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  • Beqanna


    Assailant -- Year 226


    "But the dream, the echo, slips from him as quickly as he had found it and as consciousness comes to him (a slap and not the gentle waves of oceanic tides), it dissolves entirely. His muscles relax as the cold claims him again, as the numbness sets in, and when his grey eyes open, there’s nothing but the faint after burn of a dream often trod and never remembered." --Brigade, written by Laura

    The Calm Before the Storm- [Daeryssa, Any]
    the words she knows the tune she hums

    Zaravich was the newest member of Phaderus' herd, she had been a member of the Dale for some time and recently learned of the herd lands. She decided to get away for today, and made the long venture to the forest. Josie, her foal, was almost a year old now and she left her in the protection of the herd as she went on her own for the first time since giving birth. As she reached the forest she looked around with joy, it was officially winter with a small blanket of snow on the ground. the green grass still peaked out through the snow. The air was bitter and she could see her breath, leaving a perfect hoof print with every step. The pine trees scattered around were still green, as they are all year round.  It was always nice to visit the forest when it was winter, the little bit of greenery beneath there feet would soon go away, and the pine trees here offered the only relief of the constant white snow.

    Zara stuck out like a sore thumb, she could not hide from any creatures as her ebony color was the polar opposite of the white snow. Most of the stags got there sexual frustrations out with the breeding season just a few moons ago, so she hoped to remain safe. Zara had not met many herd members in the Plains, but really did not want to encounter the mares who were all fighting over Phaderus' attention. Instead she hoped that she would find someone to befriend in the forest; her ears pricked and her head followed to the sound of another approaching.

    the tiny dancer


    The sunset rains like a bullet hole; trees only seem for hanging.
    The marks Pazuzu left on my skin are still faint healing slashes across the powder and steel blue of my coat, lovely little mementos of our time together that will fade eventually, I'm sure. Maybe by then, I'll have more to add to them. I got exactly what I wanted from him, after all: days of my body reminding me of the storm that had raged between us, and the way we pounded that gilded cage of mine into so much shimmering gold dust.

    I'm not exactly expecting lightning to strike again as I wander through the forest, but for the first time in a long time I'm bored. Restless I'm used to, but bored? Traversing far corners of the world always used to sound appealing; now it just sounds like far too much work. Exhausting, really, and I feel unusually tired already today. And now that I've let myself run wild, I don't want to go back to spending all my time alone. So. I should meet people. Do...I don't know, normal person things. Talk, is that what people normally come here to do? Whatever, so I'm a little out of practice. I'll figure it out.

    Mmm, and if anyone catches my eye, maybe I'll do a little more than talk.

    I snort, shaking my head at myself because even as I think it, whatever wildness woke to feed on that glorious storm is sleeping soundly inside me. If the right person came along and made sparks fly again, maybe that would change. But without more than a shimmer of that electric charge building on my skin, it seems content to rest, unchained and uncaged and in less of a rush than I'd expected it would be to fly free again. For right now, at least.

    Oh, I've tried a bit. Flirted with my fair share of random strangers – and more than flirted with a few – just to see if I could feel that rush again. Just to see if it was always that good, or if it was something harder to come by. Turns out it's the latter, sadly, or so far at least. So that wild, wicked something that lives on lightning and heated moans and blood trickling down my skin slumbers, and I stroll idly through the forest in search of something to shake up my day. Someone to get my heart pounding again. Hell, anything that isn't more time spent alone on a damn mountaintop, really.

    There don't seem to be many people out and about around here, though. Maybe it's the snow keeping people tucked away and out of sight, although given the shelter of the trees I had expected there to be better chances of encountering someone here than in the meadow. I'm about to give up and go curl up somewhere myself when I catch a glimpse of black through the tree trunks.

    There's no trace of that restless, hungry itch like there was with Pazuzu, no electric charge building beneath my skin as I draw closer, and when I get a good look at her, I can't say that I'm surprised. There's softness in the curve of her neck, the line of her back, the way she holds herself even as her ears perk up and her head turns toward me. The look in her eyes is far too sweet, too gentle. Gentle has never quite done it for me.

    Another day, I might have tried anyhow, just to see if there was something dark and delicious lurking beneath those doe eyes. Today though, an inexplicable trace of exhaustion weighs down my limbs and my libido. I wouldn't have the energy to follow through even if she did turn out to have a wild side of her own. Instead, I just nod a greeting. “So what brings you out on a day like this?”

    The moon is a target range, and rivers seem only for drowning
    of the restless heart
    the words she knows the tune she hums

    The ebony mare looked off in the direction in which she heard noises. It should be easy to spot another with the white blanket covering the ground, although the trees offered protection and the dead pine needles, now brown, offered covering for those of similarity in viewing. Her ears flicked around as a few birds stuck around, late to migrate, they chirped hopping from tree to tree, looking for any source of food. This however, was not the noise she heard, was her mind playing games with her? She knew she heard something, she was not alone in the forest today.

    The mares body flinched without moving her legs, as another popped out from hiding. Revealing herself to be a blue mare with a purple mane, tail and dorsal stripe. She had gazed over the mare from head to hoof, intrigued by her color. She cannot recall meeting an equine of such beauty, she had old wounds that were clearly healing and curiosity made her wonder how she came to have them, but that wouldn't be a wonderful opening statement.

    Shaking all her thoughts from her head thought of a response, what did bring her out today? "I wanted a change of scenery, what brought you out?" she asked, her voice was friendly and her ears remained forward. Her statement was true for the most part, she had never been away from her foal before today. Josie was almost a year old now, and more than capable of being on her own in the herd lands while she ventured to the forest. The Dale was a quiet kingdom, forcing the mare to be isolated for most of her time there. She was a very social creature who;s only desire was to behold a friend, constantly in the field or the forest looking to hold a friendship with someone. 

    the tiny dancer

    Just stay away from the white light. I'd say your worst side's your best side.
    Yeah, she's definitely too sweet for my taste, especially with memories of Pazuzu lingering on my skin. Mmm, and lingering so well, too. It's a shame those marks are almost gone now, and even more of one that I haven't added any more so far. Hey, though that looks like a spark of interest in her doe eyes as she gives me a nice, thorough once over. Maybe with a little nudge, we could find some wildness lurking inside her after all.

    Her gaze lingers on the still-healing marks left, and my friendly smile melts into something a little more promising. Oh, I would be happy to indulge her curiosity. And if her eyelids go heavy with hunger, if her heart starts to race as I spill dirty little secrets all over the pristine snow between us, well then. Maybe we could have a little fun. But she shakes her head, focusing her attention on my question instead, and the moment passes. Ah well.

    Letting it go with a little shrug I drift closer, not invading her personal space just yet, but closing the distance between us to something a little cozier. “Boredom, mostly. Restless feet, a bit of an itch under my skin...one I'm finding tricky to scratch by myself.” Another little spark of possibility flares low in my belly, still quiet, something stirring at the idea of just how I could go about scratching it, if I were so inclined. Quick shag, maybe a catfight in the meadow...eh. Work. “I'm Ryss,” I add as that tiny spark fades again. “And you are?”
    Just when you think that you're alright, I'm crawling out from the inside.
    of the restless heart
    the words she knows the tune she hums

    Zara scanned over the beautiful mare who was blue in color, Zara has seen some magic in Beqanna but it was rare to see a horse of her color. She was curious as to how the mare obtained the marks on her body, but turned to find her gaze hopeful she did not catch her looking at the marks. The blue mare seemed to be full of life which was a trait few horses had that Zara came across. They were always routine, out recruiting for there kingdom, out to spread there kin, unwilling to speak to someone outside there kingdom/herd. This mare had no cares what anyone thought, something that brought excitement to Zara. She watched as she stepped closer, showing no signs of danger to Zara.

    the mare spoke as she came out her out of boredom which cause Zara to laugh, she often times grew bored in her kingdom due to the quietness, and felt the struggle of the blue mare. Ryss she spoke in her head a few times, learning how it tastes on her tongue. Her eyes grew wider as the mare asked her name, HOW COULD SHE FORGET TO INTRODUCE HERSELF "I apologize, my name is Zara" she gave a smile "do you reside in a kingdom or herd?" she asked curious of were she resided.

    the tiny dancer

    Just stay away from the white light. I'd say your worst side's your best side.
    Oh, isn't that interesting? She's eying Pazuzu's marks on my skin again, curiosity in those doe eyes of hers. The laughter falling from her lips is sympathetic, all too knowing. “Oh, honey. No, neither. I couldn't settle down long enough to stay in a herd if I tried, not even if the one running the show was the guy who gave me all these lovely fading scars. Mmm...though it would be fun to try. Especially if I got to mess around with all the other girls in the herd too...”

    My lips curve into a sultry grin as I imagine just what kind of fun that could be, until I remember the downside. Aside from the fact that I'd be tying myself to one man, that is. “Ugh, but too many kids. They'd be everywhere. Nope. Herd life isn't for me, pet.” Even if it meant frequent repetitions of our highly memorable time together, and bringing other people in on the fun. We'd still be tripping over spawn with every step, and there is nothing appealing about that mental image.

    “I'm not fit for kingdoms either, as it happens. Wandering feet, you know,” I say, lifting one in illustration. “I go where they take me, and I've never really been interested in settling.” Not even the jungle, where I'd lived with my family for my first few years, had ever felt like mine. Nor had I felt like its. “I think I'm missing whatever bit of anatomy or personality gives other people that whole kingdom loyalty thing. I'd rather wander through, see the sights so to speak, and be on my merry way. And yourself?”
    Just when you think that you're alright, I'm crawling out from the inside.
    of the restless heart
    the words she knows the tune she hums

    Zara's eyes grew wide as Ryss noted her gaze on her marks, embarrassed that she was caught. She listened to the mare explain that she had no desires to be in a herd or a kingdom; noting that she thought it would be fun to mess around the the other mares.....what? Zara was confused by her comment, did she mean it in a sexual way? She flicked her tail removing any thoughts of confusion from her mind.

    Ryss stated she was born in the Jungle, although Zara has never met an equine from that Kingdom, or been there The Dale and the Jungle were alliances. The mare finished speaking her mind returning the question to Zara, where did she leave. She glanced over her once more envious of the life she lived "Well I belong to the Dale, but reside in the herd lands claimed by a stag of the name Phaderus" her gaze wonderd off thinking of the stag who claimed her interest, disappointed by the large amount of mares who also lived with her, all fighting for his attention. She did grow to care deeply for him though, and would not trade her life for another. "I have a filly, with another stag" she rolled her eyes thinking of the stag who abandoned her after a week of enjoyment they shared. "Shes back with the herd though" almost a year old Josie was fine to be left with the protection of the herd.

    She looked to find the gaze of the mare "Although I do see how you it could be repetitive to belong to a herd, or even a kingdom" Zara did not speak to the other mares in the herd, her only relief to loneliness was Phaderus and the random friends she makes in the Field or Forest. A smile grew on her face as her interest in the mare grew, intrigued by her life style. "Although I do not think anything is missing from your anatomy, you appear fine to me" she said with confidence, the mare had guts, something few equines had now a days, at least the ones she has met.

    the tiny dancer

    Just stay away from the white light. I'd say your worst side's your best side.
    There isn't even a flicker of interest in those doe eyes when I fantasize aloud about messing around with fellow herdmates. Straight as an arrow, or remarkably oblivious, or just not attracted to m—well. I'm not quite settled on the last one just yet, given how many times Zara's indulged her curiosity and looked me over. She looks a little embarrassed when I mention the scars Pazuzu left on my soft blue hide. “Oh, honey, it's okay. I know I'd be wondering too. They're courtesy of...mmm, a special friend of mine.” I wink, amused at the utterly inaccurate euphemism for whatever it is Pazuzu and I are. Aside from chemistry that's out of this world, I really have no idea. So what the hell, right? It'll do for now.

    Zara goes into her...current living situation, a tale of two stags—stags? Oh. Yeah, no, I like the rather hilarious term 'special friend' a lot more than stag. But hey, if that's what she wants to go with, well enough and good for her. I nod and smile and listen to Zara's story, noting the way she rolls those doe eyes of hers when she mentions her daughter's father. I nod sympathetically, though I've never had a man do me wrong, or had any expectations that one would stick around to begin with. Maybe that was where we differed. When I tangle with a man, I'm not in it for romance and empty promises; I'm in it for the lightning dancing in my veins, and the taste of him on my lips, and the exquisite agony of tearing skin, and the—well. Definitely not pretty words or forever.

    “Is herd life something that works for you? It sounds fucking boring. No offense, if you love it that's fine. But I mean. Seriously, what do you do with yourself? I would go stir crazy living in one place, seeing all the same people. Even if the sex was great, even if the other ladies were into it too, I think I'd get bored pretty fast. One guy, indefinitely? And that one guy shared between, what, half a dozen girls? More? Constant territory, never a whole new world just around the bend with new strangers to flirt with—or so much more than flirt with? I don't think I could do it.”

    Okay. I can't get a read on this girl to save my life. Just when I think she's a harmless innocent, she goes and drops a little comment like that last one? How could that not have been a come on? And there's blatant interest in her eyes, maybe not a desperate, fuck-me-now kind of hunger but at least a healthy dose of fascination. Well hell, there's one way to find out. A wicked little grin spreads across my face, and I step closer, eying her in return. “Why thank you, pet,” I croon, sidling up to her and shamelessly invading her personal space. I trace my lips up the line of her back, purring “You're pretty fine yourself.” There. I don't care how oblivious she is, there's no mistaking that line as anything but flirtation. One way or another, I'll figure out her deal.
    Just when you think that you're alright, I'm crawling out from the inside.
    of the restless heart
    the words she knows the tune she hums

    The ebony mare watched as Ryss spoke, trying to make it less awkward about her catching Zara gazing at her marks. The scars were well faded, and Zara was curious as to why anyone would leave such horrible marks on another. She did not feel like it was her place to ask and refrained from any further questions.

    Zara couldn't help but blurt out a laugh as Ryss talked about herd life, asking if it was boring, how it was sharing the stallion, great sex couldn't keep her in a herd. Well, I haven't met any of the other mares, and I can't say that I really want to she admitted out loud I think I would get jealous if I interacted with the others as much as she didn't like the idea of jealousy she truly had feelings for Phaderus and would not want to put a face to his other mares. She knew they were there, but if she never talked to them she could pretend they didn't exist. I do get bored often, but like I said, I fill my boredom in the field or here she said scanning the pine trees that were bright green regardless of the time of the year.

    She did not talk about her life to many equines, and she found it very relaxing to have another she could talk to. A mare who did not share her herd lands with her, she could escape that constant love triangle (well really its a decagon). She watched as the mare scanned her, she seemed to be more intent on the mare than there conversation. Ryss stepped closer to Zara, lifting her head and placing her lips on Zaras back with a flirtatious comment. She truly did enjoy Ryss' company but was unsure how to respond to her action. Zaras back trembled, she did not mind the touch, but could only think of Phaderus when she did it, Zara stepped back reclaiming her personal space Sorry.... she said awkwardly moving her gaze to the ground. She imagined Ryss would lose interest in there conversation after that and leave Zara to herself in the forest.

    the tiny dancer

    Just stay away from the white light. I'd say your worst side's your best side.
    I could have played it cooler, coaxed the dainty doe-eyed girl out of her shell, given her a chance to decide that any curiosity she might have been feeling was worth indulging. But why bother? Either the chemistry is there or it's not, and I've known since I laid eyes on Zara that it isn't. If it weren't for the restless itch just beneath the surface of my skin, I wouldn't have bothered pushing to find out. I might have played with her anyhow, if she'd been interested. Just because she's there, just because I'm bored and it's something to do. But that awkward apology is more than enough indication that she doesn't want to play, and I have no need to persuade her when there's doubtless someone just around the bend who'd be an eager participant in any games I can think of. Too much work, not enough payoff.

    “No need to apologize, pet,” I reply, backing off and giving her whatever space she wants. “You're hung up on some guy and not the type to get a little action on the side. Which is a shame, because if he's a herd stallion odds are he's getting plenty of action without you. Seems only fair to get some yourself. But to each her own. If you don't mind the boredom, and he's filling your...needs, then you do you, babe. Seems a damn waste to have all those ladies—how many others are there in the herd, hmm?—hanging around and none of them even messing around with each other when daddy isn't looking. Mmmm, or when he is. But if you're content with a quick fuck once a year when he's feeling the need to knock up his mares, then more power to you and carry on.”

    I would never be content with such an off-balance arrangement. But then, I already know herd life isn't for me. Not unless there's a much better ratio of males to females. Mmm, in which case I could really get behind the idea of having a herd full of potential partners. One on one, or in groups, that could be all kinds of fun. But one stallion, with exclusive access to my body, and surrounded by a bunch of mares all moony over big daddy? Pass. “Either way, I'm going to take off. I've got an itch that friendly interaction is not going to scratch today, if you know what I mean. Good luck with that herd situation. Maybe I'll see you around.”
    Just when you think that you're alright, I'm crawling out from the inside.
    of the restless heart

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