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  • Beqanna


    Assailant -- Year 226


    "But the dream, the echo, slips from him as quickly as he had found it and as consciousness comes to him (a slap and not the gentle waves of oceanic tides), it dissolves entirely. His muscles relax as the cold claims him again, as the numbness sets in, and when his grey eyes open, there’s nothing but the faint after burn of a dream often trod and never remembered." --Brigade, written by Laura

    All the lights that shine strong only last for so long(any)


    If we don't make it alive, well it's a hell of a good day to die

    The Falls had not changed. In all the time she had been gone, still the same. It was a scary thought. Proof that the world would not change with her absence from it. With a sigh she wanders along knowing that her mother would show soon to greet her, in that at least she is not disappointed. They share an embrace and swap tales catching up on what has been missed. Tyrna can see the question burning behind her mother's eyes, Why? In truth she doesn't know if she could answer even if she wanted to. Amid the hurt there is some embarrassment and pride demands she keep her reasons to herself. Her mom ever the diplomat drops it for now but there is unfinished business here. They part ways shortly with plans to meet up again later but for now, Tyrna needs time to herself. Time to think. Time to breathe.

    She finds herself wandering back towards the pool at the base of the giant waterfall. In the past this was where she came to meditate and tonight would be no different. She steps out into the cool waters, feeling the healing magic soaking away her aches.The fish swim around her ankles and she can't help but let out a small giggle. The giggle lets loose a flood and suddenly she is standing up to her knees in water and laughing uncontrollably. The sound bubbles up her throat and through her lips, ringing musically throughout the surrounding area. She finally felt able to let go. She was finally home.

    Silver dapple sabino|Mare|Andalusian Hybrid|Falls 

    Still yawning, Texas meanders down the familiar path to the waterfall, his eyes half-closed still. It might be well past noon, but there is little for him to do here; why not sleep late? Bits of grass and mud cling to his sides, a remnant of his sleep, and he’s heading to the river for a good wash. He always tries to look his best for…Well, no one. There’s no one he’s determined to impress, and so he’s usually dusty, muddy, bloody, or some combination of the three.

    The blood is the least common, of course, especially since the one horse he’d challenged hadn’t even bothered to show up. It’s a shame, really, but he hadn’t expected much of her, She was an Amazon after all, and everyone knows that they are unreliable and flaky.

    He doesn’t see the other horse until he’s waded knee deep into the water and started to drink. He looks up at the sound of laughter and sees an unfamiliar mare in the water. She’s giggling, and then laughing, and Texas’ expression shifts from vague interest to something that borders on concern. “You okay there?” He asks, knowing that it would probably be in his best interest to just back away and give the crazy female her space.

    He had been sure that fate required the unstable to join the Sisterhood, but it seems that this sabino mare has somehow avoided that thus far. Perhaps she needs directions.
    T E X A S
    immortal silver bay hybrid stallion
    king of the falls


    If we don't make it alive, well it's a hell of a good day to die

    Tyrna is startled slightly at the sound of an unfamiliar male voice causing her to jump and her expression bordering on a snarl and her blue eyes flashing, as she faces the intruder.  Giving the bay a thorough once over she relaxes seeing that he isn't trying to hurt her.  She quickly transforms her face into a charismatic and sheepish grin. No sense in making enemies of people just yet.

    "Sorry for all of that." she says trying to sound chagrined but failing. "I haven't been home in a while and it looks like some things have changed." She looks the bay over again. not too bad she thinks to herself wondering if her mom had moved on or if this man was actually a productive member of the Falls. "The name's Tyrna. A pleasure to meet you. What might I call you and what do you do here?" She knows she's being blunt but straight questions get answers.

    Silver dapple sabino|Mare|Andalusian Hybrid|Falls

    Texas’ narrow face doesn’t show any reaction when the mare snarls at him, but his muscles tense beneath his dark coat and his breathing quickens. He’d not expected her to pick a fight, not in the Falls, but is clearly prepared if she were to try. But then her anger fades to embarrassment, and the quick shift – laughter, anger, shyness – has Texas frowning. He is still considering leaving, always a good option when confronted with such rapid emotions in a stranger.

    She apologizes and then refers to the Falls as home, and Texas’ dark eyes grow ponderous for a moment. He’s not seen her in his year living here, but he’s well aware that doesn’t mean she’s been back for a visit in that time, He’s not particularly attentive at things like border patrol or even caring what the rest of the residents (ie Trua and Shatter Me) are up to. She introduces herself as Tyrna, and while the name is only vaguely familiar, when put goether with her silver dapple coat, he remembers – Shatter Me’s daughter.

    She looks like her mother, he can see it now. She is younger though, and Texas is both shallow and instinct-driven, and finds Tyrna prettier. Not, of course, that he does not find Shatter Me attractive as well, but she’s the Queen and he has no desire to entangle himself in politics in that particular way. So while he might appreciate the figure of their Falls monarch as she passes by, he’s never had any intention of pursuing it farther than that. He does not miss the way that Tyrna looks him over, but he rather enjoys being objectified, and so he says nothing, but does allow his own gaze to trail over her figure.

    It’s autumn, after all, and they’re both adults.

    “I’m Texas,” he replies in his honeyed drawl, not at all offended by her directness, even smiling slightly at it. “I advise, fight, and try to keep the peace. What do you do.”
    T E X A S
    immortal silver bay hybrid stallion
    king of the falls


    If we don't make it alive, well it's a hell of a good day to die

    She watches his eyes rove over her body and she smiles a little cockily, a subtle gleam in her eye as she enjoys the attention. Her ears perk in curiousity when he mentions his role in their tiny community. "Advisor huh. Perhaps you could catch me up on what I've missed in the last year or so? It still seems pretty empty around here." She takes a quick glance around the surrounding area noticing that they are alone save for the fish that swim lazily between their hooves. She had missed the simple quiet that had become signature to the Falls. At night she still had nightmares from her time as a captive, and they didn't look as if they were leaving anytime soon. Being home had already helped some but there were other issues she needed to work out.

    Turning back to Texas she flashes her blue eyes flirtatiously at the stallion. It was quite fun not concerning herself with what was proper at the moment. Her voice is slightly huskier when she answers his last question. "As for what I do here, well I'm not much one for pretty words anymore. There is something to be said for knowing the strength and capabilities of your body. I am joining the warrior caste. I prefer knowing how to use my body more than my voice to solve problems." She ends her statement with a wink and a smile before lapsing into a small, comfortable silence. When she speaks again her tone is more serious, "So, just how many of us are left here?"

    Silver dapple sabino|Mare|Andalusian Hybrid|Falls
    ooc: your html is breaking the board D:
    i've fixed it by adding a <*/table> at the very end, so just pop that into your html :)

    He settles, clearly having decided that she might not be as crazy as he had first suspected. They flirt harmlessly and she asks if he can catch her up on what she’s missed. If she’s a native, he’s sure that she already knows that she has missed very little, so he waits to reply until she has spoken again and answered his own questions.

    ”We should mock sometime,” he says mildly, having noticed her wink and replied with an appreciative nod. ”I’m a little out of practice.” He’d tried, with that Amazon, but she’d never shown up. Typical of her kind, but it still leaves Texas with little recent experience.

    She asks who is left and he shrugs, glancing around at the quiet kingdom around him. ”Degradation left for the Desert,” he begins, knowing that the red and black stallion had been the only other resident when he’d arrived a few years past. ”That leaves your mother and I, and a mare named Trua that’s joined us recently.” That’s it, right? No, he’s forgotten quiet little boy from the field. ”And a young colt.” Texas can’t remember the boy’s name, so he doesn’t give it to her.

    ”Do you plan on sticking around for a while then?” He asks.
    T E X A S
    immortal silver bay hybrid stallion
    king of the falls


    If we don't make it alive, well it's a hell of a good day to die

    With their conversation adopting a more serious tone, Tyrna is coming to find that she enjoys Texas' company. He is quiet and patient causing the silver girl to feel relaxed and comfortable, her stance relaxes noticeably over the course of their little chat as she relishes the feel of the sun on her skin and the cool water lapping at her knees. Her mother had done right in promoting the bay to adviser, it seems he has done more than a lot of previous inhabitants had.

    She smiles broadly when he suggests a mock battle. Tyrna had not put forth much effort towards her newly gained caste responsibilities and it felt like testing the water with someone she mostly trusted would be a good place to start. "I would love to! It sounds like a lot of fun."

    Texas continues on answering her question and it leaves her frowning. Five members wasn't much of a kingdom but they would endure. One way or another between her mother and Texas, the Falls would stay standing.

    When Texas asks if she plans on sticking around, Tyrna has to pause for a moment and think about it. She hadn't given a whole lot of thought on what she should actually do with her freedom. Staying in the Falls made the most sense to her, it was home after all. But what about the Dale and finding her father? She knew she had to at least visit him or she would never find any sort of inner peace or whatever. She meets Texas' brown eyes with her blue ones and smiles. " I will be hanging around for as long as the Falls lets me. I'm planning on making a trip to the Dale but other than that, I belong here. What about you? Are staying?" She is tempted to add 'like everyone else' to the end of her statement but bites it back. She didn't want to sound overly childish and enjoyed Texas' company. It didn't make sense for her to start ruining a good thing while she had it.

    Silver dapple sabino|Mare|Andalusian Hybrid|Falls

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