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  • Beqanna


    Assailant -- Year 226


    "But the dream, the echo, slips from him as quickly as he had found it and as consciousness comes to him (a slap and not the gentle waves of oceanic tides), it dissolves entirely. His muscles relax as the cold claims him again, as the numbness sets in, and when his grey eyes open, there’s nothing but the faint after burn of a dream often trod and never remembered." --Brigade, written by Laura

    The Lost Child; Anyone

    The young women as a child had been lost for too long, she had vanished when the war commenced and was never heard not seen from again. Thus when the war was over, she would return. But unfortunately her arrival to the newly ruled kingdom was held up by certain affairs, that the girl had to take care of.

    Soon Kena found herself in a place that vaguely looked like Heavens Gates, but instead of the sweet scent that usually welcomed the girl. The aroma of ash entered her nostrils causing the mare to gag, and wease for a brief moment. Before soaking in her surroundings into those gorgeous navy eyes.

    Ashen black lobes swivel, hard of hearing the mare was able to hear enough as she wanted and as little as she hoped. Unfortunately for her, the landscape currently was held mute, the endless ringing within her ears of silence pained her greatly. Yet she held her lady like posture as she strode forwards the ringing worsening with each step, as if an equine within the kingdom wore a necklace of bells and continued to trot along gleefully without a care in the world. No, it was far worse than that, it was like a horse wearing a necklace of pots and pans and trotting about unaware of the aparrent ruckus it was creating.

    With agonizing steps, Kena stated that she had returned home by allowing a rather loud whinny to escape her charcoal lips. Surely no one would know her, considering the Kingdom had new residents along with new leadership. She didn't necessarily think she would be welcomed in with open arms. No, perhaps she'll be welcomed with a slight amount of disgrace followed by rejection or a simple little get out will suffice.

    So instead of continuing forwards to bombard the kingdom with her loud sweet vocals, there she sat a few lengths within the Kingdom territory awaiting for the welcoming committee to make it's way towards her. To welcome her or reject her, she didn't exactly have a definite choice to where she would go next if rejected, the only place she knew was home. Heavens Gates was once her home and hopefully it would welcome her back with open arms.


    The Once Lost Child Of The Gates


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