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  • Beqanna


    Assailant -- Year 226


    "But the dream, the echo, slips from him as quickly as he had found it and as consciousness comes to him (a slap and not the gentle waves of oceanic tides), it dissolves entirely. His muscles relax as the cold claims him again, as the numbness sets in, and when his grey eyes open, there’s nothing but the faint after burn of a dream often trod and never remembered." --Brigade, written by Laura

    Butterflies are self propelled flowers - Besra, any
    Butterflies are self propelled flowers.
    Unlike Zeik the cobalt blue roan mare would have objected and she definitely would’ve tried to stop Besra from leaving. But she hadn’t known and now it was too late. Of course she knew she couldn’t blame her eldest daughter, but the picture of their perfect little family was popped like a soap bubble. Sure, her youngest daughter Vlinder, who was currently at her side, still lived with her in the Gates and even Zeik technically stayed there with her and joined them so now and then. Yet the bubble had popped and there was little she could do about it.

    So she had called Vlinder out and had taken her winged girl out on a trip. Even though she had learned of her daughter’s new life recently, it hadn’t been hard to find out Besra’s location exactly. All Felinae had to do was to seek out her lover and ask him. He had indeed let the blue haired girl leave, but that didn’t mean she would go unnoticed.

    She found the trip quite tiring. It was the first time for Vlinder to leave the Gates, to leave her home, of course she would come back, but it was a whole bunch of new experiences for the young girl. New things to discover, a big distance to cross and the fact that she had to keep her wings folded against her body without dragging them with her. She had yet to learn how to fly with them, but at least they looked decent now.

    ”Mommy, are we almost there already?” she asked for the thousandth time already, looking at the blue painted mare with sparking eyes and tipped ears. It had been too long since she had last seen her sister and she had really missed her. After all, which child didn’t look up to their older sibling? Vlinder at least did.

    So when she heard her mother tell her that they were there, and had to wait for Besra to approach them. When Felinae called out to get her oldest daughter’s attention, Vlinder couldn’t stop herself from piping in too, sounding much shriller and high pitched. Although the she’s tired, the’s bursting with energy once again, eager to meet Besra again.
    Zeik x Felinae
    Did these females realize the stupidity of their move? Did they know just how dangerous it was to wander into a herd land? If he had anyone but himself. If the thought was something could occur in his mind, he may have just taken them in and refused to allow them to leave. But that was something that would never occur to him, and even if it did it would be a repulsing thing that tasted bitter, scorned on as something that of other lesser stallions used as means of bullying. Though still he is vigilant and allowing just anyone to cross into his land wasn't something that he would allow to happen. Never would he put his mares in danger. Never would he allow someone to come and put them at risk.

    Arriving at the border his muscles coil and his head holds high, as any war horse would in his situation. Can I help you ladies? He inquires of them startled and slightly unnerved by the sudden appearance of strangers. There had only been one other time that a stranger had crossed over, and that had been a monarch. A monarch of a kingdom closely tied to his own. So her presence had not been wholly unexpected. Still these two while he did not fear them he would not be stupid about allowing them to roam at their leisure either.

    What he was doing with this herd was his business, and his ties to the Dale probably put his herd in a bad position with other kingdoms not completely interested in keeping peace. He wouldn't be surprised if some of them tried to visit and figure out what it was that he was doing with the little group that was forming here. They were strong and closely bonded, each day that passed seemed to bring a  new confidence to his resolve.

    Today seemed to be the day that he was to be tested though. Nodding to them, he does not forget his manners. I am Phaedrus, the alpha here, his low vocals rushing past his lips. Tipping his head to the side curiosity peaks, glancing at the foal close to the mare, they looked similar to his Besra. And after a moment a glimmer of a memory passes through. Shocked into silence he recognizes the mare. But did she recognize him? He couldn't know, memories of that period of his life were blurred if not all forgotten he was sure it was the same for her if not more so.

    He knows that blue, it was the same blue that he carried. The same blue of his father. There was no doubt in his mind that somehow they were related. He isn't sure why she would show up here, he had been the black sheep of the family. His father hated him with a vengeance. He had been shunned. Why would one of his relatives seek out his company?
    i'll carry this flag, to the grave if i must

    A kiss is not a contract

    Coming home had been all she ever wanted. To leave that place with Archam and return where she most belonged, where she was most needed. Sadly, for her, that didn’t mean the Gates anymore. Of course Besra misses it - the simple solitude of the kingdom, the quiet afternoons spent with both her parents. It wasn’t often in Beqanna that a mare felt at ease growing past her prime with her sire nearby, but she’d never had to worry about those things since she’d left the mourning mountains so long ago. In more way than one, she’s had a simple life. Then again, she’d never wanted simple. How could she, when her wanderlust came from Zeik, and her motherly affection came from Felinae? She had been doomed to leave, at some point or another, it was only a matter of time.

    That’s why, when the familiar tune of voices rings out over the plains, Besra’s head pops up from the long tendrils of grass and her eyes widen in excitement. “Mother!” She thinks, glossy silver coat a blur of movement as she sprints to where they wait. From the sound of things, she’d brought little Vlinder too. This was something of a surprise. It’s hard to contain the smile that brightens her face when she finally comes upon them - Phaedrus standing at the ready. “Easy, Phaedrus.” She asks tenderly, nose running along his sleek hide as she comes to stand at his right. They make a striking duo alone, but the four of them together seem to oddly share a common color. Besra’s not sure if she’s ever seen so much blue in her life before.

    The roan mare can hardly stand still, she’s overcome with joy at this unexpected reunion. Her legs bring her forward to wrap her neck deftly around her Dam’s, letting go only to offer her nose in greeting to her rapidly growing sister. “You came all this way to see me mother?” Besra asks, stepping back to view them once more. Felinae seemed healthly, untouched by Zeik this season but that was just like her father - he was subject to any wish or whim his bluebird mate wanted. Vlinder too seemed happy, so all sources of bad news vanish from Besra’s thoughts. “I’m sorry I didn’t say goodbye … but I know you wouldn’t have wanted me to go.” She offers, guessing aloud as to the reason for their coming.

    It seemed too good to be true - the family nearly complete again.

    I'm so excited, delighted. I won't deny it nor fight it.

    The blue painted mare wasn’t really aware of the potential danger she put herself and her daughter in. Even though she had met one of those brutes that would take everything within their grasp – Besra had even been born in the herd of such a monster, although not sired by him – she didn’t feel endangered right now. You could say Felinae hadn’t really learned her lesson, but it was just her naïve nature. She wanted to see the best in everybody, even those who needed second chances. Though both Gryffen and Leck wouldn’t get those if it depended on the cobalt blue roan girl.

    She could have shifted and explored the herdland from above. There was no way somebody would pay attention to a little bluebird, except for those who knew. Besra would’ve recognized her for sure, or that was what Felinae wanted to believe. It would’ve been an option if Vlinder would’ve been able to fly too. The girl was gifted with a set of wings, but she still had to learn how to use them, something that worried the cobalt blue mare greatly.

    But right now it wasn’t time for her to be worried about those kind of things. The black and blue’s stallion isn’t what Felinae had expected and it is instinct that push her forward. With turned back ears, although not pinned against her skull yet, she steps forward to place herself protectively between her child and the stranger. ”I only came to visit my daughter” she replies, voice soft and friendly, but surely hesitant because of his firm posture.

    Then his expression and whole body language change somewhat, as he allows himself to turn into a gentleman, at least a bit. Felinae straightens herself, but not after brushing her blue lips through Vlinder’s mane. She made sure to tell the little girl that it was alright, that she didn’t have to worry or be afraid. Not that Vlinder seemed bothered by it all, only eager to see her older sister again. ”Mom, when will Besra come? She’ll come, right?” she asked, not at all aware of the tension between the two adults that were strangers and related by blood at the same time.

    ”My name is Felinae, and this is Vlinder.” Meeting Phaedrus’ politeness she introduces them both, even offering him a small smile. Her lips curl up even more as she casts her gaze down to the winged girl. Both Vlinder and Besra had inherited some of their mother’s blue. Not at much as Felinae herself, but one with blue hair and one with blue wings. But he, Phaedrus, shows some of the same blue too. It wasn’t the first time Felinae had come across colourful horses, but it was the first time she saw the cobalt blue on somebody else than her own family, and it would be a lie to say it didn’t spark any curiosity.

    Her oldest daughter’s appearance made her forget about the blue. Seeing the blue haired girl dashing in their direction Felinae cannot help but to smile widely, about to step forward to reach out, but stopping when her daughter seemed to choose to greet Phaedrus first. Taking a step back she cannot help but to watch them, eyes moving from one to the other, and the knowing smirk pulls on the corners of her dark blue lips right away. Out of all things, this wasn’t something she had expected to come across already. After all, in her mind Besra was still the same little girl as during the time in the Mourning Mountains.

    She responds to her daughter’s embrace, eagerly reaching out to touch the blue roan girl. Her muzzle runs across her neck, nibbling on her mane slightly, before pulling back and allowing Besra and Vlinder to re-unite. ”Big sis!” Vlinder happily exclaims and enthusiastically pushes her nose against Besra’s. Her wings flutter as she shivers, already bouncing up and down happily, her tiredness long forgotten. Then she falls still, only looking up at her full grown sister with a slight pout upon her lips. ”I missed you..” she mumbles. Only seconds later she pushes herself against her blue roan sister, utterly happy that her sister was around again.

    ”You make it sound like it would be too much trouble for me to come and visit you, darling.” As she speaks Felinae cannot help but to grin slightly. She never really moved away from Besra too far, wanting to hold her daughter close. It might be her last chance to do so, because maybe, next time, she would’ve been too grown up for that. Yet, it didn’t come easy to her to let her first baby go. ”Don’t be sorry, dear. I would’ve tried to stop you, but it might be better this way. As long as you’re happy.” She knew she couldn’t keep her children with her forever. They would grow up and eventually start their own lives. And most of the time that meant the mother wouldn’t be included in the day to day life.

    Felinae is so happy to see her daughter again and any thought of Phaedrus is pushed to the back of her mind. She would almost forget that he was there too, but she couldn’t mind it to put her own child first. ”How have you been, Besra? You look good.” It’s genuine interest, but also the motherly heart that always worries for her children. The heart needed some reassurance from time to time too.


    OOC: Oops.. I guess I had quite a bit of Felinae muse here XD.
    Blue is Vlinder
    White is Felinae, in case it was confusing Tongue
    [Image: felinae_zpsxzrcory8.gif]
    At first his tense nerves rule his thoughts, then she says that she is here for her daughter. For a moment he is confused, knowing of no filly that lived within his lands, that is until the foal spoke up. Besra, of course, he should have seen it. The pale blue coloring. What strikes him though is the cobalt, only one horse ever gave that color. Felidae? His thought rolls off his tongue. Then introductions insue, and her name comfirms his suspisions, Wonderful to meet you Felinea, Vlinder. Tell me what is your relation to Felidae? Before he can get to deep in the conversation Besra is by his side calming him with her touch. The meer mention of his father sending a tumultious cascade of emotions through his mind.

    She reminds him of how his intensity can be imposing to others, so in a sheepish effort he relaxs tucking his wing around her for the moments that she is by him. How she knew what to do to calm his ever present battle instinct he could never fathom. He watches as family is united. A smile hinting at his lips. Standing by he watches the exchange not wishing to inturrupt. He stands alone for the moment as his Besra offers gentle touches of love to her family.

    He becomes lost in his own thoughts for a while. Letting the girls enjoy themselves. In this moment he is able to relax. The irritations and irrational anger he had been experiencing lately seep away with the chatter of the giddy females. He used to keep his anger in check, he used to know exactly what he was looking for. These days he simply roams, searching. He was back in the same place he was before. Aimless, yet not... it was a confusing state, a frustrating state. And others around him seemed to find it amusing to poke at him when he is in this state of mind.

    He wondered just what it was that he was planning on doing. There was an idea brewing in the back of his thoughts, one that he was certain that when it took, it would be a doozy. But for now it just scratched and ebbed at the fringes of his mind reminding him that it was there, but that it wasn't even close to being ready to show itself. What to do with the herd? Alliences were a good idea, but what could they do for him? What could the herd do for the kingdoms? What could HE do for the kingdom? The kingdom alliences needed to interact for sure. But how? How was he going to encourage this to happen.

    He knew that herds and kingdoms were supposed to remain seperate. They were supposed to.... he shakes his head setting it aside for the moment. He needed to pay attention to the present, not brood over something that could never happen.

    i'll carry this flag, to the grave if i must

    A kiss is not a contract

    By the looks on their faces, Besra would’ve thought she’d interrupted something. Phaedrus has a questioning look shadowing his eyes, and Felinae is glancing between the large stallion and Besra with a wicked smile on her face. She should chide them, really, for making their thoughts so obvious but Vlinder is parched for attention and Besra won’t be the horse to deny her that. She rolls easily into a comfortable position, hind leg bending as the other three support her stout weight. It wasn’t obvious quite yet, but Besra would soon be as round and uncomfortable as the rest of the mares here in Golden Plains. It’d been a long time since she had thought of herself as a little filly.

    She’d always have that motherly instinct though - it shines through in this very moment as she descends her nose to groom little Vlinder without so much as a blink. Caring for others - that came as naturally as anything to Besra. “Missed you more.” She murmurs, lips forming a bright smile against that tender blue fur. It wouldn’t be long until her feathered sister was full-grown either (at least by Beqanna standards) and then what would Felinae do with herself? The roan chuckles at the thought, producing images of Zeik reasoning with her dam to try for another. Perhaps even a boy. She can only imagine what such a serious little colt would be like in the Gates.

    “I’m well! Busy, lately.” She tells her mother, head rising once more so she can focus her attention on the elder mare. A single ear tips back, registering that Phaedrus has yet to serve any input. The restless shift of his weight tells her all she needs to know so she tips her head in his direction and offers a playful grin. “Why don’t we all take this somewhere a little more comfortable?” She prods, turning around to make her way back into the throng of golden grass. She wants her family to see what comforts she now calls home, but she won’t do so without Phaedrus giving approval. Stallions - always the need to feel in control. Felinae will join her, she knows this, and more than likely little Vlinder will wander ahead in curiosity and equal safety.

    “I was stolen recently.” She tells her dam, laughing warmly at the memory now that the hardship has passed. “I’m not sure whether to be flattered or disgusted.” She quips, knowing Felinae will more than likely have a stronger reaction than she. There was no doubt in her mind that the bluebird shifter still shuddered at the thought of what happened to her before Besra had even been born. Even as she ages, the blue-maned girl can still remember the pale, horned freak.

    ooc: Finally, I know.

    I'm so excited, delighted. I won't deny it nor fight it.

    Her surprise is just as big as his, if not more. It has been a while since she had last heard that name – even though her own was very much alike – and the cobalt blue roan mare had long given up on finding family. It had been years ago since she had travelled to the Deserts, in an attempt to learn more about Felidae. All she knew about her own father was his name and that his coat had been as blue as hers. Alausi – Felinae’s mother – had named her after her father because of that cobalt blue. She hadn’t known about siblings nor she was prepared to hear someone, a stranger, suddenly bring that name up again. With Besra’s arrival she doesn’t get the chance to reply. It wasn’t the right time and place to bring up old family bonds, where she had come to visit the new ones.

    Although Felinae is glad that her daughter had found happiness, she cannot ignore the pang in her chest. How could she not think of Zeik as she sees the two together. This Phaedrus might not be Besra’s lover, he is thé stallion in her new life. And honestly, they made quite a pair with their blue hair; one cobalt and one blue like the sky. She tries to hide it behind her smile, trying to push the thought away. Zeik was around and she knew he would always be, therefor both her daughters were important at this moment. She watches her girls interact together, yet refuses to move too far away from them as she rather keeps them within reach.

    The pout upon Vlinder’s dark lips grows and soon after she shakes her head in disagreement. ”I missed you more..” she states, although a bit hesitantly. Her big sister is the only one she feels truly comfortable around, knowing that the blue haired roan didn’t look down on her and neither worried too much like their mother did. Simply because of that Vlinder had missed her. It was rare for the young girl to have company and not feel troubled and less at the same time. She already knew that her wings were no good, but who was she to tell her mother that?

    She didn’t need much encouragement to walk into the strange land. Too young to understand courtesy and politics, understanding Besra’s suggestion as a real invitation. Not does it cross her mind that it isn’t Besra who really should ask them in. Vlinder had yet to pay much attention to Phaedrus. Her sister and these new lands were far more interesting and with renew energy the blue roan girl – she takes after both her father and sister in that matter – she trots forward to inspect her sister’s new home herself. ”Big sis! Show me your favorite places, pleaaaseee?” she asks – or more like whines – only stopping to look back at the adults with a big grin on her face.

    Felinae watches her youngest daughter silently. She sees how Vlinder had temporary unfolded her white and blue wings in enthusiasm, but also witnesses how the young girl struggles to fold them back up against her side again. It worried the cobalt blue mare. So by the time Felinae looks back to Besra there is a sad smile upon her lips. ”I would very much like that” she says as she nods her head. It isn’t after she glances at Phaedrus that she moves forward, making sure to get his approval too.

    If it had been possible, her face would’ve turned pale as blood drained from it. ”What..?” Her voice is like a whisper, spoken underneath her breath and her eyes widen. She cannot understand her daughter’s laugh, as she herself was confronted with a memory of two pairs of red eyes. One winged and one horned. As Felinae shakes herself, trying to get rid of the memory, she pushes herself forward, instantly reaching out to her oldest daughter. Her muzzle brushes against Besra’s shoulder and the blue mare cannot help but to inspect her, looking for wounds or other traces of the horrible experience. ”Are you okay? Did they hurt you, scare you or touch you in any way?” As she speaks her voice trembles. Felinae’s reaction seems like the total opposite of Besra’s, having both had quite a different experience while being stolen.


    [Image: felinae_zpsxzrcory8.gif]

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