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  • Beqanna


    Assailant -- Year 226


    "But the dream, the echo, slips from him as quickly as he had found it and as consciousness comes to him (a slap and not the gentle waves of oceanic tides), it dissolves entirely. His muscles relax as the cold claims him again, as the numbness sets in, and when his grey eyes open, there’s nothing but the faint after burn of a dream often trod and never remembered." --Brigade, written by Laura

    b A D W O L F || Straia

    He’s been holding true to his new title, collecting whispers and rumors and spinning them to his advantage or tucking them away for when they became useful. It was a new little tidbit that had reached his stark white ears now, a very interesting whisper indeed. It had to do with the brotherhood and he sets out to find the Raven Queen immediately. A fair amount of time had passed since they had blown into the Gates like a firestorm and stolen the Queen. It wouldn’t do to just let things fall quiet so soon after they had gotten everyone talking again. ”Straia…” He finds her among the density of pine trees as he expected he would. It was becoming easier to locate her due to the raven she had gifted him who currently clung to his shoulder. Although he couldn’t understand all the ravens, this one seemed to start making some sort of sense ever since he had been given his new title. Now that would be quite useful indeed, his own little feathery spy.

    His wings are tucked firmly to his sides, avoiding getting torn and plucked by the clawing branches of the empty trees. ”I’ve heard a whisper that there’s a kingless kingdom these days.” He pauses, crimson eyes gauging her reaction. It wouldn’t be surprising if she already knew this information. ”I wondered if our old friend knows this or if there is something useful that could be gained from this little whisper.” The old Tundra man still lurks somewhere in the Chamber as the crazy ladies captive. Does he know his King is gone? Surely someone will step up and take advantage of the leaderless kingdom but who would get there first?

    - - - - -
    The Big Bad Wolf

    Of course she knows. But she hasn’t decided if she cares. When was the last time the Tundra had proven itself to be of any worth at all? So far in its recent history, a madman took over, was deposed, replaced by a King that had already failed them once, and then he disappeared again. There were all of two members in the kingdom, and one of them was still in captivity in the Chamber, though not for much longer.

    He finds her, and she’s not entirely surprised. They don’t have exactly the same approach. Straia seeks chaos to prove the power of the Chamber. Gryffen seems to seek it mostly for the sake of chaos. In the end, the means usually worked out for both of them. But where she is more content to let fear and whispers of the Chamber fester in the rest of Beqanna, the ghost is already itching for more.

    “So I hear,” she says simply. Very little shocks her anymore. It’s rare that the ravens miss things, though not impossible. “And what did you have in mind?” No point in beating around the bush. Certainly, he has a thought. Otherwise he wouldn’t be looking for her.  


    the raven queen of the chamber

    image © Squirt

    sorry, that sucks, but i wanted to get something up for you. 

    Use of mild power playing is allowed; no injuries without permission


    He doesn’t beat around the bush. There was no point when it came to her, their’s was a straight forward working relationship. ”If we don’t make a play for the kingdom ourselves perhaps we should put one of our people in it. I have someone in mind. He’s not much for eyes but he makes up for it in ears.” He shrugs, wings ruffling slightly at the motion. The Tundra was a weak kingdom compared to others but it was ripe for the picking. It couldn’t hurt to have someone of the Chamber on the throne, another allied kingdom to have their back. However he doesn’t doubt that the few remaining boys of the Tundra would probably want the throne to themselves. Hence his little blind spy who could keep them informed on what was going on in the Brotherhood’s wasteland.

    - - - - -
    The Big Bad Wolf

    She doesn’t really want the Tundra. Unless Gryffen or someone truly wanted to go. She wouldn’t (couldn’t) stop them, and she’d rather have the alliance than burn a bridge. But she also knows it’s too late. Hurricane has already stepped up, with Tarnished. What Tarnished was doing ruling the Tundra was beyond her. That stallion was prone to disappearing from one kingdom to the next. He held a rank in the Valley and never even showed there for it.

    But for whatever reason, he was in the Tundra too. It doesn’t honestly matter to her. Takeover’s never work well. She likes his second idea though. She’d far rather send a spy, someone that can live and work there and earn their trust. Someone to put in a good word for the Chamber. They don’t necessarily need alerting to plots (the ravens are very good at that), but it never hurts either.

    “Hurricane and Tarnished are already trying to take the throne. But I wouldn’t mind sending someone to join their ranks. Who do you have it mind?” The more moles they created, the better. “I’d make sure he spends some time in the meadow. Don’t want him smelling of pine trees.”


    the raven queen of the chamber

    image © Squirt

    If it was up to the Chamber ghost, he would happily have someone from the Chamber ruling each Kingdom and therefore ruling the world. However it would take some time for that dream to ever reach reality if at all. Maybe someday though. It was a lovely thought to think about it. It’s not surprising that there is already a rush for the throne in the Tundra which had more so just been a quick thought then the news had reached him. He had always had the plan for the hidden blind man to be placed somewhere useful.

    ”His name is Brynmor, perhaps you’ve seen him.” Yes the young stallion was blind but he found that to be more useful as a spy. It was harder to read his face and his intentions in the milky whites of his dead eyes. Plus who would look at a bind stallion as much of a threat? He dips his muzzle in acknowledgment of Straia’s suggestion. ”Of course, I figured I would leave him in the Field as well. Let the Tundra think they picked him of their own accord.”

    He shifts a forelimb, his crimson gaze lingering on the painted mare. ”Is there anything else you might need me for before I take care of that?” Of course he is itching for more action. You can’t keep a wolf locked up in a cage for long, not when it’s been exposed to blood and craves more.

    - - - - -
    The Big Bad Wolf

    Oh, if they were large enough, she’d take over every kingdom. But they were not strong enough to hold every kingdom in Beqanna. Even she wasn’t that delusional. They’d do far better to plant Gryffen’s little puppets throughout and let them do their work. Make them strive for the throne, and at least find themselves in the high ranking positions. Life was always about waiting for the opportune moment. This is where she and Gryffen differed. Straia would wait, biding her time until the opportunity presented itself just right, and then taking it. Gryffen plowed head first into one thing and then the next.

    But of course, he wasn’t ruling a kingdom.

    “I have,” she says simply. He seemed like an able enough spy. Young, which would leave the brothers suspecting less and figuring they have a fully loyal young man in their ranks. Gryffen suggests the field and she nods. “It’s a brilliant idea, assuming the Tundra gets off their ass and our of their igloo to actually recruit. But I assume they will, under their new kings.”

    Granted, one of their Kings was Tarnished. She doesn’t know him well, but she does wonder how he’d feel about hurting his heritage. The Chamber is special to him, at least somewhat, so perhaps they already have more of an ally there than they ever have before.

    “Go to the meadow. See if you can find Evrae. I think our magicians are too fickle to be relied on. But perhaps not her. I’ve been told if you think about her, she appears.” Why? Probably because they all really like acting like gods. But Evrae was one of the oldest magicians left in Beqanna. If they can win her to the Chamber, it might be more useful than two young magicians.

    “I’m keeping an eye on the Amazons. They don’t seem keen to return Erebor.” Which for now, is just a tidbit for him to keep in mind. Lagertha may want the Chamber storming into the Jungle. She may think the Amazonians will have the upper hand. And of course, they do, but only so much. They underestimate the ravens, underestimate how much times her birds spend there, learning the land. The Chamber will have guides through that kingdom, should they need it.


    the raven queen of the chamber

    image © Squirt

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