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  • Beqanna


    Assailant -- Year 226


    "But the dream, the echo, slips from him as quickly as he had found it and as consciousness comes to him (a slap and not the gentle waves of oceanic tides), it dissolves entirely. His muscles relax as the cold claims him again, as the numbness sets in, and when his grey eyes open, there’s nothing but the faint after burn of a dream often trod and never remembered." --Brigade, written by Laura

    The shine in my heart; birthing

    As the days passed and Desirea's stomach continued to grow, she came to the realization that she was indeed with foal.  It was funny how such a thing could happen so quickly and unexpectedly.  Just one night of lonely passion had been enough to bring new life into the world.  

    Desirea lay in the soft grass beneath the shade of a large tree, gazing wistfully out at the ocean.  The winter had remained remarkably warm, and the days leading into Spring seemed to be a constant flow of blue skies and mild weather.  She was happy here with Szeth, who had proved himself to be a competent lead stallion.  But it was more than that... In Szeth, she saw someone she would be glad to spend the day with, talking about stupid things and doing not much of anything.  They seemed to be well suited for each other, and she had grown quite fond of the spotted stallion.  She liked the way things were now, but she had no doubt that he would soon be off looking for other mares.  It made her a little uneasy, but such was the way of life.  If everything went her way, perhaps they would share a few more lazy afternoons yet.

    Suddenly, a sharp pain struck Desirea deep in her belly.  She started and cried out, struggling to get to her feet.  It seemed that it was no use, however -- her plump figure was rooted firmly to the earth.  A roll of muscle contractions swam through her, and she was suddenly keenly aware of the fact that her child was on its way.

    The hours passed in a haze.  She didn't know if Szeth had been there by her side, or not.  She had thought she'd seen and heard him, but it was all a feverish dream-like state.  

    When she came out of it, she was curled protectively around a tiny, wet, reddish-black creature.  Desirea touched the young thing carefully, noting with relief that it was warm and moving.  The newborn colt raised its head with considerable effort and touched its muzzle lovingly to his mother's side.  Desirea had to smile.  She liked this little thing already.

    With a gentle nudge, she got the shaky young colt to his feet.  He wobbled for a moment, then took a few uneasy steps.  She caught him when he nearly fell over, wedging her muzzle under his little belly to give him stability.  And then, suddenly, he turned and blinked up at her with his large, shiny eyes; and it was love at first sight, for both of them.

    ooc; Would Szeth be so kind as to bestow the little one's name on him?  c:
    He’s been anticipating this moment all winter.

    Szeth has watched the growing of Desirea’s belly with rapt anticipation. He’s coupled with mares before, been a father before, but not like this - he’s never had the chance to watch his young truly grow.

    It’s been a little nerve-wracking, surprisingly. There’s just so much that can go wrong with birth, he knows, and he’s so inexperienced with the whole process that he’d be no help if something went wrong.

    And as for raising a kid itself …

    That thought brings out a whole other level of nervousness that he’d never known he possessed. Will he be a good father? He certainly hopes so. But he’s never raised a child before. The closest he’s ever come to were his interactions with his little sister Hidatsa, and there he simply been a protective older brother.

    At least though, he will not be alone.

    He doesn’t know if Desirea’s had children before - he hasn’t pried, knowing how painful the loss of her memories has been for her - but even if she hasn’t, it means that he won’t be alone in this. He will have a partner, and a wonderful one at that.

    He’s browsing through the grassy dunes when Desirea’s shout of pain first reaches his ears. “Desirea!” He springs into action, following her scent trail and dashing to her side as quickly as he can. He finds her in moments, but she doesn’t seem to register his presence. Not that he can blame her - birth seems like quite the taxing process. He nuzzles her occasionally, but for the most part stays back, heart beating like a drum in his chest.

    And then, finally, their child is out in the world.

    He watches, eyes glowing with pride, as Desirea first begins to investigate the little bundle at her side, and nudges the child up onto his shaky legs. It’s a boy! Hesitantly, Szeth steps forward and reaches down to nuzzle at the little damp colt. “He’s so handsome!” And so wonderfully unmarked by accursed traits! He turns to Desirea, a wide grin spread across his face. “Have you any idea what to name him?” Secretly he hopes that she will let him do the honours, but he will not force her to do so.
    absolute power corrupts absolutely

    Sure! Big Grin

    Desirea smiled up at Szeth, obviously dazed and sleepy, but happy. She was pleased to see how happy Szeth was to see his son, and all of her worries turned to relief and excitement. They had a journey ahead, to raise this little creature. She was glad not to be alone.

    Szeth mentioned naming the little one, and Desirea was puzzled. Over the past several months, she had spent hours thinking of names and making a little list of everything she liked. But now, none of those names seemed to fit. After studying the little one for a moment, an idea came to her. Desirea looked at Szeth with an adoring smile.

    "I'm really not sure," she answered truthfully. "Would you do the honor of naming our little one?"


    A sudden bright flood of light blinded him, and he blinked his eyes in the sun for the first time. He could feel a warm mass next to him, moving around. It smelled familiar. It felt... safe. The little colt pressed his muzzle curiously against the warm mass, and was startled when it responded with a little nudge.

    A word, as ancient as the dawn of time, formed then in his mind. Mother.

    Suddenly he was being urged up on his shaky legs, and his stomach flipped as the ground sailed away below him. It was such a long way down, and he began to sway dangerously on his stilt-like legs. But a warm touch from his mother steadied him, and he took a few cautious steps.

    This was about the time he caught sight of a giant black and white spotted creature standing quite close to them. The colt blinked up at this new development, and decided he quite liked this strange spotty thing. He wobbled closer, bumping his muzzle gently against one of the large pillars upon which the thing stood. He giggled and fell back onto his rump.

    Gazing with bright eyes up at the spotted thing, another word as old as time came into his mind. Father. Hesitantly, he opened his dewy little mouth and attempted to copy the sounds he could hear coming from his mother. "Da?" With that momentous effort, he fell silent, and focused instead on getting back up onto his shaky legs.

    Stock credit: lumibear @ dA

    Desirea smiles up at him, and his heart melts all over again. She’s never been more beautiful to him than in this moment, with the sweat of her efforts on her brow, and their newborn son at her side. She seems so tired though (not that he can blame her), and his heart goes out to her, wishing there was something he could do to ease her exhaustion. Nothing but time and sleep will do that though, he knows.

    She reveals that she’s unsure of what to name the boy, and a small smile crosses his lips. He’s been bandying about with a name in his head all winter, and now that his boy, his son, is right here in front of him, it seems all the more appropriate. “How about … Sin Killer?”

    It’s a little dramatic, but …

    To him the boy represents a life all their own, a life without the corrupt, the traited - the world’s greatest sin. The name represents more than destruction. To Szeth, it represents freedom.

    He watches as Desirea nudges at the boy, and his smile widens as the boy forces himself up on shaky legs. Desirea steadies the boy, and the Sin takes a few unsteady steps towards him, bumping his muzzle against one of Szeth’s legs. Szeth grins as the boy promptly falls over on his own behind. “Careful there son!”

    Sin’s eyes blink curiously up at him, and Szeth bends his neck down to give the boy a gentle nuzzle as the colt calls him ‘Da.’ “Yes, I’m your dad.” Sin falls silent again, focusing on lifting himself up on to his feet. As the boy finally reaches his full height, Szeth gives him another little nuzzle. “What do you think bud, is Sin Killer the name for you?”
    absolute power corrupts absolutely

    Desirea watched her son waddle over to inspect Szeth, and she couldn't help but smile.  Her heart was already bursting with love for this little one.  Glancing back up at Szeth, she could tell by the look on his face that she was not alone.

    His name of choice was a little unusual, but immediately there was something about it she liked.  "I like it," she answered honestly.  "Little Sin Killer." She tested the words in her mouth, and found them quite comfortable.

    Desirea yawned and gave her mane a little shake.  She felt like a mess.  Surely she looked terrible after all those hours of effort, but at the moment all she wanted was sleep.  Desirea looked at Szeth with adoring eyes, half-lidded with the heavy burden of sleepiness.

    "I think... I need sleep," she said with a sigh.  Seeing her little one safe and well had dashed all of her fears and left her relaxed and sleepy.  For a moment she was struck by an unusual sense of vulnerability and humility, and she blinked at Szeth from beneath her lashes.  "Thank you for being here," she said softly.


    Sin Killer. The name had been given, and it would stick for the rest of his life. Little did he know how much that name would come to represent him and everything he believed in.

    For now, though, there was nothing like that. He was aware only of hunger, curiosity, and love; all else he was oblivious to.

    The touch of his father when he stumbled gave him courage, and once he had stabilized himself again, he nuzzled adoringly against one of Szeth's large legs. He was dwarfed by his father now, but he would grow quickly in the coming months, and would eventually match his father's strong build.

    Suddenly Sin Killer was aware of something new -- sleepiness. He blinked his eyes and grunted, feeling his eyelids droop. The business of being born was a tiring one, especially when he had gotten to his feet so soon afterwards! Sin turned around and flopped against his mother, folding his awkwardly long legs beneath him. With a sigh and a content smile on his face he laid his head against Desirea's warm side and fell asleep.

    Stock credit: lumibear @ dA

    She immediately accepts his choice of name, and he breathes a tiny sigh of relief. It’s an unusual name to be sure, but it just feels so right considering what he’s trying to build here - a place where the ordinary can be free from the world’s greatest sin.

    His eyes narrow as Desirea’s mouth opens in a yawn, and she shakes herself in an apparent bid to clear her mind. She must be exhausted, the poor mare. He knows little of the process of birth, but he has no doubt that it is tiring. It had certainly seemed so for his mother when Hidatsa was born.

    Desirea implies as much when she finally speaks up, suggesting that she needs sleep. “Of course my dear, you must be exhausted after all of that. Go ahead and have a nap - I’ll keep an eye on little Sin Killer here.” He smiles gently as she thanks him for being here. “I wouldn’t dream of being anywhere else Desirea.” He nuzzles her gently, then steps back, giving her space.

    His brown eyes turn to the boy, and he smiles when he notices that the boy’s eyes are drooping as well. Little Sin steps over to his mother, then flops down at Desirea’s side. Szeth steps forward again to nuzzle at the boy. “Sweet dreams little one.” He stands there for a moment, watching the both of them as they drift off into sleep. A year ago he couldn't have imagined this, but, here they are. His own, perfect little family. He couldn't be happier.
    absolute power corrupts absolutely

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