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  • Beqanna


    Assailant -- Year 226


    "But the dream, the echo, slips from him as quickly as he had found it and as consciousness comes to him (a slap and not the gentle waves of oceanic tides), it dissolves entirely. His muscles relax as the cold claims him again, as the numbness sets in, and when his grey eyes open, there’s nothing but the faint after burn of a dream often trod and never remembered." --Brigade, written by Laura

    voodoo priestess; any

    Tell me wear you're' hiding your voodoo doll

    The little girl was not very old, in fact, a only a day or so. She is rather helpless without her mother, Bengal. The tiny black speck was covered head to toe in zebra stripes (Mari's only real contribution) but she was of fine bone and features, thank goodness for that at least. The small child was inquisitive of her surroundings already. There was an intelligence in those eyes, not the typical baby gurgling. Little Witchling does not make a peep really. If she were a snake, she would have already bit you by now.

    Spindly legs move the girl from her mother's side to explore. Echo Trails is safe and warm, Bengal did not seem to mind much that her daughter took to exploring. Big eyes drink in everything, the small ears never ceasing movement. She looks to her inky black mother shining in the sun, there is an attachment of sorts but it feels hollow, fragile. Quiet eyes look to her own pelt, the zebra stripes reflecting in the warm sunlight. The child gives a slight smile before her interest becomes absorbed in a drunken butterfly floating on the soft, warm breeze.

    'Cause I can't control myself


    Hyro caught the fledgling out the corner of her eye, the unique pattern to it's coat stood out from the landscape around them and peeked Hyro's interest. At a casual pace she headed towards the baby, brown orbs twinkling, a maternal hunger growled deep within, she whinnied softly to the babe as she approached, not intending to startle or frighten. hello there, you're quite young to be alone, are you alright? The words came out so soft, so sincere that even Hyro was caught in a moment of surprise.

    Shaking the feeling off she stops, a few feet from the foal, reaching out her whiskered muzzle to nuzzle the baby fuzz, pure delight glittered in her eyes as she inhaled the fledglings scent. With a soft whuff of air, she took a step back and tilted her head in adoration. I'm Hyro, do you have a name, I hope I didn't startle you.

    Resting a hind leg, she watched the babe intently, in love with the thought of little ones.

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