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  • Beqanna


    Assailant -- Year 226


    "But the dream, the echo, slips from him as quickly as he had found it and as consciousness comes to him (a slap and not the gentle waves of oceanic tides), it dissolves entirely. His muscles relax as the cold claims him again, as the numbness sets in, and when his grey eyes open, there’s nothing but the faint after burn of a dream often trod and never remembered." --Brigade, written by Laura

    New life (birthing);Zayn; any
    Raincloud slept on the floor of a cave peacefully, the dark giving her a twisted sense of serenity. She awoke suddenly, gasping. The foal was coming. She called for Zayn.

    A long while later, the foal was born. A blue roan colt, with red eyes like his sire. Raincloud nudged his flank, and he stood. At that very moment, the sun rose. It looks like the sky is on fire. She thought. "Skyfire, that's what I'll call you." The new mother said, half to herself, half to her foal. Skyfire whinnied his agreement, looking up at her with blood red eyes.
    He's making his way around the territory's border when Raincloud's voice rings out across the herd land. Zayn's ears perk, and he quickly moves into action - he knows there's likely only one reason she'd call out to him so urgently.

    When he reaches her cave he is not disappointed. The smell of blood and birth fills the air, and there at Raincloud's feet lies a tiny little blue roan colt. A smile explodes across his face as he steps forward to get a better look. A second son! And (he spies them as he looks closer), a son with his red eyes no less!

    He looks to Raincloud, still smiling. "A handsome boy. What have you called him?" His eyes drift back to the child and he thinks to the future. He can't wait for the day when he can start to train both Waylan and this newest son.
    Skyfire rose on the shaky legs of a newborn. "Daddy?" He said. His first word. The smoky blue roan colt stumbled towards his sire, tripping and using the stallion to keep himself upright.
    A smile steals across Zayn's lips as the boy quickly rises to his feet (albeit shakily). Signs of a strong son already, to discover standing so quickly. "Yes child, I am your father." It's unmistakable after all - those telling red eyes are a sure sign of his parentage.

    His smile returns as the boy even begins walking towards him, eventually falling against his own side. Zayn is not the most affectionate of creatures, but even he feels a small blossom of warmth as the roan coat leans against his side. "What a strong child." Zayn's eyes return to Raincloud, surely still recovering from her efforts. "What have you named the boy?" Perhaps she did not hear him the first time.
    The panting blue roan mare looked Zayn in the eye and said "His name is Skyfire."
    "Skyfire." He mulls the name over in his mind, considering it. It's probably not something he would have chosen himself, but it will have suffice. At least it's not something entirely ridiculous. "It will do." He smiles at the mare, at the very least pleased that she has given him such a fine son. "Make sure you get some rest! You must be exhausted!" Though he says it more for the boy's sake than anything else. She must keep up her strength to ensure that she's able to produce enough milk to keep the boy healthy.

    (OOC: I'll try to start another thread for you later tonight)

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