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  • Beqanna


    Assailant -- Year 226


    "But the dream, the echo, slips from him as quickly as he had found it and as consciousness comes to him (a slap and not the gentle waves of oceanic tides), it dissolves entirely. His muscles relax as the cold claims him again, as the numbness sets in, and when his grey eyes open, there’s nothing but the faint after burn of a dream often trod and never remembered." --Brigade, written by Laura

    cotton candy {ZAYN/ANY}

    Think sweets, think pink, think me!

    having accepted his offer, the pink lady trudges across the border. Looking around her as she does so. Softly her nicker rings across the mountians. Where was he?

    I came just as you asked She smiles weakly at him, striding up to his side. Her own coat warm with the suns rays. She brushes her velvet nostrils against him gently. Her muscles almost trembling in fear. It was a new place and full of strange scents. Looking around her, she wonders if any of the other mares would make a show of themselves.

    It would be nice to have the company. Ears prick forward in a little bit of excitement. Almost like a ember she was begining to glow ever so slightly. The journey here having exercised her nervous energy out of her system to the point that even if she wanted to she couldn't jump in fear.



    He simply cannot believe his luck.

    He no longer has three mares. He doesn’t even have four mares. No, he has five.

    He feels quite smug when Nixie’s scent first wafts through the Mountains, and he quickly makes his way to the border. She stands out, as a candy cotton pink mare must often do (especially on such background of stone and pine), and within moments of her arriving he is at her side.

    He takes a brief moment to look her over (with a mild and pleasant smile plastered on his face), still mightily pleased with his luck. The other mares in his herd are quite boring in appearance in comparison to her. While he certainly appreciates them all - especially Becca and Raincloud for giving him such strong sons - none of the others quite compare to this bright confection of a mare. Now that he has her, he certainly doesn’t plan on letting her go.

    But he won’t spring the trap. Not quite yet.

The picture of a perfect gentleman, he bows his head in a polite, but eager greeting. “Nixie! I’m so pleased that you made it!” He shuffles his feet awkwardly, as if embarrassed, then glances back at the rocky territory behind him. “I know it’s not much, but you’re most welcome here!”

    He’s not entirely sure why he’s still playing this game - there’s no reason now that she’s in his territory, cut off from the rest of Beqanna. But he’s enjoying it all the same. No doubt he will tire of it soon though.


    I'm an ugly mess


    Think sweets, think pink, think me!

    She looks around the trees and cliffs shyly. They were so big, so sharp, beautiful, and full of confidence. Nothing about it sayed anything about fear or cowardice. No but it did seem to provide a lot of covering for those that were. Me in particular her thoughts whispered. She smiles and her ocean eyes twinkle with excitement as he aproaches her. Taking herself into a trot she meets him just as he bows and she slides herself along his side quivering with a spark of something that itched in the back of her mind.

    He was beautiful, and bold, just as this place was, while she stood against the backdrop of green and grey, a vibrant pink that demanded attention that she had never asked for. I'm glad to be here Zayn. His name rolls off her tongue with a delicious shiver through her body. Her tail hikes up in invitation for his welcome to her new home. Hot breath trailing down his neck. Its perfect. Her body warm from the exercise it took to get here, she is no longer shaking from the nervous energy, no she could tell that secretly it was the season and him that was causing her shakes.

    Pressed into his side she looks up at him with blue pools full of wonder, and curiousity. She could feel herself becoming braver as he looked at her with those red eyes. She felt almsot as if a connection could be formed, almost like he must understand her and everything that she was feeling. She felt almost like he could be proud of her, like she wanted him to be proud of her.



    She trots towards him with an open smile, and he smiles widely in return. It certainly surprises him how easily Nixie has decided to trust him, especially when compared with the uncertainly she had shown the other stallion in the field. So many other mares have shown him distrust at first meeting, especially when faced with his red eyes. Why is Nixie so different? Is he simply getting better at the game?

    She slips in beside him, and he does not fail to notice the shiver that runs through her body. It’s not fear, more … anticipation. How curious.

    She’s breathing along his neck now, sending a strange feeling of heat throughout his body. He’s not used to his attentions being so welcomed.

    His head turns to her own neck, and his muzzle gently slides along the vibrant pink fur. He can feel her heartbeat, and part of him longs to sink his teeth in, but no. Not yet. He wants to see how this plays out first. “I’m glad that you like it.”

    His red eyes suddenly dart about, eying the trees around them. There’s no one close by for the moment, but he wouldn’t put it past Becca to pop out and spoil the moment. Perhaps they should move away from the border. “Would you like a bit of a tour? There’s more plant life, and even some caves in the center of the territory.”


    I'm an ugly mess

    Do you want him to be a dick to her?

    Think sweets, think pink, think me!

    She looks up to the larger stallion. Her blue eyes sparkle A cave would be nice. She preens against him. Walking at his side, when the zip of a fly distracts her and she jumps to the side. With a shake of her head she is back next to him.

    She couldn’t be certain what it was about him. He seemed so open, welcoming towards her. He seemed just like her. Looking at him she knew there was a chemistry there that couldn’t exist with any other horse. There was a pull there that she needed to discover. It was one of those days that she felt like playing with the fire. Not only that but she could feel a desperate fire building in her own body.

    One that she was fully aware that only he could satisfy. Smiling up at him her curiosity gets the better of her Do you get many comments on your eyes Zayn? She had to touch his name again. It was so delicious on her lips. A bitter sweet zing that made her spine shiver. Her teeth clench, and her head bob up. Picking her way down the mountain path she watches her steps carefully going slower than she would normally. But to loose ones footing here would be a deadly drop down the precipice.

    She nuzzles into his neck taking a deep breath of his scent. The feeling in her heart was a unbarable warmth that made the corners of her eyes weepy. Are there others here? She inquires mildly aware of the other scents. But not feeling overtly interested in them she lets the question slide with little interest. More keenly aware of his presence and enveloping strength of an aura.



    She agrees to the tour and expresses interest in the caves, so he smiles broadly and utters a quiet “follow me.” She is still flighty and nervous, and while part of him wants to give her something to actually be nervous about, he refrains. For now. The first cave they reach is one of the smaller ones, but there is just enough room for the both of them to enter around and turn around - close, but not too close for comfort. He doesn’t go in yet though, simply standing at the cave mouth and looking in.

    “It’s warm and dry in here, and pretty well sheltered from the harsher weather we can get here.” Always an important feature. Winter in the Mountains can be particularly nasty. “There are other caves, but this one is particularly snug.” She suddenly asks about his eyes, and while it’s not an unusual question, it rankles a little bit. Many are feel disquiet at the sight of his eyes, but he is proud of them. They help him to stand out, and they are a sign of his heritage. Of Gryffen’s blood. “A few.” There is a small, but unmistakable tension in his voice. “Most are afraid. But some are simply curious.” Of course, she is likely used to curiosity from others with her lurid coat colouration.

    She asks after others, and he’s almost surprised that it took so long. She’s so close now, burrowing into his neck as if she’s known him for years. How curious, considering how nervous she’d been in the field. “Yes, there are other mares here. Their names are Becca, Raincloud, Liselle and Kodaline. My sons, Waylan and Skyfire, live here as well. You will have the chance to meet them later, I’m sure.” He decides to test the waters, neck snaking out and teeth snapping at her shoulder not entirely gently. “But for now I’m happy to have you to myself.”


    I'm an ugly mess

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