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  • Beqanna


    Assailant -- Year 226


    "But the dream, the echo, slips from him as quickly as he had found it and as consciousness comes to him (a slap and not the gentle waves of oceanic tides), it dissolves entirely. His muscles relax as the cold claims him again, as the numbness sets in, and when his grey eyes open, there’s nothing but the faint after burn of a dream often trod and never remembered." --Brigade, written by Laura

    I don't need the stars in the night, AW
    Ooc: short i know 

    She had travelled far, her head was stretched out. Her breathing was steady as she walked into unknown land. Her hooves had hit a couple of stone's before reaching a lush meadow. She stopped to take in the sight, it was beautiful. She hadn't seen grass for awhile due to travelling through foreign lands. Lightning's first thought as she trotted into the meadow was where was she?. She hoped another would come along and speak to her. She missed her family but wasn't life about creating new memories? At least that was what her grandsire had told her. The chestnut mare stopped near the west side of the meadow where she lay down, catching her breath and stamina back. The journey had taken it's toll on the young mare. So as she got her breath back she waited for someone to notice her and introduce themselves.

    all of us have a hero and a villain in us

    The giant stag was in the meadow from the previous night. He has been traveling for a land to call his own as his past home was destroyed from a war he could not contain. Archam was a dashing bay roan and was a delight to view. As the morning sun was up he stayed under a rather shaded area to keep cool and watch for any visitors of this meadow.

    As he had hoped a chestnut mare appeared shortly after. The mare looked alone and as if she was new to these lands. He gave a small smirk as he began to trot out to the mare. As he reached her he stood with his head held high and gave a nicker. "Good Morning, my name is Archam and you are?" the stag asked with joy in his throat. He was curious to how far the mare had traveled. "are you new to these lands?" he asked, his eyes intent on her.


    Soon enough someone did come over, a stallion named Archam. He bid her good morning and asked her name "I'm Lightningflame, but please call me Light for short" she then smiled at the male her voice soft and gentle. He was a bay roan colour, he certainly caught her attention "Yes i am, I have travelled quite far"  she answered his question of her being new "May i ask what you call these lands?" as she asked that question the chestnut mare stood up, tail twitching slightly as she loooed towards the stallion softly. Though she did wonder if he owned a herd or if he was a loner like her, she respected that if he wanted her to know he would say so. It wasn't her job to play detective or well at least she didn't think so "Excuse me if i don’t hear your questions first time around, my hearing is a little off " she would try to answer any questions first time around but she was a little deaf due to her genetics along her sire's side. Though she hoped it wouldn’t show today.

    all of us have a hero and a villain in us

    The stallions ears perked forward as the mare began to speak. Light he said to himself as she revealed her name. She was a rather pretty mare, and close to his height was was an amazement to him as they were generally much smaller than Archam. The mare asked if the stallion knew what the lands were called, although he did not know exactly how to answer that as he has not been here to long. He gave a shake of his head "Its is nice to meet you Light" he spoke and moved slightly closer "I am new to these lands as well, I could not tell you what they are called." the mare said she was hard of hearing but he did not mind, he had a rather distincitve voice and should be pretty easy to hear. If he had to repeat himself than he should do so. He would remain kind to the mare, although breeding season was upon them and being new to the lands this mare must not have been courted yet. she will be mine he thought to himself as he curiously watched her.


    As she spoke his ears swivelled foward, obviously to listen as she talked. He nodded his head before using her name and saying that it was nice to meet her but unfortunately he then said that he was new to the land aswell and therefore didn't know what the area was called. During his speech he had moved closer to her Light seeing no reason to reject the male moved slightly closer as well "Do you have a herd?" her tone was every so sweet "Archam" she drawled out hus name letting it roll on her tongue. She may be a little naive when beeb taken advantage of but the flirting game was one she knew well. It would appear that Archam found her attractive but she couldn't tell what he was thinking just like he couldn't tell what she was thinking. She shifted her weight around her body, before coming to a stop having found a comfortable standing position.

    all of us have a hero and a villain in us

    The stag watched the body language of the mare to see if him moving forward would spook her. Instead she accepted it and moved closer to he. This was going all to well and the stags lips curled as he smiled when she drew closer.

    The mare asked him if he had a herd, which sounded as though she was willing to be in one. "I had a herd a while back, although I do not have one anymore." the stallion spoke the truth. He had a herd of his own when he was younger, some years ago. Although he lost it when it went under attack. The stallion has since grown and is more than capible of protecting his future herd. "we can start our own herd though" he said, there was flirt in his voice. The stag lusted after light and he stretched his neck out to gently pull on her mane playfully. 


    She nodded and listened as he spoke. He went on to say how he had a herd but didn't have one now, maybe she could change that fact. Their thoughts seemed to be on the same track as he spoke of them starting their own herd "Maybe we should"  she spoke as he tugged oh her mane, playfully. She gave a slight snort before manoeuvring closer to the roan stallion, eager to please him. Light did briefly wonder what had happened to his old herd but she quickly brushed those thoughts aside instead taking in Archam's scent. She pulled her head back ever so slightly "Where could or would we go?" she didn't want to get into something without knowing that it was going to be a good investment mainly for herself but also for any foals she would carry. She wanted a stable home not a bohemian lifestyle of moving place to place.

    all of us have a hero and a villain in us

    The stag was more than pleased with the actions of the chestnut mare. She was quick to take his attention, and her heart seemed pure. The desire to make this mare his was clear; She was perfect to yield his foals and he wanted her this season. His ears were perked forward as she moved closer, he extended his muzzle out and nuzzled her neck, he drew his head close again and gave a small whinny.

    She asked him were they would go and he took a moments pause before gathering his thoughts to answer "I have been watching the lands closely in my stay here and there is many kingdoms. I will claim a land as my own and you can stay with me." The stag spoke the truth and would claim a land as his own. This mare could stay there with him for seasons to come. 


    His ears where in a foward position as she moved closer, he then extended his once more only this time to nuzzle her neck she nickered in response. Light leaned her head towards the male with the intention of rubbing her cheek against his, even though she had not know the bay roan stallion for long she was growing fond of him. She knew that if she was to follow Archam, she would be safe. He was her stallion now. She  gave a slight tug at his mane. Soon he spoke, going on to say that he had been watching the land closely and that there was many kingdoms yet he was going to claim a land for himself and that Light would be welcome to stay with him, she didn't need to think it over to know what her answer was "I will follow you" she would follow him even when he didn't have a land to claim. He was the first the chestnut had saw and spoke to, she would always follow him "The land which you will stake claim to where is it?" she would meet him there and see if the land was up to standard. She moved her head down beneath his cheek as she nuzzled her head into his neck before pulling back to look at him with green eye's.

    all of us have a hero and a villain in us

    Archam have a small whinny in joy, this mare was all he could have dreamed of. He tried not to get attached to his mares because he liked to let them do as they pleased although he could not help but fall for this chestnut mare. She was willing to do everything he asked, so he would not let her go around as easily as the others.

    The mare asked to see the lands, although he knew where the land was he did not want to show it to hte mare. If he could not claim territory there he might dissapoint Light. He pondered carefully what to say "It is not far from here, although we can not go until I have claimed it" he paused chosing his next words carefully "we can use the meadow as our home until then." he gave a snort of assurance, he moved rubbing his body against the mare walking until he was on the opposite side of her. 



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