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  • Beqanna


    Assailant -- Year 226


    "But the dream, the echo, slips from him as quickly as he had found it and as consciousness comes to him (a slap and not the gentle waves of oceanic tides), it dissolves entirely. His muscles relax as the cold claims him again, as the numbness sets in, and when his grey eyes open, there’s nothing but the faint after burn of a dream often trod and never remembered." --Brigade, written by Laura

    this is the road to ruin - anyone


    wildcat of the falls

    Spring is quickly fading into summer, and I rest beneath the shade of a broad-leafed sycamore while looking out over the kingdom. Our rapid growth has tapered off (with the exception of the plethora of foals being born) but I am not bothered by this. The Falls has always beena small kingdom, with bonds between its members that the larger kingdoms cannot ever quite sustain.

    It has been too long since I last socialized with anyone beside Ygritte and our daughter, so as I look over the kingdom I am looking too for a friendly face that might have time to chat. Flicking my raid tail against my spotted haunches, I look up at the brightly colored cardinal who chirps overhead.

    i’m screaming the name of a foreigner’s god

    image by connor obrien
    Raxa still couldn't believe that she was having a good life here. She'd thought that, even if it was a nice place to live, the others would give her a hard time for being different, or ostracize her for no reason other than color. But they'd been kind, understanding, if not a little quiet around her. Perhaps it was just because of Raxa and her loud mouth on that last one.

    The brindled mare had finally allowed herself to calmly settle in. She'd grown to know this territory, albeit not as well as some other horses that had lived here longer. However, she was getting close; she was discovering and remembering nooks and crannies of the kingdom every day, something she loved doing. She liked knowing the strengths and weaknesses of everything around her; for a horse, its tactic in battle. For a kingdom/home, the best place to escape to in case of sudden flash floods or a raging fire.

    Today, none of those things would happen. Instead, it was a quiet day out, save for the pounding of Raxa's hooves. The mare had busied herself that morning with a good run, as she usually did. It was a part of her own personal training, to continue building up her stamina and speed for use not only in battle, but when trying to escape an enemy. Running/moving fast could come in very handy.

    The brindled mare's sides heaved as she galloped across the tall grass of the meadows, her mane billowing behind her. The muscles in her legs burned with fire, her lungs much in the same fashion. But through it all, the adrenaline pushed her; the mare was always spurred on by a good run.

    That, and a bird, an eagle, was flying above her, a bird that Raxa swore she raced against a while back when she'd still been living in the Field. Then again, a lot of birds looked the same, but she didn't really care. She'd locked eyes with the creature when she saw it above her head, and it was as if a silent challenge of strength and speed had passed between them.

    To the normal onlooker, it might have not appeared that horse and bird were racing, but to Raxa, they were. Seeing the end zone of their race, near the rounded edge of the meadow where it met the tree line, the mare put on a last burst of speed. Her legs moved with blinding force under her as she galloped to victory, a huge smile appearing on her face. Raxa threw her front legs into the air and reared, kicking them out and neighing victoriously.

    The eagle above her let out a cry as the mare ended her brief celebration. With a flap of its majestic wings, the creature was gone, leaving the mare alone once more. She wasn't covered in sweat, but Raxa knew she was exhausted after that run. It had originally been about stamina today until the eagle had showed up. Good practice either way.

    Giving her neck a shake, her mane flopping onto one side, Raxa looked around to get a see of her surroundings, a useful trick whether she was a warrior or not. She liked knowing where she was, simple as that. While surveying, the mare spotted the familiar form of Kreios, the king, not too far away from where she'd stopped after her race.

    'What's he doing out here all alone?' Raxa wondered, having thought the king would be spending time with his queen and daughter. Not that she questioned it really though; it wasn't her business. Putting that thought aside, and leaving the choice of conversation to the king if he so wished, Raxa lowered her head, deciding to take a rest after that race before continuing on with a different piece of her training later that day.


    It's a new world, it's a new start.
    It's alive with the beating of young hearts.

    My birthday had come and gone, and I have now seen all the seasons. I’m old enough mother has told me how I came to be and I’m still processing it. It’s interesting how history and genetics can make one understand why things are the way they are. The purple in my flaxen mane and tail, mother’s overprotectiveness and my battle with morals. She raised me well, I understand now that I am to be her protector, and what’s right and wrong but there’s still a part of me that is… what’s the word? Selfish.

    While not supposed to leave the kingdom, I do still need some independence as growing boys do. A lot of patience and the length between having to check in with my golden mother becomes longer. Her neediness is really quite annoying. Can’t say this is my favourite season either. The heat makes my palomino pelt sticky with sweat and the airborne pests are such an aggravating nuisance. Luckily my tail is growing and a little more useful against their attacks.

    I am off wandering the shade of a treeline, following a scent that is familiar but I can’t remember who it belongs to. I hear Raxa, the sharp tongued warrior, out for her regular run. I admire that, running for the sake of running, but doing so in the heat is just gross. With my nose and eyes upon the ground I hardly notice that I’ve come upon the great spotted king and trip over my front hoof from the surprise. Scrambling to recover I chuckle under my breath. I have to lift my head to meet his gaze. “Hey” did that sound cool? I think so. I’m not really sure how you casually greet a king.  

    Kirin x Ashara

    I watch, intrigued, as Raxa races the eagle. I'd spotted the bird overhead as she ran, and though the completion means little I was still pleased that the overo mare had won.

    When she turns towards me, I let out a small wicker in greeting, summoning her closer were she in the mood to talk. Before I can say more, a flash of purple and gold catches my eye and I turn to see your Cicero approaching. The young colt is growing taller everyday, and I know it won't be long till he surpasses his mother. Despite the violence of this conception, he seems to be a happy young creature, with Ashara and Jedi being excellent parents.

    "Hello Cicero," I reply with a smile. "How have you been?" It seems like idle small talk, and perhaps it is. Still, I have always found that the best way to be a good leader is to know those willing to follow, and to do the best I can to make them happy. I glance up at Raxa, hoping she'll join us after her run.
    Raxa, hearing the whicker, lifted her tapered head, her nostrils flaring somewhat as she took in the new scent in the air. She recognized it, as if the bright palomino coat that matched the colt's dam didn't give it away.

    Cicero had stumbled and landed on his hooves clumsily in front of the Falls king. The brindled mare rolled her eyes; Cicero may be young, but he sure wasn't learning fast enough when it came to manners in front of Kreios. However, it did not seem that the king was mad at the young foal. If anything, he was friendly toward the colt.

    Seeing Kreios look at her again, Raxa decided to humor him. She figured he would probably want conversation later on, so best to get it out of the way now. The mare walked over, dipping her head in greeting to the king.

    "Your highness," she stated with a little grit. She still didn't like using that word, but she did it out of pure respect. It took a lot of horse to rule over a kingdom and maintain the peace like Kreios and Ygritte had done. If she didn't respect him for anything else, ruling the kingdom was enough of a reason to.


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