanic tides), it dissolves entirely. His muscles relax as the cold claims him again, as the numbness sets in, and when his grey eyes open, there’s nothing but the faint after burn of a dream often trod and never remembered." --Brigade, written by Laura

    The Cold Never Bothered Me Anyway-[Mari, Any]

    Josie stretched out her neck and shook her body, she just awoke from a mid day nap and looked around with a smile on her face. She has been here for almost a full season and loved every minute of it, she went through the torturous initiation with the cave with quite a few horses and was ready to be an active member of the kingdom. She was ready to reach out make friends with some of the other equines, it was quite the active kingdom after all.

    She looked around and let a whinny out with hopes that someone would hear her call. She returned to the ground that was covered in snow, she lowered her head and shoveled the snow around with her nose laughing every now and than. The snow melted on her nose, and it felt soft and cold but the pile still remained after she pushed it aside. She didn't know just how much she loved the snow until she lived here, it was hard the first few weeks to get used to since her pelt isn't made for winters but it is now all fluffy and capable of protecting her from the harsh winter nights.

    Her head lifted up as she heard the approach of another, she scanned the horizon looking for the cause of the crunching snow. Hello.. she muttered, curious to who she would meet today, her ears pricked forward with excitement, she was ready to make friends in the kingdom 

    Like The Dancer Before Me

    Who cares if hell awaits?
    We're having drinks at heaven's gate.


    The spirited golden girl greets the other with the warmest, brightest smile as she was just caught mid roll in the snow. Through a muff her white, Mari is catching herself and rolling to find her feet. A flurry of white is everywhere once she is up and giving herself one heck of a shake. The white of her name is stuck against her skin in odd little shapes. It seemed like all of her hair was matted down with her fun in the snow.

    Blue eyes look to the other girl and see a pretty face waiting for her. The other is of a more delicate build, refinement in blood. Mari stretched out to meet the other with a bubbling giggle. "I'm Maribel, by the way." How easily introductions are made. Maribel enjoyed meeting new faces and learning new names, especially in the Tundra.

    M A R I B E L

    omg it's so short. running out of steam but i swear you'll be my first reply once you have posted yours L3

    To her relief the cause of the sound was a golden vixen, one that seemed similar in age to Josie. She had a gentle voice, giving a greeting and Josie returned with a warm smile and a small dip of her head. The mare was rolling when they met, the gold mare hoisted herself off the ground, snow trailing up with her. Her mane stuck to her body but she was still a beautiful mare regardless.

    The young mare laughed and introduced herself as Maribel, Josie couldn't help but return the laugh (its contagious). "Hi! I'm Josie, you have a pretty name " she smiled at her potentially new friend. You can probably tell but I'm new to the Tundra, how long have you been here? Josie has been trying to expand her knowledge of the Tundra, learning of everyone but it has proven to be hard. Josie does remember going to the initiation with this golden mare, they at least have one thing in common.

    Like The Dancer Before Me


    OOC: Blehhhh sorry this was short!
    Who cares if hell awaits?
    We're having drinks at heaven's gate.

    "Josie? That is a really pretty name as well." The young mare grins at the other female, blue eyes watching the other with her full attention. Mari is grateful for the snow to be melting in the warmth of the blue skies she did truly prefer the bird songs of summer and the dappled sunlight on her back. The winter was dazzling on it's own but she was rather ready to shed the thick coat that came along with the icy chill.

    "I've been here since I was a little girl, Josie. My father scooped me up and brought me home." Her voice lifts to a clean soprano with the pride to be a child of the Tundra (mostly). "But I am glad to have run into you..or rather you into me." The silver peal of laughter follows this statement. "Welcome to the Tundra!" Mari shifts around in her place, giddy and vibrating with excitement to have a new face and possible new friend. Mares were plentiful in the Tundra but rarely did they bump into one another.

    M A R I B E  L


    She flicked her ears up in joy as the golden mare shared the compliment, Josie scanned the area truly falling in love with the kingdom. She could not believe that she chose this kingdom all on her own, and one way or another she would succeed at her chosen career as a diplomat.

    Her eyes flickered to Maribel as she spoke about how she came to the kingdom, a smile never left her face well your father sounds like a kind man a soft giggle parted her lips. She stated that she was happy to have met Josie, and welcomed her to the Tundra. Josie felt a sense of pride, this golden mare saw her as a tundra member, that has never really happened. Well thank you! I am glad that we ran into each other! Hopefully we can remain friends She looked at her hoping that she was not coming off to strong attempting to gain friendship. I saw you at the initiation she shuddered at the memories of the initiation. Did you chose a caste yet? she asked curious to if the mare was a fellow diplomat or a warrior.
    Like The Dancer Before Me

    Who cares if hell awaits?
    We're having drinks at heaven's gate.

    Blue eyed are edges by warmth as she stands in the company of the delightfully delicate dark mare. The other sparked a level of excitement in the breast of the honey hued women. It was absolutely lovely to have someone who shared Mari's enthusiasm. "Oh yes, dad is very kind...once you get passed the edges. Ha!" The peals of laughter flow easily from the tips of her lips, eyes glittering like cut sapphires.

    The humor though, flits away at the mention of the initiation. That time spent inside the cave will linger forever with her. Her features pinch as she reflects, the thoughts taking away any sense of where her body presently stood. But as quickly as the images conjure up in her mind's eye, they disperse with the soft words of Josie.

    "Oh a caste..." Her mouth movies sleepily as she regains focus, moving through the fog of memories and blinking her eyes furiously. "Oh yes, I have chose to be a diplomat." A smile spreads across her lips as she look to the other horse. "How about you Josie?" Mari could not see the other as a warrior but she does not pass judgement and waits with turning lobes for her reply.

    M A R I B E  L

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