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  • Beqanna


    Assailant -- Year 226


    "But the dream, the echo, slips from him as quickly as he had found it and as consciousness comes to him (a slap and not the gentle waves of oceanic tides), it dissolves entirely. His muscles relax as the cold claims him again, as the numbness sets in, and when his grey eyes open, there’s nothing but the faint after burn of a dream often trod and never remembered." --Brigade, written by Laura

    Sticks and stones dont hurt my bones {ANY}
    Her quirky little points swivel round looking for movement from anywhere. Still clumsy on her skinny legs the youngling is curious about everything. Well everything that daddy say's is a bad thing that is. Though her frame is recently filled, and her coat sleek with the on-coming warmth. New life, and pungeant scents of creatures waking from hibernation is still new and thrilling to the three year old. Having left her fathers care and struck out on her own, she was finding that the world has a lot more to offer than the strick old coot insisted on. She was beginning to wonder if her old man had ever left the nest or if he had stayed within the bounderies of his fathers land his entire life like a good little boy. Having reached an age where females are no longer welcome to stay at home without providing some sort of means of support, she found her hooves carrying her away from the borders like they had always wished to. At first it wasn't the most pleasant feeling in the world, but now... So many new scents, colors, and sounds were attracting her, and they all seemed so harmless. How could he hate something like this if he had left the boders before? It was unfathemable to her little mind, so much space and so much she could do.

    Zeik should be careful with young things - he knows this. Felinae is already a few years his junior, and though her youth and vitality stimulate him, her energy is hard to match. So he finds himself curiously back in the Field, now set on some kind of vendetta to seek out other mares in need. He wonders when this shift in him occured - how he’d gone from callously uncaring to suddenly warm and verbose. It’s odd, living this way, but the fulfillment he gains from protecting them is the closest thing to a real life he’s ever had, so he continues to do it. Besides, he’d found love in Felinae and he wasn’t about to deny her company when he wasn’t around. She needed outside friendship too.

    The roan is simply that today - a regular blue roan wandering through the field. Since he’d flown with Felinae, flying without her seemed empty now, so he chooses to walk instead. It does him good, and builds up the muscles he’d been neglecting in his bird form. His eyes, a warm mahogany color, glance in no place particularly, simply enjoying the vibrant colors of spring. He catches sight of another who also enjoys the change of season, a young mare fresh from her dam’s protective eye it seems.

    Zeik should walk the other way, but he doesn’t. “Hello.” He calls out to her, coming slowly into her field of vision so she won’t be startled or taken aback. He offers the rise of his ears as a sign of his goodwill, and slows to a halt in front of her. “Are you lost? You look … bewildered.” He wants to chuckle, but he also doesn’t want to offend her should she be a little touchy, so he instead smiles, hoping this will suffice.

    Z E I K

    -everything we are and used to be is buried and gone-

    Sniffing around the bushes is quite tthe job considering everything that likes to get sucked up your nose. With several snorts and a quick lash back of her head; the yellow winged bug takes off from the suprised creatures nose. Just as she straightens out with her marbled eyes crossed, she catches a low voice carressing her with its vibrations. Creeking her head to the side she gives her snow laced mane a quick shake trying to settle her eyes straight. "Oh my, is this your land? I'm sorry I didn't mean to barge in. I had no idea anyone was.." She nibbled at her lip, her ackwardly long legs tangling amongst themselves. Pausing for a short breath she finds that an itch against her white coat is becoming unbearable. After what feels like hours her little head can't seem to concentrate. Turning aound in a circle distractedly attempting to get the twig that had recently snagged her mane her maw can't seem to quite reach it. Glowering at the insignificant part she could see from the corner of her eye she remembers the stranger. With a quirky smile she sizes him up. "I'll just be on my way sorry for the bother..." She stands there a minute longer her smile crossing over into a frown, "though I dont know my way to the feild" Whether she said it or just thought it the young mare was still to preoccupied with that darn twig to pay any mind to what was coming out of her mouth.

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