| It had been weeks since she had last seen her terrible mother and strange elder brother, and she was glad of it. Large saucer like green eyes gleamed with annoyance at the thought of them. Naga was born out of Shadowmere, one of the most twisted power hungry failures of all time. Naga knew she and her brother were working together to manipulate her into using her secret gift to do the unthinkable. So, just a few weeks ago the black maiden managed to separate herself from her twisted family and run as far as she could. Naga kept up a steady pace, now at a brisk trot to conserve energy. She knew her family would be looking for her, so it was best she went somewhere her mother would never look for her. Naga's mind was full of bad memories, she tried hard to shake them. Her ears desperately straining to concentrate on the sound of the late winter rain. Hearing it shower down on the now thickening canopy of tree branches. The clashing temperatures of the remaining snow and the warming climate made a thick mist shroud the forest around her, making everything look eerily hazy and calm. She realized now it was much warmer....she must be right where she planned on going. She could smell the strange flora of the jungle, it filled her nostrils with its thick sweetness. The dark maiden wanted this to be the scent that stuck to her coat like a badge.
The snow was gone here...a warm breeze caressed her shining black pelt. This is it... she thought outloud, now coming to a clearing. Naga stood on the edge of the trees, looking down into the Amazon's Jungle territory. She knew of the Amazons, and knew that if she were to become a sister, she would be safe here. She did not want to live a solitary life of manipulation and deception, and the only way not to, was to come here. The young green eyed mare stood nervously, letting out a semi worried but beneign whinny. She felt if she stayed here that maybe someone would come to her and invite her further. She was not to start off on the wrong hoof here, respect is more important than just rushing in. She knew her mother could not have traced her here this fast..there was no way. She continues to try to convince herself to relax, but it is more easier said than done. Naga's head drops a bit and her sides heave, just now she realizes how tired she is. She had gone so far so fast, she wondered if when someone invites her in that she might be frozen in place due to being so tired. She shook her head lightly, sending water droplets off the tip of her muzzle and off of her sun bleached forelock. The time for a better future begins now...
OOC: It is so bad...I know....but hey, Ive never posted her before AND I am super rusty!! But I will get better after a few posts I promise. Plus I just need to get the hang of her character.
☾ |
ooc - school post, so naked post. sorry!
The twins cling to her like parasites, but thus far, whether or not Scorch will raise them successfully or not is unsayable. They are both rather mellow, much like Rain must be like in the afterlife. Hestoni has been helping, of course, and she has no doubts that he will largely impact their view of the family, and especially of Scorch. If only Hestoni could have been there to help her with their first set of twins. Maybe things would have been magnitudes different.
A benign whinny draws the Khaleesi from her mental wanderings, though the sound has not come from one of her own young. Curtly telling Leiland and Wrynn to either stay here or follow silently, Scorch pivots and pushes through the greenery. This could be a good learning experience, and despite her reservations, Scorch understands the importance of inclusion and introduction to life. She understands because she never received it.
The fire-queen spots the Akhal-Teke a few minutes later, and presents herself with a nod. "Greetings." She has never met this black woman, and considering her exhausted state of being, she had probably travelled far to come meet the Jungle. Scorch appraises the thin woman for a moment, attempting to place her in her vast memory of faces and creatures, but she fails. Horses here do breed like rabbits, after all. No one could possibly know everyone, not even Scorch.
"Are you quite alright? You're safe here, you know." Her voice is incredibly brusque, and masculine in its tones. Genuine, too, I might add, for she speaks honestly. The Jungle is a refuge for any women, and on certain days, men, too. "I am Khaleesi Scorch - who are you?" Ah, Escorcho. You've never been good at making friends, have you?
 and when I breathed, my breath was lightning It had been years since she’d seen her own parents, but not because she didn’t want to. Her parents had been loving and kind and gentle, and she knew that she was lucky to have them. But still, there would always be a part of her that was bitter that in the end, they chose Kora over her. Of course they did. Kora needed them, and Rhy did not. Riagan even offered to stay, but she couldn’t tear him away from Rayelle.
And then, when Kora finally no longer needed them, they simply didn’t come back. They’d left Rhy when she was only a year old and they never returned. And for that, she would never entirely forgive them, no matter how lucky she was to have had them at all.
The Sisters were her family now. And perhaps, eventually, Kora as well. Their last meeting had been okay, shockingly, laced with real moments that sisters should share. Moments they had never been able to share before. And while Rhy hopes, she tries not to get her hopes up to high either. Kora has always been afraid of the electric in her veins, the electric that makes Rhy who she is. So really, Kora has always been afraid of Rhy.
These thoughts still plague her all too often. But she keeps busy, either inside the Jungle or without, but usually with kingdom business of some sort. Though things have been quiet lately. No changing of monarchs lately, but of course, almost all of them had changed rather recently. So today Rhy is wandering through the Jungle when she hears the quiet call, and she follows the sound though she’s not the first to arrive. Scorch is there already, and Rhy’s in time to catch most of the greeting as she slides in next to her Queen.
Scorch, perhaps, has never been the best at making friends, but to her credit, she’s gotten better since Rhy first met the fiery mare so many years ago. How quickly the time had gone, and still, here they were. Things had changed, but only so much. Rhy nods and flashes Scorch a quick smile before turning to look at the newcomer, her smile growing wider. She’s always been bubbly (electric, really, though there are no sparks on her skin right now) and perhaps an easier personality to greet than Scorch sometimes. “I’m Rhy,” she says. “And Scorch is right. You are quite safe here.”
rhy the electric lioness of riagan and rayelle character reference here | character info here