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  • Beqanna


    Assailant -- Year 226


    "But the dream, the echo, slips from him as quickly as he had found it and as consciousness comes to him (a slap and not the gentle waves of oceanic tides), it dissolves entirely. His muscles relax as the cold claims him again, as the numbness sets in, and when his grey eyes open, there’s nothing but the faint after burn of a dream often trod and never remembered." --Brigade, written by Laura

    good morning starshine; Esileif

    Fennick almost trusted the Valley’s cosmic fire wall not to burn Esileif to a crisp. The keyword there was almost. He trusted it enough to escort her through, but not enough to simply meet her on the other side. Hestia, the last newcomer he’d escorted across the border, had been just fine. So, technically, he was batting at 100 percent. Granted, if this didn’t turn out so well for Esileif his average would be greatly diminished.

    Fennick plastered a smile on his face and tried to look nonchallannt. The giant barrier of fire that separated the Valley from the rest of Beqanna was insurmountable protection. It detected intruders with ill intent and scorched them to kingdom come. Trusted Valley members carried a brand beneath their left eye. Fennick’s brand stood out starkly against his black hide, a cursive V with flicking flames in the middle. Members and welcome guests, like Esileif, could theoretically cross unharmed.

    “Here we are, home sweet home.” Fennick’s attempt at casualness may have been obvious as he smiled up at the fire. Still, you had to appreciate the attempt.

    “Don’t worry about the fire, it won’t burn you.” To prove his point, Fennick stepped through in front of Esileif, just so she knew this wasn’t an elaborate trap to burn her to a crisp.

    On the other side of wall, the Valley was business as usual. It was still winter, and a thin layer of ice and snow scrunched underfoot. It was cold this high in the mountains, and though Fennick had gotten used to it, the sudden chill after the warmth of the flame caused him to puff his feathers up around him like a giant cloak. He watched Esileif’s face carefully, wondering if she was about to run back to the field or the Gates. As much as he loved his home, loved the bracing chill of the air and the scent of the tall towering tress, he knew it wasn’t for everyone. Fennick looked around with soft appreciation.

    "So, what do you think?


    I'm your Queen, you're my Ruler.

    Both Magnus and Fennick had told her about their respective homes and even though it were two totally different kingdoms, what they offered had been the same. Or it had sounded like that to the Spanish influenced mare. And therefor she had agreed with Magnus, deciding that she first would want to see both the kingdoms before she could even think about choosing her home – if they still wanted her. They are nearing the border of one of the Beqannian kingdoms as Fennick leads her to his home. Her excitement shows her youth, as she moves in a collected trot if another burst of energy needs to get out and she dances alongside the stallion. The bay and faint orangey white girl had only heard about the kingdoms, after all, she was born and raised in a herd.

    Even from a distance she could see the glow that came from the fire wall and where Fennick carelessly approached the strange wall she froze, ears turning backwards to express her distress. Esileif knew to be afraid of fire by instinct, even though it didn’t seem to spread at all. The only magic she was known with was her father’s ice – which was the total opposite of the fire in front of her. ”Wait! Watc-“ her call to him stopped midway her sentence as she could only look in shock at the black winged male as he walked through the wall of fire.

    Carefully she steps forward, slowly and cautious of the fire, before she suddenly leaps forward. Esileif has her eyes firmly closed as she jumped through the wall. She can feel the heath, but once she lands at the other side – panting and well – there aren’t any signs of burns. ”W..what is it..?” she asks Fennick, still in disbelief about the whole ordeal.

    Once she has calmed down enough to actually look around her she moves a few steps forward, standing slightly ahead of the stallion. Like most other places the Valley is covered in a layer of snow and although that doesn’t really do the kingdom any good, Esileif wouldn’t base her decision on it purely. After all, the seasons affected all the kingdoms. Her attention turns back to him and she offers him a small smile. ”Unless you show me around, there isn’t much to say just yet. All though that wall.. surprised me.” There was no way that the tobiano girl would admit out loud that it had scared her, surprised had seemed a better word to use.

    Esileif grins at him, the air around them light and slightly teasing, as she waits for him to continue. As she sees only this small part of the Valley she cannot form an impression. ”Can you tell me more about the Valley, the history, the residents, everything you think that is worth sharing?”

    Belgarath x Alasia
    Esileif emerged on the other side of the fire wall, eyes closed and looking a little shaken, but otherwise unharmed. Fennick let out a sigh of relief. He had been pretty certain she would be fine, but you never really knew. The wall, and the Valley itself, had a mind of its own. There was more than a little magic mixed in with the dirt. Still, Demian had insisted that the fire wouldn’t burn up any welcome guests, and so far he had been true to his word. Fennick, at least, was batting a good average with his 100 percent survival rate. Perhaps, he would add that to the Valley’s recruitment speed. You’re almost certain to survive! It had a nice ring to it. Despite his cheerfulness regarding the matter, he couldn’t help but looking a little sheepish.

    “That’s our fire wall. It keeps out unwelcome guests, invaders and ne'er-do-wells, if you will. I don’t really understand it myself, Demian, Eight and Flamevein built it. Apparently, it senses intentions, and burns bad intentions.” Fennick shrugged, as if it wasn’t very interesting or that big of a deal. It truth were to be told, he still found it quite fascinating. Fennick simply needed every opportunity he could get to play it cool. The chance came around so very rarely. Though, apparently, the wall wouldn’t hold Esileif’s attention forever. Fennick’s cooly nonchalant expression turned sheepish almost as quickly as it had come. He had forgotten to show her around. Instances like this reminded Fennick of why he was a captain, and not a diplomat. The little details of hosting were usually lost of him.

    “Ah yes, I suppose I should show you the rest of it.” With one more sheepish smile, just for good measure, Fennick began his ambling walk towards he center of the Valley. As would be expected, the mountains all around them gently sloped downwards and towards a large basin where the kingdom met. Small deer paths led to other smaller valleys that housed the herds.

    While they ambled, Fennick pondered Esileif’s question. Fennick had arrived here, partially by accident, almost four years ago. It was hard to believe time had flown by so fast. It seemed like just yesterday that he was crashing Demian’s coronation.

    “Demian is our king. He took over for Eight a number of years ago. Demian is the one who erected the wall, with the help of Flamevein and Eight’s magic. I’m Demian’s right hand and captain. I see to the army’s business. The diplomats are led by Cress.” That was the official run down. Several important people were missing of course, but seeing as the names wouldn’t mean much to Esileif her yet, Fennick saved them for another time. He turned his head so she could better see his left eye.

    “These tattoos mark us as loyal to the Valley. Those who choose to take the oath have them.” Fennick remembered the day he got his tattoo with fondness. It had been a proud moment for him, and one he would remember for many years to come. He hoped that, one day, he could see his children take the oath as well.

    “It you want an older history of the Valley, Gallows, Eight or Shiya could probably tell you. Or, if you’re interested in a newcomers perspective, there is Hestia or Thorunn.” Fennick considered his words for a moment. Hestia had, technically, arrived in the Valley long, long before Fennick had. She had left and recently returned, so perhaps she could provide a newcomer’s perspective and provide some history, a two for one conversationalist.

    I'm your Queen, you're my Ruler.

    Oh yes, she was shaken up, and even though she would normally hate her own guts for showing her fear like that, this time she could easily let it pass. Which horse wouldn’t be at least a little of passing through a wall of fire? And honestly, in Esileif’s point of view she had done pretty well for a first timer. After all, she was still in one piece, right? Getting used to it would maybe be something for the future.

    The two toned mare had to admit that his words sounded quite logically, but every time she turned to look at the fire – or even glimpses out of the corner of her eyes – made her wonder how a horse could ever think of such a thing. Fire was one of the most dangerous things out there, all though she had to admit that it hadn’t hurt her.

    She watches amusedly him as his expression changes from coolly to sheepish, a small grin growing upon her own lips. ”Please, if you would” she replies, still grinning at him as she follows him down. The slightly decreasing ground forces her to replace her weight a little more on her hind quarters and she tilts her pelvis a little to bring her hind legs further underneath her body.

    Esileif listens to every work Fennick says as he leads her further into the kingdom. Only sometimes her gaze moves to look at the winged black male for a few seconds, as she is more curious to see the new world around her. But what interests her more is to learn that this stallion was actually quite high ranked, even though he seemed a little silly, unfocussed and awkward from time to time. But if he could do it, why couldn’t too? Call it an obsession, but she cannot help but to feel jealous of his little gifts. Even though Esi’s own coat color is something special – all though more often than not strange colored horses like her appeared in Beqanna – she had never been satisfied. She had been forced to see other children of her father being gifted in one way or another, yet her and her two full siblings turned out to be plainly normal. And she wanted, no needed, more. And maybe, just maybe, she was a little too set on it.

    It is the brand again. Just like when he had strolled up to her in the Field she studies it once again. Fennick’s brand was almost like a piece of art and it almost seemed like the flames were flicking in a non-existent wind, almost. ”Loyal you say? Does that mean it binds you to it for life?” she asks as she slowly moves her muzzle closer. If he would let her she would let her lips travel gently across the mark, only curious to inspect it closer by, before continuing the little tour.

    She nods and takes his advice to heart. She comes to a halt, to let her eyes wander across the kingdom. It is strange. The mourning mountains had been her home for the biggest part of her life – until now that was – and these mountains gave off a familiar feel, it wasn’t home yet. The bay and orangey white girl had trouble picturing herself and it frustrated her till the end. Why did this all have to be so difficult? To finish he silent battle in her mind Esileif turns towards the dark stallion again, looking at him for a second before speaking up again.

    ”And why, why do you think the Valley might be a good home for me, Fennick?”

    Belgarath x Alasia

    Fennick felt his home settle around him like a cloak. Here, and perhaps only here, in rare snatches and glimpses, did he feel comfortable and settled. He knew he was not like most kings, and he knew equally well that many would hold him in contempt for it. It was a truth he had not yet accepted, but that he would soon enough. He accepted things slowly, and each new piece felt like a burden to a mind that longed for calmness and simplicity. They all fell into place eventually, when the young man realized he was in a sink of swim situation. He was starting to believe life was a long series of sink or swim moments. Good thing he knew how to dog paddle.

    But still, there was a unique joy in showing Esileif around. He could show her his home, his kingdom. True, the Valley had always been his, and at the same time never would be. He was not built here, he was not sculpted from the trees and rocks. If the Valley belonged to anyone, it would be to Gallows, to Eight, and to those who had lived here for much longer than Fennick’s working memory. But still, the little part of him that was prideful was glad to be able to show Esileif around, and to feel ownership of something that was much, much greater and grander than himself.

    Then of course, there was his tattoo. It was yet another of the millions of things he and Gallows needed to discuss. He had gotten his under Demian’s rule. It was a way to mark those loyal to the Valley. Fennick had taken his oath easily and with no hesitation. Wether he and Gallows would ask others to do the same was another question. He smiled softly, and dropped his head for Esileif to inspect. His sheepish smile quickly reappeared and tugged at the corners of his lips. His dark obsidian eyes stayed soft, but managed to look everywhere but her face. When she was done he rolled his shoulders in a shrug.

    “It does. It would turn dark if I were to leave. That being said, I was bound for life long before Demian pulled out the branding iron. Such is the way of this place.” Just ask Gallows, she would have a lot to say on the virtues of the Valley. None of it would be objective. He wanted to tell Esileif whether or not she would need to take an oath of her own, but, he could not yet say. He put it on the list to discuss with Gallows. That list was growing longer by the minute. He hastily shoved the thought aside, before the panic at the task before him could be seen on his face.

    She asked her next question, and it was no less difficult. He gave her a wry smile.

    “You don’t like easy questions, do you? Shoot straight from the hip? I think you and Gallows would like each other.” He was teasing her, but he was also serious. His smile turned pensive as he gave the question the attention it deserved. He was tempted to say that the Valley would make a good home for anybody, but that would be a lie, and he wanted to tell her something real, something that meant something to him. After a moment he spoke, slowly at first, for he was trying to choose the right words.

    “There’s a lot of work to be done here. There is a lot of ambition here, and we need to find a direction for it. There is room for someone with ambition to succeed. We’re a powerful kingdom, and we have a powerful ally. I’m not worried about defense, so we’re in the enviable position of creating a good offense. You could help shape the direction that takes.” Again, the big stallion shrugged, and he wondered briefly if he he sounded like a total nutter. That was absolutely possible. But, somehow, that didn’t worry him so much right now. The moment felt right and good, and Fennick knew better than to question that.

    “Or, you know, if that’s not your thing we have a lot of nice grass and particularly fine trees. You could admire a new tree each and every day of your life and still have more to choose from.” Fennick would admit that didn’t sound particularity appealing to him. He had, of course, admired his fair share of the Valley trees, he just found other ways to occupy his time. But, he wanted to make sure Esileif knew all her options. The big stallion grinned boyishly.


    I'm your Queen, you're my Ruler.

    She looks at the brand in a just as interested way as she had done in the field, but she cannot say it doesn’t conflict her. Yes, she intrigued by the idea and she understood it all too well, she would’ve wanted to ask for such a thing if she had been in the place to ask it. Yet at the same time Esileif wasn’t sure if she would be able to live up to the oath. She honestly doubted her own loyalty if she would be able to get something better elsewhere. But for now she only wanted to believe that whatever kingdom she would go to, she would choose it with the idea of achieving her goals there. It was just that the little voice in the back of her mind told her otherwise.

    So the two toned girl only nods when Fennick replies to her question, providing her with this conflicting answer. Yes, she liked the idea of proudly showing where you belonged to, but no, she didn’t like an oath that bound her for life. The intention would be good, but it would chain her to the kingdom and if she did break free she was forced to bear with clear mark for the rest of her life.

    The loop upon her features turns into an amused one, tilting her orangey white and bay head a little to the side while looking at the black winged male. ”Well, in this way you cannot say I didn’t do my homework before making a decision” Esileif replies with a shrug of her shoulder, grinning at him slightly. ”But I would happily meet this Gallows, if that would lead to an interesting conversation.

    Once again she falls silent, letting his words sink in. Meanwhile her eyes move across the kingdom lands, trying to picture herself as resident of the forsaken valley. ”What great goals would the kingdom be able to reach? How could the valley make her legend known, shine above others, as it is already nearing her top?” Oh her questions may be a little blunt and direct, but Esileif cannot keep them to herself. Her eyes search for Fennick’s again, wanting to show him how eager she is, to show him the fire that resided in her. She isn’t interested in the life of a resident, if she was she could also just join a herd and live the same life as her mother. No, she wanted, needed, more than simply being a broodmare that needed a male to protect her.

    Belgarath x Alasia

    No, there was nothing wrong with doing your homework. It was, in fact, the preferable way to do things. It was simply Fennick’s misfortune that life happened to him like a freight train happened to someone standing on the railroad tracks. Truly, it was lucky the kingdom didn’t rest solely in his hands. That would be an unprecedented disaster. Or, at least, he would have to search his soul and alter most of it. Neither destiny sounded particularly appealing. However, it was time Esileif met the Valley’s real puppet master. Fennick spoke in his head, for he figured Gallows would probably be listening anyways, or if she wasn’t, would hear something directly for her.

    “Gallows, won’t you tell our guest about your vision? For I have none.” That wasn’t particularly true, he was going to try his best, but perhaps Esileif would benefit from another perspective. While he waited for Gallows to appear, Fennick turned his attention to Esileif’s other questions. His face, devoid of his immature humor, looked quite a bit older. He looked at the girl curiously, wondering how much he should say. He was not a diplomat, he didn’t understand the intricacies of kingdom secrets. He did, however, see something in her, something that looked that hunger. After a moment Fennick shrugged and went for it.

    “You met Magnus in the field, yes? He’s a good man, I wouldn’t mind ten just like him.” That was very true. Magnus had made himself an unbearable pain in Fennick’s ass when it came to recruiting. The Gate’s man was loyal to his home. He was everything you wanted in a solider. That being said, all those great characteristics would do his kingdom little good. One good man did not an army make.

    “I’m sure you know the Gates was recently attacked. That attack was launched by our ally. I can’t tell you the specifics, for I don’t even know them myself, yet. But the world is spoiling for a war, and I can promise you we’re on the winning side.” Fennick wasn’t blood thirsty, far from it. But, he didn’t like apathy, and he didn’t like weakness. His kingdom was neither of those things, and he wasn’t going to sit idly on his heels and watch the world pass by him. As far as he was concerned, there was far too much tolerance for complacency. Fennick would like to change that.

    OOC: @[Calli], do you want to join us?

    Truthfully, I've only been half paying attention to their conversation. She's young, and Fennick has it handled so I don't do more than cursory glance of their thoughts. Until, that is, I hear my name repeatedly. Hey, curiosity is not a trait that fades with age. At least, not for me.

    I trot closer from where I have been studying the Valley tree. Our entity is silent, much less known than the gifts of the other kingdoms. But I am hoping to change that. The coming war should go a long way towards helping.

    "It's true. His vision is limited to his next meal. But I keep him around for looks." I cast a humorous look on Fennick, knowing him well enough that he won't take me seriously. (That's the benefit of humor, you know. No one believes you're capable of anything more than antics.) "Esilief. I'm Gallows. And as for our kingdom's vision, I like to think of it as cooperative hedonism." I grin. "Everyone desires. It's just that some limit themselves with arbitrary rules. The Valley comes first, and after that, each resident seeks what pleases them."

    It may not be lofty or "noble" but it's the truth of this place. Some protect the weak and spineless. We seek for strength and renown and our own pleasure. Really, the whole world does, but only a wondrous few are willing to admit it.

    "As for war, it is always coming or going. But we should soon have a bit of fun with our allies the Chamber. It's good to keep Beqanna on her toes."

    I glance at the young mare, my eyes flashing. "So tell me. What do you want?"

    G A L L O W S
    We must all hang together or, assuredly, we shall all hang separately.


    I'm your Queen, you're my Ruler.

    If she was honest she would say that Magnus had done a good job in an attempt to convince her and have her join the Gates. And she would have, if Fennick hadn’t also sparked some things inside her. But it was probably like Magnus had said; she would be able to try and achieve her goal anywhere, and that left it to the matter which one she would want to pick. But in order to know which side to pick, she had to make sure to decide which of the two kingdoms would be on the winning side.

    Both the stallions had said something that made it clear that the war was coming. Sure it were only rumours but it was clear that the tension was there and they only had to wait till the moment it all burst. And when that happened Esileif wanted to be at the place that could bring her most profit. ”Magnus and I shared a pleasant conversation yes. I wish I could say I hadn’t, that would’ve made it much easier to decide” she answers him as her gaze moves up to meet his again. It was true. If he hadn’t been able to make her enthusiastic, if he hadn’t been able to spark her interest, she would’ve joined the Valley right away. But it was the truth that he had been able to make her see the potential of the Gates.

    The two toned mare listens carefully as he speaks about the upcoming war and she can only nod, as it’s what Magnus had said too. But unlike Magnus who couldn’t tell her that the Gates would be on the winning side, Fennick does. Slowly a smile grows upon her lips, clearly content with what she was been told. ”Do you mind telling me why you are so sure of that, Fennick?” Yet before he can answer the voice of another speaks up to contradict his previous words.

    Like the little princess who tries to be the queen the bay and orange-white mare lifts her head a little, ears turning slightly back as she moves to look at the bay mare that joins them. It’s only then that she realises that this must be Gallows, who Fennick had spoken about. Carefully she eyes the older mare, before acknowledging her seniority by moving a little backwards. ”Hello” she simply greets her. Then Esileif listens, nodding now and then. ”Fennick just said that he could assure me that the Valley will be on the winning side, yet you contradict that by saying that his vision is limited, Gallows.” Even though she doesn’t ask it as a question, she lets the words linger in the air, silently asking for an explanation on that. His words had excited her, had warmed her, but the simple words of his fellow ruler turns the whole situation around again.

    ”What I want?” she repeats, her gaze moving to Fennick for a few moments before she looks back at Gallows again. She is hesitant, not really sure how to voice out what she wants. Being honest would mean that she would have to spill the fact that she wanted power, power to show the world what she could do, to make herself known and to achieve things. Yet if she would be really really honest she would have to admit that she just insecure and felt like she desperately had to prove her worth to the world. That last one wasn’t something the Spanish hyrbrid would easily admit, admitting that was a sign of weakness, and that would stop her from achieving her goals. But saying that she wanted power for the simple sake of power could also spark the wrong idea and feelings in this ruling pair. Eventually a small smile spreads on her lips, her eyes full of determination as she speaks. ”I simply want to be on the winning side.”


    Belgarath x Alasia
    Photograph by Filmwerx Studio

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