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  • Beqanna


    Assailant -- Year 226


    "But the dream, the echo, slips from him as quickly as he had found it and as consciousness comes to him (a slap and not the gentle waves of oceanic tides), it dissolves entirely. His muscles relax as the cold claims him again, as the numbness sets in, and when his grey eyes open, there’s nothing but the faint after burn of a dream often trod and never remembered." --Brigade, written by Laura

    [private]  skin to bone; jord
    You don’t need to bother, I don’t need to be.
    I’ll keep slippin’ farther; but once I hold on, I won’t let go til it bleeds.
    Tarnished dreams about the jungle, sometimes—when he can, if he can sleep; he remembers the sights, sounds, and smells and sometimes he even feels safe there wrapped up in his Momma Sol’s embrace. Safe, under the ever watchful eyes of Gendry and Drow while their sister Xero softly sings him to sleep. And then the darkness comes creeping in, the only light being a bulb swaying precariously above his head; safe, until he’s forced to take a shape that isn’t familiar to him and someone starts digging into his skin with a blade so sharp that it parts his flesh like warm butter. He dreams about Else and Dominion afterward, he dreams about the Others and then he wakes up. Willa takes the brunt of his abuse, usually. Despite her being pregnant, he cannot seem to help himself.

    She quivers, cries, but her pleas for him to stop fall on deaf ears and once he’s finished he leaves her to wash off in the river. It happens almost daily. He’s lost count of her bruises, her scrapes—he wonders if she has suffered broken bones but then he decides he doesn’t care so long as she serves her purpose to the Dark God and delivers the child. It’s after one such ordeal with Willa that he decides to leave Forlorn Forest—convinced that none of his mares will dare set foot outside of the boundaries he’s clearly set for them, Tarnished takes to the night sky in the form of a giant snowy owl.

    He flies low over the mountains, swoops even lower over the Dale and then heads northwest towards the Meadow. It’s his intended destination until, whilst soaring over The Forest, he spots with his big owl-eyes a shiny black mare trudging through the snow. Tarnished circles around her several times, often blocking out the moon before he comes to land several feet in front of her. The giant owl twists his head around to stare her down; flapping his wings a bit, he ruffles his feathers and then begins to shift back into his horse form. A Percheron cross with his mother’s handsome Friesian-ish looks, he continues to stare the black mare down. “Where’s it you’re from, shiny thing?” He asks, sniffing at the air for clues.
    ( vanquish x nocturnal )

    [If Megz reads this and needs anything changed in regards to Willa, please pm me and lemme know. <3]
    Vanquish x Nocturnal
    equus mutatio, immortality, disease manipulation, trait immunity
    Daughter of the Night
    Jord walked through the icy snow , the forest lit by the  moonlight. The crisp wind blew, her banner lapping at her bodice. Her orbs looked to the sky every now and then as the moonlight would blot out occasionally.  She took a few steps back as her eyes suddenly saw the owl that landed before her shift into a large, handsome  Percheron-cross horse form in front of her. She stood her ground.. Waiting to see what he would do.

    "I come from far from here. Who are you?" She said.. waiting for a reply, her orbs scanned over his body.. he definitely had her complete attention. She slowly walked around him..sizing him up, just in case he were to suddenly attack. Jord had learned from seeing her family's war from a distance that you can never really trust anyone.. She was lucky to escape when she did 2 years ago.. but she will never forget. "Where are you from?" She asked as she shook her neck, knocking snow off her ebony banner.

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