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  • Beqanna


    Assailant -- Year 226


    "But the dream, the echo, slips from him as quickly as he had found it and as consciousness comes to him (a slap and not the gentle waves of oceanic tides), it dissolves entirely. His muscles relax as the cold claims him again, as the numbness sets in, and when his grey eyes open, there’s nothing but the faint after burn of a dream often trod and never remembered." --Brigade, written by Laura

    Alone and Wondrous
    I linger at the edge of the meadow in the shadows of the trees gazing out at the golden grasses waving in the wind and the stallions and mares grazing. I watch the place as if it were part of an alien world as I shuffle my feet unsure of what to do. I take a step into the golden grass, then another and yet again more. I slowly walk into the meadow with my head held high and my tail out straight, the sun glinting off my seemingly metallic coat. After galloping around the open field for a bit I start to chew on a few snippets of grass, the sweetness filling my mouth and so I continue to graze, my ears perked and my eyes on the other horses waiting to see what happens.

    Jedi has not visited the field in a while, he has been busy with his warrior caste and used the rest of his time communicating with those in his kingdom. Although today he decided to come back to the field and see what new faces he could meet. The winter frost was out and Jedi wanted to turn back to the kingdom but pushed on curious to any horses in the field. Once he made it there he extended his neck out shaking his whole body ridding it of any snow that was tracked on his trip.

    He scanned the field for a familiar or new face and stopped on a golden vixen, he thought it was Ashara at first glance but quickly realized it was a mare he had not met. He moved closer trying to pick up a scent but could not, she had to be new to the lands.

    Jedi was in awe with her natural beauty and had hope she would return to the kingdom with him, he gave a whinny and cantered over to the mare stopping once he was close enough. "Hello, are you new to these lands? My name is Jedi. " he spoke gently curious to the mares desires with beqanna. 



    image © Lisa Dijk
    I swing my head up quickly and step back a bit, staring at the stallion in front of me for a few seconds. My nose flares as I take in his scent mixed with others I have not smelled before. I relax my body and stand up tall looking down my nose and straight into the stallion's eyes. " I am indeed new to this land. I came here in seek of a new..home" I reply confidently, the last word with a bit of distaste lacing my tongue. " And what might you be doing here?" I say swinging my head and flicking my tail somewhat.

    Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. "Nam tincidunt ullamcorper ornare." Cras diam massa, malesuada vitae diam et, mattis ultrices dui. In hac habitasse platea dictumst. Ut condimentum enim at mollis elementum. Sed pretium dui lorem, at dictum sapien aliquam vestibulum. Curabitur molestie, nisi tempor tempor tempus, diam dolor feugiat dui, a pretium dui lorem porttitor mauris. Quisque non lacinia massa. Nulla rhoncus turpis eu sollicitudin feugiat.

    Mauris pulvinar, neque vitae molestie ullamcorper, ante augue tempor dolor, semper hendrerit tellus risus ac justo. Praesent a nisi vitae sapien bibendum feugiat. Vivamus et porta urna. Vivamus consequat, dui ac vulputate bibendum, ante metus lobortis neque, eu tempus leo turpis sit amet nulla. Praesent facilisis, enim at tincidunt fringilla, metus eros tempus urna, at venenatis urna nisl ut purus. Aenean rhoncus erat et augue elementum interdum. Cum sociis natoque penatibus et magnis dis parturient montes, nascetur ridiculus mus.

    Sed ultrices nulla leo, in fringilla justo sollicitudin et. Integer at leo a nibh bibendum eleifend. Nunc vulputate, orci quis bibendum tempus, enim erat convallis leo, nec tincidunt odio enim vel ligula. Maecenas quis dolor fringilla, tincidunt magna vel, suscipit lacus. Fusce mi ligula, tristique non fringilla id, iaculis a nisl. Proin egestas sapien nec quam ullamcorper volutpat. Etiam ultricies, enim vel mollis viverra, leo nibh sagittis est, quis mollis magna quam a leo. Quisque magna nibh, mattis eu enim eu, malesuada iaculis elit. Etiam tempus faucibus erat, in placerat velit efficitur in.



    image © Lisa Dijk
    Again, Titanium is beaten to the punch by another stallion. Again. He huffs, though immediately shakes it off. This mare is even more beautiful than the last two he had attempted to bring home. But this stallion is even smarter than Archam. He snorts and watches him carefully for a moment before stepping through, in no mood to be late this time. If he must hop onto the tail end of the party, he'll do it with style.

    He approaches the beautiful mare with a smile, holding himself up and thrusting his chest out very subtly. "Hello," He introduces himself confidently, taking a different approach than he had against Archam. "My name is Titanium. And yours?" His eyes gleam in anticipation, and weariness- this is his third attempt now, and he is growing weary.

    The later it gets, the crappier my posts are. Tongue

    The stag was excited to learn that the mare as in search of a home, the Falls was  growning every day and she would be a great addition to the kingdom. She was beautiful and the sight would not hurt for any around her. His thoughts were quickly cut off as a stag he has never met before approached them cutting there conversation off with no care. The stag rolled his eyes and the rude horse, he must be a Herd dweller, although he did not have a problem with horses in a herd Jedi preferred a single mate. He would not succumb to the stags games, and he would not compete for a mares attention.

    As the stag did to him he ignored his attempt to speak returning his gaze to the mare "I belong to a kingdom called the Falls, we have a lot of horses there and we would love your company with out kingdom." the stag spoke calmly and with no desires to compete with the other stag. "I'm sorry, I don't think I caught your name?" he was curious what to call her.



    image © Lisa Dijk
    I switch my gaze to another stallion that showed up, his posture showing off his confidence and I look between the two as I shuffle my feet, a habit I do when I'm nervous. I stall for time and chew on some grass pieces observing the differences between the two. "Hello to you too" I say hesitating to tell them my name. "My name is Silic, It's a pleasure to meet new horses" I say to both of them.

    ( Sorry Jedi, I can't seem to speak or read Latin )
    The stallion attempts to relax- clearly, this tall posture has made the mare nervous. "I'm sorry," He admits, trying to loosen his muscles, which are currently stiff and official. Maybe it's time to try something new- honesty. "Apparently, I'm not very good at this whole thing, considering how I keep failing. It's a pleasure to meet you too, and to be perfectly honest, I don't have a home to offer yet." This is what tripped him up last time, with Naledi. He smiles at her, tossing his mane once. Old habits die hard, don't they?

    He still tries to ignore the other stallion. It's ground into his blood, and just because he is honest with one mare, one time, this does not mean his is a "mannerly" stallion by any stretch. His black tail swishes once and his hooves idly dance in the crunchy grass. He is so sick of trying this. If this doesn't work, he's not sure what to do next.

    Jedi couldn't help but laugh at the stags attempt to court the mare, he truly hoped that she would not go with the stallion who had no home to offer her. This stallion was obviously new to life on his own and still had to learn his own style of charming a mare. This stag had no manners, he could not even acknowledge Jedi was there, he rolled his eyes at the lack of obedience and wondered were this stag had come from. Jedi was willing to be the gentleman and slightly dipped his head in acknowledgement to the stag. Although Jedi was ready to court with a mare he had no desires to compete. 

    "What a lovely name" he spoke towards the mare "Unlike this gentleman, I do have a home to offer, would you care to see it?" he asked with a second attempt to bring her to the Falls. As soon as a horse layed eyes on the Falls they couldn't leave, its beauty drawed them in. Jedi had strong hopes Silic would return with him, her beauty kept him interested.



    image © Lisa Dijk
    I look at the two of them, obviously offering me some type of a home, just not straight forward. I perk up at the fact that the stallion, Titanium, doesn't have a home yet for I was used to small groups of horses and not kingdoms of them. Plus that would mean an adventure in finding a home. I smile at him and say " Thank you for your honesty, I'm sure you'll find a beautiful place to live, and personally I think your doing fine. Those other mares were just too quick to judge you." I turn to the other stallion, Jedi. " Why thank you for the compliment, and I'm sure your home would be beautiful, but I must decline that offer. This gentleman does not have a home, but I don't either. So if that was meant as 'mean' to him it might as well be mean to me. Will you apologies to him?" I say a smirk playing at my lips.

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