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  • Beqanna


    Assailant -- Year 226


    "But the dream, the echo, slips from him as quickly as he had found it and as consciousness comes to him (a slap and not the gentle waves of oceanic tides), it dissolves entirely. His muscles relax as the cold claims him again, as the numbness sets in, and when his grey eyes open, there’s nothing but the faint after burn of a dream often trod and never remembered." --Brigade, written by Laura

    The Moor
    We're buzzing like that no vacancy sign out front
    Your skin is begging to be kissed by a little more than the sun

    The silvered man slowly encroached upon the Dale, his marcha picada moving him along in an effortless floating manner. Hind hooves hit the ground slightly before the front do in matched pairs, his gait the ruling trademark of his peculiar breed. It had been a long time since the silver bay had seen someone with his lineage, there just weren't very many here. Muscles ripped beneath a spectacular coat the color of lightly creamed coffee, long tendrils of his mane and tail a beautiful silvery white. He knew how beautiful he was, and he moved like it, letting everyone see his strength and the beauty that belied his warrior's spirit.

    Asil was no hothouse pansy boy, he had been alive long enough to have survived quite a few dominance fights, though his coloring helped to hide his battle scars. His gait slowly changed into the batida, moving him along a bit faster but with no less grace. Arching his neck, he made himself look as good as a 9 year old stallion could, though he knew there wasn't anyone close enough to see him. If you're going to be vain you should be so all the time, right?

    Reaching a small glen, he stopped for a drink from a small stream, dipping his muzzle into the fresh clear liquid. Raising his head after he'd had his fill, water droplets sparkled off the soft skin of his nose in the morning sun. Cocking a hind leg up on hoof point, he relaxed and settled himself in to wait, knowing he probably wouldn't be here long before someone found him. Closing his eyes, he drank in the warmth of the sun upon his coat, nose and ears alert to dangers as he sunbathed.

    You take my hand in yours, you lean in and
    Your lips taste like sangria
    We danced with monsters through the night

    Tiphon is a silent spectator of the stallion. Curiosity and amusement lighten his grim features for the long while that he watches. The stranger enters with no regard to the borders and carries confidence outwardly on his sleeves. Unable to fault him (he can smell the outside scents of the world, unfamiliar to Beqanna) Tiphon makes a gradual descent with a welcoming manner molding him as the distance melts away.

    "Hello," he greets once within closer earshot. His molten gold eyes sweep across the other stallion, scrutinizing him, before leveling to his gaze. "I'm Tiphon and this is the Dale. Can I help you with anything?" A home. A rank. A family. He can only hope that perhaps there is still a glimmer of hope that he can revive his kingdom before he resigns from its throne.

    They need to increase their numbers. They need soldiers and diplomats and hardworkers.

    Tiphon can only hope that the stranger fits the criteria.

    infection and starlace

    picture by random-acts-stock on deviant art
    Couldn't sing this song without you if I tried
    Let's light it up like it's our last night

    The silver bay man turned at the sound of approaching footsteps, his eyes alighting on the one who approached. The white and gold reminded him of what he thought angels would look like, but this one was a male. Asil could appreciate all types of beauty, male and female alike, and this man was exquisitely beautiful. Dark eyes watched him as he descended toward the moor, taking in the shining luminescence of the other, noticing the liquid gold of his eyes. Ears swiveled to catch his words, a smile tugging at his lips as he nodded in deference to the other man. He spoke, his voice a rich seductive baritone with just a hint of spanish lilt.

    Greetings Senor Tiphon. I am Asil and this Dale of yours is quite a beautiful place. I am in search of a home, I have no desire to be king, but a few beautiful senoritas and a few ninos would be wonderful. I can be quite charming and convincing when the situation requires it, and I can fight quite heatedly if it concerns my home and those I love and respect. In a past life I was a diplomat, though I will be anything that you need if you shall let me stay here.

    Extending his refined head, he offers his muzzle to the other stallion, giving him a chance to exchange breaths with him if he so desired. Silken white tail gently swishes against milk chocolate tinted hindquarters, a ghost of a smile playing upon his lips.

    We about to get a little tangled up right about now
    So girl let's keep burnin' it down
    We danced with monsters through the night

    Asil, entirely unaware, is rekindling Tiphon's hope.

    The Dale has always bee a relatively quiet kingdom. Even before his reign began it struggled with activity. Few remained and those that have are tightly knit into a family. It's a different atmosphere and yet somehow it still stands on shaky legs. Asil is a light at the end of the tunnel, a hope that perhaps that subtle change in the wind means great things for the rolling hills.

    A smile tugs on Tiphon's golden lips, brightening his face in more welcoming as he closely listens to the stallion's reply. A unique man he is, but not faulted. He wants what many others strive for and offers his skills wherever they may be needed. The angel nods. "It's a pleasure to meet you, Asil. Please, make yourself at home," God knows the Dale needs more among their ranks. "It is all up to you which caste you would prefer to be in, or if you'd like, you can be in both. It's all your call, really." A shrug ripples through his muscular shoulders as he inches forward to breath in the other male before stepping away to open up the kingdom to him. "The Dale happily welcomes you."

    infection and starlace

    picture by random-acts-stock on deviant art
    Couldn't sing this song without you if I tried
    Let's light it up like it's our last night

    Asil listened intently to Tiphon's words, dipping his head as the alabaster king finished his speech. Muzzle extends to brush against the other stallion's, storing his scent so that he may know it when he again crosses it. Dark chocolate eyes rove over the beauty of the hidden glen, a smile tugging itself at his lips. It wasn't filled with pretty senoritas, not yet anyway, but it had a breathtaking beauty all its own. Turning his head to he who was now his king, he dipped it again before speaking in his lilting Spanish tinged words.

    If it would please Senor Tiphon I would like to work in both castes, to make the most use of my experience. I shall defend the Dale against any enemies and will try to help grow her ranks. I thank you very much for allowing me to make my home in such a beautiful place.

    Setting off at a marcha picada for the center of the kingdom, he smiled to himself. A home, he had a home. Perhaps the running off and leaving of his homeland and behind the death of his beloved Sarai would turn out to be a good thing after all. He tried to ignore the twinge of pain even thinking her name caused him, closing his eyes briefly to regain his composure. He called over his shoulder to the white and gold king, a light teasing tone belying his inner turmoil.

    Shall you join me in a stroll about your beautiful kingdom, Rey Tiphon?

    We about to get a little tangled up right about now
    So girl let's keep burnin' it down

    (OOC : Eww, just eww. Sorry for the long wait for such a craptastic post Sad )
    love is a temporary madness...
    It is a quiet day, filled with soft promise. As has been her wont of late, she is standing near the edge of one of the Dale’s many meadows, watching her daughter gambol, a small red and white sprite determined to make trouble. And apparently, trouble is to be had today. She sees the stallion moments after Joscelin does. Only Joscelin, with her decided lack of inhibitions, sprints off across the meadow. Each leap easily carries her farther than any stride that a normal horse might have made. For several long seconds, she appears to be simply floating through the air. Well, that’s perhaps because she is.

    Elysteria gives a soft sigh of exasperation before following the yearling. It is then that she sees why the girl had taken off so suddenly. A smile curves her lips as her gaze lands on the Dale’s king, happiness sparking in her russet eyes.

    Joscelin arrives at the group several long moments before her mother does. She grins widely, butting Tiphon affectionately as she does. Her wide, golden gaze then turns to the newcomer, curiosity shining from those bright depths. She sniffs him with interest before wrinkling her small, white nose. She does not recognize any of those scents from Beqanna.

    Who are you?

    It is then that Elysteria nears, a warm, welcoming smile upon her lips. She gives her (very rude) daughter an admonishing glance before turning her cinnamon gaze to the newcomer. Her eyes shine with curiosity, though far more restrained than Joscelin’s had been.

    “Hello! I am Elysteria, and I see that you have already met Joscelin.”

    A soft laugh escapes her lips, her russet eyes shining with amusement. She could never be upset with her daughter for long.

    “I do hope you will forgive her… exuberance.”
    image c nadyabird.deviantart.com; html c Insane

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