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  • Beqanna


    Assailant -- Year 226


    "But the dream, the echo, slips from him as quickly as he had found it and as consciousness comes to him (a slap and not the gentle waves of oceanic tides), it dissolves entirely. His muscles relax as the cold claims him again, as the numbness sets in, and when his grey eyes open, there’s nothing but the faint after burn of a dream often trod and never remembered." --Brigade, written by Laura

    A new darkness (Straia, Astri, any)
    Ethaethe walked into the chamber. "Hello my name is Ethaethe, but you can call me Thae. I was in the field, but no one came, so I came to you. I wish to join the chamber. You don't have to teach me how to love the taste of blood, or be mean, evil or any of that." She said, being bossy and out right. She was blunt and to the point on everything. She didn't care if it hurt them, crippled them or angered them. Well, except Straia. She was one whom she wanted to please. Straia was all Thea wanted to be.l
    Shaytan lingers in the shadows, her mind filled with visions of Straia's death and vengeful bunnies. It's weird, ever since she's returned from whatever the hell that place was, she's been filled with the urge to lurk in the shadows. Her mouth waters when others enter her domain, regardless of their size.

    Like this idiotic mare; Shay watches her cross the Chamber's borders and it immediately sets her on edge. So when the mare pauses to speak (to no one in particular), the spotted mare barrels forward, her voice no more than an enraged hiss. Her ears fall back to the top of her skull, and she snaps and bares her teeth.

    "You are treapassing, woman. We do not accept idiots who can't understand the simple meaning of borders." She lunges forward, intent on pushing the other out - and as she is half Spanish Norman, she is broad and bulky enough to use her weight to her advantage. "Get. Out!"

    Besides, Strain has enough admirerers. And the tobiano mare is Shay's.
    Thae throws her head back and cackles. She looks at the girl (who obviously didnt hear her). "Please. You really haven't seen this machine in action. I killed a fawn over in the field. Hey, I even killed a bear cub." she says, irritated at the mares not understanding her words. Maybe a demonstration of her work would help? "Oh, and by the way, your borders are over there." she says, putting her right hoof over it. "Now I'm in them, (she pulls her hoof back, sassily) Now I'm not."
    (OOC: She really has a knack for irritating and getting irritated. Plus, her love for moose may get her one day.)
    As our characters have never met, there's no way she could know that Shaytan likes to kill bunnies. I've mentioned nothing about her smelling like them or having killed one recently. That's power playing.

    I'd like it if you could fix your post. Thank you.
    Fixed it. Hope this is better.
    [Image: aulpdo86074.png]
    A C T I V E   C H A R A C T E R S
    Gedrinth | Mare | Age 4 | Hyaline| No Rank | Unknown Parents
    Frea | Mare | Age 13 | Wandering | Loner | Fart (Call) x Rea (Tinsel)
    Kwazi | Stallion | Age 15 | Loner | Unknown Parents
    Enchida | Mare | Age Unknown | Carnage(Cassi) x Hoxepin(Taz) | (No Account, yet)
    Oh Shaytan’s hearing is perfectly fine. She heard the lady loud and clear, she just doesn’t care. The mare must either have some sort of death wish or is another certifiably crazy lady. Anyone who doesn’t move when they have a horse charging at them must be crazy. And Shay would like the lady to know that the ‘crazy lady’ position is already filled, courtesy of her current spotted attacker. A Kingdom can only have so many loonies, and with the Chamber on the verge of something, they need useful members, not lying braggarts. How could a horse possibly kill a bear cub without the mother bear going into a murderous rage?

    Since the stranger doesn’t move, or even acknowledge that Shay has lunged towards her, she can only assume that the mare wants to be hit, and wants to start a fight in the very land she wants to join. Not very smart. Not very smart at all. Instead of retorting, or trying to pull up short, Shaytan continues forward and braces for impact. Let’s see how well the stranger does against someone her own size.

    I mean, not that Shaytan is a good fighter. She isn’t. But she is feeling particularly aggressive today, which would normally mean that she’s going to head to the Meadow for a bunny blood snack. Not today. Today, she defends the Chamber. Wouldn't Straia be proud?
    Oh, Thea wasn't crazy. She may be slightly. And the mother bear did go into a crazy murderous outrage. That why she doesn't have parents, but Thea didnt care. They were useless. Thea was sure of it. She was useful, she protected a foal from freezing, hadn't she? She could stand her ground. She saw the mare charging at her, she just was a trickster. She waited until the mare had nearly gotten to her, the Thea leapt out of the way and turned 180 degrees, to face the looney mare. "Really? So the chamber doesn't need warriors? No need for murderous characters? No need for me?" she said, getting louder and closer with every word. Then she stops, and smiles. "You know what, I've got better things to do than dance around with a ballerina." she says, turning to leave with a sway of her hips. "If you need me, come find me." she says, still walking and looking over her shoulder.

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