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  • Beqanna


    Assailant -- Year 226


    "But the dream, the echo, slips from him as quickly as he had found it and as consciousness comes to him (a slap and not the gentle waves of oceanic tides), it dissolves entirely. His muscles relax as the cold claims him again, as the numbness sets in, and when his grey eyes open, there’s nothing but the faint after burn of a dream often trod and never remembered." --Brigade, written by Laura

    Like a Thorn to the Holy Ones [any]

    Like a thorn to the holy ones

    The meadow was swept over by a cool breeze making the blood bay stallion's mane whip around his muscular neck. This place was new, exciting and different. It had been a long journey to find a new safe haven, or at least the possibility of it. Nymphetamine looked around at the activity, clusters of beasts stood around. His spires caught singular words, a phrase if he was lucky, but the breeze made it nearly impossible to know from which cluster they came.  The blood stallion was young just two years old; old enough to start his own life, but young enough to not quite know where he fit.  Most souls the young stag came across took him for naive, thinking he would be taken as a fool. His confidence held in stature and mind was no farce. His wanders soul knew more than many his age, he was proud of that, if not occasionally cocky. 

    The grass wasn't quite lush beneath his dark daggers, the crisp spring ground was about to burst but the sweet spring grasses were not in full effect. It was fitting. Spring is the new beginning of the earth, and here he was new lands, new beasts, new start.  Nymphetamines dark maw flicked into a wry smirk and he shook his head as his thoughts whirled. 

    How superb, my life is so cliche
    The blood bay shook to shake the ridiculous light fanfare from his mind and walked further into the meadow. If this was going to be home, he night as well get to know the inhabitants. He had passed up many other lands with herd of different sorts, none feeling...right. The deep pools of his eyes scanned around as he waited for an open conversation, knowing not to butt in, not when he is too new, with maybe no souls to have his back. 

    Some stallions are so touchy, you say ''Hello" and they act like you got all up on their lady beast.

    Nymphetamine, held his head high, letting his frame show his youth and confidence. Not to be cocky, but to attract attention, show he was here and open to conversation. He had met a sandy stallion with wisdom in his eyes beyond that of his body. He was nice fellow, but Nymphetamine was still mulling over his offer. Decisions are hard to make when the world is so unknown.

    So now, I guess I wait. Father always said the people worth talking to seek you out.

    [ooc] random Q do people still use italics for thoughts? that was common at my last site, but i haven't played in a while, so if it isn't a thing I will switch it up. I don't want to confuse people when i RP with them. 


    The Puppet Master: Nymphetamine 
    They see him: Blood Bay
    Ghosts within: Alkah-teke x Arabian 
    They Run From Him at: 16.2 
    He’s made it this far: 2 years 
    Remember him by: He will always be a bit of a wander, and if he does settle down to one place or with one fae it will be later in life. He is sly and outgoing, and cares very much about family and keeping his word. He doesn't remember much of his family, but knows the fact he made it here to,well he isn't quite sure where here is, because of the sacrifice his parents made. Nymphetamine is the some of a pirate, if you will. The kind of horse that wanders into luck and fortune and seems to know the minute mischief is in the air. His father wasn't one to settle down either- until he met his mother. A fierce tongued fae with a dark heart, she understood and maybe even loved his father's distant, detached ways. Nymphetamine was very much a mix of his parents, fierce tongued and independent with a lucky streak to pull him through during rough times--or maybe stir things up.

    Cold was my soul 
    Untold was the pain 
    I faced when you left me 
    A rose in the rain.... 
    So I swore to the razor 
    That never, enchained 
    Would your dark nails of faith 
    Be pushed through my veins again 
    Bared on your tomb 
    I'm a prayer for your loneliness 
    And would you ever soon 
    Come above onto me? 
    For once upon a time 
    On the binds of your lowliness 
    I could always find the slot for your sacred key 
    Six feet deep is the incision 
    In my heart, that barless prison 
    Discoulours all with tunnel vision 
    HTML Copyright To Tay.

    The Chamber Colonel was not a common sight in the Meadow. He normally had no use for the meaningless conversation or company of strangers. However, the Chamber's diplomats were becoming scarce, so for his Kingdom's needs- he would make compromises.

    The bay climbs through the sky, pulling at the clouds on taloned dragon wings, searching the Meadow lands for potential. Potential for what? Why, for the Chamber of course. The pine forest demanded fresh blood once again, and he would do his best to bring it what it wanted. Even if that meant mingling with the unknown, not that he was afraid, he just hated pointless conversation. How would he know which one to approach?

    His glassy green eyes bore into the early spring grasses, the tiny shoots that would soon flourish. He must have scanned over at least 6 other horses before he spotted the young bay male. He had barely breached manhood but still he stood tall and proud all on his own in the middle of the common grounds. Killdare dove to land with a flourish of dirt and grass particles before the boy, perhaps this one might do. The soft earth gives under his weight as his hooves collide with the land and he raises his head high-pulling his scaled appendages around his bay barrel, and back. This one reminded him a bit of himself and with his own boys gone, well, who can blame him for picking this young hotshot. "Killdare, from the Chamber. Staying in the Meadow are you?" He wonders if the colt intends to roam herdless or kingdomless, because if not the Colonel might just have found what he was looking for.

    Like a thorn to the holy ones

    Nymphetamine just about left his hooves behind he jumped so hard when the winged beast came into view from above. I mean, there was a fair share of oddities in his old life, horses with interesting capabilities... but wings was a new one. The blood bay stallion quickly regained his composure and took in the stallion before him. He seemed to own the area around him. he obviously was powerful in form and probably in rank. Nymphetamine watched in wonder of the mechanics behind the stag's wings and he landed before him.  There was no time wasted with this stallion as he jumped right to the point. Was nymphetamine staying, or going and he he was going were to. The direct horse usually appreciates a direct response. So the young beast dipped his head and greeting and spoke. Voice carrying confidently, not to be judged by a momentary jolt from being caught unknowing. He knew that this stag would not waste time with meek little play things. His response should show he was firm in his knowledge of self, and confident in his abilities for his age. That he knew his place but would speak him mind. That was the impression he had to make, that was the stuff leaders responded to.

    Hello Killdare. I am Nymphetamine, and you may call me as such. I am herdless- for now, still gathering the lay of the lands. I assume since you are with...Chamber, yes? That you have interest in how I might further your allianced herd?

    The intonation wasn't cocky but he knew this dance. he had gone along with his father many times as he recruited others for their lands. He knew that new members earned their way through ranks by being useful to the king, or those above them. That leaders gained recognition by bringing quality beast to the herd. If this beast was to recruit him, he would want more information prior to agreeing to further their agenda above his own.

    So, tell me about the Chambers.

    Nymphetamine knew his place, and knew exactly where the line is. to be cowardly now would be to accept the bottom of a herd forever.

    The Puppet Master: Nymphetamine
    They see him: Blood Bay
    Ghosts within: Alkah-teke x Arabian
    They Run From Him at: 16.2
    He’s made it this far: 2 years

    Remember him by: He will always be a bit of a wander, and if he does settle down to one place or with one fae it will be later in life. He is sly and outgoing, and cares very much about family and keeping his word. He doesn't remember much of his family, but knows the fact he made it here to,well he isn't quite sure where here is, because of the sacrifice his parents made. Nymphetamine is the some of a pirate, if you will. The kind of horse that wanders into luck and fortune and seems to know the minute mischief is in the air. His father wasn't one to settle down either- until he met his mother. A fierce tongued fae with a dark heart, she understood and maybe even loved his father's distant, detached ways. Nymphetamine was very much a mix of his parents, fierce tongued and independent with a lucky streak to pull him through during rough times--or maybe stir things up.

    Cold was my soul
    Untold was the pain
    I faced when you left me
    A rose in the rain....
    So I swore to the razor
    That never, enchained
    Would your dark nails of faith
    Be pushed through my veins again

    Bared on your tomb
    I'm a prayer for your loneliness
    And would you ever soon
    Come above onto me?
    For once upon a time
    On the binds of your lowliness
    I could always find the slot for your sacred key

    Six feet deep is the incision
    In my heart, that barless prison
    Discoulours all with tunnel vision


    HTML Copyright To Tay.



    Okay, so this one was intelligent enough, a bit talkative but you can't have everything right? The bay looks cooly at the young male, sizing him up, looking him over with an amused smirk. The sight of seeing him spook had been quite hilarious but Killdare didn't belittle him by accentuating it with his boomy laughter. He wanted to, he really wanted to, but he refrained because that would be rude. That would not help him recruit and that's why he was here.

    "You're right there, you remind me of someone I know, you remind me of someone that can do well in the Chamber. For the Chamber." He answers in deep baritone vocals, cutting right to the chase. What was with all that beating around the bush that some did? Was that exactly helpful? He snorted, he didn't think it was; though truth told, he isnt much of a thinker either.

    Killdare is a doer, a man of actions, and where that area was in capable hands-silly words and whispers were lacking. "The Chamber serves a Raven Queen, Straia. We host those that are...determined." Evil? No, no, he wouldn't, shouldn't go that far. As Straia always said they were not evil. Well, kinda depends on who you ask he thought. "We look for those that can serve, can help our pine forest prosper. We do not cow to idle threats, we steal, we decimate when necessary. Between me and you, when things go down, you'll not want to find yourself on the wrong side." He winked, a flash of bark-brown over an almost transparent green.

    "So, what do you think? There's room for you if you want to come. A way with words would suit our needs of the moment, but there is plenty of room in our army if that's where your heart is. So long as your loyalties lie with the Chamber." He shifts his weight, flexes the mahogany reptilian wings curving at his sides, and waits to hear what the boy has to say.

    Dragon-Winged Tracker Colonel of the Chamber

    Like a thorn to the holy ones

    The blood stallion looked cooly out at the older commanding stallion. He appreciated the no nonsense manor at which he spoke. There was little left to discuss. the answer should be simple yes...no. But the young stag was not so sure. He had come accustomed to wandering, to being alone. He needed to decide where his heart was. It was in that knowledge that his decision became simple once more.

    He knew the winged beast before him would probably not like it- but if they needed bodies, he would oblige his request.  Nymphetamine looked the colonial strait on, holding his body as confidently as he held his mind. As he exhaled his clear deep tones rang forward.

     Your offer is enticing and I think I could serve your queen well, but my mind is unclear if herd life is right for me. I will meet you on the outskirts of Chamber's lands in three moonrises. You will have my answer then.

    The reaction would be what if was, and Nymphetamine was not planning on standing around long to allow the situation to unfurl if the stag didn't like the answer. He paused only long enough to see his initial reaction. The then nodded, turned and moved away, resisting the urge to look back until he was well out of eye sight and in the cover of dense oak trees. He didn't want to anger Killdare, but knew if he did he would want to stick around. He also knew that sometimes one wants what one cannot have- or has the illusion of not having. Nymphetamine would find out how his ploy worked in three days. Until then- he will continue to roam his new home, and watch the way of the world.

    The Puppet Master: Nymphetamine
    They see him: Blood Bay
    Ghosts within: Alkah-teke x Arabian
    They Run From Him at: 16.2
    He’s made it this far: 2 years

    Remember him by: He will always be a bit of a wander, and if he does settle down to one place or with one fae it will be later in life. He is sly and outgoing, and cares very much about family and keeping his word. He doesn't remember much of his family, but knows the fact he made it here to,well he isn't quite sure where here is, because of the sacrifice his parents made. Nymphetamine is the some of a pirate, if you will. The kind of horse that wanders into luck and fortune and seems to know the minute mischief is in the air. His father wasn't one to settle down either- until he met his mother. A fierce tongued fae with a dark heart, she understood and maybe even loved his father's distant, detached ways. Nymphetamine was very much a mix of his parents, fierce tongued and independent with a lucky streak to pull him through during rough times--or maybe stir things up.

    Cold was my soul
    Untold was the pain
    I faced when you left me
    A rose in the rain....
    So I swore to the razor
    That never, enchained
    Would your dark nails of faith
    Be pushed through my veins again

    Bared on your tomb
    I'm a prayer for your loneliness
    And would you ever soon
    Come above onto me?
    For once upon a time
    On the binds of your lowliness
    I could always find the slot for your sacred key

    Six feet deep is the incision
    In my heart, that barless prison
    Discoulours all with tunnel vision


    HTML Copyright To Tay.



    The colt stalls, and then offers an answer that Killdare isn't the happiest about. He isn't outright angry but he is disappointed. Nymphetamine was young, a whole life ahead of him, and already he was uncertain. The bay Colonel chewed his bottom lip, fighting back any rash displeasure he might show. Sure he was brawny, formidable, but of the residents in the Chamber he was actually one of the more level-headed subjects.

    It's a long pause before he responds, considering his words. Though Killdare is no diplomat himself, he was representing the Chamber, and thought best to remain neutral. "Very well," he nods, his broad head tilting only just in acknowledgement. "Three days young man." A gust of warm air passes through his nose, downward and out. His eyes grow stern similar to a chastising father, and with that he crouches to spring into the air. Mahogany dragon wings lift his mass into the sky, leaving behind the other in a matter of moments.

    Dragon-Winged Tracker Colonel of the Chamber

    Um, sorry so short, just wanted to wrap that up to a close ^_^
    ooc: it's all good. i'll post in Chamber soon-ish

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