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  • Beqanna


    Assailant -- Year 226


    "But the dream, the echo, slips from him as quickly as he had found it and as consciousness comes to him (a slap and not the gentle waves of oceanic tides), it dissolves entirely. His muscles relax as the cold claims him again, as the numbness sets in, and when his grey eyes open, there’s nothing but the faint after burn of a dream often trod and never remembered." --Brigade, written by Laura

    she paints her eyes as black as night now. pulls those shutters tight now. [tannor]
    she paints her eyes as black as night now
    Perhaps she should not have disappeared. Perhaps she should not have listened when the wind whistled her name. Perhaps she should have clung to the legs of the Beqannian society, should have inserted herself into more conversations instead of naively hoping that Magnus would just end up staying with her forever, hermits until the end of time.

    Perhaps, perhaps, perhaps.

    The navy sheen of her hide black reflects the late evening sun like a many faceted sapphire, or a bruise. Her wings itch to be spread, but the strong scent of the border denies her access to the innards of the kingdom. Her mind races, her conscious stretching and trying uselessly to pick up on any trace of Magnus - but she is no mind reader, and instead of finding the man she once went on a stupid, naive date with, the seven year old just stands there looking stupid.

    Stupid, and stubborn. Instead of turning tail and fleeing the empty kingdom as she would have not so very long again, the kitten whips her tail in a concoction of irritability and nerves. She tests out a low whinny; no answer. A minute later, she really gives’er. When no one comes to answer her within an abysmally small window of time, Cinzia just has to move.

    And she certainly isn’t moving away. Not again.

    Snapping out her elegant bird-feather wings, the lithe mare leaps elegantly into the sky - or rather, just above the long grasses of Heaven’s Gates. Smirking at how smart she is (she hasn’t technically set foot in the kingdom yet, after all) the mare glides gently through the land, hoping to spot Magnus, or, honestly, anyone at this point.

    pulls those shades down tight now

    this is hectic
    I am a mess

    With a past so dark, that Satan'd jump out of his seat.
    But still you out in these streets, thinking you hot as can be.
    Without the knowledge to lead, so you just follow the sheep.
    Making sure your lame swag is all polished and clean

    It’s been weeks since he entered the kingdom and taken his role as king, yet he still had yet to run across anyone and have any sort of conversation. His short lived life had been spent conversing with the small creatures of the dark, yet he had never had the experience of a conversation with another equine. Not yet. It was strange really, how quiet this kingdom truly was. He had come into the world amongst chaos and bloodshed, his body slipping onto the soft earth between death and decay.

    Through it he had been born into a world of solitude and he had instantly loved it. Yet like most, he occasionally strove for those moments of interaction. Quietly he slinks through the trees and their shadows, his dark black wings tucked tightly at his sides as he makes his way through the Kingdom. His all black eyes slowly took in everything he could lay them on and in the silence he could hear his heart pump heavy yet slow within his ears.

    It is her low whinny that catches him off-guard and in response he stumbles slightly, tripping over his own feet in surprise and coming to a sudden stop. Suddenly his ears prick forward, his body straightening as his muscles tense. Trembling slightly, his nostrils flare wide as he tries to catch the scent of the other equine. It was almost as though he were wondering momentarily if it was a part of his imagination. If the demons stirring within were playing their typical games.

    Though it was then he saw her floating elegantly right above the tall grasses and with a quirk of his lips he smirked slightly, his head tilting slowly as he watched her. For a while he kept her in his sight, studying her bright sapphire like coloring that the sun’s rays caused to form on her coat and with a nod of approval he steps out of the trees into the meadows and stands on the edge watching her slowly float towards him. ”Fairies do that you know,” his voice is soft as silk yet deep toned like his father before him yet he’d never know it.

    ”Float just above the ground. So are you a fairy or a horse?” Better to be safe than sorry. He and the fairies didn’t get along and he wasn’t about to start taking chances. Not today anyway. ”And if you are a horse, then do you live here?” So strange, with so many questions. A child’s mind in the body of an adult. Tannor was what you could say... Quite different.


    she paints her eyes as black as night now
    She does not glide above the tall grasses for long before what she searches for presents himself. No, it is not Magnus, but with the rather tiresome task of remaining afloat but not soaring in the sky where the wind drafts carried her nicely, Cinzia takes what fate offers her. When the stallion - colt? - approaches her and seems to be of no ill tempers, the navy woman gently delivers herself to the earth, wings folding elegantly into her petite sides.

    She arches a brow at his peculiar statement - the fairies she’s come in contact with haven’t exactly sailed smoothly on wings of sapphire. No, this mare seemed more drawn to the evil fairies, the ones that really mess you up. Luckily, Cinzia escaped any true harm, but the memory of the Bellringer and the chaos surrounding the whole quest really are not that appealing to her.

    So you can see how being compared to a fairy wasn’t exactly the best ice breaker for the woman.

    “I am a horse.” She says through clasped teeth, though her expression remains neutral and cool. “And you are?” She asks, perhaps of his species, perhaps of his name. With a lift of her artistic chin and a smooth laying back of her ears, the mare asserts her dominance over the boy. Well, the man. Actually, the king, but hey, what’s a title these days anyways?!... Oh boy.

    Sniffing aristocratically (gone is the nice, coy little mare who frolicked about with Magnus here and there) Cinzia scrutinizes the surrounding landscape.“Does one Magnus still live here? I was hoping to reacquaint myself with the gentleman.” Wow, Cinzia. Real smooth, insinuating things like that. Ten outta ten.

    Ten outta ten.
    pulls those shades down tight now

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