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  • Beqanna


    Assailant -- Year 226


    "But the dream, the echo, slips from him as quickly as he had found it and as consciousness comes to him (a slap and not the gentle waves of oceanic tides), it dissolves entirely. His muscles relax as the cold claims him again, as the numbness sets in, and when his grey eyes open, there’s nothing but the faint after burn of a dream often trod and never remembered." --Brigade, written by Laura

    (Any) "You were given this life because you were strong enough to live it"
    (It appears whoever I was roleplaying with last decided to abandon it, so here I am to start over)

    Ah, another beautiful spring day; something Anahi quite enjoyed. This was her favorite season of the year; not only because of how beautiful the land was as it woke up from winter's sleep, but how each and every horse here shed their winter coat. Anahi was always relieved when that happened; she didn't like all the excess fur that grew on her body. She knew it provided protection, but it made her feel heavier than she normally was, and the knowledge it was fur that made her feel that way was astounding.

    But, that point put aside, she had just shed the last of her winter coat. Her beautiful champagne color glittered like golden wheat in the sunlight, her muscular body rippling with health as she loped through the field.

    Anahi slowed down for a moment, glancing over at a nearby clique of mares she'd gotten to know since arriving here. While she wasn't necessarily part of their group, they socialized with her, which was more than some of the other cliques. The champagne mare smiled as she watched a few foals that had been born this season scamper around their mother, apparently absorbed in some sort of game. Snorting in amusement, the mare trotted a couple paces away before lowering her head to graze, deciding to keep her distance from the clique of mares and their foals.

    After all, not really a member, they might think she'd endanger the foals. Any new mother would feel that way. Anahi briefly wondered what that did feel like before returning to her grazing, relishing in the taste of the fresh field grass.

    (Anahi is free to be claimed by a stallion, or approached by a horse from a kingdom)

    all of us have a hero and a villain in us

    Archam was back to his normal antics. He was patrolling the field for new faces. It was now spring which called for all the horses to leave there kingdom and gather to the field and meadow. Spring also called for foalig season, which meant breeding season was on the horizon. Archam has already claimed 3 mares and was ready to claim another.

    He approached the field and slowed to gaze around, to horses he was familiar with, except one. A champagne mare. She was beautiful, she will be his. He gave a snort and pranced over to the mare, the flower petals were blowing in the wind. The spring leaves freshly green, the bay roan approached the mare with his head held high."well hello there! My name is Archam, what brings a beautiful lady like you out here?" He pondered the question mesmorized by the beauty she held.  


    Hearing the sound of approaching hooves, Anahi lifted her finely shaped head, eyes focused on the stranger coming her way. It was a young bay roan stallion, perhaps only a year or so older than Anahi herself. He was well-built for his age, and had fine coloring, but Anahi was not a mare to fawn over a stallion so easily.

    She'd already made that mistake once before, and was not going to do so again.

    So, maintaining a calm facade, Anahi's ears flicked backwards before turning toward the stallion again. Her bright blue eyes were filled with curiosity, but also a sense of caution she kept carefully concealed. She nodded her head at the stallion after he introduced himself.

    "Well met Archam. I am known as Anahi; well, there is a simple answer to that question. I have made my home here for the time being, until I find somewhere else more suitable."

    all of us have a hero and a villain in us

    The stag watched as the mares ears flicked back, she showed displeasure with his pressense, but her voice did not. He gave a smile and stepped closer, the mare was looking for a home, and he had one to offer. "Is that so?" he muttered after she spoke, he began to slowly walk around the mare, her lack of cooperation to easily come made him want the mare even more. 

    Anahi he said to himself, what a pretty name. She was beautiful and he had hoped she would return to his herd with him. "I have a herd in the Falls, I have claimed three mares and would love for you to be a fourth" he smiled with his ears flicked forward. He cared for all his claimed mares, and unlike some stallions enjoyed there company for more than foaling season. He could offer protectiong and a home, although the mare would be free to do as they pleased with the Falls so long as they returned to him. "You can do as your please in the Falls, what do you say?" he asked curious to her deccison. He would be more than happy to have the fourth mare and figured she would fit in well.  


    OOC: sorry short post
    "Yes, for now anyways. Perhaps I'll find the right place to call home one day, but this nice field suits me fine for now," she stated, ears tilting back to lay against the start of her crest. She watched him warily as he walked around her, as if he were surveying her, testing to see if she would be a good addition to his herd.

    Wait, did he even have one?

    That thought was confirmed when the stallion spoke of a herd he had near the Falls. Anahi herself did not know where that area was specifically, but for some reason, the name sounded familiar. Perhaps she'd overheard it when she was grazing among the clique of mares she'd befriended prior to winter's arrival, a mere week after she'd arrived.

    However, something unnerved the champagne mare. She did not like the way this stallion was looking her over. It made her feel like a lone deer, being stalked by one of the predators she was afraid to even think of.

    That, and this stallion reminded her a bit too much of him. It was because of him that every time she saw a foal, she felt the familiar ache in her heart. She'd never even gotten to meet the little one... didn't even get a proper goodbye before she'd run off, too afraid to face the stallion again and risk another potential life...

    Anahi glanced behind her, seeing she had a small opening, as the stallion, still circling her, was currently in front of the champagne mare. Anahi stamped nervously, "Uh, well, I'm still getting used to this place, and... I don't know if I'd fit in well... or if I'd like it..."

    Of course she was spouting nonsense. The only reason she was afraid to go was because she worried this stallion would turn out to be just like him. Anahi began backing up, taking a few quick steps to give her some room, preparing herself to turn and run if the stallion came after her.

    all of us have a hero and a villain in us

    The mare began to back up showing fear from Archam. He relaxed his body showing no threat and spoke to her from the distance she set. He swayed his tail flicking it on his stomach attempting to remove the few insects that were early for summer. He gave a snort and with a calm voice responded to the mare who denied his offer "You can come visit, meet the kingdom members. And if you like you can join the kingdom, and even my herd" he threw the ball in her court. He deffinetly wanted the mare to be in his herd, if she was at least apart of the kingdom he could win her over. The stag gently viewed at her hoping she no longer feared the big stallion. "Well, what do you say?" he said an a last attempt to bring the mare back. The kingdom was full of mares who were kind and open, Archam knew she would love the kingdom. He may have to win her over to join his herd though.


    Anahi had to admit, she was surprised that the stallion was respecting the distance she set. Normally, any stallion who was after a mare would step closer and not respect her, or give chase should the mare decide to run off. Anahi had considered that, but considering the stallion hadn't moved closer, she suddenly found herself growing curious.

    Was it possible that she could be wrong? Was this stallion different than all the ones she'd encountered before? Every fiber in her being told her no, that he was the same, but he sure wasn't acting like it. Anahi shuffled her hooves, for a moment pondering on what answer she should give the stallion.

    She had no doubts about one thing; he wanted her to be part of his herd. Even if he turned out to be a little like him, this roan stallion seemed civil enough. A bit nice, too, but Anahi wouldn't admit that out loud if it would feed his ego. The thought of being in a stallion's herd unnerved her a bit, because she knew what season would eventually arrive. She'd just think of something when that time came.

    Maybe she should go check out this kingdom. Anahi had done some wandering since arriving here, but only to places close by, like the valley and the nearby playground where she'd foals congregating to play with one another. She'd never been to this... kingdom, whatever it was.

    Deciding on an answer, Anahi looked up at the stallion, "I... suppose I will go to see this... kingdom you speak of. Perhaps I will like it there."

    all of us have a hero and a villain in us

    A smile lingered on the stallions face, he was happy that the mare agreed to visit the kingdom. She would quickly grow fond of the Falls, making it easier to court her for his herd. Archam was a hard headed stallion and would not give up easily. His ears were flicked forward with interest, he wished to be more interactive with the mare but feared she would bolt. "Great, youll love it! Lets get going" he spoke throwing his head up high before turning in the direction of the Falls trotting off he grew to a halt looking behind him to see if she was following. 


    OOC: do you want me to make a post in the falls?
    As she observed the stallion throw his head high before trotting off in what direction she assumed led to the Falls kingdom where he lived, the champagne mare had a feeling she'd gotten herself into a bit of a mess. Deciding to make the best of it though, she picked up her own gait to a trot, keeping pace with the stallion as he headed home.

    Who knows? Perhaps this would be fun. After all, to Anahi, this was a whole new adventure? Who knows what awaited her in the kingdom?

    She only hoped she wouldn't regret finding out.

    OOC: Yeah, you can go ahead and make a post at the falls first.

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