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  • Beqanna


    Assailant -- Year 226


    "But the dream, the echo, slips from him as quickly as he had found it and as consciousness comes to him (a slap and not the gentle waves of oceanic tides), it dissolves entirely. His muscles relax as the cold claims him again, as the numbness sets in, and when his grey eyes open, there’s nothing but the faint after burn of a dream often trod and never remembered." --Brigade, written by Laura

    for every stop there is a go
    Well, Weir seemed to recall fondly that they had allied with the Amazons. He also was aware that sometime in the near future they would partake in friendly events with each other, something to build their skills. He was elated with this information and he saw no reason not to continue with their friendly terms.

    It is for such a reason that the red male is ambling slowly towards the Jungle, taking in the array of exotic plant matter. His amber eyes find themselves full to the brim with breathtaking landscape, his ears are filled with the wild calls of the local wildlife. It is really sort of lovely, except its hot and that he's not too keen about. He would manage though, seeing as he was already well on his way and approaching the border. His tosses his russet mane, freeing his neck of the sticky strands and revealing his skin to the light breeze.

    A few small monkeys watch him warily from the trees, the shaking of leaves gives them away but Weir makes sure not to stare too long. He had no intentions of spooking the natives but sometimes that can just not be helped. He was sure there were animals that could do the spooking themselves and he did not want to draw their attention by causing a ruckus with primates. He stops just short of the border line, looking around hopefully into the deep emerald city. Perhaps he would be lucky enough to spot a passerby, why besides being polite to wait, he didn't want to get lost. He had never been to the Jungle and so there was no hope he could successfully navigate it without one of the Sisters.

    He whinnies loudly in hopes someone is nearby, or at the very least one of the ladies has excellent hearing. "Afternoon warriors," he calls out to no one in particular.
    Elektra didn’t get bored, per say. But, she did get restless. And, when she got restless she tended to get into trouble. Or, more accurately, the trouble found her. Needless to say, this was a bad trait to have when living in a dangerous jungle. Somehow, through either dumb luck or the grace of god, she had yet to find herself in too much peril. Elektra knew she should be thankful of this. But, she wasn’t. She was restless, and for the first time, she went looking for trouble before it could find her.

    Despite living in the Jungle for some time, she had yet to become a top notch navigator. She could find her way back to the herd lands, as long as she didn’t wander too deep into the jungle. For this reason, she skirted the edge of the Amazons, and tried to make due with the amusements she found there.

    She found a snake, a few colorful flowers, and a nefarious looking tree frog. She stayed way from the latter, and happily ate the flowers. She was still chewing when she heard his shout. Elektra’s ears snapped to attention and it took her a few scrambling minutes to realize that he was alone, looking for someone, and she should probably go say hello.

    It had been a while since she had laid eyes on a man. She wasn’t going to lie, the idea was appealing.

    Slowly, making sure she didn’t fall over tree branches as she usually did, the parrot colored mare made her way towards him. When he was in her sight she grinned devilishly, and spoke, her voice a little too smooth.

    “Why, hello there.” She smiled, big and pretty for him, and slunk a little closer, stumbling only slightly when her toe snagged on a hidden vine. She recovered quickly, and looked him up and down. She made sure her eyes were a little too warm and lingered a little too long where they shouldn’t. After a moment of unabashed leering, she cleared her throat prettily, and made her eyes big and round.

    “You rang?” If Elektra’s smile turned a little devilish just then, she hoped nobody would hold it against her. And, if her eyes glinted a little dangerously, all the better.
    The roan blinks patiently into the distance. His amber eyes are thoughtful, curious, and they are no doubt soaking in just about everything they can see. Weir flicks his tail, wondering what he should do if no one comes to greet him, he wasn't sure that allies meant that the borders were open to him. He didn't want to just abandon this little adventure either, he had come all this way.

    Luckily he doesn't have to wait long, one of the residents has found the kindness in their hearts to greet him. Such a brightly colored thing, with wings too, the plumage and vibrancy reminded him of a bird. What a splendid appearance, though he was not sure it would do all that well to camouflage the girl. Well, then again perhaps there was a matching flower field somewhere she could roll in. Maybe, she could sit high enough in the branches to be mistaken for one of her colorful doppelgangers. Well that sparked an amusing possibility in Weir's mind, and he smiles broadly at the thought.

    She speaks, returning his greeting in harmonic notes. "Yes hullo there my dear." He tries to sound friendly and not overly demeaning. As she makes her way to him she fumbles, lurching for only a moment. Weir starts, throwing his weight forward as if to catch her but she gains her balance again far too quickly. A comely girl, with a charming smile and big elegant eyes. He straightens, trying to look meaningful, "Yes indeed, a pleasure, a pleasure." He grins, looking carefully over her hide with a bookish sense. "I am Weir, from the Dale. My what an interesting coat pattern you have!" He side-steps peering over her shoulder to inspect her wings, his amber eyes fluttering back and forth in their sockets. "You must be extraordinarily well fed, such vibrant pink. Yes just like Phoenicopteridae, plenty of carotene I assume." He carries on, pursing his lips in thought.

    Had Elektra an once of shame, she may have been embarrassed by her stumble, or embarrassed by his attempt to help her. As it was, her smile just grew a little wider. My, isn’t he a gentleman? The girl, aware she had been known to lay it on a little too thick, barely resisted the urge to bat her eyelashes. She did, however, tilt her head in a charming manner that made her seem like a bird. A curious bird.

    “Weir.” She said, as if it were very interesting and had more meaning than just his name.

    “I’m Elektra, and the pleasure is all mine.” The statement, while uttered often enough, was quite serious coming from Elektra’s lips. She found herself inching a little closer to him, to do what, exactly, she couldn’t be sure. Her not so subtle advances were interrupted, but the interruption was welcome, as it was praise for her. She grinned widely and spread her wings so he could see them better, temptingly fluttering her feathers.

    “Why thank you. I like to think the pink sets off the green in the trees.” That’s right, the jungle was the perfect accessory. It made her pink seem more pinkish and her purple seem brighter. Everything, in fact, seemed brighter under the Jungle’s canopy.

    Now that she was closer, she could see molten gold of his eyes. The mare hummed a little in appreciation and stared into their burnished depths. She was still staring, probably awkwardly, when he spoke. She jumped a little, and blinked several times.

    “Phoenicopteridae?” She stumbled over the syllables a little, but valiantly put in the effort. It was safe to say she had no idea what he was talking about, but she nodded along anyways.

    “Do you mean the flowers? There are a bunch a little ways back. I eat them all the time.” Elektra never considered that eating the flowers might make her brighter. The mare grinned wickedly, she would have to double her efforts to eat them. She cast the stallion an appreciative look. Clearly, he had some information that could be useful to her. She stood a little straighter and put on a look that she hoped seemed professional.

    “So, Weir from the Dale, what can I do you for?” In truth, there was very little Elektra could do him for. She would probably end up shepherding him to her higher ups. Perhaps, if nobody else arrived, she could show him the flowers she liked to eat, to see if they had Phoenicopteridae. Elektra looked around expectantly, hoping one was nearby.


    He clears his throat in a dramatic, harumphing manner. Everything about it said he was about to become very long winded. "Why yes my dear," He begins, his flavescent eyes watching as she twists her head just so, and says his name. A rich trill fills his ears, so significantly like bird song, and for a moment he almost forgets what they were talking about.Almost.

    The disruption pulls his ears forward, shoving past locks of rust colored hair. Elektra. The name brings to thought a Greek tragedy, one of murder of a mother and a lover. It's rather unsettling so he pushes the story far to the back of his mind, a name was not one's fate or destiny. He would reserve judgement, because how very unjust of him to worry over mythology at a time like this.

    "Elektra. Phoenicopteridae why yes exactly. Oh er no," He stumbles, jumping the gun before he realized she actually didn't know what he was talking about. "The uh, flamingos. Beautiful pink water birds, you can always tell the one's that are in exceedingly good health. Such a vibrant pink, yes quite like yours!" He exclaims happily before moving right along with their chat. He did love a good educational chat. "Flowers? Well, that...that is a possibility. Carotenoids make the birds pink, now I'll never doubt that the flowers could do the same to deepen the colors of yours. Normally one would find it in algae, but Beqanna is ever amazing."

    It was true. Here, anything seemed possible, and already he had spotted at least ten plant species he had no names for. Now that, that was something extraordinary in itself.  Weir had a deep sense of pride about his endless knowledge, all thanks to books. Books. He did miss reading.

    "Just a ways back you say?" His interest peaked, he could not contain his endless curiosity and lust for knowledge. "We could have a look? I've come to socialize I suppose, we are Kingdom allies now, thought I aught to get to know whom I am pledged to support." He had not had a particular activity in mind, just a visit, and he hadn't the slightest clue who would be his company. It's a happy accident that he should find such in the feathered mare.


    I've a nervous notion I should take to bleeding inwardly


    Elektra grinned happily as she tried to follow Weir’s conversation. There were bits of it she understood. She knew what a flamingo was, though she had never seen one, and she beamed at him when he commented on her vibrant pink points. It was rather hard, however, to pay attention to what he was saying. First of all, because she didn’t understand a good portion of it, and also because she kept looking into his amber eyes and feeling lost. They were such a lovely shade, and deep, offset well by his roan coat…

    Elektra snapped back to attention, and forced herself to focus on the words he was saying, rather than his handsome eyes. Inwardly, the mare groaned, though a sly smile had taken over her face. She really was a poor excuse for an Amazon.

    “Yeah!” She said, perhaps more brightly than a flower adventure warranted. But, she was glad to be able to contribute something of value to the conversation.

    “They’re this way, I’ll show you.” And with that Elektra bounded off. Or at least, she tried. The bay and purple mare hit her toe on a root and nearly went down. She scrambled to recover and quickly glanced over her shoulder to see if he’d seen. Most likely he had. Still, she recovered well and set off at a slower, less bounding gait.

    Her smile deepened, and twinkled mischievously when he said their kingdoms were allies. Elektra was in the army, supposedly because her wings made her useful in the air force, but probably because nobody wanted her to negotiate on their behalf. Still, Weir seemed like an excellent ally. Again, her eyes twinkled and she had to rein herself back in before she said or did anything two ridiculous. She did, however, say one little thing.

    “Allies, huh? Does that mean you’ll have my back if we come across a jungle cat?” She said it in a spooky, dramatic voice, and looked around shiftily as if that jungle cat could appear at any moment. She wasn’t however, actually worried. She’d come across a cat once. Her answer was to scream and wildly kick out at it. It had left, wether because of her screaming or kicking she couldn’t be sure. Between the two of them she was confident that it could be dealt with.

    When they came across the flower bush Elektra licked her lips and immediately ate the first one she saw.

    “Here they are.” She said, her voice muffled through a mouthful of delicious flower. She swallowed and went to find a good specimen for Weir. He seemed like the type who would enjoy a good specimen. Elektra made such to find the pinkest and largest one, one that would look good with his eyes. She picked her choice delicately, careful not to eat it instead, and brought it to him. She grinned, again past the flower in her teeth, and reach up to place it in his mane.

    “There.” She said, triumphantly.

    “Does it have carotenoids?” Again, she stumbled over the word slightly, and didn’t stop to think that if she did indeed place the flower in his hair, he wouldn’t actually be able to see it to inspect it. Details, it was all just details.  

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