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  • Beqanna


    Assailant -- Year 226


    "But the dream, the echo, slips from him as quickly as he had found it and as consciousness comes to him (a slap and not the gentle waves of oceanic tides), it dissolves entirely. His muscles relax as the cold claims him again, as the numbness sets in, and when his grey eyes open, there’s nothing but the faint after burn of a dream often trod and never remembered." --Brigade, written by Laura

    nothing's only words; birthing, any
    She hadn’t really planned on getting pregnant.

    She’d thought she’d focus on her abilities for a little while, working on her control and the strength of her powers. But Weir … well, it’d been impossible to not fall in love with him. The roan stallion is the perfect gentleman - kind, caring, attentive and at times silly.

    And one thing had led to another …

    She’s nervous for the birth itself though. She’s knows nothing about the process - none of the mares in her old herd had trusted her enough to be around for their own. And part of her is afraid that, in the midst of that pain, that emotion, she could lost control …

    Luckily for her, when the time does come, instinct takes over. The birth is actually very quick and easy, and in under half an hour the child is out on the grass. Eira is quick to her feet, and rushes to the damp bundle, working as quickly as she can to clean off the afterbirth. As she works the smile on her face grows.

    It’s a boy, a healthy little roaned bay boy. As his face becomes more visible as the gunk is cleared away, it becomes clear that he bears a striking resemblance to his handsome father. Eira can’t help but grin in pride.

    She lets out a low call for Weir (no doubt he is somewhere nearby) then turns back to the boy. She gives him a little nudge, trying to urge him up onto his feet. The poor little guy must be hungry after all of that!
    nothing's only words, that's how hearts get hurt

    Bleh this post, but yay at least it's up!


    It had been the perfect, coziest place ever (well it was all he had every known). It was warm, comforting, and at times he could hear his mother whisper sweetly to him. He could feel the beat of her heart, and when he wasn’t fumbling around in the fluid kicking her belly he would rest his head on the wall nearest to it. The developing colt would have gladly remained in the depths of his mother forever, but nature had a different destiny for him. Out of nowhere the home that had enveloped him for months was now evicting him. In the flourish of pressure and groans he soon slipped from his mother and landed heavily on the ground.

    His eyes slowly broke open, and he peered through a gooey mess of tissue and sac. Soft lips soon pressed against his head, and a tongue wiped away his birth shield. He looked upward with wondering eyes and instantly fell in love with the mare before him. With unsteady legs he attempted to unfurl his body. Instinct pushed him to stand. He fell after a moment, gathered himself and tried again. After the third attempt he managed the feat. A small smile formed, and he stepped carefully toward his mother. He rested his head against her chest. He could identify the heartbeat almost instantaneously.

    The colt paused beside her, finding strength in her support before he swung his head beneath her belly and began to drink.
    ice shifting son of weir and eira

    Sometimes the world works in mysterious ways, surely if anyone knows that it is Weir. While it is mysterious there is still usually some reason as to why or how things go the way they do. Maybe he was charming, romantic or gentle. Maybe he was all of those things. One thing he is undoubtedly, is a grand teacher and while the subject of procreation was not the one he intended to teach at all, somehow one thing had led to another. Not that he wasn’t simply delighted, in fact he was wholly ecstatic about the whole thing. It had been some time since Weir had fathered a child and already the ones he had were growing far into adulthood. All that aside he still had not had anyone to share his days with and now the prospect of having just that made him giddy with joy.

    It is no surprise that Weir has counted the days, ticking each one off in his mind. It could be any time now, babies had their way of coming when they were good and ready.

    A low call reaches him from the copse of spruce in which he grazes, his red ears turning towards the sound with a start. Is it time? Is the baby here? So many questions have already begun to whirl through his brain and he doesn’t notice he is frozen in place until a shout reaches him.

    “Weir, WEIR, snap to it! Eira is calling what are you doing?”

    “Oh. Oh, right right, Eira. The baby! We should hurry, on the double Darwin!” He’s shouting himself in his excitement, turning around abruptly to head in the direction of the sound. Thankfully he is not far, reaching Eira late because already there is a beautiful colt at her side.

    “I’m late. Sorry, terribly sorry my love. Oh but he is wonderful! Simply beautiful, look at him. What is he called?” So far his amber eyes have been racing back and forth and back and forth between the two unable to decide who he should be adoring more.

    Darwin simply shakes his head, tutting under his breath while Weir stumbles over himself.
    Such a sweet little thing. Eira smiles warmly as her little son slowly opens his eyes, peering through the mess of tissue and afterbirth. He watches her, eyes full of curiosity and love and her heart just feels so full. He unfurls his dark legs, trying once, twice, to stay on shaky legs, before finally managing it on his third attempt. “Such a good boy.” She coos, nuzzling at him, encouraging him.

    He takes a few steps forward, bumping his head against her chest and resting it there. “Are you hungry sweetie?” She gives him a little nudge and he manages wiggle his way around to find her teat. She chuckles as he latches on. “I thought you might be.”

    Then, suddenly, Weir and Darwin are there.

    Her face breaks into an even warmer smile as the roan stallion thunders towards them. Somehow her heart feels even more full. She grins as Weir’s eyes switch between herself and their son, and he begins to exclaim happily over the boy. She doesn’t try to detach him yet though - being born is surely hard work, and he should have the chance to drink his fill!

    Weir asks after his name, and Eira shakes her head slightly. She’s had a little time to give it some thought. “I thought you might like to do the honours, for our first.” She’s sure he’ll know one that’s simply perfect.

    A low nicker catches her attention, and her head turns to look at a familiar speckled mare. “Hello Neva.” Weir’s adoptive daughter moves to stand beside Weir and Darwin, nudging gently at her father with a soft smile on her face. “Congratulations. He's beautiful.”
    nothing's only words, that's how hearts get hurt

    Sorry about the wait!
    I figured I'd just include Neva in this too. Smile

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