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  • Beqanna


    Assailant -- Year 226


    "But the dream, the echo, slips from him as quickly as he had found it and as consciousness comes to him (a slap and not the gentle waves of oceanic tides), it dissolves entirely. His muscles relax as the cold claims him again, as the numbness sets in, and when his grey eyes open, there’s nothing but the faint after burn of a dream often trod and never remembered." --Brigade, written by Laura

    pay your respects to society giving me hell; yael, any
    they all need something to hold on to, they all mean well
    pay your respects to society giving me hell

    They had argued. To an outsider, it might have seemed as though the flaxen mare did most of the latter, while the sooty stallion endured the barrage rather quietly. Yet there was something about the set of his mouth and the steadiness of his dark gaze that eventually made Nao sigh, shaking her dished head with some exasperation. “Fine. You win, Ik.” And he brushed her shoulder and let her use of the abysmal childhood nickname slide as they leave the field together, the mare always a stride or two ahead. 
    Of course, he understands her reluctance. It had taken some time for her to consider a return to Beqanna – years, in fact. And he knows it won’t be easy for her. Long ago, she had made up her mind to dismiss their history (abusive father, abandoning mother); and now here he was, searching for the missing pieces when she would rather they remain lost, forgotten for the rest of their forever. Yet his sister had always looked out for him, and although he knows a part of her cannot help resenting him for it, he also knows she always would. 
    The sun is high and hot in the sky when the pair finally arrives at the Desert borders. Nao looks irritated, the wind sweeping sand to grate against her slender legs. She may have conceded to her brother’s wishes, but that didn’t mean she had to like it. Ikaro’s eyes soften as he surveys his sister, the coppery dapples of his coat shining in the heat.

    “Promise me something,” he says, and she turns to him with a huff, flicking her creamy tail impatiently.  “Play nice with the other kids, will you?” And after a beat, she laughs – a bell-like sound (clear and resonant) quite unlike her usual sultry cadence. Ikaro grins, and a rare moment of ease passes between the two siblings as they stand shoulder to shoulder at the edge of their new home, the sun a bright spark suspended in an endless expanse of blue.

    nao § ikaro
    you could never feel my story, it's all you know
    i will not fold, she's in control of everyone and everything


    When Yael had left the demanding twins in the Field, she had been almost positive of two things: first; that Nao didn’t like her, and two; that they would not be coming to the Desert any time soon. That is, and never will be a surprise to the once-Queen. Give a horse the option between sweet grass, a pine forest, and a desert, they will usually choose the first two. Few are made to sweat beneath the sun, or find beauty in the constant shifting of the brilliant sands (no longer pink - but back to their normal color), and Yael has come to accept it. She is happy again, with her sun and stars and growing clan of orphans - she’s always had a soft spot for kids. Nevermind that one will always be half wild, and another is undead and rotting, while a third was snatched from Scorch’s womb by Camrynn (what was the plan with that one? She may never know).

    Her own children abandon her (a harsh term, but sometimes she feels irrationally angry about it), so she collects new ones. Maybe one day a great deal more will call her Ima.

    That someone has surprised Yael is notable in and of itself. It doesn’t happen very often. She laughs out loud, though no one is around to hear her. Well, well, well… she briefly wonders if her dragon form might be more appropriate, considering that it is her most impressive (and least used) shape. Ah, but then maybe not. They may have come because of the dragon, but if they’re going to stay, they’ll have to get used to her regular form. The dainty woman appears shortly after they arrive, materializing a few feet away from them, but directly ahead. She fixes them with a curious gaze and slight smile (she is, after all, just a tad skeptical - as she is sure they are). “Nao. Eekaro. T’is ees a surprise. Good to see you bote again.” She turns a bit and gestures with a wing for them to come in, and indicates into the interior. “Come, t’ere ees an oasees not too far away. Eet xas shade and vater, and ees far more comfortable zen out xere.”

    Waiting for them to draw up beside her, Yael then starts a steady pace towards the oasis, eager to hear whatever it is they came for.

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