10-04-2015, 11:26 PM
(This post was last modified: 10-04-2015, 11:32 PM by Elektra.)
High above the jungle, Elektra flapped her wings and laughed manically. Oh yes, she was back, baby. It had been a while, and despite her loud insistence that she never wound, Elektra missed the jungle.
She doubted anyone would remember her, but that was probably for the best. First impressions weren’t really her thing. It was better to get a second, third and hopefully even a fourth chance. Not that the bay mare cared too much. She’d come to the conclusion that anyone worth knowing could take a joke, and anyone who couldn’t should get the fuck out of her way.
It was not a hard concept.
Still, things could get complicated when you lived in the land of wenches. Now, don’t misunderstand, Elektra wouldn’t have it any other way. But, she wasn’t going to pretend they stood around braiding each other’s hair. She considered this for a moment. Maybe, if they were cool, they could braid her hair. She could be convinced to let that happen. However, that was where the line was drawn. No giggling, no pillow fights. Just gossiping and hair braiding. Delicious. She licked her lips in anticipation.
Now, Electra wasn’t a total fool, but she wasn’t always a quick study. She could not remember how to get anywhere in the god forsaken jungle. Even when she lived here, she had no idea. More importantly, she had no idea how to land. There were trees everywhere. So typical. With a theatric groan she went for it, and plummeted for the forest floor.
Her landing left something to be desired, but that couldn’t be helped. She gave her purple and bay wings a tantalizing snap and popped her hip to one side to wait. She certainly wasn’t going to stubble around like a drunken sailor. After a few minutes of that, however, she groaned again.
“Hey bitches!” She all but wailed into the woods. Elektra never claimed to be patient.
“I’m back, come find me before a snake does!” That was a real concern. She was, by no means, a delicate little girl, but she didn’t fancy her chances against some of the jungle’s biggest bruisers. Better her new again sisters come find her.
10-05-2015, 08:21 AM
(This post was last modified: 10-05-2015, 08:22 AM by Anguisette.)
I am studying a trail of hooved tracks when I hear the noise. I suppose it should scare me but I have learned that the silence is what should be feared. Not feared, respected. The panther, the anaconda, the crocodile; they all hunt in the shadows and in the quiet. Only once their prey is certain do they crow with triumph. And so the exuberant arrival of a winged mare startles, but does not frighten. I poke my head around the tree I have been resting beneath and widen my eyes. The newcomer is very bright and colorful, like one of the many parrot species that inhabit the trees. I have never seen her before. I know I would remember her outrageous behavior. I stifle a grin unsuccessfully and wonder what mother will think about this newest Amazonian.
"Hello there," I say mirthfully, poking my head out of the foliage. "You needn't worry about the snakes. I think you've probably scared them away."
I move closer, pushing my way through the vines. Although I am only a year old, my whole remembered life has been spent amongst the sisters and in the jungle, and my knowledge of its paths grows with every season. I feel more confident now in leaving my mother farther behind to explore. (although I still need her more than I can say out loud; sometimes I think she needs me too!) My body has filled out more, although I still carry the gangly look of youth and probably will for one more winter. My inexperience shows in my eyes. I am young, and it is all I know.
"Welcome. I am Sette, Lagertha's daughter. She's the Khaleesi here. Who are you?"
I flick my dark tail at imagined flies. One can never be too careful. There are insects here ranging from harmless meadow fly to infectious horse fly, and I am not a fan of itching.
ANGUISETTE the jungle princess
ooc: Anna, this is how much I love you. I wrote this on my phone. You're welcome.
10-05-2015, 12:55 PM
(This post was last modified: 10-05-2015, 06:24 PM by Elektra.)
Elektra nearly jumped out of her skin when she heard the rustling in the trees. “This is it.” She thought to herself. “I’m going to die.” She held her breath, momentarily too frozen to consider defending herself. Luckily, the shape that appeared through the trees wasn’t a deadly predatory. It wasn’t even a scary non predator…it was a little girl. The bay mare let out a whooshing breath.
“Geez kid! You scared the crap out of me.” She leaned her head dramatically against a tree until her breath was even again. Then she looked the child up and down as Elektra listened to her speak. Was it embarrassing, that she nearly wet herself when the kid looked perfectly calm? Elektra scowled. Yes, yes it was. With a determined glint she squared her shoulders.
“Right. Of course, snakes are scared by loud noises.” That, was perhaps, not the best thing to tell Elektra. On a quiet day she held the vocal power of a fog horn. If she was trying to make noise that went up to more of a sonic boom. The next time she spoke, her voice was indeed, louder than it needed to be. Her boomed words bounced ominously off the trees.
“Sette, huh? Well okay, I’m Elektra.” She looked around questioningly, then brightened as if she just had a great idea.
“Say, kid! Do you know where we are? Could you take me to see your mother? Or anywhere that’s…not here?” Elektra didn’t really care where they went, so long as they didn’t stand around here until something worse than the snakes came along. She would need to come to terms with the fact that she was no longer the scariest predatory around.
OOC: I'm impressed! I still struggle to write coherent texts on my phone
10-05-2015, 06:45 PM
(This post was last modified: 10-05-2015, 06:47 PM by Anguisette.)
My grin breaks into a full on smile. This mare is full of life and energy, and is a stark contrast to some of the Jungle's older members who don't think it's entirely funny that I can mimic the sounds of a crocodile hissing behind them. I know I ought to feel a bit of regret for that, but it was terribly funny. My eyes light up at the memory. Maybe this mare, Elektra, was full of pranks when she was my age.
I wince a little as her voice gains in both octave and volume. She must not be a soldier, with a voice like hers. The enemy would hear her coming from miles away.
"Um, yes! I do know where we are." This a bit of pride for me, because not so long ago I would have been the blind leading the blind and we both would have gotten hopelessly lost and would have to wait until someone found us and I wouldn't have wanted it to be Lyris because I don't think she likes kids and Joscelin would tease me and… I blink, letting my thoughts still with a sheepish grin.
"I suppose I can take you to mama." I hesitate, fixing the flamboyant mare with a serious look. "Just, don't make her too stressed or too busy. She's too much of both of those things lately."
With that I turn and walk away, trusting Elektra to follow me. I have a feeling I will be able to hear her the whole way.
It doesn't take long to find mama, and for once she is alone in the clearing where we sleep. I grin with delight upon seeing her gray form and beautiful curved horns, grateful all over again that she is mine. My walk becomes less stately and more of an excited yearling.
"Mama!" I blush a little, and then say in a more serious tone, "I mean, Khaleesi, this is Elektra. She wanted to meet you. Elektra, this is my-this is Lagertha."
I have stumbled over my words and I glance up at my mother with an apologetic look, and a teasing nudge.
ANGUISETTE the jungle princess
![](http://i21.photobucket.com/albums/b278/ruinedecho/lagertha_zpsjs6tigdc.png) I am iron and I forge myself Alone, but always thinking. Today the topic is alliances and treaties, as it was yesterday and the day before. There are seven other kingdoms, and while she knows the Gates is out and the Tundra is probably out - purely for their tendency to go quiet - she is torn between the third that they should deny an alliance to. Much of it depended on how certain events played out, events do not completely depend on her. As of right now, they have no steadfast friend save for the Dale and - potentially - the Falls, and even that relationship she wonders about. She wants a raid without a full blown war. But oh, how to manage that? How to manage that, indeed...
At the sound of two approaching, Lagertha turns her head and sees her quickly growing daughter and a stranger heading towards her. She’s not very smiley at the moment, but then again, she rarely is. They are reserved for few people. But she’s not a completely cold-hearted bitch, chuckling quietly at Sette’s introduction. The girl would have to figure out what she preferred to call Lagertha; Khaleesi and Mom were fine either way. But until then, it is an easy source of amusement. After returning a quick nudge, Lagertha turns her dark brown eyes to the interestingly colored tag-a-long. “Thank you, Sette. Elektra? Are you looking for something?”
Lagertha really hates to say ‘how can I help you?’ It just sounds so… weak, even though she techincally is there to serve and help and protect the Sisters of the Jungle. And she has a reputation to uphold. Hard-asses hardly say ‘how can I help you.’
Lagertha warrior queen of the amazons
Elektra panted heavily behind her young, lithe tour guide. The child was obviously used to the jungle, Elektra was obviously not. She got tangled in a vine and swore under her breath. Finally the vine snapped, and the mare nearly tumbled to the forest floor. She shot back to her feet, flashes of anger blazing in her eyes.
Damn it there were a lot of plants here.
She was starting to get the impression that they were going in circles. Everything looked the same. Sette wasn’t following any particular path that Elektra could discern. She narrowed her eyes at the young roan. Was this some kind of elaborate prank to mess with the newcomer? That sounded exactly like the kind of thing Elektra would have done as a child. She was filled with sudden dread and opened her mouth to speak.
“Hey kid —” She cut off suddenly when a clearing opened before them. Well fine, Sette had been right. Elektra nodded smartly, as if she had never doubted her guide, indeed, as if she had never been lost at all and this had been her plan all along.
They had found a clearing, but more importantly, they had found Lagertha. Elektra looked at the mare, promptly decided that she looked a little bit like a bitch, then shrugged it off with equal speed. Hey, who wasn’t? She walked past Sette and whispered conspiratorially in her ear as she went.
“Way to go, kid.” She chucked the little girl under the chin. She really had come through. Plus, as a bonus, they had encountered no snakes, just as promised. As an answer to Lagertha, Elektra nodded and grinned widely, exposing a full set of teeth.
“You bet I am. Room and board.” Again, another smart nod, as if she wasn’t asking for rather a lot. Elektra considered reciting various talents that she could offer in trade for such an arrangement, then decided against it. What were those talents exactly? Not flying, or landing, or jungle trekking if this experience had taught her anything. The mare shrugged.
Hey. A thing of beauty of a joy forever, right? Right?!?!
I wrinkle my nose at Elektra, trying to remain serious, as if I am too old to be chucked under the chin like a baby. I am growing but I feel young and playful and my mind has not yet grown into my expectations. This awkward in between stage leaves me feeling all legs and emotional upheaval. Even the tangle of my hair is an annoyance. I sigh, giving mama a side long look. I bet she was never ungraceful.
I grin at Elektra. She seems to inspire that sort of mirthful response. Her irreverence towards life is contagious, although I have the feeling mother would appreciate it if I took after some like Rhy or Joscelin. Still, I like this brightly colored mare.
"Perhaps Elektra would be useful in the air force, mama. Didn't you say we needed more fighters?" I look up at her innocently. I catch diplomatic and strategic conversation all the time as my mother's shadow and though I only understand half of it, I store the knowledge away for when it will be needed.
After all, I intend to be as useful as I can. Soon enough I want to learn to fight and lead and all of the other things my mother seems to do so effortlessly. It may be cliche for a girl to want to copy her parent, but it's a cliche for a reason. My mother is wonderful.
"Lyris or Joscelin could make sure she knows how to fight." I say, eyeing the new mare critically. And maybe, just maybe, I think, one of them will take the time to train me, too.
ANGUISETTE the jungle princess
Bitch is very different from hard ass. In the Venn diagram of the two adjectives , there are some overlapping qualities, but she isn’t mean simply to be mean. Hell, she is rarely mean at all. Just stern. And has certain expectations. She’s like a tiger mother without being asian or demanding perfection – just hard work. Lagertha blatantly looks Elektra up and down; there is no need to seem desperate for more members (though if the uneasiness in the land came to fruition, they probably would) right now. And yet, there is no need to push away a perfectly good woman with potential. It is a fine line that Lagertha has to toe.
Fortunately for Elektra, she seems to have found an ally in Anguisette, and Lagertha has an inexplicable soft spot for her adopted daughter. She huffs slightly and then shrugs, knowing when to give in when the logic of children prevails. “Right again, little one. It is hard to be a Kingdom of warrior women when you lack warriors.” The Khaleesi then turns a serious gaze back to the mare. “Are you up for the Air Force? If so, there are some army members who need to mock.”
And that’s how it goes with the Iron Queen. No muss, no fuss, no bother.
(Let me know where to add her!)
Elektra was trying to figure out what exactly they meant by air force. Like, fighting? The mare considered for a moment. Yeah, she could totally do that. Elektra, for lack of a better word, was a scrapper. As a girl she’d been told to act like a lady. It hadn’t worked, so now, she was happy to have an excuse to act like a badass.
It really was more her style.
That being said, she would need some practice. The purple and brown girl was all gusto, a whole lot of bark and indeterminable bite. She would need to hone up on that, or else stop barking so much. She’d learned from a young age that if you acted like a lunatic people usually assumed you were and left you the hell alone.
It was funny, how even the toughest warriors got spooked when faced with crazy.
So, it was with very little consideration that Elektra nodded happily.
“The Air Force? Yeah, I can totally do that.” And she totally could. She even came with wings included. The whole package, that’s what they would call her. Beauty, brains and badassery. The mare smiled broadly. That sounded pretty good. She tried to play it cool, but her excitement was obvious. A tiny, tiny, suppressed part of her was worried that they would take one look at her and laugh her out of the jungle. Since that had not happened she felt vindicated, and more than a little saucy.
That’s right, Elektra was here to stay.
OOC: The army side is good. Thanks!