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  • Beqanna


    Assailant -- Year 226


    "But the dream, the echo, slips from him as quickly as he had found it and as consciousness comes to him (a slap and not the gentle waves of oceanic tides), it dissolves entirely. His muscles relax as the cold claims him again, as the numbness sets in, and when his grey eyes open, there’s nothing but the faint after burn of a dream often trod and never remembered." --Brigade, written by Laura

    [open]  Crown of Bone and Thorn

    The goat queen had become accustomed to spending the days in the jagged hills on the eastern border, returning to walk the pine forests only at night.  Late spring had chased most, if not all, the snow from the rocky cliffs.  Even the highest elevations began to warm, causing my thick coat to lighten.  Patches of coarse hair dotted my carcass in an unsightly manner.

    Sickly almost.

    I descend for my nightly rounds, weaving through the salute pines.  Every few paces I'd brush along their shaggy bark, leaving chunks of muddy brown hair to mark my path.  The sensation was quite pleasant, relieving slightly the itch of my skin.  Other than satisfaction, there was no other purpose to doing this.  Though one may assume it to be a scent trail.

    The forest is cloaked in a thick blanket of darkness as I move casually through the understory.  Not much grew down here but some briar patches of twisted vines, so navigating steps wasn't too hard even in the pitch black of night.  An occasional crunch of dry needle and pinecone is all that signaled my presence audibly.

    Every so often when I ran my body along the tree bark, I would pause to bend my head, jabbing my spiraled horns into the meat of the tree and scraping away a marking.  A warning.  My own personal calling card.

    Beware, all who enter here.


    Crown of Bone and Thorn

    Open to any!
    //Fear Illusionism-Trait Immunity-Goat Mimicry\\
    Goat Mimicry Characteristics- Goat hair, Goat horns, Cloven hooves 
    *Illusions intensity is up to player*
    -Immune to mental traits-

    He hadn’t meant to end up here. He had no ties to the Chamber, and truth be told, he hadn’t yet realized where he actually was to begin with. All he saw were trees, a forest that blurred into indiscernible glimpses of bark and leaves, bramble and lightly trodden paths. The Chamber was an old land, reborn from long before his time; it is not something he would recognize without being told.

    His steps were without purpose, and  for so long he has felt unmoored that he is not sure if he can remember what it felt like before it all fell apart.  Everything that he has known, including himself, seems to be gone. His home disappeared and his family fell apart in all the ways a family could, with his father gone, his mother suddenly a stranger (she looks the same, unharmed and unchanged, but she acts as if she cannot remember how he came to be, as if the history between her and his father had been excised from her mind), and his sisters making themselves so sparse they may as well be gone too.

    But it is the changes within himself that have been the hardest to square with.

    The events on the mountain all those years ago changed him, but he cannot entirely parse out why. He knew only that he was different from before, not just because of the way he could now summon moonlight as a shield or how it now glowed from his side in the shape of wings,  but in other, less tangible ways. It was the way everything was too loud, his eyesight too sharp, and the smells at times overwhelming. It was the way spending too much time in the sun made him feel as if his energy was slowly wilting, and the way his skin would blister if he tried to force his way through it without seeking out the shadows. He is thankful for the fall of night, the shadows like a balm to his nearly constantly irritated skin.

    It is as he walks now that he is assaulted by the scent of someone else, likely mostly undetectable to others but to him it is impossible to ignore. The sound of her footsteps on the dry leaves feel impossibly loud, and he grits his teeth to keep from outwardly reacting to the grating sound. He still has not mastered how to gauge how far away the sounds are coming from — it seemed as though the source is right next to him, though it is actually around another bend that he comes across the goat-like creature that is currently carving away at one of the trees.

    Immediately he stops, his entire body tightening.
    Any sort of interaction always made him uncomfortable, his conversation skills severely lacking. But his curiosity has gotten the better of him, and so he asks her, a bit dubious, “What are you doing to the trees?”
    T I E R N E N

    @ Kreed

    The evergreen forests creak in the night, masking the slightest of noises to average ears.  I did not fear the unheard nor the unseen.  In darkness I thrived.

    Though I do not expect the sudden sound of another, I did not react in any way to its coming.  Continuing as I was, piercing the flesh of the great tree, I let the question linger between us.

    Silence was not awkward for the huntress, interactions pricked along my flesh more.  Truthfully I was hardly a welcoming creature, and so when I turn to answer the stranger my voice is stale of emotion, "decorating."

    Straightening myself, I face the other and address them further, "What are you doing in my trees?"  The possession is clear in my tone as my silver eyes judge the darkling creature.


    Crown of Bone and Thorn
    //Fear Illusionism-Trait Immunity-Goat Mimicry\\
    Goat Mimicry Characteristics- Goat hair, Goat horns, Cloven hooves 
    *Illusions intensity is up to player*
    -Immune to mental traits-

    He isn’t sure if her answer was meant to be a joke of sorts—he can’t remember the last time he had laughed, though he hadn’t realized that until just now, when he is wondering if he is supposed to laugh. Her tone is unreadable, and unfortunately mind reading was not one of the gifts he gained when everything in his world shifted. He decides the safest course of action is to simply do nothing, and so he remains as he is, nearly statue-still and simply staring. He thinks that just staring might come across as rude, though, and so he gives a nearly imperceptible nod of his head to acknowledge that he had heard.

    There is something strange about her, but that isn’t saying much. Everyone here is strange. He has the sense that someone else would have been afraid of her; or maybe he is stupid for not being afraid. He isn’t, though. Not yet, at least. There isn’t much that manages to permeate the perpetual numbness that he always seemed to feel, not even fear.

    “I was not aware they belonged to anyone,” he answers her truthfully. “Is that why you are marking them, then?” It would make sense, he supposes. But that also sounded exhausting. Surely she didn’t have time to scratch all of them, did she? She did seem pretty determined, he had to give her that. “My name is Tiernen,” he offers her, though he has a feeling she isn’t going to care. It was difficult to shake the manners his father had instilled into him.

    T I E R N E N

    @ Kreed

    The stranger before me looked off in the land of mist and shadow.  The lunar resemblance not something often seen frolicking in the pitch black of the Chamber forests mid night.  So I think as I await an answer there must be a reason he wanders these parts.  That, or he's literally clueless.

    My expression lacks as a simple reply twists both parts together, "Kreed, Keeper of The Chamber." Perhaps that would explain my possessiveness of these trees.

    It had been long since another had revealed themselves to me here.  That shifty little trickster by the lake that threw a fish at my face, left a bad taste in my mouth.  But I am not bitter, no not at all.  Oh and that child of fire, oh yes, that was fun.  Poor thing swept up into her Mamas embrace as she cried over the "death" of her brother.  Kids...  Irritating little things they were.

    I realize my musings may have gotten away and so my attention returns to look upon this newcomer, "So?" I look blankly upon him awaiting some glorious reason for him being here, in the Chamber in the middle of the night unannounced, "What is your purpose here?"  I step a single reach forward, the blood dripping from my eyes glistened in his moon like sheen, "Or is it you lack purpose Son?".  The magic I possess churned with an unholy want but I held it, for now.


    Crown of Bone and Thorn

    //Fear Illusionism-Trait Immunity-Goat Mimicry\\
    Goat Mimicry Characteristics- Goat hair, Goat horns, Cloven hooves 
    *Illusions intensity is up to player*
    -Immune to mental traits-

    Kreed, as she introduces herself, describes herself as the keeper of the Chamber. Tiernen nods, his expression one of quiet understanding. Though Beqanna has shifted and evolved over the expanse of her long life, the framework of its lands has remained relatively constant during his own. Not every land was a monarchy; some preferred to see themselves as guardians rather than rulers. And that’s all anyone really was here, anyway; he did not think any mortal could truly rule over any of Beqanna’s lands, not when she herself is so flooded with a magic that pulses as if a living thing. She was never shy about showing her contempt at being mistreated, either, reducing lands to rubble and dust, or stripping inhabitants of their magic.

    He’d had enough run-ins with Beqanna’s gods to still stoke a healthy ember of fear in regards to them.

    “I was simply passing through,” he explains, his voice even and measured. She had been correct in her observation—his life lacked direction at the moment. “I was born in Loess, but it no longer exists. It hasn’t for a long time now.” His gaze shifts momentarily, thinking of the fallen kingdom. Loess was gone, not just in name but in body—lost beneath the peculiar haze that now veiled parts of Beqanna. Even before that fog had swallowed it, his last glimpse of Loess had been of stony ridges, their jagged remains forming a tenuous land bridge across the floodwaters to Tephra (now also gone).

    Tiernen’s eyes return to Kreed, lingering on the blood trailing from her eyes. It adds to the unsettling aura that clings to her like a shadow, making her seem otherworldly and strange. He wonders what kind of creatures call this forest home, imagining that her company might consist only of beings equally macabre and enigmatic. “How long have you guarded the Chamber, if you don’t mind me asking?”
    T I E R N E N

    @ Kreed

    As expected, there is no glorious reason for his presence, much like my dwindling patience. Not that I have anywhere to be, but the absence of anything to do has become maddeningly dull. Suddenly, I miss the shapeshifter and his endless trickery; at least I felt something then—irritation, indifference, annoyance. And the water creature, trapped by the receding tide, poor thing—how dreadful to be stuck. Stuck. Now that’s a feeling I can relate to.

    Loess—I know it well. I was born there, actually. It’s always been a long-forgotten part of my past, much like everything else. I’d hoped that returning to this place would feel like some grand achievement... but I was wrong.

    When he asks about my reign, I shrug, my shoulder giving a careless lift. How long has it been? "Many seasons," I grunt, tilting my head and flicking my tail in annoyance. Turning away from the harmless phantom, I refocus on my nightly prowl. “Not much to guard against, though." Four kingdoms remain, but they stir very little these days. They might as well have been sunk with the rest.

    Still, I’ll make my rounds and wait for the day something—anything—happens.


    Crown of Bone and Thorn

    //Fear Illusionism-Trait Immunity-Goat Mimicry\\
    Goat Mimicry Characteristics- Goat hair, Goat horns, Cloven hooves 
    *Illusions intensity is up to player*
    -Immune to mental traits-

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