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  • Beqanna


    Assailant -- Year 226


    "But the dream, the echo, slips from him as quickly as he had found it and as consciousness comes to him (a slap and not the gentle waves of oceanic tides), it dissolves entirely. His muscles relax as the cold claims him again, as the numbness sets in, and when his grey eyes open, there’s nothing but the faint after burn of a dream often trod and never remembered." --Brigade, written by Laura

    You Should Keep In Mind;(Birthing) Zayn, any
    You Should Keep In Mind, There Is Nothing Better I Do Than Revenge.

    Her barrel had grown over the multiple weeks and months. Due to her injuries, the girls legs were weak and faintly bruised by now causing her to lay dormant within the caves. Only did she straggle to get up in need of food or water, other wise she avoided going outside due to the cold. Soon, the girl found that spring had come to Beqanna, along came the new children to be born. She knew she would be due soon, pain had increased as small contractions were held mainly when she slept causing her to become restless and wander about in the evening more often.

    Finally it had came time, unlike her first child this child was different. The contractions were more serious and painful, so much as soon as she felt them she plummeted to the ground. Not that she wasn't expecting the contractions, but the hardness and force of it caused her to panic. Her first child, Midnite had been gentle, light little jumps and that was it. That's when she knew, it had to be a boy.

    After multiple hours of hard work and struggle, she found a dark chocolate damp lump at her hind. The hard work was complete but, she had much more before she could rest once more. She bit open the child's birth sac and began gently lapping the boy, his petite coat just like hers along with a light silvered mane. Before she could notice she found a pair of ruby eyes staring up at her, his eyes were blood red. In distress she jolted upwards, striding back a few paces from the child. His little voice piped up,"Mumma?" He seemed sweet enough for the girl, yet those red eyes.... A little gift from Zayn himself.

    She was positive he would be near soon, and decided to encourage the child upwards, he would be proud either way. The child had red eyes, like his father. And she was sure of it his father would be knocking at her door any second now. Gingerly she returned to the boy's side gently, tapping him with encouragement for him to rise into all four limbs, and surely he did sucessfully in little than a few seconds do encouragement. "Come sweet." she spoke softly guiding the little child's muzzle gently towards her source of milk.

    Her gaze shifted back to the cave opening expecting a pale figure to erupt from it any second. Briefly shifting her attention Becca returned it to her child to find he was gone, yet she could still feel his presence, his velvet coat upon hers. Yet he was no where in sight, in immediate panic the girl shrieked,"ZAYN!!!IF THIS IS A JOKE YOUR DEAD!!" She flared her nostrils searching about, her newborn child had to be somewhere right?


    image © nathan walker

    [Image: untitled_drawing_by_caninevulpes-d9e6vik.png]

    He’s been anxiously awaiting the birth of this child all winter. He’s checked in on Becca every day, watching in eager anticipation as the mare’s belly has grown larger and more rotund. He’s done his best to keep her healthy - a task that has been more of an effort than it would have been normally. Her injuries have not healed well, meaning that, while it is harder for her to try to escape, it’s also harder to keep her well fed. But the pregnancy has progressed well (to his untrained eye), and his excitement is reaching its peak.

    He’s unfortunately late returning to the Mountains today though, having spent the early hours of the day in the Chamber. He arrives home just in time to hear Becca’s voice scream out across the territory (though he cannot make out the words).

    He jumps instantly into action, racing for her cave and bursting through the entrance. He expects to find someone or something in there, to make Becca scream so, but all he sees is the mare. All alone. Even though she’s obviously given birth.

    Blood and afterbirth are smeared on the floor, and the mare’s sides are clearly deflated. And yet there’s no child. Not even the dead body of a stillborn. Simply nothing.

    He steps forward stiffly, red eyes locked on Becca’s own. Has she done something to it? He hadn’t taken her threats entirely seriously, being what she is … but had she carried them out after all?

    He stares her down, his voice low and measured … for the moment. “Where is the child Becca?” She better have a good explanation. Or she will pay dearly.


    I'm an ugly mess

    You Should Keep In Mind, There Is Nothing Better I Do Than Revenge.

    She found it ever so annoying how he placed the blame on her. It wasn't her fault he already stole the child right from under her. Was this real cruelty? Separating a newborn babe from his mother, did he have any sincerity for his kin? "What do you mean where is he? Did you steal him from me already?" she flared her nostrils, her motherly instincts at their height.

    It was strange, she could still feel the child suckling from her teat, quite hard too. Making her kick her hind out to in annoyance. That's when she heard a squeal, so very small. Her lobes perked as her periwinkle iris's searched the vacant cave. "Did you hear that?" her nostrils searching for the faint scent of her newborn baby, she could sense his presence somewhere. It was like a sixth sense for a mother, sensing her child near or far she could easily find her child yet, her little boy was no where in sight.

    She was extremely distressed, and worried. At this point she was about to have a mental break down. Until, she bumped into something velvet and, before her eyes she found her red eyed child fallen to the ground, his blood red eyes staring up into hers. "There you are."She spoke gently, not trying to panic the sweet little child below her.

    Gently encouraging the little boy up, she gazed in annoyance towards Zayn. "Is this a joke of yours?" She soothed her words, her once gentle gaze turned dark and bitter in his presence. As she gently began to nuzzle her child lovingly, it was needed for her to bond with the petite lad in order for both her and her child to regain and remember each others scents.

    "If so, I suggest you fuss up."She growled, her body shifting, hiding her dear child behind her dark chocolate body. Zayn, had to learn the point that the babe was hers not his, as long as the lad was as small as he was, he would be hers.

    To be honest, Becca didn't want the pale stallion near her newborn child at all. If he got too close she would take a chance and lunge out at him, he needed to mind his manners around the baby especially when her motherly hormones were at their height.


    image © nathan walker


    His question is immediately met with shock and anger, and his brow furrows in confusion. Becca has some fight in her yes, but she is not that good of an actress. Her emotions are genuine. “Of course I did not take him.” Though he is still confused and beginning to become concerned, be cannot help but feel a little thrill at that one word. Him. He has a son. “I would be a fool to remove him from you before he is weaned.”

    His eyes begin to scan the little cavern, searching for any sign of the boy, or any sign of his removal. But there’s nothing. Not even animal tracks. The oddness is only compounded by the strong scent of a newborn that’s mixed in with Becca’s own scent. A tiny squeal suddenly echoes through the cave and his ears perk as Becca asks after the same noise. “Yes. But where is he?” He glances about again.

    Suddenly, as his red eyes return to Becca, he notices a small shape that had most definitely not been there before. The boy.

    He steps forward to get a better look at the child, though he keeps a somewhat respectful distance. While he does not mind beating Becca into submission if her motherly instincts take over, he does not want the child to accidentally get caught up in a fight, especially in such a small space.

    His red eyes pierce through the gloom, and when he finally gets a good look at the child, he can’t help the grin that splits his pale face. A handsome silvered coat (like Becca), with Zayn’s own blood red eyes.

    Becca is speaking again, and with a sigh of annoyance his red eyes move to match her own. “No, this wasn’t me.” His eyes return to the boy’s face as the wheels turn in his head. “This … this was something else.” Something about the boy himself. “Watch him. Let’s see if it happens again.”


    I'm an ugly mess

    You Should Keep In Mind, There Is Nothing Better I Do Than Revenge.

    Her lobes pin to his closer presence, she was thinking about it. Yes, she was definitely considering to lash out at him but, Zayn held a good point. She had to hold herself together in the meantime. If Zayn didn't take her child, and place him back at her side. Then it would have to be her little boy himself? It was impossible for a foal to just disappear and appear out of thin air but, it wasn't nearly impossible if magic was involved.

    She listened to Zayn proposal, to just watch the boy. But Becca couldn't help herself, she gently nudged the lad back up onto his feet, his dark chocolate limbs trembling as he slowly regained his balance. He took a few studding steps forwards, to suckle from her once more, he was more gentle now from her warning of a kick that had made the boy appear. That's when she glanced up for only a second, he attention turned to the red eyed, pale figure before her. She pinned her lobes as a brief warning as he seemed to get a bit closer and like that her attention returned onto her little boy. He was gone.

    Had Zayn been watching because she surely wasn't she was busy being an over protective mother, within the presence of the stallion that raped her, causing her to bare this crimson eyed child. "Zayn, were you watching?" She paused her words from releasing from her burgundy lips for a moment then continued, "I didn't see it.." She spoke in an almost embarrassed tone mixed with a hint of annoyance.

    She could still feel the boy suckling, until she heard a thud. It had little mass, causing it to be a light little sound. Suddenly, her boy appeared his boy concealed by something that seemed to peel slowly off his body. Her newborn child was milk drunk, he stared up at her in a puzzled manner trying to rise up not his slender appendages. Due to his drunken state her little boy couldn't seem to find the correct manner and balance to rise on his own, causing him to sit dormant his legs sprawled out under and beside him, and his little head swaying gently.

    Thats when the thought was built it her head, she hadn't named him. She searched for her words, until the name seemed to slip out of her lips,"Waylan."It was a unique name for sure, and surely all she could think of for the moment. It seemed to fit her red eyed child perfectly, it his puzzled state but would it fi him in his normal state? As a rambunctious little colt. Possibly but, it Zayn would be the one to judge of the name, it was his first heir.


    image © nathan walker

    [Image: untitled_drawing_by_caninevulpes-d9e6vik.png]

    He’s a little surprised hen she calms momentarily, clearly agreeing to his proposal to simply watch the boy. Normally she would argue for the sake of arguing, but at least she’s seeing sense.

    He watches as the silvered boy struggles to his feet and totters back to his mother to yet again drink his fill. And then as Zayn watches, the boy simply … disappears.

    His red eyes widen in shock. There’d been no warning whatsoever. The boy had simply vanished from his sight. One moment there, one moment not. Becca unfortunately had glanced away, the fool. “Yes I was. He …” Then the boy reappears, now on the ground at Becca’s side.

    A grin slowly crawls across Zayn’s face. Their son is clearly gifted. “I think he has an ability.” He wonders where it came from. Neither he or Becca are gifted. His first inclination would be to think that he’s not the boy’s father after all, but those eyes are telling. The boy is his son. Perhaps it is a carried trait that’s somehow managed to make its way down the line. Neither of his parents have any special abilities or traits, but it’s quite possible that there’s been something far back in his ancestry. Or even in Becca’s ancestry.

    He watches, still staring as the boy sways gently, clearly milk drunk after his meal. He smiles, as close to a genuine one as he can get.

    Becca suddenly takes it upon herself to name the boy and while he experiences a flash of irritation (he would have liked to do that himself), he doesn’t argue. ‘Waylan’ is nothing special, but it also isn’t terrible. It will suffice. He steps forward, closing the gap between himself and the child, lowering his head to look at the boy. He’s perhaps risking Becca’s wrath - not that it is anything to fear - but he doesn't’ care. If she tries to separate him from his son she will quickly realize how poor a decision it is. “Hello Waylan, I am your father.”


    I'm an ugly mess

    You Should Keep In Mind, There Is Nothing Better I Do Than Revenge.

    An ability? Her bloodline was pristine. Cleansed of all abilities of magic. She was just an ordinary Rocky Mountain Horse, how could her son have an ability?

    The women stays quiet. Lobes pricked as she watched the wretched eyed stallion. Yes, she was weary of his presence near her newborn child. It wasn't necessarily the thought of Waylan being injured, it was the thought of danger. She knew Zayn would eventually steal her child away from his mother and train him for diabolical doings, as he had probably done to his so called apprentice.

    The thing that bothered her at the moment, was that the pale stallion was advancing forwards upon her and her child. Causing her to become gravely tense, her muscles quivered  as she tried to hold back her hormones.

    He was close, to close. His head was lowered as he said his hello to Waylan. She could hardly stand the brutes presence, she was about to let herself loose upon him."Zayn..." her vocals trailed off, as a faint warning. She didn't wish to hurt him, especially around Waylan. It just wasn't right.

    In a moment she began to gently stand over her son, her legs avoiding his petite body. As she stood over him in a protective manner. Almost in a forceful manner steering Zayn away.

    Her muzzle reached out grabbing ahold of his Palimino flesh in attempt to push him away. She let go before drawing blood upon his pale coat. She was annoyed that he had gotten close, too close for that fact.

    Her dark chocolate body lunged forwards, mindful of Waylan beneath her feet. It was yet another warning. He better get going now. Not for the sake that she ever so exhausted but also she felt uncomfortable in his presence.


    image © nathan walker

    OOC: this is crap. And I honestly have no idea what I was going with this.
    [Image: untitled_drawing_by_caninevulpes-d9e6vik.png]

    He watches the mare as the news sinks in. He doesn’t see the joy that he expects, but it makes no difference to him. He is pleased with the boy’s ability enough for the both of them - she is simply the vessel that brought him into being.

    He is, however, more than a little irritated to see her response at his closeness. Her ears are up and alert, her eyes fixed on him. And the tone in her voice …

    It’s enough to make him want to snap at her, to lash out and remind her of her place in his herd. But his eyes linger on the boy.

    He has no issue with exposing Waylan to the sight of violence so early on - it would probably do the child good, in fact. An early life lesson if you will. But they are in very tight quarters in Becca’s little cave. Fighting could put Waylan’s actual physical well being at risk. And while Waylan certainly doesn’t need to be whole to spread Zayn’s bloodline, it would certainly help.

    He will retire for now and give them peace. But Becca cannot stay in the cave forever, and sooner or later the boy himself will want to explore the great world beyond the cave’s mouth. He will find them then and begin his training of the boy. And, will make sure to remind Becca of who's herd land she’s living in. “Alright, alright darling. I shall give you your space. But I’ll be back …”


    I'm an ugly mess

    We can start a new thread if you like! Smile

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