His gaze remained on the foal as Anahi announced her name Eiria he spoke it to himself, letting the name roll of his tongue, engraving it to his memory. He quickly glanced to Anahi with a smile I like it he said before returning his gaze back to the filly on the ground. He stepped back watching Sirana interact with Eiria, it was almost like the newborn new Sirana was her sister. There muzzles met and Eiria gave a squeal causing Archam to chuckle.
He stepped forward extending his muzzle to the filly who bravely reached out to take in his scent before quickly ducking under Anahi. He smiled watching the innocence the filly held before looking back to Sirana who spoke. He smile and gave a small nod It would appear so He nudged Siranas shoulder lightly, she was rather shy in the beginning but quickly let everyone know she was a free spirit. He moved to rub against Anahi who was still wet from sweat She looks like her mother he whispered to her before turning around to gaze at his two daughters before him.